HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-26, Page 12*...THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN, 26, 1967 CLASSIFIED ADS. Births SCOTT — In Seaforth Corn- - munity on January 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scott, of Seaforth, a son. Deaths. 1VtacFARLANE — On Monday, January 16th, 1967, at Pet- erborough Shirley Jean Me - Ribbon, beloved wife of John H. MacFarlane, daugh- ter of Mrs. Jean and the late James McKibbon, dear mother of Barbata, Ottawa; Donna and Beverly of Pet- erborough. Sister a Donald 'and Doreen (Mrs. Bob Pink- rier of Midland). Too Late FOR SALE — Walk-in refrig- erator door suitable for milk room; ceiling gas unit heater, 85000 BTU; also wall gas fur- nace, all in working order. Ap- ply at WilkinsonZs IGA. -1 Too .Late FOR, SALE — 11 pigs, 11 weeks old. George Love, Wal- ton. FOR SALE — Hay by the bale 45c, straw by the bale 30c. K. Boven, RR 1 Seaforth, phone 527-1738. xl FO RSALt — 1961 Studebak- er, 6 cylinder, new paint, new tires, mechanically good. Pric- ed for quick sale. 527-1257. -1 FOR SALE — Ladies' Seal coat, excellent condition and young man's Harris Tweed sport coat, like new. Phone 527-0175. xl HELP ,WANTED — Women for nights, 11 to 7:30, house- hold duties and breakfast, Sea - forth Manor, phone Mrs. Hen- derson, 527-0030. -1 FOR SALE — Grey chrome kitchen table and four chairs, 2 storm windows 341/2" x 70", ladies brown sport shoes size 71/2A ladies brown Oxfords FOR SALE — 14 pigs, 7 size 8A, electric iron and toas- weeks old. Robert Patrick,ter. Norma Jeffery, phone phone 527-1278. -1527-1673. xl , . Profit Sharing Sale , Still. Continues at ' MIS .:. M R STORE Come in and check our Half Price Racks . ... LADIES' SUITS ,--- double knit, linen; etc., Price $7.95 to $25.95 HALF PRICE SALE $4.00 to $13.00 Ladies' Dresses,...car coats, girls' dress coats All on Half Price Rack . Men's Green Drill work pants compare $4:25 SALE $2.85 Outstanding -Value — Take advantage of -this price All items in our store reduced ffom Er( — 20% — 30% — .10% to 50% Come in and browse around and see for your- • self that this is a genuine sale. A siiiall deposit will hold any article NOTICE By virtue pf the authority vested in me as chair - than of the Seaforth Centennial _BEARD- GR.OW1N-0 Competitions Committee ' I hereby call on all males 21 years and older to take part in a CENTENNIAL BEARD GROWING COMPETITION and for this purpose enact the'following rules and regulations to govern the said competition: 1. Contestants Will register prior to or on Febr- uary 28, 1967, at either of the following places. (a) Sills' Hardware (b) Brian's Hair Styling 2. The registration fee shall be $1.00. - 3. Male persons may, providing satisfactory rea- sons are advanced, obtain a shaving permit good for the duration ,of the competitions 'for the sum of. $1.50. Permits are available upon payment of the prescribed fee at: Sills' Hardware The Huron Expositor Box Furniture Seaforth Veterinary Clinic Frank Kling Ltd. and at Seaforth Barber Shops. 4. Suitable prizes, to be announced, will be award- ed the successful contestants in ,the following classes: (a) full beard (b) Van Dyke beard (c) most outstanding beard '77 5. The contest will continue for approximately four months with winners to be determined at the Seaforth Lions Club Summer Carnival. . Brian Flannigan ChairrnanP ,Seaforth Centennial Beard Growing Con - 'test. NEWS OF HENSALL Bishop 01 'Georgian Bay Acts At Hensall Service The Bishop of Georgian Bay, the Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard, held Confirmation service at St. Paul's Anglican Church, on Sun- day. Those confirmed were Dav- id Barrie Jackson, Brenda Jean Lavender, Carol Lynn Elizabeth Mils, and Susan Lynn Wooden. Following the service the Bish- op, who was accompanied by Mrs. Appleyard, joined the con- gregation in a pot -luck supper in the church basement. Mem- bers