HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-26, Page 11a •• a u're So Sonar USE TilESE CLASSIFICATIONS .TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed _ 3 Found 4. Help Wanted 5eBusiness Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7, Situations Wanted 8. Farm Strack For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale II. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales - 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal. Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Classified ads art inserted at F# rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications .2. 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,-15 and 17, minimum 40e an insertion. Classification 25, minima j 165c, plus 25c for each. 4 -line verse. All other elassi'6cations, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales ..(20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates nn applica- h on. For cash payment, or if paid by ,10 days following lasi inser- •lon, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 11 I. ( omin1''. Events NORTHSIDE United Church Annual Valentine Supper, on Wednesday. February 15th. 1-60-1 FEBRUARY 17, 1967! -Save this date for the Seaforth Fig- ure Skating Club Annual Car- nival, bigger and better than ever, since 'this year we are featuring production numbers frommember clubs in the In- ter Club Skating Group. Be- sides local talent we are being assisted by outside skaters and Canadian and Sectional com- petitors. • . 1-60-1 BOY SCOUT Paper Drive, Save your papers now for pick-up first part of May. Watch this paper for further particulars„ For information contact David Schenck, 527- 1115.'. 1-60-3 -• 1_nl4t.. Strayed STRAYED fromN'/2 of Lot 22, Con. 4, L.R.S. Tuckersmith Hereford red steer, weighing about 800 lbs. 'Contact James_ .McNaughton, -RR 3 Kippen, 26275006. .. '2-60x1 1. 1-1eln Wanted. WANTED immediately: r@p- resentative for the New Books of Knowledge for Seaforth and Area. Full or part time. Apply to Box 1624, Huron Ex- positor. 4-57-tf .5. Bus:' Opportunities Earn Extra Money this 'summer with no invest- ment. Grow Cucumbers for Rose Brand Pickles We have — top prices free pick-up highest yielding seed Write to: Matthews -Wells Co. Ltd Guelph, Ont. Or Call: Cronin Transport Dublin, Ont. 5-58-3 Grow Cucumbers and make Extra Money. If you have 1 an acre or more, grow cucumbers for B1CK'S Top Prices, all hybrid seed. Fre Pick-up at gate. For information apply to Albert Kramers, RICK'S CF CANADA Dublin, Ont. Phone 30' R 3 5-60-2 1" 8, Farm Stock For. Sale TWENTY-TWO wanner pigs, 8 weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, RR 3 Seaforth. Phone 527- 1435. • 8-0-1 NINE pigs, 8 weeks old. Bev Jewitt, phone 527-0466, 8460x1 THREE sows, due soon. Roger Hoornaert, Milt 2 Kippen. • • 8-60.1 TEN pigs 9 weeks °Id: Carl VAndei'roti, North Main St. phone, 627-x772'::. 8-60x1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMRER LEGHORN Day Old and Started, Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and . Cockerels. Available now, Boger your or- iers early. SCOTT POULTRY • FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 180 19-44-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale 1959 FORD truck, • 5 ton ,with 14' stake rack. Phone Hensall. 262-5047. - 10-60-1 11. Articles For Sale Jewellery Repairs We do all types- of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume Jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-44-tf McCORMICK Deering cream separator, stainless . steel tank and parts. Co-op milker with stainless steel parts. Phone 116 R 2 `Dublin. 11-59-2 QUANTITY of -mixed; grain. Percy Dalton, phone 527-1965, RR 1 Walton. 11-59x2 RESPONSIBLE party to bake over $8,00 payments on Singer sewing machine with zig zag- ger, makes buttonholes and fancy stitches. 'Can be had $58:00 cash. Write box 1630, Huron Expositor, 11-59-2 PAIR of heavy Damask drapes two -toned beige, fully lined, 180" x 88" each, used two months. Reasonable for quiclt sale. Phone 527-0821. 11-60x1 BLACK charcoal Suit "$35:00 and sports outfit, blue navy jacket and grey matching pants $25.00, Coats, size 42, pants size 37. 527-0752. 11 60x2 TWO H.P. motor and a 5 H.P. motor. Carl Vanderzon, N. Main St., phone 527-1772. 11-60x1 A QUANTITY of mixed grain also shelled corn. Arnold Tay- lor, Brucefield, 482-9155. 11-60-1 Coles "efficiency" Filing Cabinet one drawer, legal size. A ro1; ler beefing letter file protect- ed by lock and key. Equipped with angular hanging folders with A -Z inserts. Heavy steel, 183/4" wide, 121/2" high, 16" deep, olive green. Regular $48.65; one in stock, slightly used •• To Clear at $35.95 ,The' Huron Expositor 11-60x2 12. Wanted To Buy - .A PAIR of used snow shoes, Mrs• Stiver, RR 3 Seaforth, phone 527-1588. 