HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-26, Page 6I(
6,-411144 -HURON. EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 26, 1947
MContixtueal xrom Page 1)
leaar representative to Presby-
WeR Peuglas Fraser, w i t h
alternate Campbell Wey.
o'rance Dundas spoke of
al.'emding`the Presbytery meet-
inge and; congratulated the
t iplate. r on his fine chairman.
.' • S p. Auditors James Clark
and Douglas Fraser were re-
aointed- for 1967. Added to
they• Board .of Trustees were
Lai' rue Godkin and David
. Watson. -
It was .decided to issue' a
financial statement quarterly.
The following pastoral rel-
ations committee was appoint-
ed owing to the resignation
of .the minister which was re-
ceived with regret, Messrs.
Clarence Martin, Martin Baan
William -Dennis and Campbell
Wey. Mr. Clarence Martin,
Clerk of Session, read the let-
ter of resignation from Rev,
A, Higginbotham which will
take effect June 30, 1967. A
rxiber of the Board of
Stewards will be appointed as
011terver. Representative 're-
placing the minister time
Sattedarle for Moncrieff and
Walton will remain the same
, as •ion past years.
Rev. Higginbotham thank-
ed the congregation, treasurer
Mrs. Harvey Craig, caretaker
James Clark, Mrs. Harvey
Brown, . organist, assistant
Mrs. Ray Huether and expres-
appreciation of the faith -
u1 and diligent work of the
choir and, all organizations
and their leaders. He extend-
ed .a special thanks to the Un-
ited Church Women for their
many and varied activities
making such a successful year.,
' Clarence Martin expressed
thanlrsto the minister and
his family for their leadership
dewing the year. '
•The 4-H Girls who took the
Supper Club course attended
Achievement Day at Auburn
Saturday. Miss Betty Hee, of
RR 1 Walton received County
honors. Others taking, the
course included Judy Thamer,
Shirley Williamson, ,Lois Wil-
lianisou. Debbie Wey, Jean
Foe, Beverly :McCall, Mary
Leeming. Joan Dennis, Joyce
McNichol, Gail Traviss, Shar-
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coulson,
a (nee Bernice Seyeau)
Staffa Hall -
Sat., Jan. 28th
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
(Services at Orange Hall)
Rev: Floyd B. Shantz, Pastor
Services for
Sun., January 29,-1967
"0 Worship-, the. Lord in the
Beauty of Holiness"
Family Bible School - 10 a.m.
Classes for allages
Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m;
Message: "Steering clear of
Happy, Hour; 2:30 p.m.
Evening Service: 7:30 p.m.
Message: ''IS GOD DEAD" (a
rebuttle on the new theol-
"One will never be a hero in
anything unless he is first a
hero in faith"
YOU are welcome to worship
with us at BETHEL
on Marks, Lynne McDonald,
Karen McDonald aid Gail
Leaders were Mrs. Kenneth
McDonald and Mrs. Nelson
Miss Bonnie Uhler, student
nurse at Victoria Hospital
School of Nursing. London,
spent the week end with her
father, Mr. Ernest Uhler.
Mrs, Merton Hackwell has
returned home after under-
guing surgery at' Seaforth
Cumunite Hospital.
1MIr. and Mrs, Rollie Achil-
Ies, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ach-
ilies, Mr. and Mrs. William
Taylor, Staffa and Miss Anne
Achilles attended the wedding
of a relative at Hearst last
week end. Mr. and Mrs. R.
Achilles remained for a week,
Miss Pearl Thamer of Strat-
ford spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Thamer
and family. •
Mrs. 'Gary Goodman and
son formerly "of Toronto are
spending two weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Shortreed prior- to moving to
Sarnia where Mr, Goodman
is now employed.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turn-
bull ,left on Sunday for Flor-
ida where they will spend the
next few weeks. r,
Huron Council Considers
bounty Health- Unit Report
Calvin Kreuter, chairman of
the 1966 Huron County Board
of Health told county councillors
at the January Session the com-
mittee had completed the year's
operation within its budget des-
pite problems.
