The Huron Expositor, 1967-02-02, Page 10Id -.-.TIDE Ht RO +(
Hockey All Stars
1 Will Meet Beavers
The Seaforth Beavers, 0.
R.A. Champions for the past
two seasons, will play an ex-
hibition hockey game against
the Intermediate 'B" An -
Stars on Thursday, February
rith at the local arena.'All pro-
ceeds of the game go to the
O.H.A, Emergency Fund to
help pay expenses of inured
players within the O.H.A.
Beavers Whip Fergus
Seaforth Beavers whipped
Fergus Flyers 9-2 in an On-
tario Hock e y Association
game here on. Tuesday.
Larry Dale paced the Beav-
ers with three goals, while
Bill McLaughlin got two, Sing-
les. went to Ken Doig, Bob
Doig, Jim Dick and Ed Dol -
mage; Ron Tinnen and Bob
Dobie scored for the Flyers.
With the victory Seaforth
moved into a first place tie
with the Hespeler Mic Macs.
Hesneler has 13 wins and 4
losses while Seaforth has 13
wins and 5 losses. Seaforth
has five dames remaining of
Cub Corner
Twenty-two. cubs were pre-
sent at .a meeting held in the
Cub House on Monday.
Perry Broome received his
Artist's B a d 4e, Collection
Badge and House Orderly
Badge. These were presented
to Pery by Lloyd Cameron.
Leonard Lansink and Rich-
ard Guinchard received their
Blue Star Award from Mr:
Eastern Star
Holds Euchre
Seaforth Chapter No. 233, Or
d'er of the Eastern Star, held an.
afternoon euchre in the TOOF
Hall, Thursday, with 13 tables
:in play; Winners were, high
Mrs. James Hay; lone hands Mrs.
Alex Wright; low Mrs. B. F.
•Christie, travelling prize was
won by Mrs. Frank Maloney.
Lunch was convened by Mrs. -
A. Forbes.
which two are against Hes-
On Skates
For, Test
One of the main attractions
at the Seaforth Memorial
Arena this season is the chal-
lenge Centennial hockey game
between the. Seaforth Legion
"Old Tymers" and the Main
Street 'FOld Tymers". The game
is scheduled for Saturday
night at 8 p.m.
This game, with out a doubt,
will be the highlight of the
Centennial hockey season here
and will be a must for all hock-
ey fans to see with such Legion
stars as Kruse, Betties, Nichol-
son and Dobson, while the
Main Street gang boasts of such
stars as Flannery, Smith, O'-
Shea and Wood. You maybe cer-
tain with these stars coming
face to" face, it will be a ding-
dong battle right from the face-'
Legion Old " Tymers: Ken
(Grader) Kettles, Charlie (Chuck)
Wood, Mel. (Fiyboy) Melanson,
Jack (Sweeper) Eisler, Al
(Road Boss) Nicholson, Harold
(Trucker) Nichplson, Archie.
'(Teacher), Dobson, Cliff (Four
Eye) - Petrie, George (Bruiser)
Kruse, Ray (Gusto) Boussey,
Gard' (Slocome) Scott and Gord
•(Delinquent) Hulley.
Main Street Old Tymers: D'R.
(Bearded) Sills, Bill (River Rat)
Smith, Frank (Put -Put) Sills,
George (Undertaker) Hays, Bill
(Slim) O'Shea, Don (Plunger)
Wood, Al (Painter) Hildebrand,
Frank (Photo) Philips, Bill
(Meaty) Laverty; George (Coun-
cillor) Hildebrand, John (Clean-
er) Flannery.
The teams are well balanced
in size, weight and talent.
Come out and see • this game.
Crutches, canes and wheel
chairs may be needed so fans
have them ready for the boys.
POWELL— In Meaford Gen-
eral Hospital, on January
29th,. to Mr. and Mrs, Ron-
ald Powell, nee Brenda
Ross, a daughter, Lisa Ann.
RICHARDS — In Edmonton
to. Mr. and Mrs. George
Richards, nee Alice Chris-
tie, Edmonton, Alberta, on
January 25th, a son; Thom-
as Gordon.
