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The Huron Expositor, 1967-02-23, Page 10
• t#»" HAWN 1111XPORTOk $IkAFORTI ,.-O!NT , F4 ,.'2.at 161 1 -Pain i* Jda*@ *beet s Knock* . 12 -Pronoun 13.-00140., 444 mite' .34 -Verve Ia Ola nes i4,Per101. of time. 19 -Prefix$` not 26 -Twirl 21,Above 23.S eabol for silver 24 -Fold: 26-E40)10e, 28 -Laughing 29-Posse8 s 3Q -A state (abbr.) 32 -Residency • 33 -In what manner s4 Barracuda 35 -Number 86 -Succor 37 -Tipping 38-Heavx.00rd 49-Uid 41 -Parent (collect.) 43-A state (abbr.) 44 -Above and touching 45-$ebrdw letter 47 -Collection of 49 -Ha dship SI -Preposition 58 -Pollution 56 -Pilaster 56 -American essayist 57-'11eraldlo bearing DOWN 1 -Husband of Gudrun . 2 -Titleholder 3 -Cut 4 -Printer's measure 6 -Pardon 6 -Wolfhound 7 -Deface r• 8 -Note of scale 9 -Beverage 10 -Similar 11'toatlt llni; > ,-p 90-1i ttonal' 444 21hP rent Seelloq.) 25._ ore crippled gs -tooiPenter e 2T=SIT ift 28Greek letter ,29 -Brick- carryilpl device 31 -Unit of Siamese 33 currency -Hasten 34 -Walk 34 -Three,. handed armadillo 117,Greek. Marketplace 53 -Symbol foe $8; Basilan 44 pr in um u4-Pepos ti MEM €•it°;t'-'1 MB= MODHOlavt1wC7S3C;Efel it I m MEis 1ElM C7MCi OM PlWM0 0Mon CBCT lwiCMElO MUM Clint ©t 3C1 23i=1r Ed MEM OMISw 0E0 MMM BMW Et C11"„ O fn M/Et 12�kME ►0OVdt"M. W M -9E1f�ME MOEU 0112 MOMS 2000 000 ©M80 SOLUTION 40 -Hake 45 -Rudy of amends water 41 -South 46 -Sea eagle American 43-Bunmet i0 -Dee mon rodent 51 -evergreen 43 -Later tree WEDDING INVITATIONS COASTERS • - GIFT IDEAS - ' SERVIETTE, THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 Seaforth 8 WAYS TO MAKE YOUR NEXT CALF CROP THE_MOST PROFITABLE ONE EVER OFFSPRING OF THESE BULLS EARN MORE,! ORCHARD VALE ABC ADVANCEMORE. MISCHIEF REFLECTION (Holstein) (Hereford) Certified Meat Sire Daughters produce almost 10% Tested steer sons averaged more milk. than, herdmates.' 943 lbs. at 12'4 months . old.. KINGSHURST SUPREME CLIMAX (Jersey) Daughters give 13% more milk than herdmates. KCINGFIELD BRAGGART t(Guernsey) Daughters give 14% more milk than herdmates. ROUNDBUSH FINAL COMMAND (Ayrshire) Daughters give 8% more milk than herdmates. WILLABAR JUMBO 21 (Angus) Certified Meat Sire Tested steer sons averaged 877 lbs. at 13% months olds LONEDALE BARON 22nd. (Shorthorn) Testedsteer sons averaged ,941 lbs. at 13% months old. M. L. CHIEFTAIN (Charolais) (Charolais) Certified Meat Sire Tested steer sons averaged 1070 lbs. at 13% months old. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Phone for service weekdays till 10 a.m. For Sun- day service (in most areas) phone Saturdays 6-8 p.m. Listed in local directories. en &Ogle THIS THREESOME OF crippled boys attending Lakewood Camp for a healthgiving summer vacation watch the big ships sail by as they perch on the camp's Lake Erie shoreline. Easter Seals 'have prodided summer holidays for crippled children in this province since 1937 and the Ontario Society for Crippled Chrildrren now boasts of a five summer camp program with no equal in the world today: Your Easter Seal donation fliis spring will ensure that some crippled child,can enjoy a holiday with beautiful surroundings, modern facilities, excel- lent ,counselling and plenty of activity. The campaign in this area is conducted by the Sea - forth Lions Club. Aid for Crippled Children Continues to. Progress More progress in the care and treatment of the crippled child has been made in the past . 