He said staff salaries were
raised soon after a threatened
strike of County Health employ-
ees and mentioned the appoint-
ment of a new County Medical
Officer of Health, Dr. G. P.• A.
The reeve said Dr. Evans is
urging his staff to submit mon-
thly detailed reports to the
board regarding the activities
in their particular department.
The MOH will also present an
assessment concerning both the
present and future of the Hur-
on County Health Unit.
Each of the five hospitals in
Huron County had filled in a
questionnaire for presentation to
Council in January. Patient per
day costs for ward,. semi -priv-
ate and private accommodation
revealed the following: Alexan-
dra Marine and General in
Goderich, $22.85, $24.85 and
$26.85; Seaforth Community
Mr. William Dale attended
a meeting , on Tuesday of the
Ex -Warden's Associates at
Goderich. •
Mrs. Jack - Armstrong of
Clinton visited on Wednesday
with Mrs, Annie Medd. •
Air. and .r11rs. George Hart
of Br
tassels spent Saturday ev
ening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Buchanan and family.
Saturday visitors with Mrs
Irene Grimoldby were Mrs.
Harold Penfold, Mrs. Jas. At-
wuod, of Windsor, Mr. and
Mrs. John Mann of Goderich,
Mr. Clifford Trott, of London,
end Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties
of Winthrop.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcat-
or and family visited on Sat-
urd'ay evening with Mr. and
Mrs. , Jerry Cook and family
of Clinton.
Miss Mary Mcllwain spent
the week end .with Mr. and
Mrs. Hector Kingswell, Bren-
da and Elwin of Clinton.
Mrs. Otten's mother, Mrs,.
Steinbergen and Mr. Otten Sr.
arrived on Saturday from Hol-
land to stay with Mrs. Adolph
Otten and family while Mr.
Adolph Otten is a patient in
the hospital.
Mr., Carl Merner of Zurich
is spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. John -Thompson
and family. .
Mr. and Mrs. Art Haver-
kamp and family of Goderich
visited on Sunday , with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and
Mr. and Bets?. Fred Buchan-
an and family; Mr.. and Mrs.
Earlan Osborn and, girls visit-.
ed with Mr. and.,Mrs. Charles
Hart of Goderich On Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cham-
ney and family of Auburn vis-
ited on Sunday with Mr. and.
Mrs. Jack Medd and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcat-
or and family visited on Sun-
day• with Mr. and Mrs. Ho-
ward Preszcator and family,
'Ir. and.Mrs. Ron Preszcator,
Rhonda And Ricky of Saltford_
Mr. and Mrs. Hector Kings-
well and Brenda of. Clinton
visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. George Mcllwain,
:Vir. and Mrs. John Jewitt,
Carol Anne, Judy. Danny and
Billy were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Buster Pec -
kilt and family and Mr. Ted
Peckitt of Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Pepper
of Seaforth, visited on Mon-
day evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Riley.
Mr...and •Mrs, Jack Medd,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Philips,
of Blyth, spent Monday in
At the time of writing we
rre sorry to report that Mr.
Adolph Otten is a patient. in
, the Seaforth Community Hos-
pital. We wish him a speedy
Miss Mary Buchanan of Wat-
erloo University spent. the
week end at the home of her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Don Bu-
chanan and family.
Friday evening Mr. and
Mrs. Earlan Osborn attended
the Scherbarth-Appleby wed-
ding in the Main St. United
Church in Mitchell,
The Constance C.O.F. Euch-
re was held on Friday even-
ing with --a good attendance.
Thewinners were as fol-
lows: Women's high, Dorothy
Dalton; Lone hands, Margaret
Taylor; Low. Norha Gloush-
er; Men's high, Don Buchan-
an; Lone hands, Paul Buch-
anan; Low, Sam McClure.
The next euchre will be in
two weeks.
'Classified ads pay dividends.
Seaforth Agricultural Society
.7A0 p.m.
