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;, Hu.ron PresbyteriaI.
Meets I.r.. Wingh.m:
The hth annual Huron Pres-
byterial of the United Church.
Women was held in the Wing -
ham United Church on Tuesday,
with the president, Mrs. Gilbert
Beecroft of Belgrave presiding
throughout the day. Mrs. Bee-
croft opened the session at 9:30
a.m. with the theme, "He Shall
Have Dominion". The morning
worship service was given by
Mrs. Gordon McKenzie of Sea -
forth and Mrs. Jack Reavie of
Wingham, regional presidents.
The treasurer's report, given
by Mrs. S. E. Lewis of Exeter,
showed that the Presbyterial
UCW had met its allocation of
$30,600.00 and in addition do-
nated $1,015.00 toward "Over
and Above" projects: the build-
ing of a youth centre in Banff;
a 30 -bed hospital at Am Pipal,
Nepal; a manse at Fort Nelson,
B.C. and a rural housing pro-
ject in Zambia.
The reports were given in an
interesting and novel way as a
"Trial By Jury" with Mrs. Geo.
Michie of Brussels acting as
judge, Mrs. G. W. Tiffin of
Wingham as prosecuting attor-
ney, Mrs. ,_Allan McTaggart of
'Brussels as attorney for the de-
fense, Mrs. Jack Reavie of Wing -
ham as clerk and Mrs. Gordon
McKenzie' of Seaforth the chair-
man of the jury. Each secretary
or chairman of a committee
was called to the witness stand
and questioned as to the effec-
tiveness of the work of her de-
partment. The verdict wasthat
in as -much as the UCW has at-
tempted to achieve its purpose
during the first five years and
has shown good intentions to
improve its methods of doing
so — it was recommended that
the UCW be put on :probation
for the next five years and the
case to be reviewed' annually
with each- secretary in the local
congregations to make periodic
reports to her Presbyterial of-
ficer. • '
Presents Slate
Mrs. Stanley.. Bride- of Ford -
with presented the new slate 'Of-
offofficers for the coming year.
Rev. Arthur Higginbotham of
Brussels, chairman of Huron
Presbytery installed the officers.
Hon. pres. Rev. Grant Mills,
Clinton; past pres., Mrs. Gilbert
Beecroft, Belgrave; president,
Mrs. George Michie, RR 4, Bros-
sets; first vice, Mrs. 0. Harri-
son, Monkton; second vice, Mrs.
Stewart Miner, Exeter; presi-
dent of North Region, Mrs.- C.
Watson, Brussels; president of
West Region, Miss Esther Hume,
Goderich; pres, of Centre Re-
gion, Mrs. Gordon McKenzie,
Seafoith; pres. of South Region,
Mrs. Hector Murray, Exeter; rec.
sec.; Mrs. Earl Rowe, Hensall;
cor. sec., Mrs. Stanley Bride,
Fordwich; treas., Mrs. S. E.
Lewis, Exxeter.
Chairmen of Committees:
Christian Citizenship and Social
Action, Mrs. Gladstone Edgar,
Gorrie; Co -Operation in Mission-
ary and Christian Education,
"Mrs. J. Reavie, Wingham; fin
'ante; Mrs. Allan McTaggart,
Brussels; Westminster College,,
Mrs. 0. Harrison, Monkton;
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Leadership Develepriterit,, Mrs,
Bert Alton, Lttekziow; • rtpnina,-
tions, past president .
Portfolio Secretaries; Com -
triunity Friendship and Visiting,
Mrs, Lloyd Bond, Holntesville;
Literature and Communications,
Mrs. Walter Bewley, Walton;
Press and Publicity, Miss K. Mc-
Gregor, Clinton; Program, Mrs.
Harold Doig, Fordwigh; Stew-
ardship and Recruiting, Airs, H.
Davidson, Goderich; Supply and
Social Welfare, Mrs. Geo. 'Pat-
ter, Clinton; Archives, Mrs. H.
Talnzay, Port Albert.
Secretaries at Large: Mrs.
Harold Philips, Blyth; Mrs. E.
McKinley, Zurich.
The morning session closed
with Rev. Cecil Jardine of
Wingham United Church con-
ducting a communion service.