12-60-1 • ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames,cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. 12-44-tf WANTED HAY, straw, corn and grain, any quality or quantity. Len Watson, 13 'ullamore. Rd., Brampton, 'Ontario,- p-h'o n e 451-4804. , •12-54-15 14. Property For Sale VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY MITCHELL— Income property on St. Da- vid Street in fine condition and in good residential area. Live downstairs and rent the upstairs for $75.00 a month. Price $14,000.00: Possession in 30 days. '.. CLOSE TO UPTOWN - 1 lh storey brick home, liv- ingroom, diningroom, kitch- en, four bedrooms, three- piece bath, oil heat, excell- ent location. Price $10,000. Terms available, Must be sold. FOR FAII.IVIS IN PERTH AND HURON COUNTIES CONTACT -US VICTORIA and. ,: HEyHU ROH- B CPO! ltAkc r i .AF . •A" •"+w.l7l.#tr 4AN. 14. Property For Sale GREY TRUST (Stratford) Telephone - Office: 271-20.50 Don McTavish - Res: 625-8788 Joe Delesie - Res: 3.93-6216 14-60-1 15. Property For Rent A MODERN duplex apart- ment on Ord Street, available, middle of February. Norman Schneider, phone 527-1164. 15-59x2 MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- men-t.:Phone- 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510: 15-44-tf Classitietl aas pay :dividends: HOUSE on No. 8 highway, 2 miles from town, modern co veniences. Phone 52.7-0310 or 482-9217. 15-58-3 16. For Sale or Rent THREE bedroom house close to school. New gas furnace, re- cently .decorated. Owner transferred. Possession Feb. 1. Phone 527-1208. 16-59x2 19. Notices Painting and - Paperhanging Interior and Exterior DOUG DALTON Phone 527-0962 19-57-4 CALL REG SMITH SIGNS for truck lettering, ,farm signs, sale banners, highway bullet- ins; plastic signs, .gold leaf. All work guaranteed, Corner East and High, Clinton. Phone 482-9793. - 19-60-tf NOTICE TOWNSHI-P OF TUCKERSMITH • Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Tucker - smith are requested by the Council to not park cars on Township Roads and streets during the. winter months in order to facilitate snowplow- ing operations. Council will not be respons- ible for damages to' any vehic- les parked' on roads or streets. Council requests that the residents of the Township of Tuckersmith do not push or slump snow on. Township roads. JAMES 1. McINTOSH Clerk -Treasurer Tuckersmith 19-58-3 TRI - TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CLINTON --- SEAFORTH GODERICH 'AREAS Five Years Experience in all Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514, 19-444f DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL•COLLECT Darling & Company ©f Canada Ltd., Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No, 350-C-65 19-44-tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen SaIes, Varna. Phone 262-5350. Hensall. 19-44-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle eveey Monday to United -Co Operatives ,rf Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT, .r Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, - Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-44-tf Dead Stock ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLY under New Management Garnet Smith We are here to give you faster . service and better prices, paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND VP .FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 70.0 LBS., according to size and condition, Smaller animals picked Up free, also, free veterinary ' inspection, Call Collect Atwood 356.262'2 24 bra. a day -7 daysi''a week Lie. NO, 401-C-$5 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar'- antes all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19.44-tf WATCH REPAIRS _ 'FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS ' • - Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-44-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. Ali work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS - BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424, 19-17x23 NOTICE The Annual Meeting and Banquet of Huron County Children's Aid Society issbeing held in the Exeter Legion Hall can Wednesday, February 8, 1967 at 6:30 p.m. • Banquet tickets are avail- able at .$2.25 from the Child- ren's' -Aid Society stgff and Board Members. The public is cordially invited to attend, 19-59-2 21. Tenders Wanted T " TENDERS .FOR FUEL OIL Tenders are invited for the supplying of the following heating fuel feor Seaforth Dis- trict High Scool 1. Light Industrial oil.. Tenders to be submitted to the undersigned on or before Monday, February 6th, 1967 in a sealed envelope marked • "Oil Tender". • DON KUNDER Secretary - Treasurer 21-59-3 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS • In the Estate of BASIL LEROY IIORNICK All persons having claims against the Estate of Basil Le- Roy. Hornick, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired . Farmer, de- ceased, who 'died on the 31s1 day of Deeember, 1966, are hereby notified to -send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of February, 1967, after which date the as- sets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth: Ontar- io, this 16th day of January, 1967. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors -for the Administrator 22-59.3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of • ISAAC McGAVIN All persons • having claims against the estate of Isaac Me - Gavin, lateCbf the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on the 26th dal, of December, 1966, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned, on or before the 10th day of February, 1967 after which date the assets will be distributed, having re- gard only to claims then re- ceived. DATED at Seaforth, Onter- io, this 16th day of January, 1967. McCONNELL & $TEWART Seaforth, Ontario Solicitors for the Executors 22-59-3 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate'' of ALBERTA FORREST Iate of the Township of Tuck- ersmith in the County of Him - on, Spinster, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named who died on the 4th day of September, A.D, 1966, are -required- to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before the 13th day of February; A.D. 1967, after which date the as- sets will be distributed, hay - frig regard only to the claims of which the undersigned shall then have notice. • 22, Legal Notices DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 19th day of January, A.D. 1967. • E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate, -22-60-3 I wish to thank all my friends for their visits, cards and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, Special thanks to Dr. Markus, Dr:' Brady and the nursing staff. — Albert W. Moore. 24-60-1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS 411 persons having claims against the Estate of JAMES EDWARD KEATING, late of the Town of Seaforth, in the County of Huron, Pharmacist, deceased, who died on the 8th day of January, 1967, at the City of London, in the County of Middlesex, are required to file particulars of same with the undersigned on or before the lith day of February, 1967,.after which date the es- tate will be distributed with- out regard to unfiled'claims. DATED at Seaforth, Ontar- io, this 23rd' day of January, A.D., 1967. CANADA PERMANENT TRUST COMPANY' One of the Executors, By its Solicitors herein, McCONNELL , STEWAR Barristers and Solicitors, Box 220., Seaforth, Ontario • 22-60-3 I)iroetor.' M.CCONNELL STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL. Q.C. D. I. STEWART . Seaforth. Ont. Phone 547-0851. SEAFQRTf:_ VETERINARY CLINIC • J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, 'I?:V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S.. J. P. Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth A. W. S1LLti,,R Barrister. •Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario - A. M. HARPER Chartered • Accountant '55-57 South Street Telephont Goderich- • :524=7562 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 Monkton •J . . . l,t klele . 1 lnt.t'fa: (erector the A'mini:;in'- Sergi,' DUBLIN ONTAhft) Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R ?3, Business Directory BOX FUNERAL. SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Arebblaece Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: +lav 527-0680 -- Night 527-0885 u: A. WHITNEY - FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE . 4cljustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth iuHN E. LUNGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: rues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.in Sat., 9 to 12 noon- rhursday evening by appoint mint only Phone 527-1240 — or 482,7010 Mon.,. Wed. — Clinton Office W. J. CLEAR Y Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 ti I..Lards of Thanks Many thanks to all who re- membered me when I was in the hospital. — Mary Coyne, 24-60x1 Our sincese thanks and appre- ciation to our many friends and relatives, for the lovely gifts, flowers, and cards as well as expressions of. good wishes on the occasion Of 'our Golden Wedding Anniversary. — William and Sophia Mac- Gregor, 24-60-1 We wish to thank the .Bruce - field Fire Brigade 'for the prompt response in extinguish- ing the fire at our home. Also thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kind assist- ance. – Will and Della .Clark. ;, 24-60-1 with i to thank friends, rela- "fives and neighbors, CeriadTan Legion and C.W.L. for cards, fruit, cigarettes and visits while I was in the Hospital. Special thanks toDr. Staple- ton and a 1l the Musing staff. It was all deeply appreciated. — Jim Barry. 