Speaker — Mr. R. R. Crozier
Ontario Editor of Winnipeg Free Press Weekly
Tickets available from Directors
TIME : 8 :30
ADMISSION 510 cults and 25 cents
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Agar
have returned from a trip to
Mr,, Ronald MacKay, who re-
tired from teaching school at
the New Year, Left on Saturrlay
last on a round -the -world tour,
which will last for three months,
Mrs. George Davis of Exeter
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis
of Kirkton spent Sunday with
Mrs. Mary A. Hotham and Miss
Leone Hotham, Wilson St.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus Brown
and Miss Carol Weisenburg. were
in Hanover on Sunday 'owing to
the death of Mrs. Brown's uncle
the late Mr, Fred Weichman.
Mrs. James Barry spent the
weekend in Hanover attending
the funeral of here brother-in-
law on Monday, the late Mr,
Fred Weichman,
Mr. Kenneth . Barry attended
the funeral of his uncle in Han-
over on Monday, the late Mr.
Fred Weichman.
Mr. Joe Van Rooijen who has
been on the staff of the Taron-
to.Domininn Bank here has been
transferred to Simcoe:
Miss Valerie Tiirnhuil is fol-
lowing a family tradition by
winning the ""'irr''s singles and
doubles at Pitt Farm near Guild-
ford. England and mixed doubles
at. St. (:enrge's Hill.
Her father the late Arnold R.
Turnbull held many awards in
along tennis career, .,including
Hospital, $24.70, $28.20, $30.20,.
Wipgham and District Hospital,
$24.85, $27.35, $29.85; Clinton
Public Hospital, $22.70, $25.70,
$27.7Q; South Huron Hospital in
Exeter, $25.80, 28.30 and no
private room accommodation of;
All hospitals are either finish-
ing, building or planning addi-
tional facilities -at the present
Waiting List
"A rather large waiting list"
faces the board of management
of Huronview .near Clinton. Pre-
sently, 229 persons are in rest-,
dente at Huronview where' e.
special care wing is expected to
be opened later this year.
Offices located at the present
time in the main building will
be relocated in. the. new wing.
A tuck shop, a sewing room,
an office for the Home's dieti-
cian and an enlarged kitchen are
renovations planned for the
space formerly taken by ad-
ministration offices,
Renovations to the present
kitchen area will be carried out
by Monteith -McGrath for $7,951
and Schnefer's Ladies • Wear,
Goderich will supply drapery in
the amount of $2,937.64.
Salary to the superintendent
will be increased to $7,500 per
annum, approved by the Depart-
ment of Public Welfare.
James Hayter, reeve of Steph-
en Township asked what the per
diem rate was to residents at
Huronview. He was told that a
slight increase to approximate-
ly $5.50 per day was anticipated
but not yet approved by the
Huronview . superintendent
Johnston said only two persons
in residence at Huronview have
moved to the new Blue Water
Rest Home near Zurich.
Staffa U.C.W., met in the
family life centre Wednesday
when Miss Vera Hambley
presided and • opened with
Meditation. Mrs. Darrel Par-
ker read a poem and took her
scripture lesson from Psalm
121. Miss Hambley gave the
Theme of the meditation,
"Kept by the Power of God".
An interesting skit. "Any-
body Ieft Out" was presented
by Miss Hambley, Mrs, Dar-
rel Parker, Mrs. Walter O'-
Brien, Mrs. Cameron Vivian
and Mrs, A. H. Daynard end
fvas followed by a solo by
Airs. Leslie.'Miller.
Miss Hambley presided for
the business. The ,roll call
Bliss Penny Smith of Credit=
on visited on Friday evening
with Mr...and Mrs. Colin Gil-
fillan and Barbara.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters
were at the Heath -Leslie fun-
eral home in Mitchell on Fri-
day where the body of the
late Mrs. Roy Russell lay.
Mrs. John Coward visited
this past week with Mr. and
Mrs. Hiram Hannahat, Kirk -
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubb,
David and Michael of Farqu-
har and Mr. 'Harry Cole of
London visited on Saturday
with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman
Horne, Ruth and Ray.
