HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-02, Page 12ill44411/ if?(PoNT f• SEAFORTKI ON; Ntikk
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Win At St. James' School
Separate School pupils competed in their annual public speaking contest. Shown here
receiving their awards from board secretary Leon Bannon are (front) Jane Sills, Tont Dever-
eaux and Jean Devereaux; (back) Karen Regier,, Joanne De Groot and Michael Meidinger.
(Expositor photo by Phillips).
Banquet Honors Long Time
Guide, Brownie. Leader
A• Centennial banquet was
held Wednesday evening at the
Hensall United Church, to hon-
or Mrs. Thomas Lavender, who
has devoted th p past 20 years
to the Association of Guides
and Brownies. Division. Commis-
sioner Miss 'Mary McMillan,
Goderich, District Commission-
er Mrs. Robert Luxton, Exeter,
Rev. and Mrs. Currie, past mem-
bers of the Association, leaders,
Guides, Brownies and their
mothers were present.
We're overstocked
Table - Floor - Boudoir
They must be
up to
Phone 527-0680
Stock Reduction of
Save up to
.• * Seaforth
• Don't Miss.
Balance of Open
Stock Bone China at -
25% off
Stock on hand and sale dis-
count on orders taken during
. .
59' each
Buy 6, get 1 FREE
Buy 10, get 2 FREE
Don't Miss' Our -
1/2 price table
All items will be half-price
and less. (Some with slight
damage or defects)
• Specials — ,Over 109
items, odds and ends,
to clear
• at '1/2 price
Cups &
Limit 3 per customer
Trade in your- old
watch and get
25% off
the regular price of
any Bulova, Cara-
velle, Westfield, El-
gin or Elco watch
Entire Stock Reduced
NOW is the time to pick up
that good pen you've always
wanted at a good saving
Sale Discounts oft: Diamonds, Rings, Watches, Jewellery, China,
Transistor Radios, etc., tc., etc.
Terms of Sale are Cash (or a deposit will. hold your selection)
All Sales Final
wATcHts_Gaers DrAmotiris
Mrs. E. Rowe, chairman of the
local association, presided. Let-
ters of congratulations from
Gold Cord Guides were read by
Mrs.. Rodger Venner and Miss
Pat Rowe, also a letter from
the Dominion Commissioner
Mrs. K. B. Clysdale, St. Marys,
expressing her congratulations
and regret that she was unable
to be present.
Following turkey dinner,
guests adjourned to the Sunday
School rooms where the Girl
Guides entertained with a fash-
ion show, "Centennial and lYlod-
ern Styles". A salute to Cana-
da was presented by the Brow-
nie pack:
"Fly up to Guides" was next
on the program with Brownies
Joan Goddard, Patti Van Wier -
en, Joan Allan, Jane Heal and
Jayne Williams being accepted
into Guides.
Guide Patricia Parke present-
ed a gift to Mrs. Robert Baker,
Jr., Miss Jayne Pyette received
her "Around Cord"presented
by Past Commissioner Mrs.
Thomas Lavender. Mrs. Robert
Cook (Brown Owl) received her
-"first class pin", from Mrs. Lav-
ender. Mrs. Robert Caldwell
(Guide leader) was presented
with her "Captain's Warrant"
by Division Commissioner Miss
McMillan. Mrs. Thomas Leven -
Hensall United Church UCW's
general meeting was held Mon-
day,, evening. Mrs..James McAl-
lister opened the meeting. Mrs.
Rodger Venner took the chair
for the program which was -pre-
pared by unit One. Mrs. Robert
Cook gave the devotional, "Be-
lieve in Yourself". Mrs. Venner
read a poem "Time". A film,
"There was a Bear in the Road"
a story of Canada's earliest
Christian preachers and their
life with the Indians and first
settlers was shown.
Mrs. James McAllister took
the chair for the business part
of the meeting_ Mrs. Earle Rowe
reported on the Wingham Pres-
byterial meeting. An historical
quiz followed by lunch closed
the meeting.
Postmaster Cecil Kipfer is a
patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, where he underwent
surgery on Saturday.
• Mr. .Toe Flynn is a patient,in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
where he underwent surgery on
his leg. •
At the regular meeting of
Hensall Kinette Club, held at
the home of Mrs. James Hyde,
Wednesday, plans were made
for the annual visit to shut-ins
on Sunday 'and a visit to the
Ontario Hospital, Goderich in
the near future.
