HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-02, Page 91 THE INcK)LLOP MuTuMci INSURANCE COMPANY. hal! c5 Zion . • oa Offiicq -�- aitn •StPMrf SRAFQRTH' - Insures: do Town Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages ✓ Churches, Schools, Halls 'Extended coverage (wind smoke, water damage, falluig objects, etc.) is also available • AULNTS: James Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, Jr,,3L ndesRR boro; Seaforth; elhwyn Baker, Brun els.. Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin;: Donald G. Eaton Seaforth. s. Pelton Wolin lnn spent' Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Ross. Gordon. Airs . Gort1Qn has been coriflned to hgr bed and ,under doctor's care for the 1a.,st few days. Mr. Charles Roney spent a few days in Toronto this ,weep at- tending the Good Roads, ' con- vention. Mr. and Mrs. Les Seiler, Perri- brook, ermbrook, visited their parents, Mr. and •Mrs. John Diehl, Zion and Mr. and Mrs. Manual Se11 er, Mofltten, for the' weekend. Miss Ethel Mae Mitchell, was at the Kiwanis Music Festival, Toronto, Friday and Saturday,, accompanying the Mitchell High School glee club and the Central United Church junior choir, Stratford. All were win- ners. Mr. Keith Malcolm from Wes- tern University, London, Miss Gayle Lannin, Victoria Hospi- tal, London, Mr. Grant Pepper, London, spent .the weekend at the homes of their parents. • Mr, and Mrs. Charles ,Roney visited Mrs., Roney at Hillside Rest Home, on Sunday. SHOW AND SALE of BEEF. BULLS Under the auspices of . THE ONTARIO BEEF CATTLE • IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION J Hays Sales Arena, Trafalgar -• 5 miles north of Oakville March 14 and 15, 1967 Enteries as follows: Class 1 ABERDEEN ANGUS 12 Class 2 SHORTHORNS 22 Class 3 HEREFORDS 150 ABERDEEN 'ANGUS- AND SHORTHORN BULLS SELL Tuesday, March 14, at 11:00 a.m. HEREFORD BULLS SELL '. Wednesday, March 15, at 11:00 a.m. The bulls will be fudged on the morning of the days they are scheduled to be sold, commencing at 8:00 a.m. A catalogue -of entries can be obtained from the Secretary. President JAS. R. COULTES Belgrave, Ontario C. A. GRACEY Parliament Buildings Toronto 5, Ontarip The Bull Premium Policy of 20% of the purchase price up to a maximum of 4150 will apply on all bulls soldthat are • -Qualifiedi on Performance. Cronin Farm Equipment Full Line of COCKSHUTT -- OLIVER FARM MACHINERY Wagons Loaders Tractor Chains -�- "TIRES Car Truck Tractor Installed and Repaired - FERTILIZER -- Bagged or Bulk PHONE DUBLIN 125 R8 FRESH. with W Mr. ani.' 1'I r , Xt.eg , McCtit* *ere, Sunday guests. with Mi, and ?►firs, Pa41 1VlcNaz>$htob, Rodney,. Handy. and; Shawn, pf Strathroy. Mr. and .Mrs, Q. Myers of.. Sarnia, visited on St day. with their daughter, Mrs. James Mc- Lachlen and family. -Mr. and Mrs. David Spence visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd:, Pame- la and Calvin. •. Mrs. Lawrenee Mills,. Mr. and *Mrs, Russell Mills of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mills .of Exeter, were Sunday guests. with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Mr. ..and Mrs. Don- Brine at, tended the Tommy Hunter Show in Stratford on Friday evening. Mr. Jack Cooke and friends of Thamesford, visited Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls., Miss Patty McLachlen is a patient in St. Mary's Memorial Hespital at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. - Bev Westman and Janet of Granton, visited DEAR,- DORIS advice ''from Doris Clark SILENCE FOR EIGHT WEEKS DEAR DORIS — I have bean married 37 years. I have,.., seven lovely children all married. My husband drinks heavily, never comes home for supper.. • When the children were small he had the excuse there wasn't enough . room at the table for him. He never can say anything nice to me. He always has to swear and call me names which I do not• deserve. Now he hasn't been speaking, to me for eight weeks. • If he needs anything he -writes it on paper and leaves it on the table. He got mad at me because he says all I can do is chew at him. He can say what he wants, but as for me I'm supposed to say nothing. Lots of times he tells me to get out, that he can get some- body better than me any bine, Worried DEAR WORRIED -= It's de- pressing. Yet the letters •which cross my desk often carry a similar .theme. The rosy dreams deteriorate. If such a man were to clam up with me, I'd be tempted to tell him I was en- joying the silence. But it hurts — after 37 years — for the person closest to you to treat you rudely. .. Change the water on the beans. i'1r send yon the leaflet "Lovelier With The Years", to help with