Mrs. Bev Parsons and fam-
ily visited on Saturday. with
Mrs. John Coward.
Mrs. Harry Ford of Wood-
ham visited on Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne
and family.
ones from , Old St. Andrew's
Club, Toronto and Walton -on -
Thames Tennis Club, and `her
aunt ' Mabel E. Turnbull held
the ladies' singles at the Hunts-
ville Tennis Club, 1924 to 1928.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barry of
»Toronto are spending the win -
ler with their daughter, and fam-
ily in La Habra, California.
News of
Mrs. Kaye Burdge and her
daughter Mary Ellen spent
last week end with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Elliott.
Mr. and Mrs. Jame'?; Aiken -
head are spending some time
in London with their daughter
Mrs. B. Hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Paterson
were guests over the week end
with Mr. Paterson's sister,
Mrs. L. A. Anderson and Ina.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Lyndon
of Toronto were guests at the
home of Mrs. Lyndon's moth -
ler, Mrs• W. Haugh.
)Fire Checked
The Brucefield firemen
'w re called at '3 a.m. on Man -
clay rnu'rning• to a fire at the
(,mcg of Mr. Wm. Clark, For-
tunately the fire was extin-
guished before it spread out of
the furnace room.
Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime!
• Commencing at 8, p.m.
Parents and friends of students, as well as
the general public are invited to visit the
Seaforth District High School and meet the
Student's work will be on display
was answered by 15 members
and 1 visitor. W
A sign for the church lawn
i§ • to be secured as part of the
U.C.W. Centennial, project.
The treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. Harold Pethick
Showing that 1966 had been a
most successful year.unch
was served by Mrs. Archie
Jeffrey. and Mrs. Sam Norris.
The third and fourth meet-
ings of the course "More A-
bout Finishes" were held Mon-
day and Thursday evenings at
the home of the „leader, Mrs.
Carter Kerslake, who demon-
strated how to . make bound
buttonholes, welt pockets, cov-
ered belts, gussets and thread
i\liss Shari McDonald, Mit-
chell, visited• Tuesday night
with lVIr. and Mrs. Russell
Taylor and Robert.
Mr. and Mrs. -Reg Finlay:
son and Mike, returned home
Friday from a vacation in
Miss Debbie Illman, Monk -
ton, was a Wednesday ,night
guest of Miss Fay Templeman.
Miss Bonnie Kerslake, of
Cromarty, visited Sunday
with Miss Joanne Templeman.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris
and family, Brampton, visited
Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris
and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris
and family.
. Dinner guests on Sunday at
the:home of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Pridham, Nancy Mae and Billy
of Cromarty, were Mr. and Mrs.
J. L. Lostell and Lloyd of Kip -
pen,. Mr. ;and Mrs. Harold Prid-
ham of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Parson and Jimmy of
Seaforth, Mr. .and Mrs. Glen
Sturgeon, Jo Anne, David, Jane
of Goderich, Mr.' and Mrs. Don
Smale, Jo Anne and Brenda of
Hensall. The occasion being
Nancy Mae's second birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McBride
visited Sunday with her. daugh-
ter Sharon in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert
visited Sunday in Harriston with
Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Armstrong
Of' Staffa visited Saturday 'with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Long.
(Continue° rrom Cage 1)
on Thursday afternoon. After
a short worship period conduct-
ed by the minister, the reports
of the year's activities were re-
ceived front the Church Treas-
urer and other organization
treasurers. The Church is in
good financial shape with all
obligations met in 1966. This
included the laying of a com-
plete new floor in th•e basement
of the Church. . •
The Church Sunday School
found itdifficult to meet the
rising costs of the Sunday
School• materials so they now
receive a $200 donation from
the UCW to assist the teaching
program, The interest in the
Church School is o•ne of the out-
standing' features of the Cavan
Church, .