24-60x1 wish to thank the nurses -for all -the kindness shown me, al- so Drs. Stapleton and Oke, and my many friends fox cards and treats I received. while a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital. — Nor- man •Benne_wies. '24-60x1 Mr-.Th.ohn McAsh. of Varna, wishes to say "Thank -you" for cards, gifts and flowers sent to him while :patient in Victor- ia Hospital, London, also to those who called on him while there and since coming home. Mrs, McAsh also expresses her thanks for the many, expres- sions of sympathy shown her, at the saane time, during her bereavemt'nt in the loss of her sister and sister-in-law. 24-60.1 !4, Cards of Thank: I wish,; to thank .allmy friends and relatives for their visits, cards, an treats while a pati- ent in Seaforth Coniniurl.ity Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Stapleton and the .nursing" staff and my kind neighbors, who helped out in any. way at home. --- Mrs. Theo Van Bakel, St. Columban. 24-60x1 We wish to express ottr sin- cere thanks to all relatives and friends • who remembered us With floral tributes, charit- able donations, cards and many acts of kihdness during our sudden loss oi? a dearly be- loved husband and father. Special thanks to G. A. Whit- ney funeral home, Rev. Har- old Currie, Hensall United Church Sunday School Staff, Ladies of the Church and Dr, J, Goddard. — Mrs. Cleridon Christie and Catharine Anne; ' 24-60-1 Z. 11it Memoriam HOTHAM — In loving mem- ory of a dear husband, father, grandfather and great grand- father, John Hotham, who passed away four •years ago, January 25th, 1963. God's gracious gift, remem=' brance, —Always remembered by his wife, his family, grand- hildren and great grand -child- ren, 25-60-1 JAMIESON — In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, who passed away two years ago, January 30th, 1965, Sadly missed along lifes way Quietly remembered every day. —Lovingly remembered by wife, Lillie, children and grandchildren. . 25-60-1 MURDOCH -1•– In loving mem-. ory of a dear daughter and sister, Beth, who passed away four years ago, January 28th, 1963. "Loves greatest gift, remem-- brance." --Sadly-missed and_ rpmem bered always, Mother, -sisters Audrey and June, brother Bill sister-in-law Pearl- and broth- ers-in-law Stan and Brll. 25-601 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. John . E. Carter of RR 2 Seaforth, wish • to an- nounce the engagement •of their daughter Mary Elizabeth to John Arthur Varley, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Varley, of Seaforth. The wedding will take place on Saturday, Feb- ruary the• eighteenth at two - thirty ,.o'clock in Northside United Church, Seaforth, On. • tario. How To' ;Wr.' 'e- 1- -rr,S ' ALWAYS - BMSA to start yoitr advert1sgroeht with the name of the ertiele or service you have to offer, If you have an apartnnent or room for rent or proper- ty • for sale, start your ad... vertisement with the ' io_ea tion. 2—BE CLEAR. Readers respond more quickly and ,favorably when given complete, or def • inite information. 3—MAKE IT EASY for the reader -prospect -to reach you. Always insert your tele- phone number or your name and' address, preferably both, and give both the road number and the town. If you do not have regular hours, give a preferred time to have prospects .cons tact you. 4—PLACE YOURSELF in the reader's position and ask yourself what you, would like to know (about your of- fer). The answer you give will 'make a good CIassified Ad, • 5—CLASSIFIED readers are al- ready interested - in buying your usedor dew merchan- dise. These people have the money, and are already in the market to buy. So give them every advantage you can with good ad copy: It's best to give the price. 6 -WANT ADS THAT FAIL -- to bring satisfaction do so, not through any lack of readership, but because they are often carelessly worded and do not contain enough information to get prompt action. 7—PLACE YOUR ADVERTISE- MENT in The HURON EX- POSITOR' where you reach the greatest number of po- tential clsified buyers at the least cwt per thousand readers, WEDDING INVITATIONS COASTERS GIFT 'IDEAS 'Ariaarall • SERVIfaTTES d 1 KNOW IT IS NOT MUCH - OF P. UCH-OFA LIFE FOR AFIREFLY -BUT WHAT ELSE CAN YOU Db iN A MONASTERY ? ��� y CMoh1, AAbiri BABY t NF-eD'11tE CANS To • RoW M11 HAIR! 1 ItA4 i moi: 1111., 10 O1 r 1;,11 .• : ''11.1.1,' °CRi TOO BAD WE CANT SSE 9116 FACES OF 914E MOTORiSTS COMING 146 On4E . Wild WH814 ouR: 60•M.P.•H. WAVE OF SAt'D AAttti SALT Al3V SLAP f f '.a te• . 1"4.:4, ; .; 1 • `9 Ito• ...•,.:,�,, •..�t }1,41{.1 1/41 11 tk� -"-SYS , i1 'unit/iilr jjh1II.41 • ` 11'.'._f' 17 11 BREAKS Oklel item Wtt14 A i°lo•M-e-H. CaAS14i/,�. , tt,'i r "'",,/, dI ((fir ' / , It ?'1 �f' /fir h • - -r ..r % .1 A 1•