A bake sale among the mem-
bers was held and the raffle
was won by Mrs. Harold Cald-
W.O. 2 R, A, MacKinnon of
Picton, spent the weekend with
his mother, Mrs. Janet MacKin-
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tipping,
Mr. George Smith and friend of
London, sent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Alfred Smith.
Name Euchre
Winners at a euchre in St.
James School Friday evening
were Ladies -first, Mrs. Allan
Bannon:' lone hands, Mr.st.
Alice Stile'; consolation, Pat-
ty Ziler; Inen's first, Ed
Pryce; lone • hands, Robert
Smith; tonsolation, Frank
Maloney; lucky cup, Mrs,
Sohn McGregor.
Proceeds from the event
Vete contributed ts the Seout
A ccOMOdation Fund
der was presented with a "Long
Service Certificate and Pin" by
Miss McMillan. -
District Commissioner Lux-
ton expressed her thanks to
Mrs. Lavender for her years of
Mrs. Robert Cook with the as-
sistance of Guide Miss Jill Drys-
dale, presented Mrs. Lavender
with a gift of a camera on be-
half of the organization and her
many friends. Mrs. Lavender
recalled how Guides began in
Hensall and shared many mem-
ories of her years in Guiding.
Hensall Honeys, 4-H Horne -
making Club met at the home
of Mrs. R. M. Peck, Hensel' on
Monday, and opened with the
4-Hpledge and roll call and the
reading of the minutes by Kathy
Munn. 'Mrs. Peck, Linda-, 'Hay
and Linda Kipfer demonstrated
the potato pancakes. The girls
sampled pea soup 1967 style
and Dtztch chocolate. Pickled
eggs were made ready to 'be I
sampled at a later date. Debbie •
Anderson, Mary Mock, Janice
Armstrong, Linda Kipfer and n
Kathy •McEwen continued with.
the making. of charts and Mrs.
Caldwell gave the favourite, D
Ni. of
Worden' was
hostess :for th6. St6fin W,[.`International" meeting at
Tier home- on Wednesday. with
20 members WI 10 visitors
present. Dessert and cOffee
opened the meeting—
Wire. -Lloyd commen
ted on the _metto, "What part
does the Women's Institute
play in Public Relations",
Mrs. Mac Hodgert, as guest
speaker took everyone on an
and eresting
trip through Spain, Morocco,
Egypt, Lebannon, Turk e y,
and Greece. She also display
ed souvenirs twin these
cc. untries.
Mrs. Itodgert *a§ "introdue
ed by Mrs. Lloyd Miller and
appreciation was_ expressed
by Mrs. Carter Kerslake. In
keeping with the Internatien
al theme Mrs. Joseph Van
Valkengoed, formerly, from
Holland, sang a school song
in her native tongue.
Miss Olive Speare gave a
parer on the Hibbert broth-
ers, telling how Hibbert. Twp.
got its name. Roll call was
answered by a racial preb-
lem of today.
Mrs. Carter Kerslake pre-
sided for the business. A -let-
ter of thank:s for gifts receiv-
ed -was read by Mrs. Worden
from the Institute's adopted
child in Hong Kong. It wa
agreed to send a donation t
"Bunny Bundle",
Mrs. Tom Laing and Mis
Olive Speare were a commit
tee named to obtain a man'
ecstume for the area conven
tion. Mrs. Ed Chappel an
Mrs. Charles Douglas were
ccmmittee named to set up
display at Mitchell Fair. '
The Institute decided t
enter a float in Hibbert Twp
Centennial 'Day and Mrs
Russel Worden, Mrs. Carte
Kerslake and Mrs. Lloyd
Miller 'were the • cerrunittee
Mrs. Hodgert judged the
display of winter bulbs
brought by the members with
Mrs. Garnet Taylor's judged
best. Mrs. Carter Kerslake
conducted a niriz on Canada
Staffa W.I. sponsored a
Friday evening in the Town
ship Hall with 8 tables in
progressive euchre party on
play' Circle I was- in—charge
of the evening with prizes
going to High Lady, • Mrs.
Larry Gardiner; Ladies Low,
Mrs. Penelope Fell; Gent's
high, Gordon Hoggarth; Gents
low, Harvey Hambley; Lone
Hands,• Mrs. Bev. Taylor;
Lucky, Chair; Russell Taylor.
Plans are underway, for an-
cther progresiVe ' euchre par -
v in the township hall on
Friday evening March 10.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple-
man and girls attended
shower in Campbell's base
enent, Mitchell, Saturday e•in
eng for Miss Karen Benoit
Stratford, bride -elect of Ker
Mr. Gordon Yeo, Assini•
boia,• Saskatchevvan, visited
ast week with Mr. and Mrs
Cecil Bowman.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hay-
-Jan and family, of Detroit
Michigan, visited over the
week end with Mr. and Mrs:
arrell Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Temple
man visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dun-
can, Exeter.
