The Huron Expositor, 1967-02-16, Page 9M It 'I USE THESE CLASSIpiC_ATIQN S E rir TO YOUR A.gVAN.TA •.. 1. Coining Events 2. Lost. Strayed • 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5, Business Opportunities 6: Teachers Wanted 7. Situations',^Wanterd S. Farm Stock For Sale .9. Poultry For .Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 1.2. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17 Wanted To. Rent • 18. Property, Wanted 19. Notices , 2Q. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22, Legal ' Notices 23. --Business Director! 24. Cards of Thanks 25'.' In Memopiam 26. Personals Stock For Sale 8. FFarm�t � TIi11EE piaxebred Lac0 rnbe boars, registered and gualr'#r1- teed. j3(101 fat. Probed with one having average back fat of .83 inches in 151 days. Ap- ply George . Tavgnsend; RH 3 Seaforth, phone 527-0096. • -. 5-634 14. Property For $,ale - M1tc e11, Seaforth, Wtilton, 1VIon ton-Li&toWe'1 and a° ford areas; -50 Acres, 3 miles from Strat- ford • on paved road includ- ing b u i Id in s. Priced $a.2,0'0A.00. 100 acres- close to Avonbank, No buildings, $19,0,00.00. 1.00 ace six mites from Strat- ford on county.road. Dairy farm. $38.000.00,.: 115 acres east of `Clinton. Dairy farm.. Whole line of machinery included. $22,000.00. 125 2ine buildings close todWal Wal- ton. - - 15 $35,000.00. Winthrop. As- king a Strat- 9 Poultry Far Sale.._. KTMRFR t.FGTORN Dav Old and S'ta'rted Pullets .R:ed x "S x Red Pullets ;Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- 4ers early • -SCOTT POULTRY F.>t.RMS LTD. Seaforth • Phone 527-0847 ' Ent 180 19-61 tf" Classifier' ads art Inserted at •. rate of 2 cents per . word. - Leach' number, Initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to .tbe follow- ing',minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8. 9. 10, 11, 12. 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25. minimum 65c, plus 25c for each .4 -line verse. All other......classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders. Wanted (21), and Legal lotices (22). rates ,on applica- tion. -For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 't ..,.,,. ��.•r.nf Para 'For Sale FIFTY -three Mercury ; half ton pick=up, above.average' body, ' $75.00. Phone 527- 1532 after 5:30. 10-63-1 11 A'Hulot rni' gain PIERCED ,Earrings now at half price at Anstett Jewel- lers Ltd. . 11-dl-tf SILVERWARE Special. 50 piece sets, drawer chest in- cluded only $79.95. Anstett- Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf NEED a 'clock! We have a large selection of alarm, kit- chen,. • decorator and mantel clocks. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf REMEMBER the Knights of Columbus St. Patrick's Dance on Friday, March 17th, ' Leg- ion Hall ,Seaforth.. Dancing 9 pain: Admission $1.50 eachby ,ticket only and • limited to those 21 and over. Tickets available from any K of C member. 1-63-1 2. 1,04. Strayed , WHITE male cat, answers to "Whitey". Reward. Call after 6 p.m. Mrs. Wm. Brown, 43. 'Jarvis Street, phone 527-0442. 2-63x1 4. dein Wanted. CONTACT US FOR. FREE MAILING AOR TSAOF FARMS• FOUR -burner Moffat electric stove. A 1.s o 4 -burner gas stove, used but in good con- dition. Sills' Hardware. 521- 1620, Seaforth. 11-62-2 WE have the following at lowest nrices:-Polaroid Swing- er . Cameras. electric shavers. „p recorders, transistor rarl- ios,,-hairdryers. Anstett Jaw: ellars Ltd. 11-61-tf N:NGt.TSTT . dinnerware' --bv Johnson Bros. of England. 50 niece sets of -8. over 40 pat- terns to choose from.- only 529.95. Anstett Jewellers r •til. 11.61-tf Jewellery Repairs WANTED immediately: rep- resentative for the New Books of Knowledge for, " Seaforth and Area. Full or part time., Apply to Bax 1624, Huron Ex- positor. ' 4-57-tf GIRL or woman to work . in Snack .Bar from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Apply Box •1634, Huron Expositor., 4-63-1 LADY as companion for eld- erly lady in Seaforth, Ontario. Apply to Harold Cummings, RR 3 Atwood. Phone collect 356-2877. 