HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-03-02, Page 5s, 4. 4 ■ . $ S. 4 4 e• R . A U'LLETT ;1 (NOTICE PARKED CARS O►. ,ROAD Notice is hereby( given that it is not , lawful to leave car. -on -Township Roads ov ertig it in the Municipality of the Township of Hullett. All owners of cars • are urged to make' every attempt to keep the roads Blear to fa- cilitate the plowing Of snow from the roads, and also allow the passing of traffle oi'1'"the travelled portion of 'the roads. Failure to keep the toad clear of such obstructions will force the Municipality to adopt such measures that may be necessary to enforce the law regarding parked vehicles. All residents of Hullett Township. are urged co-operate g d to• --with: the• above -subject so that it may be to our mutua°1 benefit. HARRY F. TEBBU T, Clerk -Treasurer KR. 1, Londesboro,Ontario, WANT ADS'BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! TOWNSHIP OF HULL' ETT TENDER Tenders will be received by the Town- ; ship of.. Hullett for crushing, hauling, and delivering of 14,000 cubic yards, more or less, of road gravel, to be put through a 3/4 inch screen. The work to be done to the satisfaction of the woad Superintendent and the approv- al. pprovaI of the Department of Highways.. The work is to be completed not later than Sep-- ternber 15, 1967. All tenders are to be ac- companied by , a certified cheque to the amount of $300.00 and must be received not later than "6:00 o'clock p.m., March 11, 1967. Lowest, ,• or any tender not necessarily accepted, and all tenders should be clearly •marked as to contents.: ' ,GEORGE RIOGGART, Road Superintendent, R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. .. iss Mary Bernice Seyeau, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs, William Seyeau, Harrison's Corner and. Kenneth Gordon Coulson, son_ of Mr and Mrs. Gordon Coulson, dney,exchanged mar- riage vows bstore.Rev. Bert Dotard in Staffa United Church recentTyT.The couple will reside in St. Marys. (Expositor photo by Phillips). Easter. Seal y Gifts Aid Crippled Children Research into the crippling disorders of children is one of the important functions of .the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and an excellent dem- onstration of the use of pub- licly donated funds to the an- nual Easter Seal campaign. The research projects initiat- ed regularly deal with prevent- ative measures causing crippl- ing•... conditions and study new techniques- irr rehabilitation of children who have a physical disability. Through research and study, new orthopaedic appli- ances have been developed and are being improved year after year. The Easter Seal appeal that is sent by the 230 service clubs in Ontario, including the Sea - forth Lions Club, to all citizens of this province, is asking for financial support to continue and expand this,prograxn of ,re - Search , as well as provide funds needed for the full program of care, treatment and rehabilita- tion, now being- carried on by the Ontario Society for Crip- pled Children and its associated service clubs. The Society's nursing pro; gram, the treatment centres, camps clinics, pI'ovision of spec- ial equipment and other such servicesare helping more than 16,000 boys and girls and teen- agers • to overcome their physi- An ,Expositor Classified will pay -you dividends. --Have---you tried one? Dial 527-0240. The News of a . Lifetime THE. HURON EXPOSITOR 'has .been'reporting" news about you for a long time. Think . of how, much has happened to 'you since you were born—. . that's when the first report appeared. And perhaps the next was your fifth birthday party. Everything Important . •�.. . That's what has appeared in