HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-02-16, Page 10roc THE: HURON EXPOSITO lR $E.,A TH,:t; Q1+1.T., F8%, 16, 1967 Ssociatiofl' Urges B G G Protection Against TB At the Canadian Tuberculo- ticated group. Yet chances of sis• Association, they are getting contacting "flu" are many times tired of reading that the Assoc- greater than the danger of con - fallen is against BCG, the vac- tatting tuberculosis — as thou - cine which gives about 80 per- sands of Canadians learn every cent protection against tuber- year. The usefulness of the vac- culosis. It just is not so. cine has been demonstrated. Dr. C. W. L. jeanes,, execu- Like BCG it. is not a guarantee tive secretary of the CTA, states .--� but it has a high degree of that for years and years the As- effectiveness. Is this classified sociation has urged BCG vaccin- information being concealed ations for all tuberculin-nega lest it be, learned by enemy tive hospital staff, nurses in agents? From the number of training, medical students, 'teen- people who go to their doctors agers and members of. house- for "flu" vaccination, one would holds where there is a person think so. Actually, the benefits with active tuberculosis. of the vaccine have been pub- . This adds up to some millions licized. of Canadians for whom vaccina- The trouble is that people do tion is recommended who have not like being vaccinated. In not been vaccinated, And why? Because they do not want toy be vaccinated and 'this is a free country. Quite a range •of •infectious diseases have peen virtually .wiped out in Cenada by inunun- ization — immenization of in- fants whose cries , of protest were heardbut not heeded. If the seine attitude could be adopted with teenagers, and they could all be marched along for 'immunization there is no doubt that the incidence of tuberculo- sis would drop sharply in the next few years. Since BCG provides 80 per- tent- protection it is reasonable to ask why the Canadian TB As- sociation and its....af_filiates are not' conducting an all-out cain- paicn to get all the tuberculin necativ'e men, woinen and child- ren in this country vaccinated with it. (Those who have been infected and react to the test have.as.m.uch protection as can be achieved.) Some idea of what is involved may be estimated by anydine who will take the trouble of asking 100 people met at bridge, the office, Club -s; -airline,- bowl- • ing or in buses, trains or planes, if they have been vaccinated against "flu". ' . If two or more have been, the questioner has almost certain- ly run into a medically sophis- News of ren this does not hinder the op- eration because infant's consent is not asked. - It happens, however, that where the incidence of tubercul- osis is low the best time for BCG vaccination is not infancy but the teens. This is not only the opinion of the. Canadian Tu- berculosis Association. It is al- so the view of the World Health Organization. A few, a very few Canadian communities, have endertaken a program to get high school students vaccinated. Where the effort is preceded by a sound educational campaign, the pro- gram works. NEWS of BR'ODHAGEN Brodhagen 4-11 Homemaking Club with the project "Sleeping Garments" met at the home of Mrs. Don Brown. The girls dis- cussed buying material, select- ing patterns and taking measure- ments concerning the sleeping garmentsthey will make. Linda Wolfe and Donna Push- elberg demonstrated "how to take measurements" and after- wards the girls took each other- _ers. -A new executive was 'elected with the following results: pres- ident, '"Karen Leonhardt: vices president; Janet Scherbarth; sec- retary, Donna Leonhardt; .trea- surer, Wendy Wolfe; press re- porter, Sharon Dietz; telephone .girls, Glenda Diekison and -Kar- en Leonhardt; leader, Mrs. Don- ald -Brown; assistant leader, Mrs. Ken Elligsen- Members takingthe • club are