• •
Misses - • Debbie Wallace,
Kathy Douglas, Nancy Allen,
Cheryl Riley,. Kathy Camer-
on, Margaret Laing,; •Ruth
Rpney, Joanne Ross, Beth
Hulley,, Teresa Miller, Carol
Miller and Elizatbeth Tem-
pleman were all guests Mop
day evening at a birthday
nartY for MSS Gail Harburn
at the home of- I her Parents,
'Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harburn,
dishes of the German, Dutch,
Belgium, -Italian and Greek set-
tlers in Canada.
• The Home Economics and
Health meeting of Hensall WI
will be held Wednesday, in the
Legion Halt, at 8:15, when the
guest speaker will be Mrs. Ian
Mrs. Chester Lee is a patient
in Victoria Hospital, London,
where she is undergoing eye
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle
returned home 1 ciday, after a
week," holidaying in Hamilton,
Toronto and Detroit. " While in
Hamilton, they attended the
concert presented by the West -
dale Secondary School Choir,
Concert Band and Drama Club.
They also saw the hockey game
,n Toronto between the Toronto
Maple Leafs and -Boston Bruins
and the game in Detroit between
the Maple Leafs and Detroit
Red Wings. •
Mr. James 13engough -is a
patient in Clinton Public Hos-
Garnet J. Taylor', 63, Staffa,
died suddenly at his home Mon-
Surviving are his wife,, the
former Francis Gertrude Mc-
Clure, to whom he was married
t McKillop in 1926; daughters,
Mrs. Floyd (Jean) 'Armstrong,
Zurich; Mrs. John (Myrtle) Tay-
lor, 13rucefield; Mrs. Grant (Eli-
zabeth) Smith,.Clinton; Mrs.
Ronald (Dorothea) Williamson,
Walton; sons, Clarence, Gode-
rich; William, Russell, Beverley,
all of Staffa; sisters, Mrs. Wat,-
son (Ruby) Webster, Varna; Mrs.
Anson (Fern) Coleman, Clinton;
Mrs. Clarence (Blanche) Steph-
orison, Varna; brothers, Russell,
Indianapolis, Ind.; Harold, De-
troit; Louis, Harvey, both Var-
na; Robert,.Clinton; and 27
grandchildren. ,
A native of Stanley, he farm-
ed there and in Hilbert. For a
number of years he had been
arural mail courier. Ile waS a
member of Croraarty Presby-
terian Church.
Puneral service will be at 2
p.m., Thursday at. the R.
Box fuS.
Bndral` home, SeafOrth.
turial,Will, be bl 14101614 emu-
• eery,
lag AREA. VODPIP4.; 411
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth John William
-lowing their wedding ea "February 18thin Hensall United
Church by Rev. Currie. Mrs. Clarke is the former Eliza Mar-
garet Boa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Boa, Hensall, and
Mr. Clarke is the son of Mr. John Clarke, and the late Mrs.
Clarke of Thedford. They will reside in Hensall.
t ,
White and blue tinted
mums, ferns and candelabra
formed a lovely setting for
the marriage, of Mary Eliza-
beth Carter to John Arthur
Varley on Saturday, Febru-
ary 18th at 2:30 p.m. Rev. J.
C. Britton performed the
double ring ceremony.
The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Car-
ter, RR 2 Seaforth, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur g. Varley, Sea-,
fcrth. •
The groomsman was ,:Mr.
David McInally and the ush-
ers Were Mr. Allan Carter
brother of the bride and Mr.
Mack IVIcLean, cousin of the
The bride, on the arm of
her father, • wore a floor
?7. Births
DALRYMPLE — In Seaforth
Comunity Hospital. on Feb-
ruary 28, to Mr. and Mrs,
Harold Dalryninle, of RR 1
Brucefield, a daughter.
NIGH — In Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, on Febru-
ary 28, to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Nigh, Seaforth, a
100 Late
FOR SALE — 53 Mercury
half ton pick -un, above aver-
age body, $75.00. Phone 527-
1352, 10-65-4
poF0sRitoSnALE A used Singer
importable cabinet, button-
holes, designs, etc. Claim for
$47.00 or $7.00 monthly.