The UCW gave a fine -report-
reportwith nearly $6,000 raised for
their work this year.
Members appointed eta , the
Committee of;, Stewards for the
next two years are: Messrs.
Francis Hunt,.Glen McClure and
Donald Dodds.
Cromarty Presbyterian Church
The annual • meeting of Crom-
arty Presbyterian: Church. was
held in the church school room
with Rev. J, C. Boyne as chair-
man. The minutes of 1968 an- •
nual meeting were read by
Rev. Boyne. Mrs. Gerald Carey
was appointed secretary for
the meeting.
Reports received included:
session, by Calder McKaig; Lad-
ies,' Aid by Mrs. T. L. Scott;
WMS by Mrs. W. Harper and
Mrs. T. L. Scott; Marian Ritchie
Auxiliary by Mrs. Gerald Carey;,
C.O.C. by Mrs. Jim Miller;
CGIT . and Explorers, Mr.
Boyne; Sunday School, Mrs. T.
L. Scott; -Cemetery, Carter Kers-
lake; cradle roll Mrs. Carter
Kerslake. The library, commit-
tee, record secretary, everyday
secretary, cradle troll superin-
tendent, cemetery ebmtnittee
and treasurer Were re -appoint-.
ed. NeW ntanager5 appointed
were T'a'hiti Maxlernaa, into ct
Laittg' atiti, 3blltinott.
Junior Farmers
Institute Elect
A well attended annual meet-
ing of the Seaforth Junior
Farmers was held in conjunction
with sports night, which con-
sisted of broomball and skat-
Pian To
Mrs. Thomas Young, formerly
of Tara, was welcomed as a
visitor when Edelweis Rebekah
Lodge met Monday night. She
and her husband have recently
proved here.
A report on the joint pot-
luck supper with members of
Fidelity Lodge, IOOF, set for
Friday evening was given by
Mrs. Tillie Dunn, noble grand.
Members of Goderich lodge
are being asked to visit here on
March 13, when a banquet is
planned to honor Mrs. Pauline
Taylor, president of the Rebe-
kah Assembly of Ontario and
Miss Jean Scott, district deputy
president. ,
Several members offered' to
supply lunch and help with the
work, when the Odd Fellows
redecorate- the hall, the Cen-
tennial project of both groups,"
The lodge's 55th anniversary
on May 10, and a .dessert euchre
were discussed.,
(Continued from. Page 1)
ply the penalty clause. A good
pattern here is th•e Federal
Government which never uses
'penation,lty clauses for construe
. The board has discussed de-
laying the opening of ..the
school until summer. There are
advantages to this of course.
However, conditions for teach-
ers and pupils in the small
schools are far from ideal.
There will be inevitable disrup-
tion in organizing new classes
of one grade each and it will
give the' children an excellent
start in the fall term if the ma-
jor difficulties have been over-
come by summery In addition
there will be a saving in the
expense of maintaining double
We • are moving approximate-
ly a third of the furniture from
the old schools. Some 'of the
parents have criticized,this, in
that they, feel we are already
spending soy much that the addi-
tional cost would be a very small
fraction of,the total and the ap-
pearance would be improved
with complete refurnishing. Our
decision is based on the neces-
sity for economy where improve-
ment in learning will not be
affected. In addition there is ,a
likelihood that new patterns of
:furnishings' may emerge with,
in the next five' or ten years
and we feel that the old. 'days
of our 'student to.,'an attached
desk and chair are finished.
We have tried to look ahead -by
the purchase of. separate units
for the pupils with desks that
'can be joined in line , to 'make
a table. This increases, the flex-
ibility of classroom use, but
nevertheless we foresee even
more radical changes coming
for classroom furnishing. We
shall then he in a position to
take advantage of any change
without undue expense in dis-
posing of relatively new furni-
The hoard welcomes 'Mrs. A.
Westlake and Mr. R. Govenlock
to the teaching staff. Mr, Spen-
cer Irvine was employed as cus-
todian on the first of January.
