HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-02-09, Page 9r 0 10. ao . • USE l'11.6'Sg cl,A6SIFICATIONS TO. YOpR. ADVANTAGE 1 Coming Event 2 Lnst Strayed ' 3 Fund 4. Help Want 5 Business Opportunities 6 Teachers ..Wanted - 7 Situations 'Wanted 8 Farm Stock For Sale Poilltry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11 Articles For Sale 12. Wanted Tn Buy 13 wanted 14 Prnperty Fnr Sale 'i5 la-nperty For Rent lfl Fnr Cale or Rent 17 Wanted To Rent 18 Property Wanted 19 Not iee's • 2n Auction Sales 21 Tanaers Wanted 22T.g1 otices ,;,,3 nosiness lairectoi7 24 Car& of ',Thanks 25 Tn Wiencor-iam 2a Peastmals" Classifier' ads , inserted at P rate of 2 cents per word Each number initial and ab- breviation emints as one word Ads are subject to the follow. the minimums. Classificationr 2. 3. R 0 to 11 12, 13. 15 and 17 minim:1m 40e an insertion. Classification .25 minimum 65c plus 2'54. for' 'arh 4•Iine verse 411 nther ,laasifivations, mini s mum rt per insertion except \ 'lotion Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted '211 and Legal Notice,. i221 ratpa nn applica• tion For eash' oayrrlent, qr if paid by 10 days following last inser 'Ion, 15 CENTS deducted from liboYe antes RESERVE March 17 for Soc- ial evening. St. Patrick's Catholic Women's League, Dublin.' 1,62-1 VALENTINE Dance, WAll,tfon Hall, Friday, February,. Ilth. Desjardines Orchestra. Lunch booth. Sponsored by,,the. W.I. DANCE at the Brodhagen Community Hall, Fridiry,Feb- ruary 10. Music by the N 6:g velies. 1-62-1. BOY SCOUT Paper Drive. Save your papers now for pick-up first ,part of May. Watch this paper for further particulars. For information contact David Schenck, 527- 1115 1-60-3 SUNDAY, A,pril 23, 7:30 p.m. Come and hear Rev. Gordon Winch, "the Padre of. the Pubs" in Wesley Willis Unit- ed Church, Clinton. Special music by the Centennial Youth Choir. under George Culla, I-62-1 Lost, Strayed WOULD the person who took my topcoat from the Legion Hall in Seaforth in mistake, on Saturday night, pl e as e contact Francis Maloney RR5 Seaforth, phone 102 R 8 Dub- lin: 2-62x1 3. Found PAIR of black leather mitts in Town H,aU ApPly, to' Box 1632, Huron .Expositor: 3-62-1 • 4. Help Wanted •WANTED inunediately: rep- resentative for the New Books of Knowledge for Seaforth and Area. Full or part time. Apply to Box 1624, Huron Ex-. positor. 4-57-tf Accountant and Bookkeeper Experience in bookkeeping . and a . good . knowledge of farm supplies an met, Salary $70, to $83 per week depend- ing on qualifications. Seaforth Farmers °Co-op. 4-62-1 CLERICAL.. ASSISTANT REQUIRED FOR HURON COUNTY LIBRARY Minimum "starting salary $2,400 plus alloWance for ex- perience; typing essential. Submit written application to the undersigned 'before February 15th, 1967. • JOHN G. BMW Secretary.TreaSurer 'Hilton County Library Board Court House; "laiiitleriali, Ontario - 4 -624 Pus, Opportunities - I H. Nrticies For 'Sale FULL parahne unusual FOUR.:burnCi iloffataeittic oPPOrtunity fqr roen'for •Avorn- en. This: area open fqr those interested • a good steady in- cOme. ,Retirenient possible. Apply to'Box 1631; The Hor- en positor. 5-61x2 1.4trut stock k'or Sale FIFTEEN, ,pigs, '7' weeks old. John Jewitt, 527,1808. 8-624 BUNCH of good strong pigs, suitable for winter. A. R. Dodds. 8-62-1 TWO white-faced bull calves. C. De Corte, Rft"2.-Seaforth, phone 527-1628. - 8-62-1 TEN pigs, 2 months old. John M,. Holland, phone 527-1012. 