of the Trivitt Memorial congregation in Exeter were present for the service and sup- per. The annual Vestry meeting followed and was held with the Rector, Rev. J. Phillip Gandon in the chair. Mr. Gandon report- ed the year , had been one of steady worship and work, rath- er than one of spectacular ach- ievement. He expressed thanks to all those who held responsible positions in the congregation, not only in the past year, but throughout the three and a half years of his Ministry in the parish. Following the Rector's report, Mrs. Mary Taylor read a state- ment of appreciation and good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Gandon as they witl be leavingthe par- ish at the end of the month to go to Windsor, and the Wardens Frank Forrest and Ted Roberts presented a wall mirror' and vase to the Gandons on behalf of the congregation. It. was an- nounced that services in Exeter and Hensall will be taken by the Ven, Archdeacon, J. N. H. Mills until a new Rector is ap- pointed. • The election of church offic- ers for 1967 resulted as follows: Rector's Warden Jack Hender- son; peccleTs Warden Frank Forrest; treasurer Barrie Jack- son; Vestry. clerk Mrs. Tom Lav- ender; lay delegate to Synod Mrs. Tom Lavender; substitut• e JaCk Henderson ; --board of man. agement Ted Roberts. Jack Lav- ender, Harry Page; Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Barrie Jackson and Mrs. Tom Lavender. Chairman of the sidesmen, Ted Roberts; auditors. Harry Page and Miss Sylvia Henderson. Kippen East W.I. Makes Plans Kippen East WI met at the home of Mrs. John Sinclair in Seaforth with Mrs. Campbell Eyre as co -hostess and opened with a Happy New Year's poem by the president Mrs., Grant Mc- Lean, who presided for, the meeting. The roll call brought out many amusing stories in the "wee smile" for Robert Burns' Day. Miss Nancy Berger, musical supervisor of the SDHS, played two numbers "The Last Date" and "Autumn Leavesy. Mrs. W. J. F. Bell reported Horne Econ- omics and Health with safety slogans. Minutes were read by Mrs. James Drummond and ap- proved. BusinesS included a'. letter from the F.W.I.O. president, Mrs. F. Small. Two leaders for 4-H club will be Mrs. Robert Gemmel'. •and Mrs. Ken McKay. A visit to Seaforth Manor in emu ly March; the gift of hymn books to Huronview, as a Cen. tennial •project. Mrs. Harry Caldwell was ap- pointed Kippen East's represen- tative to the Centennial Corn- mittee in Hensall. Side by side was sunt after which Mrs. Grant MacLean, suit- ably attired reported for His- torical Research, "Carpenter- ing Specialist". Mrs. Harry Caldwell gave the' history of British Columbia and Mrs. Vern Alderdice the treasurer's re- port, Mrs. Joyce Cooper com- mented on the motto -- "The New Year lies before us fair as untrodden snow. Be careful how you tread for every step will show". Mrs. Johti McGreg- or reported for Citizenship and Education Take your choice was conduct- ed by Mrs. Vern Alderdice and Mrs. Robert Bell. The panel,,eon- sisted •of Mrs, Robert Kinsman, Mrs. Ken McKay, Mrs. Mike Connelly, Mrs. John McGregor, the contestants were Mrs. Cald- well, Mrs. Join McGregor, Sr., Mr. Ertiest Whitehouse, Mrs. W. E. Butt, Mrs. Frank Rober- ton, Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Dave Triebner who were credited with winning $118.00. Mrs. Cecil Pullman gave courtesy remarks. A contest was conducted by Mrs. Stewart Pepper. Lunch was served by the hostess and by Mrs. John MeGregor, Mrs. Joyce Cooper, Mrs. Grant MacLean and Mrs. Vern -Alderdice. Plan 18th Birthday Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Neble Grand, took the chair for the regular meeting of Amber Rob- ekah Lodge held Wednesday when plans were arranged for their 18th birthday party, Feb- ruary 15th, when specialguests will be the District Deputy Pres- ident Miss Jean 'Scott •of Sea- BRODHAGEN Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Histener