At noon the Wingham Unit-
ed Church Women served 300
delegates and guests, During the
lunch hour greetings ' were
brought to the asseznbly-;from.
London Conference UCW by the
president, Mrs. ' W B. Cruik-
shank of Wingham, from • Hur-
on Presbytery by chairman Rev.
A. Higginbotham, from the An-
glican ladies' organizations by
Mrs. W. E. Middleton of Huron
and from the Evangelical Unit-
ed Brethren by Mrs. C. Snell
of Dashwood. • Mrs. Jack Reavie,
president of Wingham UCW, ex-
tended a sincere welcome to all.
Afternoon Session
The afternoon session open-
ed with a very interesting Cen-
tennial pageant, "Vignettes of
the Church in Canada, Past,
'resent, Future". This depicted
the growth of the church in
Canada in tle last century. The
cast was dressed in costumes
suitable for their parts. They
represented the Indians, the fur
traders, the first priest, the first.
Protestant minister, the early
settlers, the women gathering
to form the first ladies' ehurch,
roups, the, church's part -in
education when Rev. Edgerton
Ryerson started colleges as a
-tneans--tto -train -ministers– The..
pageant continued on to the
present and what we 'shall try
to do in the future. Centennial
songs were sung by a choir
from members in Huron which
closed with the centennial
hymn composed by Mrs. R. Du -
Val of Wingham. Miss Iva Mai
Smith was organist for the day.
Mrs. H. Brown of Blyth, direct-
ed, the choir.
Highlight of the day was
the challenging address by Rev.
Gordon Hunter of Asbury and
West United ' Church, Toronto.
.ie stated that today's church
must be the church in. to
world. One of the phases a
does not allow to be used in
his church is "Chu, ,h Work".
Church work is dangerous, nev-
er get involved in it — in con:
trast , is "The Work of the
church" which is the witness
and ministry of 'the -church in
the world of men and women.
"We must express the' love of
God in • releVant terms in this
day,, of social revolutions and
technological change," • lie said.
One way to do this is to really
listen to what people are say-
ing and be prepared to help
them through loving concern.
Another way is to be a creator
of right relationships among
people.. This is Christian re-
conciliation and was the real
inistry. of Christ in the world.
Our mission must expand be-
yond the four walls of the
church .into the community and
beyond the community into the
world, the speaker said:
Rev. G. Hunter was accom-
panied by Mr. and Mrs. C. Ng
and young son of Hong Kong
who are presently doing post
graduate study in Toronto.
Mrs. Orville Harrison of Monk -
ton gave the courtesy remarks
and thanked all for the part
they took in the day's activities.
She thanked Mrs. Beecroft for
her effective leadership aspresi-
dent in the past two. years. Mrs.,
Beecroft gave her cloting re-
marks: Mrs. Geo. Michie of
Brussels, • the new president,
took' the chair and gave a short
inspiring message. Miss Esther
Hume of Goderich and Mrs. IL
Murray of Exeter, regional presi-
dents, dieted the meeting with
a worship service.
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Cwwd/un Weald.: owspopers Asspdadon • • ..P
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Attenion. Secondary School Students
YOU CAN WIN CASH PRIZES — $25, $15, $10
Every citizen of a nation bears a responsibility for the -conduct and
Welfare of his country.
There is no 'more important group to whom thernation should Listen
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country this Canada of ours will be in the years to come. - . .
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propriate in this centennial year, that you have the opportunity to express
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Thepeople who win will write because they have some ideas and
want to express them. But for further motivations there are • prizes of
$25,00, $15.00, and $10.00 at the local level more prizes if you win the Prov-
incial competition and - a trip to Ottawa plus more prizes for the National
winner. -.
We'll print the best essays.
Judges decisions are final.
HERE ARE ',illy RULES: - +
I. you must be attending a high school at the time the essay ig submitted.
2.'Pott may not be a member of ;the immediate family of an eizlployee of your newspaper.
S. 'tt'our essay shouldn't be more than 15G.wbr s long. It would. be helpful ifit were typed or
at least- written legibly. .
4. •.Essays mtist.be reeeived by 'The. Huron Expositor toot later fhatt March -81, 1967, •
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