The Huron Expositor, 1967-02-02, Page 1•
108th -Year
Whole No. 5161
FIRST,TO REGISTER in the Seaforth Centennial beard growing contest was Centennial
Committee chairman Frank Sills, (right) who proudly displays his certificate. First to pur-
chase a• shaving permit was Mayor Frank Kling (centre) while contest chairman Brian Flan-
nigan gathers in the money. The contest which got under way this week is attracting wide
interest and is open to all area residents except students.
Prize Payments Top X6000
Fall -Fair _ MeetingLearns
A successful year was review-
ed. when
eviewed...when the Seaforth. Agricul-
, tural Society held its annual
banquet and meeting in the Eg-
mondwille Church School room
Earl" McSpadden association
president presided and conduct-
ed the business of the annual
meeting. Referring to the 1966
fairhe said prize money paid
out had exceeded $6,000. Dur-
ing the year -extensive improve-
ments had been carried out to
the grounds and facilities.
"Where is your fair heading?"
asked R. R. Crozier when
dressed the meeting. "You must
' wonder sometimes ---. is it go-
ing commercial or is it retain-
ing its. ,agricultural tone and
flavor?" He said he dislikes to
see fairs becoming less and. less
agricultural and more •and more
commercial and cited Western
Fair, London, as a typical -ex-
"If fairs are worth their salt,
they should be agricultural- in
nature to keep fairs as the
show -window of agriculture",
he stated.
Rural dwellers are diminish-
ing and prominent farmers are
becoming less and he said he
.believes urbah people and- child._
ren are interested in argricultur-
al fairs but not when they are
composed of exhibits they can
see in store windows.
Mr. Crozier, a beef farmer at
Lucan, is the Ontario editor of
the Winnipeg Free Press Week-
ly. Mr. Crozier then went on to
compare two farm organizations,
the Ontario Farmers' Union and
Hensall, Resident
Celebration . • Marks
100th Birthday
John T. Mitchell of Huron-
view, formerly of Hensall,. who
:will celebrate his 100th birth-
day at Huronview on' Saturday.
Born February 7th, 1867, he
was the son of- Valentine Mit-
chell and Belmira Hewson and
as a child lived on the second
coneession of Hay Township for
three years. Then the .family
bought and moved to the farm
in Tuckersmith where Stanley,
his' son now lives. About 14
years latter his father bought a
farm in Usborne Township, but
John stayed on the farm in
Among his memories of those
days is that of the old cheese
factory located about half a
mile west of their place. It was
built about 1810 by Andrew
Malcolm and operated quite suc-
cessfully for a number of years.
It changed hand's several times
and at its peak produced 2,500
pounds of cheese per day. It was
closed about 1800: He 'said it
was a favorite place for the
'tads to gather in the oveninga
in the summer to play baseball
and horse shoes.
Mr. Mitchell remembers Rog-
erville. well too, it being the
nearest store, and post office.
The blacksmith shops and the
Presbyterian Church were
there and he was around when
the railroad went through and
Hensall started to grow. He tells
of the Be1Ifamily on the Lon-
don Road, north .of Rogerville
and the good times he had there.
"The Bells were a very musical
family. He mentions too of
when he' got his first top buggy
and black driver. He married
Elizabeth Rice of Cromarty in
The Mitchells belonged to the
Methodist Church in Chiselhurst
while on the farm. In the winter
of 1901, Mr. Mitchell met with
a painful accident while sawing
wood with a neighbor, the late
Martin McTaggart. A log fell on
his foot almost severing it at
the ankle. He gives the late Dr.
Ferguson of Hensall credit for
saving his foot. The accident
left him lame.
In 192$ he bought a house in
Hensall and he and his wife
moved there when their son was
married: They joined the Unit-
ed Church when corning to Hen-
sall and in 1955 they celebrated
their sixty-fourth wedding an-
niversary and the next year his
wife died at the, age of 85. Soon
after that • he sold his place in
Hensall and stayed With his
family until the spring of 1966„
when he went to Huronview.
