HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-02-23, Page 5Q. i p;.<.. •..S r: Mrs. Alice Webster .is `visit - e with' 'Mr, ands s. 7. ;at ' Webster, r .. - • " Mr. and Mrs. Perce John- ston and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Webster left Friday for a hol- iday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Earle Tipping • ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G. Eaton Office In .Masonic t flock Main Street Phone 527.1610 ; Sedforth' aid boys'' of iSarnial fOsult t .. week end with;:,M,r, ani Vie•., kiA.F9ld. Dowson.,, sses Brenda and: .Bonnie' Rowson • 1risite4t, Wednesday wit.. Mr. 040 - Mrs' ' De Jett,' Cathy and David: Of _Clinton. Mervin .•Hayter,,Alan Ito - ter, - ao-ter,-.B Dowsbn, Bev Hill, Doug McAsh, Wayne Stirling, Brian McAssh. and . Murray' Morrison went ice fishing on Lake Sirncoe over the' week end. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Hayter and Mit. and Mrs. Bill Dow - son attended Farmers Week activities at Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guelph • on Tuesday. r (By ,'Esandy'), ,14 cP,onald tnj- The .g04exteh Signal -Star) The n • ael$ enzie in Ash.^ azo l►i .� field: Township -.cant be identifi@d• with serwxee 41.1 municipal ,sear i vice, Doljaid MacKenzie, who runs • a 15O -acre tarns pn the ;fifth eonces$ion: _9f• this . township, is the second' generation of this family to bold the reeveship •of Ashfield, Donald's father, ' the late John A. MacKenzie, was Ashfield reeve for about five years during the late 'twenties" and early "thirties" of this, cen- tury. While carrying out a tradition, establishe•cl by his father, the present reeve has advanced be- yond local politics. At the first meeting in 1967 of Huron County Council, its members acclaimed- Donald MacKenzie Warden of Huron. It was a tribute to the pop.' 'ular hfield Reeve that. he re- ceived this important office by acclamation. Seldom does a• candidate for the wardenship acquire this office so easily; as a rule, two or more county Councillors aspiring for the':post must leave the issue with their fellow councillors. The ° winner is determined by the democrat- ic balloting system. Whether by intention or coin- cidence, (Donald ' assured the writer that the latter was the case) he_ has won the added dis- tinction of becoming Huron's Centennial warden. The 'Ceti- tennial' title bears a . twofold significance. Primarily, because Donald serves as warden during the year in which Canada cele- brates its 100th • anniversary; secondly it is a Centennial year for this county. Huron became incdrporated as a county in 1867, •the same yearthat the Fathersbof Confederation passed the British North America Act. Donald MacKenzie entered - municipal , politics almost 14 -years ago. ' It was - da itng--the 1953" Ashfield municipal elec- tion, that Donald's name first appeared on' the .ballot slip as a candidate for councillor. Hav- ing overcome the "freshman" hurdle that so many aspirants for political office fail to clear, Donaldcontinued to, survive as an Ashfield councillor for seven more years. At nomination day, November, 1961,, he, had acquir- ed eight years' experience. `in municipal affairs, serving as councillor. For Donald. MacKen- zie, it was the year. to "step up or out" in his. political career.. A closely -fought balloting. battle in which he opposed An-. dy Ritchie, the incumbent reeve, gave. Donald the victory. Since then, holding the Reeve's chair in Ashfield has been relatively easy. 'Ashfield citizens have ac- quired the habit of returning their council to office by accla° motion. Nor has ariy other coun- cillor challenged Donald's. claim to the. reeveship. A man acquires public duties beyond the boundaries of his` own. municipality when .he be - News of :_ u lin Mr. and ` w* Juepli L,00 - by and foxnil .. are spending six weeks la "Florida, M+xrs. Mance-. Brown fa a patient Stratford :Ge,nera Iital .ospj1s V'elte:Eckert. nttd ll tchenel r, vita.x Mr..and MrBis. of• Toronto, ?Mrs. Ron Fermi, George ,Coville and relativ'.es., Miss Joanne Stapleton, No- tre Dame 'College', Waterloo at.her home. Mr, and Mrs. Fergus Stap- leton left Baurday fir nor - Mrs. Joseph Hastings was Streetsville where she at- tended the wedding of Miss Patricia Curtin. . • A successful progressive. euchre pgarty wee held in the Parish hall sponsored by the students of the Continuation School. The proceeds will go towards the fund- to have the student's go to Expo in June. Mr.'and Mrs. Ray Maloney of Stratford :with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney, • - SP !ALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Tang Orange FLAVOUR CRYSTALS 61/z oz. pkg. 39¢ Nabisco, New Cereal TEAM FLAEES 14 -oz. pkg. 430 Jello Assorted -Jelly POWDERS reg. pkgs. each 10 Clover Leaf Fancy Solid i WHITE TUNA • 7 -oz, tin 4,3 Heinz Vegetable or TOMATO SOUP - • • • 3 10 -oz. tins 350¢ Allen's Vitamized APPLE JUICE • , :2 48 -oz. tins 690 No. 1 Chiquita BANANAS • PRODUCE 2 lbs.. for '290 -Sunkist ORANGES, size Ontario Hot Nouse CUCUMBERS 138's .... doz. 490 each- 2504 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY �q MKETS; Smith's T.Hl..11U*ON EXP. NEW.S: o; Ow -ton Jim Shel- don}, ,a0FtO, len, ,St, ,bvtr, ,and .14xa. +Cercton abet°Barry,'SPat.0r . fi., H prr3,itttu- anuli Ds eu. J'nilar ton vsiited ''Witty.