Too.. Late
527-1210. •
Truck, 3 tori;
rack. " Phone
-Store, phone
— 1959 Ford
with 14' stake
Hensen, 262-
Ernest Williams,
Too Late
bedroom house on John St.,
r:ew gas furnace, kitchen
cupboards a n d hardwood
floors. Available fvfarch lst.
Phone 527-0394. 16-61x2
R,emerhner! It takes "but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just
Ilial Seaforth 527-024U.
FOR SALE — 2 white-faced
calves, Herman Van Bakel,
RR 2 Dublin, phone 55 R 12.
I wish to take this opportun-
ity to thank my relatives,
friends and neighbors for the
visits, flowers, treats and the
many lovely cards.1 received
while a patient in the hospit-
al. Thanks also to Dr. Staple-
ton, Dr. Oakes, and Dr. Town
and the ' nursing staff ofthe
hospital. It was' all deeply
appreciated. — Mrs. Walter
Feed ,Truck driver, .-..starting
salary, $82,00 to $75.00. Ap-
ply at Seaforth Farmers Co-
op. -1
Remember! It takes but a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth 527-0240.
Men's Intertown
Team Standings include
January 21st scores. Goder-
ich Little Bowl, 157; Clinton
Crown Lanes, 133; Clinton
Bill's Lanes, 105; Wingham
Lanes, 104; Seaeorth Noble
Lanes, 97; Zurich Dominion
Hotel, 53.
The locals were at home to
Clinton Bill's Lanes on Sat-
urday and came up with sev-
en points.
Following are the individ-
ual scores: A. Finlayson, 176,
173. 307, 228, 226-1110; J.
Scott, 289, 351, 123, 232, 170
--1165; G. Noble, 197, 194,
260, 146. 324.-1121; Bill
Brown, 225, 290, 216, 280,
270--1281; D. Wood, 174:
328, 210, 292, 271,-1265; E.
Majzold, 176„ 279, 223, 222,
Team total was 6315.
* * *
Egmondville League •
Team standings: Blue Dev-
ils, 77; Alley Eaters, 77;
Spacemen, 66; Ti -Cats, 51;
King Pins, 44; Sprites, 31.
Ladies' high single and tri-
ple, H. Nott, 247, 6.86; Men's
high single and triple, How-
ard James, 309, 739.
Seaforth Mixed League
Team standings: Comets,68
Acadians, 67; Barracudas 66:
Rebels 48; Valiants, 33; , Mus-
tangs. 33.
Ladies' high single, Joyce
Miller and Betty Smith, 223;
high triple, Betty Smith, 633.
Men's high single, • Bill
Brown, 291; high triple, Art
Finlayson. 718.
* * % 6
St. James' League
Team standings including
Monday's points: Dictators,
75; Pros, 73; Blue Devils, 66;
Sweepers, 60; Flintstones 55;
Munsters, 50.
Ladies' high .single, triple
and average for last week,
Martha Van Geffen, 280, 623
and 207.
Men's high single, Andre
Aubin, 310; triple; and aver-
age, George Hays, 7384, and
* * *
• p * Choice
Legion Ladies' Auxiliary
Team standings, to date,
Stiff Jacks, 79; Bel Aires, 70;
Queenettes, 69; Wing Dings,
High singles, Elsie Doig,
223 and Bev Smyth, 209.
High' triples, -Elsie. Doig, 523
and Bev Smyth, 518.
* * *
Seaforth Legion
Team standings, ,Sharpies,
71; Plungers, 68; Whirlybirds
64- Usuals, 55; Sleepers, 51;
Cannonballs, 48.
Ladies high' single, Jaquel-
ine Melanson, 295; high .tri-
ple., Elsie Southgate, 733;
Ment single; Bill Henderson
282; triple, Don Wood, 713. ,
Ladies' high single' to date,
Ann ' Wood, 303; high triple,
Elsie Southgate, 733.
Men's high single and tri-
ple. Don, Wood, 371 and' 827.