His health at present is fairly
good but his eyesight and hear,
ing are quite poor.
His family includes three
daughters, Olive, Mrs. Jarvis
Horton; Edna, Mrs. Melville
Traquair, both of Hensall; Ger-
trude, Mrs. Carl Stoneman,
Cromarty; and a son Stanley,
On the home farrii, five grand-
sons and two granddaughters
thirteen great grandchildren and.
one great great grandchild.
Duncan Stewart who celebrat-
ed his 100th birthday at'Huron-
view three weeks ago, frequent-
ly visits Mr. Mitchell in his
room to talk -Over olden days as
they used to sit together in
school when boys.
the Ontario Federation of Ag-
riculture, both working 'r'epre-
sent the farmer?Can they sur-
vive or will they' become one
group, he asked. The Union
knows what they want when
times are tough. They proved
their point in the milk situa-
tion, but their progress depends
on their leaders, he said.
On the other hand the Feder-
ation tries to achieve results in
a different manner. They have
'a'luiiite front and 'have`achiev
ed rhuch but fail to "blow their
own horn". They have gotten
better deals for land exprop-
riated. Can farmers get togeth-
er -and form one organization he
asked and advised . members to
take a good look this Centen-
nial year. Each organization has
good leaders and their, aims are
the same — both for the better-
ment of agriculture.
Mr. Crozier 'suggested he saw
a battle shaping up between
beef producers concerning .the
marketing, board and wondered
if there is enough money to do
what should be done,' More re-
search is necessary. Beef prac-
tices are lagging far behind.
Elect Officers •
Earl McSpadden was re-elect-
ed president. Vice-presidents
are Arthur Bolton and John
Murphy. , Mrs. Beth Pryce was
re -appointed secretary -treasurer.
Three new directors were
named, Mac Stewart, Bruce
Coleman and Donald McKercher.
-Other directors are Robert
Gemmell, Joseph Devereaux,
Earl Dick, Kenneth Moore, Wil-
liam Strong, Eric Anderson, Ol-
iver Wright, Kenneth Stewart,
Allister Broadfoot, Alan Camp-
beIl, Robert Fotheringham,
George Townsend and Elgin
Andrew Moore, J. W.- Crich,
Oliver Anderson and David Mc-
Lean were elected honorary dir-
ectors as also were all past
presidents. '
Earl MeSpadden was named
the society's representative on
the -recreation council now be-
ing formed with Arthur Bolton
to be alternate.
Mrs. J. M. Scott gave a com-
prehensive report of the ladies
section of the fair.
The presidents and vice-presi-
dents of both sections were
named delegates to this year's
convention later in February.
Seaforth fire chief John F.
Scott was honored Saturday
night when he was presented
with an engraved watch at the
brigade's annual banquet in the
Legion Hall.
Chief Scott has served in the
fire brigade for 35 years and
became chief 4Ji 1951.
The ,gathlring presented Mrs.
Scott. with a gift expressing ape
predation for the assistance
she had given through the
Dancing followed /the dinner.
The Lions Club sponsored
campaign to provide funds to
assist in the purchase of the
former Dick building on Main'
Street got off to a good start
thisweek. The building will pro-
vide facilities to accommodate
Boy Scout, Girl Guide, Cub and
Brownie activities; a •
Campaign officials said., re-
ceipts will go forward in due
course but in the, IJtpantime the
following contributions are ask-
nowledged: •
W. J. Sims $1.00; W. R. Bry-
ans 10.00; John Bach' 3.00; Mary
Huiser 2.00; John Lansink 5.00;
Stan Garnham 5.00; Russ Brody
eriek 5.00; Mary A. Shannon 2.-
:00; W. D. Stephenson 10.00;
Mae Dorrance 2.00; R. E. Han-
sen 10.00; Georgina McConnell
2.00; D. S. Lyon 10.00; Eleanor I would be able to accept the
Broadfoot 3.00; L. P. Plumsteel p
10.00; Winnifred Nott 5.00; Dor-office of councillor but felt if
othy Bassett 25.00; Elsie Dins- it was thedesire of the people
more 5.00; E. C. Boswell 10.00; I that I do so I would endeavour
Ruth Cluff 5.00; Mrs. M. Morito fulfill the position for an -
row 5.00; Glen Smith 5.00; W. j other year. This I find impos-
R. Kinsman 5,00; Gordon Mc- sible and therefore with deep
Gavin 5.00; Sarah Boshart 1.00;
Sync'hro Combustion. -,25.00; lyyy
Butt • 5.00.