4-63x1 APPLICATIONS WANTED WANTED Township of Hibbert VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT -•(Stratford) :..Notices., k. , Telephone - Office: 271-2050 Don McTavish - Res: 625-8788 Joe Delesie - - Res: 393-6216 14.63-1 We do all types of jewel'lery repairs Rine Si7ine Retia C1avlrs Rebuild Shanks Read RPstringtne Repair costume, Jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • 11-61-tf WALK-IN refrigerator door, suitable for milk room:: eeii- 'ng gas unit heater, 85.000 B.T.U.; also wall as furnace.' all in working order. Anily at Wilkinson's IGA, 11.63.1 R0RT)ER-Collie nuns, four mrmths old. Neil Ryan. Wal- ten,- Phone 527-Q668. 11-63-1 PEd•TST1 Ef) white minia- ture noodles. male. 10 weeks nlr1.,,eall 527-1026. Ed Gertsrh RR a Walton. 11.63.x2 POT,ARfTD Swinger Camera. revs, half price. Phone 577- nR27.... Applications will be recei- ved by the undersigned until 6 p.m. March 3rd for Warble Fly Inspector for 1967. Please state hourly wages expected and mileage rates., Lowest or any application not necessar- ily -accepted. -- ANNE BURCHILt, Clerk Dublin, .Ontario - 4-63-2 5. Bus.' Opportunities Grow- •Cucumbers and 'make Extra Money. If • you have i" an acre or more, grow cucumbers for BICK'S Top Prices, all hybrid 'seed. Free Fick -gp at gate. For information apply to Albert Kramers, . ' 11-63x1 'rvv°) Stoves. coal or wood. brit .dater heater.' very good condition, Phone. 577-00118 Joe Van Dooren, RR.5 CPa- forth. . . 1.1-63x1 NAY by the hale 45c. straw by the bale RQc. K. Boven PP 1 Seaforth, phone 527- 17.38, 11-63-1 • SEED GRAIN' Russell Oats certified or Can., No. 1 Garry -Oats, certified- or Can No. 1 Keystone Barley, certified Selkirk Spring Wheat and Herta Barley available .mlxecl With oats by special order un- til March Ilth. Also early order discount un- til March llth. ART BOLTON Phone 527-0455 RUSSELL BOLTON Phone '527-1428 1i-63-tf tri. Property For Rent Dead Roc ATWOOD PET •FOOD SUPPLY under New Garret. Sl>ri tl . We are here to •give- YOU faster . service and• better" prices, paid on the. ;spot* for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00. AND UP. FOR' ANY ., . ANIMAL .WEIGHING} OVER 70.0 .BS., aC ding1. to size and 'condition. SnIBII ?' animals picked up,..free, free veterinary tnsp;tanT Call Collect-1A.t 000d.358=622 24 hrs. a day-- .days >IK .week Lic. No. ,401-C-65.., • MODERN,._ .apa!'t- ment. Phone. 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-61-tf 18. Property Wanted' Wanted To Biiy .HOUSE IN SEAFORTH , with 2 or 3 bedrooms, prefer- ably a cottage or bungalow with modern conveniences and in good condition. • BOX 1633, ' THE HURON. EXPOSITOR 18--62-2 • Remember! It takes but 'a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad_ and be money in pocket. To advertise. just Dial Seaforth 527 -0240 - IN SEAFORTH, . three bed- room modern home. Posses- sion' within 4 to 5 • months Write to - Box 1635, Huron Exposito> giving location, de- scrintion,and price. 18-63-2 $ILK'S OF CANADA 'Dublin, Ont. • Phone 305-63-1 R 3 7. Situations Wanted MIDDLE-AGED lady' desires housekeeping in comfortable home, after March 1st. Money not an asset. Apply Sox 1635 The ,Huron Expositor. 7-63-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale TEN nice pigs. , K. Boven, . RR 1 Seaforth, phone 84134 5 - 1738. . CarlHVanderzon, 5271.772old. -63x1 TWO polled Shorthorn bulls, registered, t Wenty-two months old. Bill Butson, Staffs Call 48 R 13, Dublin.- 8-63x1 TEN pigs, 7 Weeks old, three white-faced bull calves. Tony De Jong, RI;j.3 Seaterth, Call 482-9083, 8.63x1 ABERDEEN' :Angus club Calf prospects, also 8 lye cis ' j> bred, to aood llttll. R..Doig, North MViai i.; Street, SeiJ.dl"rth 21. Tenders ''anted • WARBLEIY.. CON L • TRO TOWNSHIP .4/F STANLEY. • ,No. 1 -Applications will he received by the Township of Stanley for the position of Warble Fly Inspector for the year 1967. Inspector must be familiar with the • Warble '.l'1y ' Act and must, keep an accurate record of cattle sprayed. Salary will be $1.60 per. hour and 8c• per mile for mile- age, Applications to beark- ed as' such an to' be jnn .the bands of the clerk by, March 4th, 1967. No. 2 -Tenders will be re- delved by the Township of Stanley or spray S ca. FAST SERVICE 197. The • township will' sup - All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. No. 3 -Tenders will be re - Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth ceived for supplying approxi- 19-61-tf mately 1,000 pounds of War - WATCH REPAIRS f for Warble Fl Control for I ply the powder. Tenders to state'price per head per spray. All work to conform with the terms of the Warble Fl.