News of
Mrs. E. Rowe chaired the
meeting of the L. A. execu-
tive of Guides and Brownies
at Hensall United C h ti r c h
when plans were finalized for
the candy sale. A Centennial
Mother and Daughter ban-
quet for Guides and Brown-
ies will take place February
Ten members of Hensall
Kinette Club, plus four vol-
unteers and Marching Mother
Mrs. Grant McGregor, can-
vassed the village Monday
evening for the March of
Dimes and collected $184.65.
Waltcn %i.1 Mears betails_
Of Proposed Medrcai Cynic
Walton Women's Institute,
met in the Community Hall
with 25 ladies present. The
program was tinder the lead-
of Mrs. James Nolan
and Mrs. Frank Walters.
Herbert Stretton of Brus-
sels, discussing "The New
Medical Clinic' presented the
serious situation in Brussels
and surrounding district with
regard to lack of medical and.
dental services: Ile outlined
the steps that had been taken
with regard to improving the
situation. Their bones now
are of having a new building
with two doctors and a' den-
tist- established in it before
the summer of '3067 has pass-
ed. They had honed to receive
some government assistance
and make it a'Centennial Pro-
ject but anything like this
was not listed in. Centennial.
Mrs. James Nolan introduc-
ed the speaker and Mrs. F.
Walters thanked him and
presented him with a gift.
The president Mrs. Roy
Williamson presided for the
business. It was decided that
the annual bus trip to be the
National •C n are n t i o n to
Guelph on .lune 12.
Committees for Euchre on
February 3, Mrs. Ray Ben-
nett, Mrs. Earl Watson, Mrs.
Ralph Traviss, - Mrs. Ronald
Williamson, Mrs. Peter Mc-
Donald; Feb, 10 Euchre, Mrs,
Gerald Watson, Mrs. Mae
Sholdice, Mrs. Harold Small -
don, Mrs: Stewart Humphries
and Mrs. George McCall.
Mrs. Gerald Watson re-
guested magazines for the
4-H Club Girls to be used for
cut outs. '
Members of some branches
of the Women's Institute are
procuring or making suitable
Centennial dresses. These are
to be 'worn to any Centennial
event during . the ;year. Our
members are urged to follow
this suggestion.
Lunch wasserved by Mrs.
Torrance Dundas: Mrs. Wil-
liam 'Humphries, Mrs. Mar:
garet Humphries and Mrs.
Mac Sholdice.
The- 17th and Boundary
Unit of the U.C.W. of Duff's
Chuzeh, Walton, met at the
home of Mrs, Clifford Ritchie,
with ten members present.'
Mrs. James Williamson •and
Mrs. Martin Baan were in
charge -. of devotions. ' Mrs.
Baan ,opened. the- meeting
with a verse and hymn 376,
"Blest Be the, Tie that Binds"
The scripture was taken from
Matthew 6, verses 22 -23, -Mrs.
Jas. Williamson gave the top-
ic "New Day Morning" also
a poem, "Hannv N )w Year".
Mrs. Ross• Bennett conduct-
ed the -business: It was-4es1rt-
She'll love the gifts you choose from our large variety of
Coutts - Hallmark
Too Late
11 storey brick dwelling
on Highway, 1 mile from
downtown with 51/2 acres
of land. .Livingroom, din-
ingroom with hardwood
floors, Large modern kitch-
en, three bedrooms, 3. piece
bath • and new oil furnace.
Immediate possession. Pric-
ed to sell and terms avail-
, CARDS' at 5e, 10c, 15c,, 25c and 50c
Packaged for Children -- 30 for 29c, 50 for 49c
with Envelopes at 25 for 39c and 17 for 49c
Assortment of Valentines for Children and Cut -Out Books
The largest Sei,ction of Cards Available !
and, -
Telephone - Mite: 271;-205o
Dentoicornviah Red: 06.8188
Joe T►eleale' - It&ai& S0242118'
ed to have evening meetings
startino May •to October. The
next meetinr, will be at Mrs.