a're-make, program. If the old ,boy begins to sit up and take notice, make his favorite dish for a.late snack! And bite your' tongue rather than say a single nagging word. DEAR READERS -= This - Happy Foot Quiz eomes from Hamilton Foster Home News. Did you know: (1) That it is wiser to let a child have one pair of shoes and get the maximum wenr while they fit? (2) That it is important to see that sock feet are not too short? (3) That children rarely com- plain because of • ill-fitting shoes? Nuff said? .DEAR DORIS — Please tell me how to find out more about The Kindness Club, which I un- derstand. was started by a Cana- dian. Just Turned Twelve DEAR TWELVE — The Kind- ness Club was the inspiration of Mrs. Hugh John Fleming of Fredericton, New Brunswick, who caught the fancy of chil- Invest Securely, in a 614% Guaranteed Trust Certificate dren across Canada through her article in The Atlantic Advo- cate in December, 1959. Nbw there are branehes in 14 countries. Members are boys and girls under 18, running their own show with the advis- oIy help of an adult known as the "Racoon Captain". Joyce Lambert's book, "How To Be Kind" combines meeting mate- rials and warmly delightful ani- mal stories. -Write for, a copy t9 The Kindness Club, P.O, Box 5, Fredericton, N.B,,, enclosing $1 plus ten cents for mailing. Members take this pledge: "I promise to be kind to animals (as well as people) and to speak and act in defence of all living creatures." Dr. Albert • Schweitzer was the Club's Honorary President .and staunch supporter. • DEAR DORIS — I went with this boy for three years. Last fall he started working at this place wherethey had this girl. She started phoning him but he said heloved me • and -she didn't mean a thing to • him. Well he started going places with her and he stiII wanted to see me. I lovehimvery much but I don't want to go , with a two- timer. Betty DEAR BETTY — Because your Ietter sounds exactly like a thousand others which come to me, I am publishing it. , What you little ones need is a sense,.,..p,f _humor. You don't love; you respond to male at- traction; you have crushes; you are doing what comes naturally. Be glad that the boys two- time you. Imitate them. Don't for the life of, you, lake any single boy seriously. Relax and enjoy them all, for a` long, long time. Confidential to Bride's Friend — A bathroom shower? How about this: String a pair of shower curtains across a cor- ner of your room. Shape up a shower faucet from papier mache and silver paper and fas- ten securely to the wall high up in the corner.. Hang the lightest gifts on strings attached to the faucet; and pile the rest of them in a larindry hamper (which could be the main gift). With r: and Mrs. Glenn Cope,� 414 Synthia, Ellen and. Nan, na on Saturday evening.. Mrs. Fred Parkinsint enter- tallied ntertamed on Wednesday in, honor of her daughter Janet's fifth birthday. Janet's ' guegts were Mary Lou Thomson, Linda Timms, Myrna Weibe, 1Vliebael and Paul Brine, John, ''tty Ann and 13iily McNeight, David and Susan Spence, Cynthia and. Ellen Copeland and Janet's sis- ters, Margaret and Brenda. Games were played and the usual party treats and birthday cake were enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Harry' Bern of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb and Mr. and 1VIrs. Glenn Cope- land were guests on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Blackler.ef Kirkton. Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit, spent the weekend with her daughter, Mrs. Loyd Smith and, family. Miss Doris Mills and Miss Del- ores Sutherland of London, were weekend guests with Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mills. Euchre The LOL held a euchre in the Ofange Hall, on Fridayaeve- ning with nine tables in play. Prize winners were ladies' high score, Mrs. Harold • O'Brien, ladies' lune hands, Mrs. Rus- sell Morrison, men's high score, Mr. Eber Shute, men's lone hands, 11'Ir. Max Switzer. The Woodham Messengers met Sunday during the church service and opened with quiet music and the motto. Julie Webb read a Valentine story, Nancy Jaquesp'laYed a piano instrumental, followed by the study book, which was taken by the Ieader, Mrs. John Rodd. The president, Deborah Jaques, led in prayer and Janet Tomlinson read the scripture. Bible study was taken by Mrs, Lloyd Jaques. Name Euchre Winners - The ladies' lawn bowling club held a card party at the home of Mrs. Jean Henderson, Sea - forth Manor, on Monday night, with a good attendance. "The bridge prize was won by Miss Janet Cluff and had been donated by Mrs. Frank Sills, Mrs. Ang. Phillips was the high euchre player and the prize was donated by Mrs. Arthur Wright. Mrs. H, Connell, presi- dent, conducted the business. Mrs. Leonard Ford offered her home for the March party. The.lunc,h hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Art Finlay- son and Mrs. L. Ford. -Mrs.: Ida Close expressed thanks to them and to the hostess for an enjoy- able evening. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished .by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. USBORNE • &" HIB- BERT.MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE , • COIVIPAN HEADAFFICE -. EXETER, Ont. Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President Cromarty Martin Feeney - RR, 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR, 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey R.R. 3, Leman Agents: Hugh Benninger. • Dublin Harry Coates • Exeter Clayton 'Harms Mitchell Sec rets ry-Treasurer: . Hugh Patterson Exeter MA,Ms',4 PAM Ae$pit,e the- - !ngavozu'ah1e weather Fxiday evening, there' was a ,good attendaz ce et- the bingo in the Seaforth .Legion.. flail. Winners of special garne$ were: Judy Brown, Seaforth; Mrs, A. McMichael, Clinton and, Mr. Kruger, Mitchell; 13111 Aus- tin Seaforth; Joan Sanger, Mit- chell. Door prizes went to Hilda Austin, Seaforth and Mrs. Stan Watson, Mitchell, Following are the winners of the regular games: Mrs. Jim Barry, .Egmondville • and Mrs. Sturgeon, Holmesville; Mrs. Plant, and Mrs. Bi1I Austin, Sea - forth; Jirn Watson, Seaforth; StanWatson, Mitchell; Mrs. Sarah . Campbell, Mitchell;- Mrs. C. Wood, Seaforth and.. Mrs, Sarah, Campbell, Mitchell; Mrs, Mel Dale, Seaforth; Bev, Lee, Clinton; Mr. Campbell, Mit- chell; Mrs. Lee, Clinton; Mrs. Bert Boyce, Clinton. Games five and six were split three ways; game 13 was split six ways. lr oI •GCl R „ G , . 1F 1= �!iw�iCl.ngH`1r fArld SIC1ct4g$$ MA,JQR MEoiCA , P! NSIpNS ANNVITIES llep reOatiti Sun Life Arsulraiice- of Calladar 117-COP RLLH 4T,.EIlST.., $EAFQRT ' TEI,.EPH9Ne $ 1-0410 INSURANCE WIND rORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 : Seaforth Representing 'he Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co.; Woodstock, Ont. Off IIMINFIMMINOINNIINaramillI•• ARROW ALL CANADIAN Petroleums Limited Gasoline * Diesel HEATING OIL'S Valvoline Oil and Greases "Go With Arrow" AGENT: DON COLEMAN DIAL 527.0646 -- SEAFORTH Seaforth r nt+W r sr - .OPEN DAI All Types of ' Cemetery - Memorials T. PRYDE & SON inquiries are invited Telephone Mirabelli;-•..:.. EXETER 2'5.4620 . ••* -CLINTON 4$29421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527.0240 Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime! GOOD SERVICE AT LOW, LOW COST 1965 CHEV. BISCAYNE---6 Cy1in`.er 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN 1964 MORRIS OXFORD 1963 CLASSIC_SEDAN 1962 FORD WAGON - 1962 AMBASSADOR 1961 RAMBLER M • Come and See the NEW 1967 MODELS MILLER MOTORS Seaforth Phone 527-1410 American Motors Dealer -5 1,011101°01110.50.- �jkrina Cheque. a11enge We challenge theamounts of your milk cheques. We have Purina -researched dairy pro- profits by as much as 20% per year! grammes that can help give you up to 2,000 extra pounds of milk per cowl See us or.call•'us now for complete lactation—and help increase your overall information! ' LTON . J ■ DIETZ Santation Produc#s Phone 527-0608 -- Seaforth, R. R. 3 r■idal s■ ■le■elal mi - 1 to 5 Years Contact John A. Cardno WITH THE HELP OF Phone 527-0810 Seaforth SEAFORTH Representing: F.Iuron gt Erie Sterling Trusts Guaranty Trusts 'Crown Trust Co. of Canada Victoria and Grey Trust .Co, • Dairy Products are available at BROWN'S STrPERTEST STATION Sundays, Holidays, Everyday — 11Mapte Leaf Cars at (rehhtd ons Discounts Ou i i MY `moi ) Its ► . 1966 CI -IEA". '8' 1.7,11 -.ALA H.T., A.T., P.S., Rad:o — L r. ?7if115 1965 17,114C 1,i -TON PICK-UP Low Milegage — Lk. 488780 1965 PONTIAC SEDAN A.T., Radio — Lic. E3292 1965 CHEV. IMPALA Hardtop A.T., Radio, Lie. AS8783 1965 EPIC COACH Low Mileage, Lk, E87S4 1965 CHEV. 'IMPALA SEDAN A.T., Radio Lic. E11032 1964 CUTLASS A,T., Radio -- Lic. E899944 Seafo rth FOR INFORMATION CALL US ... on A CN AUTHORIZED TRAVEL AGENT.- , 964 VOLKS COACH 497203 • :1 POS TIA'C "8" SEDAN 4.T., R., Lic. E8955 19(; ('HEV. BELAIRE SEDAN H.T. and Radio, Lic. E8730 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Mileage, Lic. E9534 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T., P. S. and P. B. -- Lic. E7859. 1962-CHEV. SEDAN Ljc. E8947 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN A.T., R., P.B., P.S., Lic. E9172' otors d Phone 527-1750 • d Seaforth ,LOT OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00