* Act. ' 11'usinesi Directory, t �u n.e er 1. FARM and FURNITURE SALE COlt1DUCTEP' R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 1Vlonkton• .1. ,.-BUi lSE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service ' DUBLIN • ONTARIO Night or.Day Calls t'hone 43 'R 10 - - (;. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME - . C,oderich .St. W. Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital ,beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 5271390 Seaforth Auctioneer and Appraiser OXFORD DEAD STOCK- - REMOVAL Oxford Dead Stock Remov- al Ltd., pays lc per lb. for freshly dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals picked up. 24 , hr. service, '7 days ` a week. Jim Murray and Sons - Hickson, Phone collect. 462-2614' Licence No. 85-C67 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equips lent used. All work guaranteed. Write • or phone LOUIS BLAKE,; RR2. Brussels, phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424: 19-61-tf ble Fly powder, prices to be• quoted on 15 pound and one pound bags. delivered to the township shed, in Varna. Sealed tenders for each' of the above, clearly marked as c',ntents, will be received 1- . the underkigned until March 4, 1967. , Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Remember! It takes but 'a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money 'in pocket. • To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser. vice for all makes. Filter Queen Rales Varna. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. Hensall. 19-61-tf. 19. •Notices CALL REG SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering; farm signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins, plastic signs, gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton. -Phone 482-9793. 19.-604f The Brussels Centennial Com- mittee would like 'to obtain names and addresses of for mer Brussels residents who are now living in other areas. Please send them to" Mrs. D. C. Matheson, Brussels, Ontar- io, Box 157. 19-63-1 JUST arrived! Another sup- ply of the all popular Manu- facturers' Life Map of the World calendars. Yours for, the asking at John A. Cardno Insurance Agency, Seaforth. 19-63-1 12:1 Wanted, To,, Buy HIGHEST prices paid for live ft the farni• PhOne'-,lilTon Bed nnett 11 alB ANTIQUE 'ftri'iilttire; °pictures frames, cupboards, lamps=dnd dishes, etc., Will buy individ- ual pieces orcomplete house- hold. Phone' 271-1578. . • 12.81-tf WANTED HAY, straw, corn and gr any quality or quantity, L Watson, 13 Pullamore Rd., Brampton, Ontario, -p hone 4514804. ' 12-54-15 CHESTS of drawers, cup- boards, picture frames, hall trees, dishes, lamps, chairs, books. Phone 271-1578, Strat- ford. 12-614f DOWNSTAIRS apartment, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, livingroon"i and bathroom. Frank Nigh, Phone 527.0477, , 15.63-1 Wanted to Buy Buckwheat for Seed - vvi11 pay .$65.00 Per torr,. delivered, uncleth ed. Must see sample first. Also Oats at $1.00 per bus: for good- feed oats. ALUIX Tyr. STEWART, & SON 1 likiife 2934211, Mia Chitty ' orrio d , TRI TOWN .. BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CLSEAFORTH G ERICII AREAS Five 'Years Experience in all • • Phases of Bookkeeping: Phone 482-92.80 20. Auction Sales AUCTION SALE Fifty registered and grade holsteins to be sold at the farm, 11/4 miles west of Bruce - field, Y4 mile south on TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st_ at •1:30 p.nr. sharp CATTLE - The. herd of Orland Battler, Zurich,will. be, sol -d, cattle mostly all reg- istered, vaccinated) 'and bred from Waterloo sires. This is a choice lot of young dairy cows and bred heifers. Bal- ance of the sale are high grade holsteins. Cows and heifers fresh and due Febris' ary and March. One 3 -unit milking machine MEL GRAHAM,' Clerk Brucefield, Ontario 21-63;2 19-61-tf ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, -153-Lfght- libusre St, Goderieh, phone 524- 6514. 