Glenda Diekisene Sharon_ .an Sheila `bietz, Donna and Karen Leonhardt, Donna, Jean and June Pushelberg, Janet Scher- barth, Wendy Trutter, Joyce Vock and Linda and Wendy Wolfe. The World Day of Prayer Service was held on Friday at St. Peter's Luthe •ran Church, here,' with Zion United, Bethes- da and Evangelical United Bre- theran of McKillop taking part along with the ladies of this congregation, about 60 attended. Mrs. Alfrieda Hartig, Kitchen- er, was the guest speaker with her topic being "And of His Kingdom there shall be no end." The service was prepared by the late Queen Salote of the Tonga Islands in the South Pd- cific, where the first observance of the World Day 'of Prayer 'is held each year. For many years the Queen led her people in -this observance. Mrs. Hartig de- scribed Queen Salote . as a per- son with a true charm of great- ness. She captured your at- . tention with her great height, her expressive eyes andher. frank arid winning smile. The late Queen was a devouted Christian, a Wesleyan in denom- ination and firmly established the .Christian religion in 'her • country, a chain of 150 small islands situated 1,000 stiles north of New Zealand. • Queen Salote ruled: for 47 years and devoted mirth of her time to the church, its meetings, choirs and general administra- tion. The Junior choir sang during the service • and- those taking part in the• service were from Zion: Mrs. Lloyd Barker, Mrs. Glenn Pepper, Mrs. R. S. Aik- ens, Mrs. Charles Roney and Mrs. Lorne Aikens. E.U.B., Mrs. Elmer Koehler and Mrs. Alvin Beuermann, Bethesda, Mrs. Alex. Drummond, Mrs. Ken Rock and Mrs. Orval Parrott. Brodhagen, Mrs. Reuben Buuck; Mrs. Edwin Scherbarth, Mrs. Constance St. James ;WI Has Mee ins The Catholic Wq nan's Lea- gue diet Tuesday evening in the school audi'oriun} with the president, Mrs,- Arthur Devereaux nresiding. Rev. Father J. Laragh opened the meeting with the League prayer.' ee . , Reports were •given by their Cective o. Mrs. ck ase, SocialfficersAction Convenor, reported plants and, treats giv- en to sick and shut-ins at Christmas and • Mrs. Gerald Van den Hengel reverted that treats were given to thechild- ren at Christmas. The Visiting committee for Februar-- are Mrs. James Kel- ly and Mrs. Arthur Dever- eaux. It was decided to give - a donation to Fathet1..- P. Ma- honey Bursary for the educa- tion to the priesthood, also a donation to the mission in Peru. It was decided to hold an euchre party en Friday, reb- ruary 24th in the school audi- torium with Mrs j'ohr Flan- nery and Mrs,• Harol;d'` alon- ey as convenors withlgroceeds for the Cubs, SCouts, Brown- ies and Guides. Mrs. Jack Case collected stamps for the neiesion and Father Laragh spoke ..briefly on Lent and Ash Wednesday: Mrs. James KeIly entertain- ment convenor, by. ,roduced the guest speakers, Sister Mir- iam and Sister Loretta Marie who gave a resume on the new 'mathematics taught in the different grades. They were thanked by Mrs. James Kelly. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Robert Huard. Lunch was served by Mrs. Gordon Noble, Mrs. Gerald Groothius and Mrs. Harry Arts. Prueter. Mrs. Schultz from Kit- chener also took part. Mrs, Edwin Scherbarth intro- duced the guest speaker and she- was thanked by Mrs. Man- uel Beuermann. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Sea - forth, spent the weekend with William Diegel. George'llAlogk has returned to his home after being a patient at the Community Hospital, Sea - forth. Mrs. Toleda Beuermann, Wat- erloo, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller and visited with other friends and relatives also. Mr, and Mrs. Adrian Konnings of Newry, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer last Wednes- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice, Paul, Mark and Judy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- mann and Jeffrey in .London. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray. Bennewies of London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ben- newies. Mrs. Ella. Jewitt attended the `Huron County -Children's Aid banquet held in Exeter, Wed- nesday evening. Miss Martina Wammes of Lon- don spent a few days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wammes. Sunday visitors; with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and family were Mr. and Mrs: Ron-Preszea' tor, Ronda and Ricky of Salt - ford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook and family of Clinton. Mr.- and Mrs., Douglas Riley, `Kim and Greg of Ajax, were -weekend visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mr. and Mrs. George Mcllwain and Lynn of Seaforth, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Medd and family of London, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Annie Medd. Mr. and' Mr's. Charles Hart of Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Anderson and family of Born- holm, Mr. Ron Riley of London 'and' Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Os- born and girls were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family. Lyle Adams of Londesboro, spent the weekend with Jim Medd. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Crediton, visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcae, tor and family. . Mr, Bill Hoggart • motored home from California last week after spending ; the past few weeks there-. George Addison had the mis- fortune to fall while working, breaking. his hip. He was a form- er resident of Constance. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Earlan Osborn- ' sborn' and family spent . Friday eve- ning visiting with Mrs. Murray Machan and family. The UCW met in the basement of the church, when Mrs. Geor- ge Mcfwain, second vice-presi- dent took the meeting with Mrs: Verne Dale acting as secretary. The study books 'for the Mes- sengers and the UCW have been received The Woldr's Day of Prayer Service followed and was con- ducted by .Mrs. Verne Dale, with the other members taking part. god- Cross Bruch Reviews • Activiti Financial statement of Sea- 2,000,000 dressings for.Blood forth Brandi of Canadian .Red Macs and Outpost Hospitals. Cross. Society for year ending December 31st, 1966. Receipts • News • of Cash on hand, Jan. 1/66 $342.22 Campaign Reoeipts 1364.66 Bank Interest 6.78 Ch from Red Cross Kippen I i Sholwers Noinor gide - elect ars. Lorne Carter eater - relatives end friends ata -kitchea. shower in honor of Miss Elizabeth Carter, bride -elect of this month. A programrne was present- ed, consisting of readings and contests by ' Mrs. Don Carter, Mrs. Jim Carter and Mrs. Ron Riley. Mrs. Don Carter read the address and:' -gifts were pres- eque ro, and Mrs. Norman Stan- ented to Elizabeth by Misses for Fire Disaster Aid 200.00 Mr. of Exeter visited with Christine Carter, Glenda Ril- $1913.66 Ir' Robert Thomson during ey, Cathy Hoelscher and Mr. • the week. Brian Riley. The bride -elect Expenditures Mr, and Mrs; Alex •McGreg- received a host of beautiful Expenses, re Blood Don- p�: lett by ca' last Wednesday gifts for which she expressed or' Clmtc $ 4,35 t r a vacation in Florida. her thank& and appreciation. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc -c' Lunch was served later. Health Work, (cod liver • 16 00 Ifia`r, of Seaforth visited Sun- A miscellaneous shower oil ' eapsuleS) c�� • with Mr. Oliver and Miss was held at the home of Mrs. Loan Cupboard (wheel '1Vf gar Stewart Dale with Mrs. Oliv- chair) 89.25 11 er Wright, "co.hostess, in hon - Water Safety Service. or of,Miss Elizabeth Carter. training of instrdctors a holiday in he programme consisted pins and -awards, etc. 123 Q 1Vir. and Mrs. A of a reading by Mrs. Elgin Workroom Supplies Nott and the contests were Coin Envelopes 16 $B d g a month >n conducted by lVfiss Suzanne Campaign Advertising Dale. Postage Stamps 200 Mr Ernest Whitehouse ho readeby bride'sMisGayleWright Fire Disaster Aid 200 00 s and gifts 'were. presented to Cash sent to Ontario Elizabeth by Mjsses Kaye Mc- -Division of -Canadian raving. Cowan, Gayle Wright and El - Red.. Cross 1167.21 I p Congratulations to Mr. and eine Dale. Elizabeth thanked Balance on hand News of Dublin Mr, and Mrs. James Eckert Rochester New York, with Mr. and Mrs.' George Coville. Miss Marie Krauskopf, of Hamilton with Mrs._ Cather- ine Krauskopf. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Loo- by in Florida. Mr. George Coyne has sold his farm in Hibbert Township anct moved inthe home of the -fate Mrs. ` Earl Hubbe which he' has remodelled. Mr. and Mrs. Coyne left for Flor- ida during the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Karen and Kevin, Weston, with Mr. and Mrs. Fran k' Evans. Mr. and Mrs. John Fawcett of London with Mrs. • John Holland. • Mr. and Mrs. Steve Malon- ey of Lindsay with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney. • Pilot Officer Jim New- combe, Montreal . with Mr. William Stapleton. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Costel- lo -and children, Kitchener, with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cos- tello:^ Mr. Jack Stapleton, Regina Mundi College, London at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Costello and Danny in London with Mr. Jack Costello and Mrs. Pete Groseck.• Mr. and Mrs. Neil Staple- ton and daughter, Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Agar and son, London, Mr. Frank Mc; Govern, Montreal, with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stapleton. • Mr. Wilfred Maloney has returned home from the Sea- fcrth Community Hospital. Mr. William Stanleton is a taura hock, Mrs. Dalton Hinz, patient in the Seaforth Hos- Mrs. Minnie Vock and Mrs. Lloyd pital. argareet McKay. Messrs.Wilson and Allan •Tremeer returned home from spentFlorida.. 6 Emerson n- 268.32 .derSon returned home Friday • since spending 16.80 Florida. w has been a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter for 3 weeks is reported to be im- e 'Mrs. Ross Faber for the gift .the ladies for their lovely 1913.66 of a son, born Feb. 10 at Sea• gifts•:after which a social hour $ forth Community Hospital, was snent. c also to Mr. and Mrs. Russell • Ontario' Women's Workroom Faber for the gift of a son Activities during 1966, 450 cases born Feb. 8 at South Huron containing 88,000 articles of Hospital,' Exeter. INVEST In a Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH Phone 527-1610 clothing and bedding, were sent to the League of Red Cross So- cieties' warehouses in Europe and Africa and to many desig- ated countries. 10,000 articles of clothing and bedding were distributed in our province. Ap- proximately. 4,000 volunteers made -98,000 articles of.clothing, comforts and bedding for Local and • overseas relief in the wo- men's workrooms in Ontario and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Carter, and baby of Chatham, spent the week end with the latter.'§ parents Mr. and Mrs:- Nelson Hood. Motorist: "How can 'I ever repay you for helping me get my car out of the ditch!" Farmer: "By cheque; cash or money order." BLUE - WATER REST HOME. ZURICH, ONTARIO • 17 Miles from Seaforth Brand new 65 bed home with qualified nursing and medical staff. Fully equipped. Has rooms for immediate occupancy. Cost $6.00 - per day ,For full details contact the Superintendent,' Box 220, Zurich, Ontario, or by telephoning 236-4373. op IS A BARGAIN IDURI G `IG�►'� CLASSIFIED ADS Births Too Late MELADY --Iii Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Feb. 9 to Mr'...and !% r.