Roe Williamson's Wednesday.,
Mr., and Mrs. James Mc-
Donald. 1Vjr. and Mrs. Ken-
neth McDonald and Mr. and
$taLfionery y�{y.y “ Gifts
y:�w 9v 1 SE`A.L'.11 ti
' (By F. C. J. Sills)
One of the most ambitious
plans for our National Centen-
nial celebrations is that being
planned by the Boy Scouts. In
our area, in August, many'' of
our Scouts are going on a 4;009
mile historical tour ,of' Eastern
Canada, stopping at Ottawa,
Montreal, St. John, Quebec City,
Lunenburg, Charlottetown and
the Gaspe; They will camp algng
the way and every effort is be-
ing used to foresee any emer-
gency. Plans are made for ,en-
tertainment on the buses, as
well as ,campfires, -programs,
films, etc., each night. The total
cost to a Scout is $125.00 for the
21 -day trip.
This is certainly a well
thought out plan and the
,Scouting authorities are to be
congratulated. A ,couple of our
local leaders are Dave Schenck
and Ron Eyre.
, By the way don't forget the
"Over 40" hockey games 'this
Saturday night, followed by
family skating for all those in
attendance. It should be a lot
of fun.
Other coming events are:
The Figure Skating Carnival
non Friday, Feb. 17th, with our
ideal skaters.putting on their us-
ual good show,
On April 26th, the Eastern
Star group are holding a Cen-
tennial Costume Dance at the
Legion Hall.
Don't forget" the Beard grow-
ing contest that startedi, on Wed--'
nesday. You still have time to
Try to attend as many events
as possible folks and "give our,
community organizations a boost.
Mrs: Harold Bolger attended
the funeral . of the late Mrs.
William Kearney at the
Heath -Leslie funeral home in
Mitchell last Saturday.
Mr. ands- Jack Bosman
left last Friday for Florida
where they will spend We
next month.
Miss Lois Jackson, of Sea-
eaforth, is spending three weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Smalldon. Miss Wilma . Jack-
son, student nurse at Victoria
Hospital, London, also spent
the week end with Mr! and
Mrs. Smalldon.
Recent guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mills in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. Toni 01-
iver, Clinton; Mrs. Ida Town-
send and Mrs. Nellie Banthan
of Londesboro; Mrs. Russell
Stelmock, Yellow Knife, N.
W.T.; br. Jean Mills, Hamil-
ton; Scott, Cathie and David
Mills, Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hoegy
of London spent the week
end with the former's par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Mr. Graeme Craig, Ridge -
town, ' spent the' week end
with his parents Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Craig.
Mr. and Mrs, Reid Hack -
well of Exeter were week
end visitors at the home of
Mrs. W. C. Iaekwel1.
Mrs. George Hibbert under-
went surgery in Clinton Pub-
lic Hospital last week. Mrs.
George Hibbert of Canning-
ton is spending a few weeks
with' her son and grandchild-
ren. •
Mr. and Mrs. Neil McGav-
in, Brian and Cathie spent
the week end with Mr. and
Mrs. William Dinsmore, of
• Mr. Brian Traviss of West-
ern University, London, visit-
ed over the week end with
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Her-
bert Traviss,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ste
more of Stratford were week
end guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Steele,
London,Mr. Ross Leeming,
and Jefrey, spent the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Leon-
ard Leeming. •
United Dairy and Poultry. Ccs -op
Ltd. -
The Home of
+ F
Gay Lea Eggs
Gay Lea Cheese (Old, Med., New)
Qay Lea Butter Gay Lea Ice Cream
Gay Lea Powdered Milk Products
These are of the highest Quality
Beginning February lst, our office
will be closed all day Saturday
Dial 527-0240
W ' O
We are ready to help you
with your requirements for
1, fT M
• Stationery arict Printing
for every purpose
4 Office Furniture
c Office Supplies t
,i Filing .Cabinets
Continuous Forms: •
Counter Check Books -
c Typewriters
▪ Adding Machines
Ruled ,Forms
• Ledger S heets -
to Loose Leaf , Binders
1. . 4
, h
4 •r' N
The regular meeting of . t'h0:
Iced vro-ita will be Ie1 .tbe
libraryy °naafi.Olt rt14071, eb.
Phone 5274)240 — Seaforth