attended the Scherbarth-Apple- by wedding in Mitchell on Fri- day evening, Mr. and Mrs,, Reg Robinson of Mitchell and 1Vliss Marie Meyer of RR 1, Bornholm were guests f Mr. and MrS. tUrnian Leon-, tiara on Sunday. forth, and Clinton and Seaforth making preparations for the lodges. • annual March of Dimes cam- paign with the canvass of the Village of Hensall Monday evening at 'tp.m. St. Paul's Anglican WA met Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Annie Reid. The new president Mrs. T. Lavender opened the meeting with prayers and Mrs. J. P. Gandon read the -scripture. ''Following the business period, the Rector Rev. J. P. Gandon presented a further chapter of the study book "The Church grows in Canada" dealing with the minorities in Canada and a discussion followed. The World Day of Prayer will be held this year in St. Paul's Anglican Church in ,Hensall on February 10th.. Mrs. Harry Strang, Hurondale, Mrs. Wilfred Mack, Crediton, and Mrs, Wilbert Dilling, Hen - salt, attended the meeting of the District Officers from the four districts, South, gest, West Huron and South Perth, at the Agricultural Board Rooms, Clin- ton, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent a few days last week with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. arid Mrs, Ross Mac- Millan and family in. Waterloo, Miss. Troyann Bell, daughter The marching mother is Mrs. Grant MacGregor; Gen- eral chairman, Mrs. Robert Caldwell; Recruiting; Mrs. Harold Caldwell; Finance, Mrs. Jim HYde; Supply, Mrs. Harold Knight; Publicity, Mrs. Ron Wareing. Mrs. George E. Thompson is a patient in South Huron Hos- pital. Mr. George Smale is a patient in South Huron Hospital. Jerry McClinehey of Sarnia, spent the weekend at his home here. Miss Anne Lawrence of Lon- don spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Lawrence. Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Munn, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Garnet Allan, Mrs., Wm. Smale, Mrs. Harry Hor- ton,, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Grant "McClinchey, Mrs. Rol- and Vanstone attended'a card party guests of Clinton Ladies •Auxiliary held at the Legion of 'Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bell, Hall, Clinton, Wednesday ev- RR 2, Hensalr, was awarded a ell'ing' . The executive of the United bronze medal for figure skat- ing at St. Thomas. She was suc- Church Women met Thursday cessful in passing a dance test, with Mrs, James McAllister presiding. Eighteen members "The Fiesta Tango,' and V011 re- ceive a medal and pin from Ot- of the executive were present to discuss and formulate.plans tawa. •for the year with special em- phasis for Centennial Theme, "Growth of Church in Can- ada". Canvass on Monday Hensall Kinettes are busy News of gdornarty. Mr. Qerald Carey attended the annual meeting of the Dairy rarmers' of Canada in Winnipeg last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jack McGhee and family. London, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mr% and Mrs. Jas. 'Ramsey and family,. Listowel, 'visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mei Ramsey. • Mrs. Alan Somers, of St. Marys, visited (in M o ri d a y with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKel- lar. Mr. John Scott, Ottawa and Mr. Hugh Scott, Guelph, spent the week end with their par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. T, L. Scott. Joanne Jean, baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wal- lace is a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. , Auxiliary Meets Mrs. Gordon Laing was hos- tess for, a meeting of the Mar - an Ritchie Evening Auxiliary. Mrs. John Miller presided and opened the meeting with a poem. The study book "The Presbyterian Church in Can- ada" was introduced .by Mrs. T. L. Scott. Musical numbers on the accordion were given. by Mrs. Laing. Eight members answered the roll, call With a