8-62-1 TWENTY -five pigs, 10 Weeks old, Ken Ryan, RR 1. phone 102J1 5. 8-62x1. FIFTEEN good pigs, K.• Bov- en, R11,1 Seaforth, phone 527-1738: - 8-62-1 TEN.pigs, '7 weeks old. Lou McIver, phone 43 R 25, Dub- lin. 8-62-1 THIRTY pigs; 8 weeks old. Peter Van Drunen, RR 5 Sea - forth, 8-62x1 TWENTY small 'chunks of purebred stock; one Hereford cow 'with calf 3 weeks old; one 'Hereford cow carrying second calf, due in March. W. C. Millson, phone 527-1167. 8-62-1 ABERDEEN Angus club calf Prospects also 43 heifers -just bred to good bull. One bull 1'1/2 • years old, choice breed- ing. R. J. Doig, North Main Street, Seaforth, phone 527- 0763. 8-62-tf • ETGHT bred, Holstein heifers all due between May and July. Phone 482-9265. John Van Beers, RR 1 Clinton. 8-61x2 l'oult-t7s For Sale ' KINIBER, LE•Gli.O.RN Day t:14xtg4. Red x S Rrtaa Puliets -Mixed Ch&1 and iceelsgoefla- Available new: BOW: •Y(Mr o. ers • SCOTT PO ULAT, Y FARMS," LTD. _ —Sea/orth _ Phone 527-0847 Box. 18U 19-61-# 11. Articles For Sale PIERCED Earrings now at half price at Anstett Jewal- lers Ltd..11--8-rtf SILVERWARE Special. 50 piece sets, drawer chest in- cluded only $79.95. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. • , 11.61-tf NEED a clock! We have a large selection of alarm, kit- chen, decorator and mantel clocks. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-61-tf WE have the following at lowest prices: Polaroid Swing- er Cameras, electric shavers, Lupe recorders, transistor rad- ios, hairdryers. Anstett Jew- ellers Ltd. • 11-61-tf ENGLISH dinnerware by Johnson Bros. of England. 50 piece sets of 8, over 40 pat- terns to ',dhoose from, only $29.95. Anstett ,Jewellers Ltd. , ' 1'1-61-tf ORDER yOur'flowers for Val- entine .now. Mums, • Hyacinths Daffodils and • mix pots at Staffen'a Greenhouse, Jarvis St. Free -delivery in town— open evenings, 11-62-1 QUANTITY 'of feed corn and mixed 'grain. ' 1000 hales of straw. Phone Blyth 5234409. •• 11-62x1 TWO quarters of..choiee beef. Stanley Jackson, RR 2. Kip - pen, phone 527-1927. 11-62x1 FOR PIONEER, SEED (QRN CONTACT: LEONARD LOVELL Kippen, Phone 262-5030 1'1 -61 - Jewellery Repairs °•_ We do all types of jewellery repairi • Ring Sluing Retip Claws • Rebuild Shanks' Bead -Restringing Repair costume Jewellery. Anstett JeWellers Ltd. 11-61-tf WORTH $50.00' on ,Singer 600-11 • Sewing. Machine LIMITED STOCK EXPIRES FEB. llth . • NAME ADDRESS SEND OR BRING TO Singer Co. of Canada ‘• 40 West St., Goderich, Ontario • 11-61-2 Every week more people over What Mighty jobs • are accoMplished by low agt positOr Want Ads. niai 52/-02A6, stove, Als 4 -burner gas stove, used but in pod een- ditlen. Sills' Hardware, 527- 1620, Seaforth, 11-62-2 HUDSON seal fur coat, „ full length worn two seasons. Will fit size 14 or 16. FliOne 527- 1°020%4" bales of mixed bay and 11-62x1 3 white-faced calves.H^rman VanF3alt61, RR 2 Dublin, 55 R 1g Dublin. 11-62x1 A QUANTITY of mixed grain also shelled' corn. Arnold Taylor,. Brucefield, 482,79155. • 1162-1 ELECTRIC stove, $25. Re- frigerator, $50: "good condi- tion, Phone evenings, 527- 0075: 11-62k1 HAY by the bale 45c, straw by the bale 30c. K. Boven, IRR 1 Seaforth, phone 527- 1738. 11-62-1 12. Wanted To Buy . HIGHEST prices paid for live fowl, picked up' at the farm. Phone 1ton Bennett, Walton, 527-0887. -12-62-4 ANTIQUE furniture, picturee frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. ' 12-61-6 WANTED HAY, straw, corn and grain, any quality or quantity. Len Watson, 13 Pullamore Rd, Brampton, Ontario, p h o n e 451-4804. 