25 . years than during the whole previous_ history of man- kind. This progress has been "pos- sible because people have been An Expositor , Classified will pay you • dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS • DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 USBORNE & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. . • Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, • President • Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President - Wm. H. Chaffe - RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton. Colquhoun R.R. 1, • Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, l irkton Tim Toohey . - R.i<2. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - • Exeter. Clayton Harris' - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer. Hugh Patterson - - Exeter made aware of the needs of crippled children and have been given an opportunity to help by contributing to the Easter Seal campaign. Unitl a few years ago, for instance, eerebral palsy was a disease shrouded in mystery. It is now known that it is not con- tagious and is not hereditary. It is brain damage that can. hap- pen to anyone. Medical men say that approximately one child .in every 568 live births will be stricken with cerebral palsy. The Ontario Society for Crip- pled- Children's Easter Seal program is providing, help for more tl1J `3;000 cerebral pals- ied children. These children can be trained and do respond to t e highly specialized and ex- pensive treatment that is given. at over 20 treatment centres in the province. The treatment is directed by experts toward training the un- dainagedr part of the brain to take over the functions, of the defective area to as great a degree as .possible.. In- many cases near miracles :.have been worked. In other cases the re- sults are slow. Easter Seal funds• make cer- tain no ,crippled. child in our Are You A :.Good Food Buyer? Cars at Tremendous Discounts Our BIG .SALE Continues 1966 CHEV. `8'' IMPALA H.T., A.T., P.S., Radio --- ,Lie. E7836 1965 GMC 1/2 -TON PICK-UP. ,Low Milegage -- tic. 48878C 1965 'PONTIAC SEDAN A.T., Radio —• Lic. E3292 1965 CIIEV.. IMPALA Hardtop A.T., Radio, Lic. A58783 1965 EPIC COACH Low Mileage, Lk. E8754 • 1965 OLDS DYNAMIC SEDAN .. A.v., Radio, P.S. and P.B., etc. Lic. E8467, Mileage 13,000 1964 YOLKS COACH A97203 - 1964 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN • A,T., R., Lic. E8955 1964 PONTIAC COACH A.T., and Radio, Lic. 971395 1963 CHEV. BELAIRE SEDAN ` H.T. and Radio, Lic. E8730 1963 MORRIS 1100 SEDAN Low Mileage, Lic. E9534 1962 OLDS SEDAN A.T., P. S. and P. B. --- Lic. E7859 1962 CHEV. SEDAN •, Lic. E8947 1962 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN A.T., :R.:. P.B., P.S., Lic. 59172 province will go without treat- ment and assistance that he or she might need. • The 1964 Easter Seal -campaign' Must' raise $1,400,000. in On- tar-io to—eontinue the services now provided for children who have a physical disability. In Seaforth and District, the campaign is conducted through the Seaforth Lions, Club and each and every. contribution to the local campaign headquart- ers will be of some help to a crippled child. To be a good food buyer is definitely an asset, and probably one mast homemakers would like to 'have. However, taking. advantage of sales does not necessarily make you a good buyer. If not, then what does?" Home economists at MacDonald Institute, University of Guelph, have some of the answers. Prepare and follow a written marketing list. Plan your list •carefully, remembering the nu- tritional needs as well as the likes' and dislikes of family members. Consider use of con- venience foods, " after an estint- ate of cost and the availability' of your time and energy. Read labels and check grades. Often a second grade, which is just as nutritious but less expensive; can be incorporated into a re- l:ipe. r ie - Unit three of~Brucefield UCW suet at the churOb, The binihieSk