Temporary bussing arrange-
ments were made in Stanley
last autumn to reduce the'num-
ber of grades in each one -room-
ed school. Since the cost of this
service was rising on Jan. 1,
he new contractor has started
work in the district with his
)Mn•drivers and vehicles.
Negotiations are nearly com-
pleted for teachers' salaries for
he coming year. In common
with most salaries the board
has had to face the effects of
nflation an'd has agreed to' a
raise of approximately • ten per
cent for most categories of
The new scale is not by any
means the highest in the county,
but this area had a fairly low
base of salaries before the pre-
sent board assumed office. If
the school is to attract good
teachers as rePlacements for
he additional classrooms of
the newaschool, it is highly im-
portant ti)at the salary scale
be adequate.
The board is working on the
budget for the current year.
The new debenture will be sold
on 1st April, 1967, for $785,000
and owing to the Ontario Mun-
cipal Board's use of Canada
Pension Plan money the rate of
nterest will be five and one
half per cent for twenty years.
We believe the departmental
grants may increase sufficient-
y this year that it may not be
necessary t� change the present
mill rate to any great extent.
You may be' assured 'that eyery
ffort is being made towards
economy In operation, without
prejudice to the stiperior type
of education• we believe Will re=
nit from the opening of the
add fiebool.
ing. A short business meeting
took place followed by a smor-
gasbord supper at.- the high
The 1967 slate of officers was
installed by Dave Inglis, form-
er summer assistant ag. rep.
The are, Jtlnior Farmers: past
president Bill Campbell; presi-
dent Jim Papple; vice-president
George Townsend; second vice-
president Fred Uhler; secretary -
treasurer Bill Murray; •-joint
secretary - treasurer Gerald
Smith; press reporter Leonard
Jamieson; Junior Institute: past
president Elsie Doig; president
Christine Pryce; first vice Bon-
nie Stewart; second vice Angela
Devereaux; secretary -treasurer
Sharon MacKenzie.
A successfulcurling bonspeil
for the»Huron County Junior
Farmers was held recently in
the Seaforth -rink. ' • •
Thewinning rink consisting
of Don McKercher skip; Jack
MacLachlin vice -skip; Joan Sin-
clair second; and Ken Whit-
more lead emerged victorious
after stiff competition with the
second prize winning rink of
Murray Hoover skip; Marjorie
Papple, vice -skip; Neil t5raham
second; and Leonard Jamieson
lead. The consolation prize was
won by Jamieson Ribey's rink
consisting of vice -skip Jim Pap-
ple, second Bob Higgins, lead
Irma Pryce.
Remember! It takes but .a
moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad' and -be money in
pocket. To advertise, just
Dial Seaforth 527-0240.
in I.0,0.F. Hall
Brucefield •
Friday, Feb. 3rd
8:30 p.m.
Sponsored ,by the, Brucefield
and Kippen Scout Committee
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
St. Thomas' Church
Wed., Feb. lst
Auspices of St. Thomas'
Merchants vs.
(all players over 40)
Sat., Feb. 4th
8 p.m.
Admission 50c -.25c
Come out and see the
Old Timers
13I GO
Friday, Jan.. 27th
8:15 p.m.
Legion Fall, Seaforth
15 Regular Games for $10.00
Three $25.00 Specials
Jackpot $50 to 'go
(Children, under 16 not
Extra Cards 25c, or 7 for'''l.00
Auspices Seaforth Branch 156
Canadian Legion '
Come fo the
JANUARY 25, 26, 27 & 28,1967
Secure your free admissions from. your
Farm Equipment Dealer
Coming • to the
The Royal Hotel, Mitchell
Thurs., Fri., and Sat.
February 2nd, 3rd and 4th
$2.00, All You Can Feu
SAT., JANUARY 28 -- 6 too �.r.
Friday Night
Featuring HANK $EDARD
Next Smorgasbord February 11
$ :00 to 12:00
' at the
Seaforth Arena
Admission: $1.00
GIRLS: No Slacks- - EOM: Ties