Write Box 1637, Huron Ex -
11 -65-2
1 Wish to thank .everyone
that _remembered me- during
my illness in St, Petersburg,
Ploridg, it was very much ap-
preciated, —Harold Jackson.
• • -1
FOR SALE — 50 acre grass
farm in. MeKillop, Twp. For
details phone 347-2754 after
5 p.m. 14-65-2
Fort SALE — 18 pigs, eight
weekS old. Lewis Coyne, am
Seaforth, phone Dublin 109-
R 16. • xl
FOR SALE — 1 Holstein hei-
fee, due any time, bred Here-
ford. Ivan Shannon, RR 4
Walton, or . phone 527-04S7.
MEETINq of the Red Cross
will 'be held on OridaY, Mar.
3:00p,rit. in the Carneg-
ie Lihrary, „Seaforth.. -1
WANTED wboden
Must be in first'
claSS co11d1tloa 1:?hOne 5270
'FOR SALE — 3 white-faced
calves 2 weeks old. Clarence
Ryan, R 2 Dublin. • -1
.., •
Applications will be reeeiv-
ed for the Position of Care-
taker at First Presbyterian
For Details contact
- Chairman,
Property Committee i
„. 4-65-2
Mr. and Mrs. John Busby
of Chatham spent a few days
• last week with Mr, and Mrs.
Lorne Lawson.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood
Clarke, Mark and 'Laurie, of f
London spent Sunday • with
Mr. arid Mis : riam
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack-
son have returned from St.
Petersburg, Florida, where
they spent the past two
Mr. and Mrs. Nermanaan-
som of Midland, were here
Saturday attending the Tor-
onto -Dominion -
Mrs. Jim Stanleton and
family Of Hanover visited
lust week end ,witit•10 and
Mrs. Arthur Devereaux and
Howard IVItiateth of Peter -
bore has been •appointed ac-
countant at the Canadian Dn.
nerial Ranlc of Commerce.
Xelth MeMillan,`, Who has
been adernint,444 hag -1140 n
Molted 'En Peterborti. ,
length . traditional gown of
white silk - faille with fitted
bodice, bouffant skirt caught
with white bow cascading in-
to a chapel train edged with
lace. She carried red roses
Att'ss Adelaine Chappel, cou-
sin of the groom, was the
maid of honor, Miss -Elaine
Carter, sister of the bride,'
and Miss Helen Elliott, cous-
in- of the bride were flower
girls. The-- were dressed a
like in manor blue nylon vel-
vet. floor length sleevelesa.
dresses, A-line skirt with
train falling from rosebud at
the back. They carried cres-'
cents of •white baby .mums.
The flower girls, Miss
Christine Carter, sister of the
bride, and Miss Glenda Riley
cousin of the bride, wore
dresses identical to that of the
bridesmaids. Master David
Elliott, cousin of the bride,
was ringbearer, dressed in a
white suit.
The organist, Mrs. Donald
Carter, played traditional
wedding music and accomp-
dnied the soloist, Mr. Graeme
Craig, when he sang "The
Wedding Prayer' The Lord's
Prayer and 0 Perfect Love."
The groom's gift to the
bride was a pearl necklace
nd earrings arid the bride's
gift to the groom was a pearl
tie pin.
A reception and dinner -•
followed in the church par-
lour. The bride's mother re-
ceived the guests wearing a
-p'aisley bonded silk sheath, .
dress with matching access-.
ories -and a corsage of pink
roses, The groorri's mother
assisted in a beige bonded,
crepe A-Iine dress with mat, .
Ching accessories and .11 cop.
sage of yellow roses.
The waitresses at --:the din- '
ner included Miss Patsy Stor-
ey, Mrs. Mack McLean, Miss-,
Mary Elliott. Miss Dianne. •
Whitmore, Miss Anne Smith,.
Miss Anne McCowan, Miss;
Kaye McCowan, and • Miss;
Sandra Hugill.
The bride travelled in a
loral barberry wool suit
w i th matching acceshories.
and White gardenia corsage •
on their honeymoon.
The new bridal' couple will •
reside in Exeter.
Guests were present from ,
Petrolia, Exeter. Clinton
Hensall, Dublin, Guelph, Kit-
chener. London, -Mitchell, Eg-
mondyille. Crornarty, Staffs,
Haliburton. Science Hill, St,
Marys, Walton, Oshawa, and
• ,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dos -
man, Walton, Mr. and Mr,
Medd Armstrong, Miss El-
eanor Armstrong, and Ube
Vera Mules wore recent vis-
itors at Euseh Gardens, Bon.
ltd Springs, Plorida,
• 1