12-54-15 CHESTS of drawers, 0 -1P - boards, picture frames, hall trees, dishes, lainps, chairs, books. Phone 271-1578, Strat- ford. 12-61-tf Pronerte Fnr Rent DOWNSTAIRS apartment, 4 bedrooms, • kitchen, living - room., and bathroom. Frank Nigh;. phone 521-0.477: 10--62-1 — Stere, PhOne 02.7.426,1t 15-614' VIODE.R$I 2-130,1'09ln part - Ont 1:11,•rne• 527i0810 or alx- otgr,• 22'5450. 15'-61-tf It'Fbr Sale or Rent it,t84,ix--ou--nBwr-- .4- berlrborn house on John St., riew gas furnace, kitchen cupboards a n d hardwoOd floors. Available March lst. Phone 527-0394. 16-61x2 18. Property Wanted Wanted To Buy HOUSE IN. SEAFORTH with 2 or 3 bedrooms, prefer- ably a cottage, orbungalow with modern conveniences and in good condition.' , BOX 1633, THE HURON EXPOSITOR 18--62-2 19. N ott nes CALL REG SMITH SIGNS for truck letterhig, farm signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins, plastic signs gold leaf. All work guaranteed. Corner East and High, Clinton, Phone 402-9793. 19-60-tf ' TRI - TOWN • BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CLINTON•— SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience all • Phases a Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 • 19-61-tf ELECTROLUX, Canada Ltd. Sale's and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- amse Sta Goderich, phone •524 8514. ' 19-61-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED • For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Compitny of Canada Ltd. PLhioctieenc4041tr 351k4814-h69.6'14f .• VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser Vita for all makes. Filter Queen Rensall.. • gales: Varna. .Phone 21%2:65 s 61 41, NOTICE . , We are shipping4cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, Or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 a 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-61-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern ennipment Used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 52'74424. 19-614 SEPTIC TANXS • CLEANED Modern eclidInneilt 10, guar- antee all work. Write or tut Troves! Dale, Seaforth, phone 52/4406. se 19. Notices Dead Stock • APAOOD PET FOOD. SUPPLY' ,• • 1 *0,0104,0XPAOITOttf, PIANO% ONZP ' • under New Management Garnet Smith We are here. to give you faster service and better qrices, paid on the spot for lead or disabled cows and horses. S5 00 AND UP FOP etNY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and cnndition. Smaller animals picked up free also free veterinary inspection Call Collect Atwood 356-2622 24 hrs a day -7 days a week .Lic No 401-C-65• 19-61-tf Remember. it takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and he money M pocket Tn advertise, jut DiaI SP aforth .527-0240 wArrrT-1 RFT ATRS r" QT Q.`aTITICE Atl work .7naranteed • ar'TFTT - WW1 Ltd ohnn, c97 Sop fr..