- .iv v, and..h+irti. Pagan' 144404 'and Mn. vviar'7'.Malc9),41, nn .+Sunda'.. Mr. and .. "Mrs, .:B Durst and ,Marilyn; Beaforth,. with' her parents Mr. and 2604. R. Alkene, on .Sunday ;eves ing• . ars. Mabel 'Higgerson. ited her aunt, Mrs;. Mary` Ma eulm on Tuesday. - Mr. arid Mrs. Morley Lam, min were in Stratford JE1asi�it al on Tuesday to see t he li r mew grandson, ary. W�1iam, son of Mr.. and Mrs. Blythe., Lammjn. Mr.._ and: Mrs. George. Pep- per with Mr. and Mrs. floss Pepper- and Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pepper. Mr. Morley _Lammin was in Toronto on Wednesday to the annual meeting, of the -Hol- stein Breeders' Association. Phone .0Z-4-0990 - . .Free Delivery • - RETIRING WARDEN Ken ,Stewart of McKillop makes presentation to 'Huron's 1967 Warden, Donald MacKenzie. comes a reeve. As a township reeve, he is qualified and elig- ible for appointment to any of the • several Huron County com- mittees. While serving his first term as Ashfield Reeve in 1961- 62, -Donald was appointed to work on the agriculture and re- forestation committee and .the legis of whether his efforts up - wardens and personnel, both for set the balance of a County a two-year term.• Serving on two county com- mittees simultaneously while at the same time acting as reeve, would appear to throw 'an. . un- fair amount of work on one man. However, the service re- quired; for the -above -two com- mittees is not extensive. The agriculture and reforestation committee meets. only two or three times a year. .On these occasions its members tour var- ious townships within the_,eoun- ty. ;They make note. of unpro- ductive .land, ,unsujted forcrops or . pasture. Later a.. committee member .-may : contact the own- er of the • property. If possible, this unfertile land: will be bought for reforestation plots. Donald • MacKenzie's second appointment on county council was to the roads committee, for a four-year term. "Roads" is by 'far the most important phase of Huron County's program. Ov- er half the tax revenue from Huron's ratepayers is spent for road development and improve- ment within the county boun- daries. Members of this corn- mittee must assemble monthly to hear reports from the coun- ty engineer; on the basis of his information, committee mem-. bers' co-ordinate plans for fu- ture building and expansion of Huron thoroughfares. Donald had capably served three ' years on ."Roads" when he was called.toaccept the Hur- on County Wardenship. Duties of warden are sb numerous that other county work must be dropped. Donald ws's obliged to leave the roads committee be- fore putting in his final year., ' .Last year when Huron Coun- ty was host to The Internation- al Plowing Match at Scott Farms near Seaforth,, Donald MacKenzie was a busy man. He had volunteered service to the Traffic and Parking Committee of Huron's branch of the Plow- men's Association. Members of this -committee didn't realize what was in store for them. The continuous rain of that late October week 'turned the grounds into a "sea of mud". Donald and .other men on this `work' committee were kept. going steadily throughout the duration of the match. 1:'arm machinery, exhibitors were giv- en an opportunity to demons- trate their equipment under less than ideal working condi- .tions; their tractors and jeeps were borrowed by traffic of- ficials to pull visitors' cars from the mucky" fields where they had parked. Donald and his wife Florence have raised two children on the family homestead' where • the warden was born in August, - 1921. John MacKenzie, 17, is at- tending Central Huron " Second- ary School at Clinton. Donna, 16, is a third year student at Gode- rich District Collegiate Institute. The retiring warden, Kenneth Stewart, presenting Donald with the badge of office d:ur'ing re- cent installation ceremonies, said to his successor: "You will find this (the wardenship) a very interesting job,;' It's possible that the retir- ing Warden was implying more than he wished to say publicly when ho called the warden's Job "interesting." Stewart might have also used the word "chal- lenging" to describe the posi- tion of Huron County Warden. Delegates from all the towns, village and rural municipalities within Huron assembles at these sessions of County govern. Mont, To keep these coiirity -very' -week more peopl ` ig cover what. mighty jobs a$ accomplished, by low cost Fa. pooitor ' 1ant Ads. Dial 52770 council members working co- operatively for the -betterment of Huron is not an easy assign- ment; it must be remembered that each municipality within the county wants its delegate to work for its interests; regard-, spending program._ Ashfield residents will affirm, however, that Reeve Donald MacKenzie will bring to the of- fice of warden the same integ- rity and fairness which govern- ed o1ern- ed his decisions while serving Qn - Ashf'e1d' Townsh in • o • 'ncil. News of Winchelsea Mr, and Mrs Sanford "Hut- ton, Dessis and Dianne, visit- ed on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubb, and Michael of Farquhar. Mrs, John Coward visited on Monday with Mrs. Nevi/ton Clarke. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited on Wednesday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. San- ford Hutton, Denis and Di- anne. Mrs, Wm. Walters, Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine Line visited in Exeter on Sat- urday a tthe home. of their uncle, Maurice Quance. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Spar- ing of London visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family. Every week more people dis- cover' what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- tasitor-Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. an Mr. B.urc of -Mr. d Mrs., f and xelebtrat�" Coyl'a 25th viredding. ;tersary. : Mr..a> Mrs. Eawr'enoe ker were fn 8ili a tf o'r d.F Wednesday and ;attended Seed Fair. ;.Mr: and 'Mrs. Lorne Moles On and; fancily visited Miall; Olive Hackney ,on Sunday. ins Ethel' MaoAfitchel 'wa.. in 'Toronto a' Saturday' of last week.. • News of /arta Mrs. Jewitt and. pus #f .: Constance visited on'Sunda with Mr. and Mrs.. Sill Pow*' son and family. Classified ads pay. dividend8 TOWNSHIP OF HULL, TT WARBLE FLY SPRAY' • TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Town- ship of Mullettfor the supplying of 750 lbs of warble . fly spray powder In 15-1b. pags, and 50 lbs. to be in 1 -ib. bag.s. The tender will state the price per pound and also the brand name of the •product. - • The successful bidder will deliver the powder to the Township Garage in Londes- boro. ` Lowest, . or , any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders roust be clearly "marked • as to contents and must be received not las- er than • 6:00 o'clock p.m., March 4, 1967: HARRY F. TEBBUTT, Clerk.Treasurer, RR 1, Londesboro, Ontario +.a BONE CHINA Cups & Saucers SJ` Choice' of five designs SAVAUGE'S: MARCH SALE STARTS TO DAY CLEARANCE OF SEASONAL Costume Jewellery cJi , each Hundreds of items to choose from Trade' in your old watch aridget 25% of, the regular price of any Bulova, Cara- velle,. Westfield, El- gin or Elco watch Stock Reduction of Glassware" Save up to r SO% S'HEAFFER ' PENS' and PENCILS Entire Stock Reduced 20% NOW is the time to pick up that good pen you've always wanted at a good saving BONE CIHINA Dinnerware Specials -= • Over 100 items, odds and ends, to clear at 1/2 price Don't Miss Our 'Balance. of ; Open , Stock ,Bone China at 1/2' price table All items will be half-price' and less. (Some with slight damage or defects) off 25/o Stock on hand and sale dis- count on orders taken during sale. ' Sale Discounts on: Diamonds, Rings, Watches, Jewellery, China, Transistor'Radios, etc., etc., etc. Terms of Sale are Cash (or a deposit will hold your selection) Ei All Sales Final WATOHES SEAPORTS ' JfEWELLaS GI S ---- DIAMONDS, MITCHELL OLD AGE SECURITY PENSIONERS: DO YOU QUALIFY FOR THE UARANTEED IP1O SUPPLEMENT? b By now you have received your application form and informa- tion booklet. Be sure to read the booklet carefully. If you qualify, apply early for your ,supplement. It will take some time to deal with the large number of applications. The sooner you apply the sooner you will have 'your first payment. Payments will be combined with" your Old 'Agee Security pension cheque. If you were entitled to a supplement as of January 1967, your first cheque to include the supplement. will cover payment for each month back to,Janu'ary. The new guaranteed income supplement is a monthly payment of $3,0 ,which will be -added to your $75 OId Age Security pension if you have no other income. If you do hale- other income,-butit i•sless than $720`a year($60 a month), you still qualify for a supplement but on a reduced -scale. This means that every OId Age Security pensionerin Canada is now guaranteed a monthly income of at least $105. A married couple is guaranteed at least $210 a month if both are OId Age Security pensioners. If you qualify, apply without delay. If -you need help in filling out your application, contact your nearest Old 'Age Security, Canada Pension Plan or Inconie Tax Office. Addresses are listed in your booklet. ISSUED BY HON. ALLAN J. MacEACHEN MINISTER OFNATFONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE • • 4