meetingwas opened kr ft Pre idea, Mrs. Dorothy "IVleCfregor„ Goad used clothing is ur8eitt- ly needed for overseas bale. and members are asked to collect 1964 nickelsta be turned in at -the March meeting,. Study, and worship were tak- en by Mrs. Joan Allan and Mrs. Anne Walters, Units, one and two, husbands and others interested joined in a group discussion on educa- tion, the topic 'for -the- evening. - Mrs. Joan Allan introduced the ,guest speaker, Mr. Mathers, principal of Huron Central School, Mrs. Alexander from Eg- mondville School and Mr. Tay- lor, principal of Usborne School. Lunch was -served by Mrs. Hejen. Burdge and her assistants, Classified ads pay dividends. PROMPT WATCH REPAIR SERVICE at SAVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers OPPOSITE POST OFFICE -- -NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: , • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Ciirinnercial • Life Insurance Sk Savings • Huron Co-op Medical • Services.• • wind Insurance . GROU.P. • 40410 41.41" and •SICKNESS* MAJQR MEDICAL P. NS.ION S ANNtl117I rtepreserfting - San ► .$.ifs hssi ranee. ComPlilny ' ' or Canada 117 GODERICH.ST, EAST SEAFORTH •-•••-• TEI-EPHONE 5214410 WANT AWS BRING QDIUK R $111,T$: Dial 52..7-0240 • • 'hen you save -the Go --Ahad way y�uget LifeInsurance tool Choose a five yeaf savings goal..lt could be as little as $600, or as much as $5,000. (Your,. - convenient monthly deposit can range from $10 to ` $83.33.) Whatever savings goal you set for yourself, that's the amount of Life Insurance protection you have, for five years, from the minute you make your first. deposit. This isin addition to ail ,eposits made, plus.the bonus your savings have eij .ped. Whether you're saving for your childCQ 's education, for the down payment on'a new home, fora retirement nest egg - - . o.r.even .if you don't have d special objective in mind, task your Toronto -Dominion Manager about the Go -Ahead way of saving ... Toronto -Dominion's Assured Savings Plan. Great Go -Ahead idea From TORONTO -DOMINION .The Bank where people make the difference. W. D. STEPHENSON, Manager • Seaforth Consider cost per serving by deciding how much of a pro' duct is edible. There is often much food wastage in bone, fat, or parings. Don't buy more per- ishable food than is needed. Even staples are better if used pp Completely before replenish- ing. Store each item properly. Also, become acquainted with. the stores in your neighborhood,, learning the best_ times for shopping. - - • oris S2 al + I SOT OM EV N NGS ear :- A.RRO�W ALL CANADIAN '..Petroleums Limited Gasoline * Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline Oil and Greases'l "G6 With Arrow" •AGFN1 t _ DON COLEMAN. DIAL 50.1p646. —. I se4FoRt±l • J. Gordon STILES• BRUSSELS, PHONE 186 bulk fertilizer service fertilizer service Purchase Spring Fertilizer NOW For Maximum Savings. NOW IS THE TIME TO ORDER YOUR SPRING REQUIREMENTS OF S'HUR, GAIN SELECTED -GRANULATED FERTILIZER. SPRING DISCOUNTS ' ARE STILL IN EFFECT. OUR WAREHOUSE IS STOCKED WITH ALL POPULAR GRADES OF BULK AND BAGGED SHU R -GAIN. WE HAVE THE PRODUCT AND THE, FERTILITY PROGRAM TO ENSURE YOU OF OPTIMUM YIELDS IN 1967. OPEN MONDAY TO' SATURDAY, 8:00 A.m. - 6:00 P.IVI. r_ FRS DELIVERY Pick 8 up and SAVE $2.00 per a ton Buy in Bulk_ and SAVE $5OOper ton 1111 4 -TON AND. 1 -TON SPREADERS AVAILABLE Convenient Loading and Shipping Facilities. - FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS, SERVICE AND "COMPLETE' PRICES AND INFO,MA - TION, CONTACT ONE OF THESE AGENTS JOHN BOWMAN, ) ussels .JOAN c0N1.EY, Ethel RNBULL, Et et RDON STI , Brussels 1111_, � 1111 Phone 431 w 13 Phone 322 J 5 Phone 440 w 4 Phono 18►,