19-61-tf DEAD ANIMALS ° REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT D. rling Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No.,• ,350-C-65 19-61-tf 4 "g NOTE - Anyone wanting good dairy cattle should plan to . attend this sale. HORSES - Team of , Bel- gian mares, 5 and 6 years, well broken. Terms - CASH D'Arcy Rathwell, sales man- ager Auctioneers: EMIL McLEL.- LAN & BRUCE RATHWELL 8-63-1 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives ;r f' Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect, 19-81-tf SEPTIC TANKS; CLEANED. , 21. Tenders Wanted :i. lzusineS' Directory 25. IR"MOVOnalli 110,0RSON---=In Ors: of our, -mother, Mrs ;1±717 abeth Rogerson, w o ' parsed alvar February :8th, " 1965, ger ii€e axed inspiration *ere A life of service: and of pray--. , of kiiddl Each day so, i'uR ... ... �' deeds , 'S'o fulling' otber'S' neee! s. So oft She trudged the ;second ,rule Always, found time to chat a while Her voice, her smile now, both are gone . • Thank - God her infiluence linges on.' She sacrificed, she. gave her best, How peacefully she looked at rest Her work on earth was done, well done, We are her debtors --every one. ' • --Lovingly remembered by her (family. i 25-63pcf. Licensed and capable_..iri sell- ing all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates. Bruce Rathwell Brucefield Phone 482,3384 23-634f vteCOTJNELI FTFWART Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. P . D. ,MeCONNELL, Q.C. D. I .STEW ART ' eaforth. Ont Phone 527-0850 fOHN 1 T,f)NTCCTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: rues., Thurs., Fri.. 9 to 5:30 p.m Sat.. 9 to 12 noon r'hursday evening by appoint ment only Phone 527-1240 - or 482.7010 lion., Wed. - Clinton Office A. W. 61LL.r.lt Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. office. 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth- ' - Ontario ,BOX FUNERAL SERVICE. Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service ' - Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 -- Nightt'527-0885 A. -M. HARPER Chartered Accountant , 55.57 South' Street •Telephone Goderich 524-7562 W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and .FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 52'7-0510 SEAFORTH VETERINARY • CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cu17is, D.V.M., V:S. J. -.P. Raab, B.A.; D,V,M., V.S. (Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth,. GRAVEL TENDER Twp. of Tuckersmith For the crushing and haul- ing of approximately 20 y ,00 cu. yards of gravel to Town- ship Roads in 1967; Pia''. screen ; to be used and the crusher to be shovel -fed. Contractor to supply all re- quirements and to obtain and supply all gravel. Tender to state pit locations and : the ap- proximate yardage to be de- livered from each. Work to be completed un- der the supervision of the Road Superintendent and sub- ject to the ' approval of the Dept. of Highways of Ontario. Tender to state price' for completion of contract° by June 30, 1967 and a price for completion of 'contract by October 15, 1967. Tenders to be clearly mark- ed "Tender - Gravel" and must be in the Road Superin- tendent's hands by 5:00 p.m. ori March 6, 1967 and will be opened and considered on March 7, 1967. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $.,00.00. - Lowest of any tender not necessarily accepted. ror further particulars, con- tact the undersigned. lliodein eguiptitent. We 8ttstir• antee ail •work. Write ar .1Iarve Daly, Seaforth, phone 527-1406+ 11) 414 A.`t,IJA +NIC11bLSON, Read, ei lt'itn �1 io Egrrioiidv tie, O ' 21.63'1, 4'. h4..Lards::.ot_ ThloWi.__ Births St. ,epwslospi o til fa!ad rs February JO, to Mi' Mrs.: iiohy 4 ' illianplaop,. i Vigo o ar ilrlary EB A xi 3'�.i Michael John emelt°It tokoO Mit IneXnent Ito i'liee 8n ' c$to#! Want sulci. he In49er itot,k,. et,,, To advertise ,just ,pull ' Sem forth, 52747A0. UHEEtt. . t In loving Inemor of ' a dear mother; 1VMarthe, whopassed away February -19 1964. What would we give if we ' could say "Hello Mom" in the same old' -way, To hear your voice, to see ' your smile, - To sit and talk with you a- while. The times we spent together The happy hours we knew We live again so often In our memories of you. --Lovingly remembered by Ron and Marion.: 25-63x1 WALTERS -.In loving mem- ory Of Frank Walters, who Passed away three years ago, February 9. 