verse from , a hymn of 100 years ago. Mrs. Charles Douglas gave a reading "Happy New Year". The ladies combined quilting with this meeting. Puiiic Shoal Holds Annual Fun, Night (Contributed) Seaforth Public School was! filled? Friday evening with laughter and happy voices as the children returned to the school for an evening of family fury when the Segorth Rome and School Association held their Fun Night. Many parents- took the opportunity to share games, eating bags of freshly made pop - Acts On McKillop • Motion Effective from January 1, 1967, it has been required that all payments for nesing home residents under the General Welfare Assistance Act be made by the municipality in which the licenses1 home is located. Membets of County Council agreed to endorse a resolution similar to the resolution passed in McKillop Township Council opposing the new legislation, as follows: " . . consider that the pro- posed arrangement, whereby municipalities, in which Nurs- ing Homes are located, become responsible in the first instance for the payment of all accounts covering indigent patients lo- LOCAL BRIEFS cated therein, regardless of . • what municipality is firstly res - Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McRel- ponsible for payment, as being lar returned home Tues., after a retrograde step and one which spending some time with will result in difficulty in ac - friends in Brampton and Toron- counting procedures between, to. the munipipalities involved." corn, enjoying some splendid bargains at the well.stocked bak- ing table and book sale or a cup of coffee in the lun.ch. room. The highlight of the evening was the fashion revue which held some unexpected surprises The models were net the usual leggy thin young -beauties in the latest fashions. Oh, no. These models had sturdy figures and the clothes Were of a period long past. The hair styles, how- ever, were quite in keeping with the modern style, tousled, mop -top, Beetle style, so popu- lar these days. The following are the models who acted in the skit written by Mrs. Paul Brady, who also Was the commentator: Messrs. Neil Bell, Orville Oke, Bert Moggach, Rev. D. Fry, George,„ Miller, Ron Eyre, Don Morton, Bill, Wilbee, Gus BoUssey and Eldon Hulley. The pianist for the skit was Mrs. Donald Steph- enson. Mrs. Orville Oke, president of the Seaforth Home and School Association was convener of the. Fun Fair and the conveners of the events were: lunch room Mrs. Donald Wood; white ele- phants Mrs. Gordon Heard; bak- ing table Mrs. Orville Oke; pop- corn booth Mrs. A. Y. McLean; fish pond Mrs. Tom Wilbee and Mrs. Peter Dunlop; dance room Mr. William Dalrymple; games Tom Wilbee; tickets Mrs. Geo- rge Miller and William Hodgert. The conveners were ably ,help- ed by a host of volunteer par- ents and older brothers and sisters who helped to make the event the success it was. ,sms.immosassoloosselemi u9Waln.aiaaa, laaga,a0Saraa....a• taaaaauaeaftaat. VilAaS„'Ffg•M, ",=MINIMMOIMMINIMIN WITH EVERY PURCHASE. OF ONE 6-0Z. JAR OF TOP VALUE INSTANT - COFFEE AT ONLY 89c. PES'Isallr RIB, BLADE ROUND BONE SHOULDER or ROUND STEAKS FOR YOUR HOME FREEZER RED' BRAND ACIo FRONTS OF BEEF lb. "1" • TOP ROUND T-BONE TOP VALU ASSORTED FLAVOURS SOFT DRINKS 12 : 88g VALUl TOP BUTTER 24:49g TOP VALU ASST'DivPECTIN 'lams, Jellies Marmalades 2 ;Jug BURNS SLICED 1 -lb, 89g Side Bacon Pk9. BURNS SECURITY Link Sausage Ib. 33N BURNS (12fs) SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS - BURNS (B13°), ItGhegnPiaece) 39 BURNS 1 -Ib, Voc rere,. Wieners Pac • 33v FRUIT JUICES TOP VALU WHITE OR WHOLE WHEAT SLICED BREAD Prites effective Jan25-28 InClusive. We reserve the right to limit quantities TOP VALU FROZEN Colgate Familysit. Lemonade 10 6T: 99c Toothpaste Tube WHITE OR PINK WINTER -CANDY CARNIVAL TOP "VALU ASSORTED* • TOP VALU ASSORTED 39 Candy4pak::, 1 Candy3 pkgca. $1 SIB THIS WEEKS HANDBILL FOB MOAB OUTSTANDING VALUES! it