Election Candida
Seaforth Council Vaca
single Cgpiea 14 cot*
*5,00 a ler 10 *Noe*
Seaforth Council accepted
with regret the resignation 'of
Cann. Harry Donaldson at a
special meeting Monday.
Coun. Donaldson' had been
elected to his third term in
December of last year.
In a letter of resignation
Coun. Donaldson, who is rector
of St. Thomas' Church, gave
personal reasons as contribut-
ing to his resignation. In his let-
ter he said:
"To the Mayor and Council.
"Owing to unforseen circum-
ircumstances beyond my personal con-
trol I find that I will 'be unable
to continue to serve as a mem-.
ber of the local council:
"At the nomination meeting I
had some doubts as to whether
R. S. BOX, who was re-elec-
ted chairman of the Public
Utility Commission at a re-
cent meeting.
March Of
Nets $725.
Mrs. R. S. Habk-irk, general
chairman of the March of Dimes
campaign, sponsored by Edet
weiss Rebekah Lodge, .reports
an increase of about $85 over
last year for a grand total of
• The Teen -Twenty donations of
$50 helped boost the total.
The area canvassed included
the Town of Seaforth, the Vil-
lage, of' i;gniondvilee and the
Hamlet of Harpurhey.
The Iodge executive and cap-
tains express appreciation to
all the Marching Mothers, the
CGIT girls of Northside 'United
Church, the various churches
who printed the campaign ap-
peal and used 'the March of
Dimes folders, The Huron Ex-
positor for the 'spaee given for
campaign information and to
members of the Teen -Twenty
club. Their effort is especially
will celebrate her 90th birth-
day at the home of her son
and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. W..1'. Miller, George St.
South, on Monday.
regret I herewith submit my
"During my twb years in of-
fice I have enjoyed serving the
town. I have come to know the
people of the town in a differ-
ent way and shall 'always look
on my time in council as an
interesting and instructive ex-
perience as well as an enjoyable
''My- interest in the town will
always be great and:I shall look
forward with confidence --to a
successful year for Seaforth un-
der the patient and wise dir-
ection of Mayor Klingand the
other members of council with Joanne Elligsen, winner of a
whom-- it was my pleasure to Youth Pilgrimage trip to • the
work. May every blessing at- United Nations, took her • aud-
tend you as you continue in . ience on a 'pictorial trip there,
your work of service in your
community." - '
Councillors expressed regret
at the necessity of dealing with
the resignation.
"We are not in favour but
A resolution from the City brand as its representative on
of Barrie protesting the basis the Chamber of Commerce ex-
on -which grants under the High- ecutive.
way improvement 'act •are made
by the Province was endorsed.
Discussion • suggested there
would be, little, enefit accruing
to, Seaforth in the event the
government heeded the peti-
tion other than with respect to
the acquisition of land required
far read development.
Deputy Reeve Wilmer Cuthill
reporting for the general gov-
ernment committee said there
was concern at certain unpaid
business taxes. The committee
proposed taking court action to
collect. Answering a query front
Reeve Dalton he said that at
the preliminary meeting no con-
sideration had been given to a
change in banking arrangements.