-tV. 1 1 19 -61 -ti OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL • Oxford Dead Stock Remov- al Ltd. pays lc per .lb. for freshly dead or disabled cows and horses. Small animals nicked up. 24 hr. service, 7 dayse week. Mtrray aact...'Stn* inoiqs;014;• • - Phone collPtV462-2614.; Licencetbk, 85-C67 20. Auction Sales 4tICTIOk SALE Auction Sale of •Hdiuseholdt- Effects from the home of Mr. Robert Charters, 58 Ord St, Seaforth on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 1967 at 1:30 P.M. THE FOLLOWING: Motorola 21 Inch Console T.V.; corner step table; step table; coffee table; 3 end tables; pedestal table; tri -light; 3 table lamps; liyingroom rug, 11' x 16' with Under pad; Axminster rug 9' x 12'; antique spooled bed, • springs and mattress; antique wooden bed, springs arid mattress; wooden bed, springs and Mattress; metal 'tubular bed; 2 dressers; van- ity and vanity seat; 2 Wash stands; chest of drawers; two ball trees; hall mirror with hooks; • sewing machine; oak rocking chair; modern chrome suite of table and 6' chairs; Kelvinator refrigera- tor; Clare Jewel enamel gas range; bed spreads; 'bedding; drapes; 3 kitchen chairs; dish- es. and cooking utensils; num- erous other articles. TERMS — CASH ROBERT CHARTERS,- Prop. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Auctioneer 20-61-2 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Furniture, Household Effects, Appliances, Dishes, Bedding, Garden Tools and Mise. items for John Kechnie at 216 Wellington St., Town of Mitchell' on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11 at 1 p.m. . Consisting of the following: Coldspot refrigerator witn cross the top freezer chest, nearly new; Mason and Risch piano and bench; _Chrome kit- chen table; 2 Kroehler plat- form -rockers- and foot stools; Lazy Boy rocker; ' Singer sewmg ma c h i.ne, electric washing mane l 'took, stove; 75000. ' • oil' space ,h' blower', fan and' oil tank, Qtlaker oil spate heater and 'tank; elec- tric clock;'electric iron; floor lamp; ,small table; wicker rocker; chest; be .3-Piette matching walnut bedroom suit, complete with swings and Mattress, in good cOntil- tion; 1 dresser; betl; bench; antique rocker; 3 W a s stands; odd chairs; couch; dining room chairs; trunks; bedding consisting of quilts, sheets, pillows, comforters, etc.,' copper boiler; tabs; cut- lery; note; pans; dishes; glass- ware; cooking utensils; seal- ers; crocks;, etc. quantity of homemade soap; garden tiller and snow blower; some baled and loose hay; 2 chop boxes; some garden tools; 2 wheel farm trailer with stock racks; ladder; and other items too numerous td mention. No Reserve as property is sold.° Terms CASH on day of sale 5% sales tax in afeet.. JOHN' KECHNIE, Proprietor FRANKLIN BUUCK, Attuorieer Dial Stratford 2713049 or SebrikgVille 49814801, 20-.62.1 .004. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS I the Estate Of ALBERTA FORREST • late of the Towrishin of TUck- ersmitb in the County of litir on, Spinster, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the abovenarned Who died on tneo 4th day of September, A.D. 1966, are required to file fttll particulars thereof with- the twdersigned on or before the l'Ath day . of February, A.D. 1967, after which date the °as- sets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of January, A.D. 1967. E. B. MENZIES, ' Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 22-60-3 NOTICE 'TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS All persons hakring elaams against . the 'Estate of JAMES EDWARD KEATING, late of the"Town of Seaforth, in the County -of Huron, Pharmacist, dr eet sed, who died on the 8th day of January, 1967, at the City o'f Lon•lon, in the C .Losty of Midr1l x are reouired to file' particuh rs, of same with the trd"niogried en or bc,for•I. the 17th day Of February, 1967, after which dsta the es- tate will be distributed with- out reg -rd to unfiled claims. DATED at Seaforth. Ontar- io, this 23rd dav of Anuary. A.D., 1967. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMP A NY ' One Of the Executors, By its Solicitors herein, • McCONNELL & STEWART ,Barristers and Solicitors, • Box 220, Seaforth, Ontario' 22-60-3 liusine‘4. Ilireetort FUNER gErwri-p- Prompt and careful attention •Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 -• Night 52740885 A., W. SILI.Kt• BarristA:r. Sdlicitor, Etc. ' Office 127.1850 • Res. 5274643 Seaforth Ontario Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED • • RG. GETH E - Phone 347-2465 Monkton A M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57.South Street Telephoto. Goderich 524-7562 . )3 ThrIiiisjoess ertory I • F•f'n'azernients• CENTENNIAL W. J; CLKAR Y. . ,Seaforth. Ontario LICENSED EMBALMEil and FIllTsIERAL DIRECTOR alight, or Day Calls — 527-05,10. ' IC*-FORTI4 VPTRRINT A RY ("LINT(' T Turnbull. 1) v M„ V S. w 'Brant's. nvm. vs •0 n • elluis flVM S t P Vaal" RA,. D V wr v s phone 577 17R0 qpliforth RTTWKE • Funeral Director Ind Ambulance Service" nrmLne• .• oveARIO Viaht or DaY'ralls "brain 4R R 10 • c: ,4* WT-T-TTlarrY t'IrtaTPRAT univrP, Goderich st W gf4fortb • ANIRT1LANCT SERVIVE bodiliatable hnsnital beds for .. rent FLoWPRS 'OR EVERY ' orrAsToN • nImnp 597 iRgn soasfortb r°-(iNTrIqTAFF OPTowitraTST Seaforth Office' Tues.. Thurs. Fri Q to 5'30p, Sat,. 9 to 12 noon Thursday exotra•ing, by appoint. merit only Phone 527-1240 — or 482,7010 Mnn Wed — Clinton Office \loCONNE1.1 & STEWART Barristers. Solicitors. Etc. P McCONNELL, Q.C. D I STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 .0161- 91 litAith,&, I would like, to thank every- . one who remembered ,me with visits, gifts, cards and calls at home while I was in hospital. Also thanks to Dr. Street, Dr. Addison, Dr. Wal- dep. and the • kind staff of Clinton Hospital. — Betty Hibbert. 24-62-1 • I wish to • thank all my friends and neighbors for cards, flowers „and treats while I was a patient in Sea - forth Cominunity hospital, Special -thanks- to -Dia-Walden- , and Dr. Stapleton and the hospital staff. — Mrs. W. J. ;Leeming. 24-62x1 1 Mrs. W. H. Miller expresses appreciation for the many messages, gifts and flowers -she received on the occasion of her 90th birthday and par- ticularly to all those who co- operated so kindly to make possible such a memorable occasion. 20-62-1 •!...`1, 111 ,11i-kinimarn MUIR In loving memory of a dear husband and father Burton 0. Muir, who passed away 3 years ago February 9th, 1964, — Lovingly remembered and greatly missed by wife and family. • 25-62-1 Mr. sad S. Sid C4110t1 ' 01 MYth wish fp- Anttentle0 NOTES :the engagement ',Of - tit air • St ) - ' * flatighter,. Margaret Azelea„ . ' , - - "` -: - - — --- - to. Mr, Ivan Metz* * , ;•' • :5' ,', .• . . Coal, oon of Mr, killd ' 1110• Hsrold Ceok, DlYth. The .. . marriage to 'take ploeo In digyth United Chorcbo• DA $4' ilylver, larch 11, 1967 at 3 . l e a Oa • Every week znore people tbs- x . , . '''' T cover „ what ?nighty jobs are POS1tor Want Ads. Dial U7-0240.. accomplished by low cost Ex- •LA „ How To -Write A Classified Ad 1—IT'S ALWAYS BEST to start .your advertisement with the name of the' article eV service you have to offer. If i'ou, have an apartment or room for rent or proper- ty for sale, start, your ad- , vertisetnent with the losa tion. • 2—BE CLEAR. Readers respond more quickly and favorably when given complete, or def- inite information. 