1964. . Loving and kind . in all his ways, Upright. and .just to the end of his days, Sincere and kind in heart and mind, What a beautiful memory he left behind. -Remembered by his wife and family. -- 25-63x1 I --wish. to thank all my friends neighbors and relatives for their kindness with flowers, gifts, cards and,.. visits while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to nurses and staff, Dr. Stapleton, Dr. Town and Rev. D. Stuart. -- William 24-63-1 J. Clark. I wish to thank all my neigh- bors and friends' for ,.the very nice cards, flowers and treats also Dr. Brady, Dr. Quinlan, Dr. Lindsay and Dr. Sproat nurses and staff at the Strat- ford General Hospital, while I- was a patient there. It was all greatly appreciated and many thanks. - Sam Shinen. 24.63x1 I wish to thank all my neigh- bors,, friends and relatives for cards, gifts, treats and flow- ers received while I• was a patient in: Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital. Special thanks to,;- Drs. Brady and Markus, Father Bensette and the hos- pital staff,. - Rosemary O'- Connor. ' 7.. 24-63x1 HO To Write A Classila+¶ AIWA'S% 181 start OW' 4141telitieenie with tliO nttti Of" or seriiice o r hisrifi ;tbs d ltir. If ii'llittre7 an' a!e11t ' or' roorti for->retit or , «per ty-tor',:sale, eta't't `, oiiry ad- vertisement with Rhe loCa - tion.• - 2 -BE CLEAR. Readers respond. more quickly and' favorabJ when given complete, or def- inite information. 2 -MAKE IT EASY for th reader -prospect to , reach. , you. Always insert your; telae* phone' number or your narno' and address, preferably- ._ both, and give both the road's number and the town. If you do not have regular hours, give a ' preferred time to have prospects con- tact you. , 4 -PLACE - YOURSELF in the reader's position' and ask yourself what you would like to know (about your of- - fer). The answer you give will make a goad Classified Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Brown of Egmondville, wish to an- nounce the engagement • of their daughter, Norah Dianne to Mr. Stephen Joseph Mich- eal Eckert; son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. •Eckert, Dub-, lin.- The marriage ' to take place in St. Patrick's Church; Dublin on Saturday, March 4, 1967 at 2 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lamont- wish amontwish to announce the engage' ment of their only daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. Frank M. Boyle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Boyle, Exeter, Ont. The marriage to take place in the First Presbyterian Church Saturday, March 4, 1967 at 7:30 p.m. xl Births ROCK -`In St. Mary's Hos- pital, Kitchener, on Feb: 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rock (nee Dorothy Ross) . a son Kevin Michael Ray. 5 -CLASSIFIED readers' are al- ready interested in 'buying your used or new merchan- dise. These people have tiha money and are already in the market to buy. So give them every advantage you can with good ad copy. It's -best to give the price. 6 -WANT ADS THAT FAH. d to bring satisfaction' so, not through any .lack of .readership, but because they are often carelessly.. worded and donot contain epough information to get p'ronlpt. action. 7 -PLACE YOUR ADVERTISE- MENT in .•.The HURON EX- POSITOR •-where you reach the greatest number of tential classified buyers at.,.• the least cost per thousand readers. . ' NO, .TOURISTS HAVE LOST. A111 -t IN THE EXISTENCE OP US - - BOMINAELE SNOWMEN'. ,1 )ITS PICK HIM UP, IJj��� WIENDELL,'IWE POoR- j,/ LAMS 60114,1/41i1 BE NAI.'F FROZEN WE SPEND YEARS TRYING TO GET RID OF THE OLD SCH00L,WE BUILD A SPANKING NEW, UP- -TO-DATE MODERN ONE... 1• NOW COME `jOJ'RE NOT N SCHOOL, '1d 3NG MAN? .. r AND WHAT DOES NE PAINT? THE OLD DELAPiDAT•ED SCHOOLHOUSE -DOESN'T PROGRESS MEAN ANYTHING TO :CHEM? i�l I Dot THE MEASLES 'tht.01•f! SOVE i THIS KiND you ,:AN 6E1 HUNNERG:, 1 oF: Times! 11II1,! rd•• 1111 1 ANNA AND LANA! 01-1, I WISH I HAD A TYJINQ ; • sutl(lplilrtu,uU au,.Uuu,,,,,•w,,,," , • • DRAIN& TEA.:HEI25 NAL.K'1! SP4DIN6 PARENTS WILD! LIFT: MUST GE A BLAST!! THAT'S WHAT Y0U THINK! WHAT MORE Do You WANT? �J"fE T.n11,1 BOYS'!