Decide Ori Project
Council endorsed a proposal
from the Public Works Commit-
tee that the ' West • William.
Street area and Crombie Street
area be designated as areas in
which storm sewer and a street
rebuilding program could be
carried out in '67:
If planning for the rebuilding
of Main Street progresses suf-
ficiently it will be necessary to
give priority to the Crombie St,
project sintse the storm sewer
involved in that area will prov-
ide service for Main St. and will
be constructed jointly with the
county. .The Main Street pro-
gram is being carried out by
the county as a development
Conn: J. C. MacLennan, was road project.
appointed chairman of the Pro- •
lection to Persons and Property However, ,should there be de -
Committee ' to fill the vacancy
resulting, from the resignation
of Coun. Donaldson. No formal
meeting of the committee had
been held since Chief Hulley
had been in hospital but it was
.intended• -toehold a meeting im-
Council named Coun. Hilde- gineering and design work done
lays, then council agreed em-
phasis should be placed on the
West William St. area. Here an
outlet already is provided for
sewers by the rebuilt Lawrence
drain and as well, sanitary sew-
ers are in place. In the mean-
time the 'committee is to take
steps to have the necessary en -i
Winner Tells Of
Friday evening by .way of Ot-
tawa and Montreal, returning by
Washington and Niagara Falls.
Joanne was district winner in
an essay and public speaking
what can we do about it"a• competition sponsored by Re -
.councillor asked. ",bekah and Odd Fellows'. -lodges.
I This is the •third year these
Under the provisions of the lodges haw- sponsored the event
municipal act, a vacancy is I and .the second consecutive year
filled in cases where an elec- that . a Seaforth area student
tion had been held, by the per-
son receiving the next greatest
number of votes. In this case
Mrs, Bernard Henderson stood
in seventh plade in the Decem-
ber,,.election, Clerk Williams
told the council that the.act re-
quires that he notify Mrs. Hen-
derson of the vacancy and that
she has one week in which to •
sign a declaration of office. .
Mrs. Henderson said Wednes-
day that she ' had given the mat-
ter much consideration anti that
she felt that she would accept
the position.
?'I think I will take the declar-
ation of office," she said, "and
certainly I'll do thevery best I
Adjustments in salaries.,, of
town staff will be considered by
the Public Works Committee as
Council referred a request from
members of the staff to the
committee. Referring to • the
matter, Reeve Carl Dalton, the
chairman, said that some pre-
liminary studies had been car-
ried out with respect to salary
schedules in effect in surround-
ing towns and these would be
used as a basis in considering
the schedule to apply in Sea -
But in the meantime council
acted on a request from Assess-
or Donald Haines for a salary
adjustment and on the recom-
,mendation of the general gov-
ernment Committee agreed to
an increase of $200, to $1,600
per year effective January 1.
has been awarded the trip. The
previous winner was Linda
Somerville. • •
Joanne,a student at Seaforth
District High Sc ool, "is the
daughter of ..Mr. aind Mrs. -Ed-
gar Elligsen, RR „Walton. In
adsdressing the gathering, she
said she hadn't- previously rea-
lized what the- order of Odd -
fellows was doing for the youth
of the nation or what the United
Nations is doing to keep world
peace.' `
She said there are 26 such
trips each year, sponsored by
1OOF groups. In her particular
group there were 12 students
from Ontario and 17 from -near-
by United States points. She
said, "Everywhere we stopped
.istriet "C" 'ovd41:
for meals or lodging, we were
greeted and treated by lodge
Joanne accompanied her' sis-
ter Margaret, who favored with
two solos.
Alfred 'Beuerman and Mrs:
Tillie Dunn,, noble grand of the
two lodges here, were host and
for both'areas.and estintptos ob-.
The committee eba 11141t,
Reeve Dalton said arran, eagent�a
had been made to coli ;fee, r
from operators of garb, a pied
up trucks who were 'n g• the
Seaforth dump in which tQ. de- -
posit refuse 1310104 'opsin Turk
ersmith. The Tuckersmirt dump
is not ' open during venter
(Continued on Page 4).'