3—MAKE IT EASY for the. reader -prospect to reach ' you. Always insert your tele phone number or your name and address, preferabl3 both, and give both the road number and the town. 1.1 you do not have regular hours, give a preferred time to have prospects con tact You. 4--a1?LACE YOURSELF in the reader's position and ask yourself what you would like to know (about your cf• . fer). The answer you give will make a good Classified Ad. 5—CLASSIFIED readers are al, ready ` interested in buying your used or new merchan- dise. These people have the money and are already in • ' the market- to. buy. So -give them every advantage you can with good ad copy. It's best t'o give the price. 6 ---WANT- ADS THAT FAIL * to bring satisfaction do ,so, , not through any lack of readership, but because they are often carelessly worded and do not .contain enough inforination to get prompt action. 7—PLACE YOUR ADVERTISE- MENT in The HURON EX- POSITOR where you reach the greatest number of„„ po- tential classified buyers at the least cost per thousand readers. • our first thou* heArtY tkank You to 010..1310Yort%'.. WhO:Daitrotpto,(1'itt 'the 40" hockey-01We* on :$4007 • night: A alteGiat1b1 YOR. Frank PhitlipS and wex.-..• • Whobrganized- the, event on4 so to the Legit:in U4110,14)6; provided a hincli after the,' game, • Almost 500 people turned out' for the game and they all seeih :ed to have a lot of good laughs and enjoyed the ly. After all expenses were paid, $148.00' was given to -the Cen- tennial Committee. We certain- ly appreciate it. Lets keep the enthusiasm go- ing and+ attend -the 'other events M a like manner. One coming up shortly is the Figure Skat- ing Carnival on Feb. 17th: Another is strotherhood week at the end of the month. Also the Women's Institute are prepar- ing for "Portraits of the Past" which will be taking place short- ly, so keep it in mind. One person dropped in and' suggested that the younger fry might be interested in building snow figures of people and things in front of their houses. This might provevery interest- ing and with the cold nights'We are having could easily be done. Don't fergetto get your en- try certificates for the Beard Growing Contest. They can' be, gotten at Brian FlannigauPs Salon or Sills' Hardware ac— cording to the number of 5 W. - clock shadows seen on manly' jaws around Seaforth Streets" there should be quite a few en- tries. Incidently if you wish to, combine it with the wearing o' the kilts, it would be fine. By the way, Jim, I don't recall ev- er seeing a picture of Sir John A., Mr. Galt or Colonel Van Egmond Wearing a kilt! Could it be that old portraits just showed head and, shoulders? Rernember! 4.1 takes but a moment to place'an Expositor,. Want Ad and be,money in , 'pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0440. •71-laalRE GOING TO :FIND laPLIJM7 AW ttJClI WOR'SE 114AN TAP. htOSQUlTlES THEY SENT Us!' 1 GOT TIRED OF, 61-10DTS, S141 T1E.S, UNDERWEAR AND . TWO PANTS SUITS! £'M HEADING PORI -14E GREAT OUTCOossl • MENS W eaa ARE YOU GOING TO TRAP, PROSPECT OR 1-iuN-r? NOTHING LIKE -MAT, JAY,. I'M GOING TO SELL COTTAGE8,4 FARMS., ESTATES, SKI RUNS AND' TWINGS LI KE TlIAT I GOT To INSTALL SAFETY SetTS / • -- WE'LL. POT IT 1N,ThTHE DEMANDS FOR (Ng. NEXT STI2ii<S1 • ' .731n, (P111,14:1 WERE WASI•ieb cXiff 114120061-11! RFALIS 71-10t1&1•11 if WAS Npa... INT I WANTED FIND 0'3T IV IT YklAS10011S! •aa •.' • "aaao6 •