$;- 11heodore • Melady, RR 2 Dublin, a son. FABER — In Seaforth Con3- munity Ho's'pital, on Feb. 10 to Mr. and. Mrs. ' W. Ross Faber, Kippen, a son. Name Euchre. Winners Results of a euchre held at the Orange Hall, on Wednes- day evening are: ladies' high, Mrs. James McNairn; lonehands, Mrs. Robert Dalton; consolation, Mrs. H. Addicott; ntents high, Edward Pryce; lonehands, An- drew 'urnbull°;, consolation, John Tretiieer. Too Late FOR SALE — 25 chunks. Theo Van Bakel, phone Dub- lin 125 R 13. -1. FOR SALE -- One York sow due in one week. Tony Van Loon, 527-0317. -1 Winners at the OES,euchre ThursdayWere ladies' high, Mrs. Alex Wright, ladies lonehands, Mrs. Prank Maloney; ladies low, Miss iviaribn Coutts; Men's 1 01t; 14'SW 'Oliver; lonehands, 110614 Maloltey, and low, Ed PRICES EFFECTIVE FEB. 15-18 INCL.' SAVE 24c —.-- AYLMER CHOICE TO ATOES SAVE 32c , VANITY. (Asst'd Colours) .Bathroom 1 Tissue We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities i SAVE 48c • ESSEX PACKERS FULLY SKINNED READY -TO -EAT SHANK PORTION Smoked. Ham 75 LOST -= strayed from home about a week,ago, half. grown Beagle female pup, tail and white iCfslor. Leslie • Pepper,'' RR 4 Walton, phone 5.27-0506. FOR SALE Two wliite-fa- ted bull ,calves. Henry-Klaver RR 4 Clinton, 482-9156. 4 I wish to thank my neighbors' and friends for their cards, flowers and treats while a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. A• special thanks to Rev. Stuart, Dr. Busbee and nursing staff. All was deeply appreciated. — Gordon Rich- ardson. -1 4 Area Funeral ick - Harold I. Shera Harold 1. Shera, 61, Eg- mondville, died Thursday, at the Seaforth Community Hos- pitl. Bore at St. Marys, he come to this district in 1948. He was a -member of Eg- mondville United Church. ''• Surviving are: his wife, the former Evelyn E. Way; one son, Warren, at hoyne; three sisters, Mrs. William (Alice) Toms, London;. Mrs, Howard (Eva) . Marshall, Kitehene ri Mise, Mae, Waterloo. • Funeral Neil -lets were had at 2 n.m. Saturday at the G. A. Whitney funeral home, with Rev. D. Steven officiat-. ing. Temporary entombment was in Pioneer Mausoleum and later in laftland Bank Cemetery Pallbearers' were 'Preston, 'Hilt and Jack Dallas, Donate .'fankson. Keith Cross and Paul Marshall. tiememberl It tae' a but a • lemant to place an HExtlOrritArt *ant Ad .and be trioltey ,it►' i �ieirt't fib aiivettilet'►.: jug that ,Sefltorth 5274248. r r YOUNG CANADIAN, PRE -DRESSED, • BROILER FRESH RKEYS ESSEX PACKERS WIENERS . Pkg. 49 ESSEX PACKERS SMOKED. (1A's)- Cottage Rolls lb. 89t YOUNG PRE -DRESSED GRADE 'A' DUCKLINGS Ib. '6� GRADE 'A' 6-9 LB, SIZE c 1 L^.lii rrrir:lri •1 ,ei:': •,...1 .,:. 11111 001 00 0 0000000000 ,CLIP 91IS.VA1UA1Lf COUPON diY...Y1si'�r'• 00011 SPECIAL BABY BONUS OFFER! CUP THIS VALUABLE COUPOb _f AYLMER CHOICE - FRUIT COCKTAIL TOP VALU POWDERED MILK .. ROSE ,BRAND • Plain DILL PICKLES • o$oi'i . 4 %I: 1 • 1 -Ib.- 2 69 2 4 a,s • $1.00 SPONGE PUDDINGS . Pkbs- 1.00 MONARCH'' ASSORTED •• 9 -oz. $ INSTANT 32.OZ. OR QUICK 36 -OZ. QUAKER OATS CREST • pkg. 39 ; E SAVE FamTuily-Sibeno $1.00 TOOTHPAST 19e SHAMPOO HEAD AND SHOULDERS MeMed«olio soSize ilio •O BIRDSEYE AWAKE FROZEN ORANGE, 12 -oz. �fF � BREAKFAST DRINK . ROASTF POTAOES SOLO PARCHMr;NT ' MARGARINE - SHIRLEV GAY' SLI�EBCRRI( PIE:.. .r tin 414-oz0 p°Il' • bags 3 Pkgs 1kes $1•00. •/ 24pieoz. 590 CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I. , ®n i►c BAG U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA ORANGES tg, 2 D...79' ONT. GROWN FANCY ' Mac APPLES ' Bag 39 U.S. 'NO. 1 TOP YALU 14 -oz. TOMATOES 2. Pell,° 4q- CAN. NO. 1 CARROTS U.S. NO. 1 SPANISH' ONIONS U.S. NO..1 SPINACH 2.3 -ill. • 2 lbs. 39f 2 10 -os. Cello 49 Pkgs. FREEE caul IOND STAMPS wt ;Lit. v1*, y..# '4ii Kaa1.74%.°oe. .'iwN ,.. n:l a. ILKINSON'S SEAFORTH 'Give Your Children an, Gslucationai Boost Witk ... Art kinkletter's PICTURE .ENCYCLOPEDIA for boys and giris YOnly ell. y0* sen This VygeKla tIANDbiL4 POtt FULL PAt%iiOULAits' •.