MILLER ADAMS well known
former resident of Hullett
-who- now --resides- in Huron.
view recently celebrated the
advent of his 90th year. He -
was born January 15, 1878. -
A musical program arranged
by Jim Murray's Blackhawks
was held in his honor. During
the evening Mr. Adams de-
lighted the audience with sev-
eral auld tyme selections play-
ed onthe violin.
McKillop Sponsors
Township History
McKillop council will spon-
sor a history of the township as
a Centennial project council de-
cided at a special meeting this
• Reeve Ken Stewart • said im-
mediate action was being taken
to prepare copy for the booklet
which it is planned to issue in
late •June. So" that the, history
may encompass all aspects of
the 'township, the co-operation
of residents is asked• in making
available any material or photo-
graph& relating to events
or buildings of the early days.
Arrangements' have been made
with Mrs. Joseph Grummett to
A perfeet record of six
straight wins gave a Seaforth
rink first place in the Legion
Zone "C" curling championships
held at the Exeter and Centralia
curling rinks over the past two
The Seaforth foursome head-
ed by John Patterson came up
with convincingwins over op-
position from Exeter, Guelph
and Galt in Sunday's final play-
off at (;FB Centralia.
Grey. Sets The Patterson rink. that in -
Plans for a Grey Township
Centennial celebration were ad
vanced at a well attended meet-
ing in Ethel Community Centre
Wednesday night. The event is
'set for Ethel on June 17th. -
Charles Thomas, chairman of
the Centennial committee was
chairman and Edythe Cardiff,
appointed secretary. A com-
mittee was appointed with two
members from each community.
Committee: Ethel; John Con-
ley, Mrs. ,Chester Earl; Mon-
crieff, Ronald McLean, Mrs.
Orval Harrison; Cranbrook,
Frank Smith, Mrs. Mac McIn-
tosh; Molesworth, David Simp-
son, Mrs. Robert 4 Bremner;
Jamestown, Max Demaray, Mrs.
Archie Jaektn; Walton, Rae
Houston, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet,
Sub -committees Will be ap-
pointed by the central commit-
tee. .
compile the material.
Reeye Stewart said the mat-
at eriai in which there would be
the most -interest would be that
dealing with schools, churches,
cemeteries, early' communities,
organizations 'and hotels. Many
family records . .would suggest
conditions and ac ivities in per -
titular areas, or the township
and these would be of great as-
sistance he said.
Material may be left with,
Reeve. Stewart, Councillor Allen
Campbell or at the Expositor,
Office. Reeve Stewart said re -c-
ods and photos Would be re-
eludes Dave Cornish, Bill Ball
and Gord •13euttenmiller, will
represent the district in the
provincial finals at Sutton, 'Feb-
ruary 16, 17 and 18.
In addition to their trip to
the finals, the Seaforth curlers
each received a bridge table
and four chairs.
The top• four trophy awards
'were presented at the local
legion Branch 167 after the
actual curling competition. Zone
sports officers Vic Lowefv • of
Galt and Chuck Wood of Sea -
forth along with Exeter; presi,
dent Stan •Frayne and sports of-
ficer Howard Holtzman 'made
the presentations.
Lee Learn was. co -convener of
'the district' bonspiel, the first
time it has been sponsored by
a small branch. The availability
of ice at the Exeter and Cen-
tralia clubs enabled the local
braikh to host the 24 rinks that
entered the bon,spiel,
A RINK OF Seaforth veterans in six straight wins has captured the Legion district curly''
ing championship and gags an to represent the district at the provincial Com etition 'in Silt -
ton. Shown here are (Ieft) Gordon Heuttenmiller,"lead, W. N. Mill, second, D. C. Cofnis'lxi-
vice and J. B. Patterson, skip.