the paper about you. • Your activities in they Boy Scouts or Girl Guides. When 'you fell from the tree and - broke' an. arm. When you made the high school basketball team,' or starred in football. Or appeared in the class play or sang in the operetta. And then when you 'vere graduated from high school. Perhaps military service next, and THE HUR- ON EXPOSITOR kept the folks back home posted on what you were doing there. College, and, After . .. . College next, and again this paper followed and report- ed your important activities. Proud day, when you re- ceived that degree -- we saW it in TH.t HURON EX- POSITOR. And then you were married .... your `iicture in the paper. What a, "fine-looking couple! Children . fol- low . . the cycle of news in the paper begins again. - But you are not forgotten because of the new genera- tion. The news about you continues so long as you live. • A Newspaper Service The news of a lifetime . . , for you and yours. This is a service THE HURON EXPOSITOR gladly and ' 'wilting y gives to This community. • I I SINCE' 1860, s.?RV INC CE;lt 1VrUN1"l1'` NASI ;. 'it cal handicap s� .that they might participate in the every -day ac- tivities of life'to the best of their ability. Contributions to. the 1967 Eas- ter Seal campaign assure the donors 'that they are assisting "Timmy" and his pals to attain as, normal an existence as pos- sible. It is gratifying to know that every 'contribution given to the Easter Seal campaign in this area will be of some help to a crippled child in our district: A :r AN EP( HEX Seaforth Lo9ion IPk$ouo 'Team standings; Sharpies 90; Plungers 89; TTsuals 76; Whlrly, birds 75; Sleepers•. 62; Cannon 3aails, tib. . Ladies'. high single and triple,' Betty Leonhard►, 318. and 716. Men's high single, All ,Nichol- soli, 312; high 'triple, Bay Marshall, 712. * # Egmond010 Leaauo Team standings: Blue Devils 101; Alley Eaters 93; Spacemen 78; Ti -Cats 64; King Pine 55;. :Sprites 39. • Ladies' high singles Letta Mc- Cowan, 232; high ' triple, Helen Nicholson; • 607. Men's high single, Dave, -Nigh, _ 232; high triple, Dave Brazeau, 628. •' Seaforth Mixed League, Team standings. Acadians 84; Barracudas 80; Comets 77; Reb- els 70; Valiants 45; Mustangs 43. Ladies' high' single and triple, Elva McKellar. . Men's high single and triple, Jack Price, 249 and 698. * * * St., James' League Team standings: Pros Dictators 86; Blue 'Devils Sweepers 74; Munsters Flintstones 62. 87; 86; 68; Ploos, for 4 :oanapass ,00f -Grey, Morris and Brussels-.ta prey, • ide funds fora proposed Yned cal -dental: eentre are well underway. The. canvass is scheduled to- begitk?onday when some seventy canvassers will spread across the ' di trict, M. McDonald .of• • Br.(sS fiR0001.1. coiner By JACK HOLLA,NO Well comrades the winter is rolli g along and one of these days the banks of snow will start sun: will b tO a 'disappear, the getting warmer and . spring will be on the way. • Don't forget the general monthly meeting " Thursday night next week March. 8. This ' week end the Ladies' Auxiliary are having the an- nual banquet with the Legion members as hosts. Now with the culinary skills, of sdine of our members I am sure the members of the Auxiliary won't have any need for Rol- aids, Bisma-Rex, Bromo- Sel- tzer,, etc. etc. Be sure and come out for this most enjoy- able evening come Saturday, March 4. This is just a note for now, comrades, more next week. See you all at the banquet. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 sel . beads the Olivass cow? .uattee, Other officers ore general cbairrnan,, Fi. Stret- ton, secretary, ;fry:. Ray Bronson ,and treasurer, Roy Turvey. * . Purpose of the cane le outlined In, a letter forward- ed to .sliistrapt 'esidents., 'WhY do we need a cariv'ass? The question has been ,asked* and our 'cahvassers" wi%l be_ prepared to discuss this mat+ ter with any of you *de L Very brieflythe reasons are, these: (1) To get the assistanceof the Dental Association, in obtaining the ser ices 0 a. dentist, (2) To get the hacking ofI the Medical Association and - to prove our desire for Meet-: icai-Dental services in the area. When the 'project was first conceived there were two al ternative methods of proced- ure open: one was to involve the community and make it a Community Project;, the other was to organize a small private company and erect the Centre as a business in- vestment. • The formerr was chosen af- ter a great deal of thought and on the advice of the med- ical and dental authorities be- cause: (1) To get the asstistance of the Dental Association of On- tario and to be declared a Bursary Town, it is required that the project, be a Com- munity one. This- means that the College of Dentistry will annoint a qualified Dentist to our area from the Spring Graduating class. (2') One of the questions .4448 ed goirz point; oiE v'ieW' ot, wa we meed a 'i+tcttora but wl _. e r we want p t one. 11 e w ole conr n ty I?lillt "'et beitiulL behindthis von the qu on: moat de- cidedly. tiered. While t to `q,�i ;true • in many Cases t'h+e physis the Ives erect Medical con. treses clinics, our .situation is quite different in that it Ja we, the` Comniunit that :la ing' to attract vices Itis therefore n. Ory for avis ,to provlde these faeil;iti and to demon strate ;our de�, in ;this ,gible„way. lie.. ass "+ed• tt no a gift to .the Doctors} an4 Demtiats. may. !W eitbe rent or” uur'cl e -'the:. em sedr and, facilities.. Then, we who have subscribed and .made all. possible, , wilt_ decide axle the disposition of the *one7''''' involved," • ) PROMPT' —WATCH REPAIR SERVICE of SAVAUGE .1 WELLERS Certified Watchmakers' OPPOSITE POST OFFICE RENCH FRIES TOP VALU -- SAVE 16c 15 -oz, Tins DOG or CAT FOOD Top Vitt, Blanched, Top Valu Parchrhent Peanuts � 16-°s• 1 -Ib - 2 Pkg:. 8$ Margarine 3 Pkgs: 88 Brylcreem Top Valu 1st Grad HardressintaLarge g sii. 69¢ Butter p mint Qui LCO Wilkinson Super'Stainless Steel Top Valu.'(Asst'd Flavours) Razor Blades Pf s S9¢ Ice Cream 'a Gal. Ctn. 88 MacLean's. G Giant ' Cherry 24;9: 4- z. 49 Toothpaste Tiiee 55` y Pie McCain Fancy Frozen Farmhouse Frozen • CHOC MIXED VEGETABLES,CREAM PIES; BANANA UT 2Poly.Ib. 88 y �,✓.�-`," 12 -oz., 000 Bogs - ` 'r' Pies TOP VALU UNSWEETENED APPLE JUICE, 3' .°x. 8r TANG ORANGE 31/.x• FLAVOUR CRYSTALS .4 P1CJl, 88 COTTAGE • •. 48 -oz. . APPLE=RASPBERRY or lA �j�0' APPLEBISC•SOTRAWBERRY • • • Tia V NA TEAM FLAKES 2 ' k:9; b9 NESTLE'S CHOCOLATE QUIK .. " TENDERLEAF ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAGS BETTY OCKER ANGEL M CONFETTI CAKE MIX 16Pkg.-oz. ANGEL FOODor 55¢ DELSEY (ASSORTED COLOURS) BATHROOM TISSUES . 6Rads 88E MIR LIQUIDDETERGENT 2=1b. 880 Ctn. Pkg. 0 of 60 Q1 wry , TWINPACK 2 24 Plastic 77 0,,rx� Ctnrs. t GOLDEN "YELLOW, CHIQUITA ?NT. GROWN BANANAS? SPY Celery 2 bu. 390 •A lbs. U.S. NO. 1 (SIZE 8O's) CCAN. NO. 1 Carrots Bag.3910t SPLIT Philodendron • LEAF 6-Potb X2.49 .: FLORIDA ORANGE'S DOZ. REGAL BRAND4 SHORT SHANK Oa Tft ,71E CUTS LEAN 1 MEATY COUNTRY STYLE SPARE RIBS . (FILLET END) LOIN ALL TAELERITE MEATS! ARE GOVERNMENT INSPECTED REGAL BRAND' SWT. PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS TOP VALU (4 VARIETIES) COOKED MEATS .... SIMCOE BRAND AWED .1.B. 59° WE BACON. WHYTE PACKING ' d -oz. +6.5 FRAY SAUSAGE • SEE 'i`Ni1S WES.KS,HANDIML FOR MORE OU` STANDING iti 1.18. VAC eAC NCO.. [ f INCLUSIVE WE •It SERVEThE • R1G TO 1 ►MIT # LrA;NTI