HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-26, Page 14
I- •
108th Yeai
Whole No. .5160
Brawny Beauties Bandy Banter, Bathos
It was fun night. at Horne and School, Friday when the school was crowded with parents
and pupils eager to take part in the. Proceedings. A highlight of the evening was a fashion
show featuring the models shown here. (left f roht) Ron Eyre, Neil Bell, Bert Moggach; (rear)
Orville Oke, George Miller, R. J. Boussey, William Wilbee, Eldon Halley,' Rev. D. 0. Fry and
Don Morton. (Picture by Brian Flannigan),
'Se:forth C
Ian !,,;ent
The Con-regation .of First
Presbyterian Church reviewed
a successful year at the annual
meeting Wednesday evening and
discussed plans to celebrate
100th anniversary of the found-
ing of -.the congregation this
Following( a pot -luck supper,
a short service was conducted
by the minister, Rev, D.. 0. -.Fry.
Frank Kling was named chair-
man, andTed Cosford, secre-
tary for the meeting.
• Reports presented indicated
the congregation raised nearly
$25,000.00 for all purposes, and
that eaclt organilation was in
a •tlariviaconditian,:
Reporting for the board of
managers, Mr. Kling told of
projects completed during the
year, including the complete
repainting of the . exterior of
the church and manse and the
rebuilding, of a portion of the
root on the. church.
Work of redecorating the
sanctuary ..is now in progress,
the contract having "leen award-
ed to Hildebrand Paint and Pap-
er, who submitted the lowest of
four tenders received.
The *minister. reviewed' plans.
contemplated for Centennial
year. The 'congregation aPprciv-
ed installation of carillonic
.elfirnes, A bequest from the 'es-
tate of the late M. A. Reid will
provide nearly half of the estim-
ated cost,
Other projects approved in-
cluded an outdoor sign by the
Friendship Circle and flood
lighting the church;, publication.
of an historical booklet.
Mr. Fry said special services
were contemplated! throughout
the year to mark the -anniver-
sary occasion with particular
emphasis being placed on the
services in November. '
Tribute to. the work of Mr.
rm. was expressed by Wrn. Hod-
gert and the meeting approved
r gat'
an increase' in his stipend) of
$400. Wm. R. Smith expressed
appreciation for the excellent
contributions being made by the
organist and choir leader, Mrs.
Donald Carter and Mrs. Brown,
and this was recognized by an
increase in their remuneration
of '$100, A minimum, budget
commitment of $4,000.00 for
1967 was acCepted.
Joseph Hugill, Harold Cole-
man and Elmer Rivers were
re-elected to three-year terms
on the board of managers.
Elected for a three-yearr term
was Donald Morton. Robert
Geminell was elected for one
John E. Patterson ...a,nd Ron-
ald' S. MacDonald Were again
appointed' auditors.
Northside United Church
The annual meeting of North-
side United Church was held on
Wednesday evening. After a
short worship set -vice conduct-
ed by the minister, *Mr. Ernest
Williams was elected chairman
and Mrs. E. H. 'Close, seeretery.
Excellent reports were receiv-
edfrom the Cithrch -Treasurer
on' the year's givings. The Unit-
ed Church Women showed good
financial returns with particu-
lar reference to the return on
dinners' served' at the. Plowing
Match ori which they realized a
profit, of $2,100,00. The UCW
contributed $1,000 to help pay
for the chair lift which was in-
atalled last year for the conven-
ience of the members who need
ed assistance to the sanctuary.
This installation has proved to
be a boon to thoge who found
the stairs an impossible obstacle
to regular worship with the con-
gregation. 'Other organizations
reporting thawed a healthy
state. The Church Sunday School
is no longer able to provide the
necessary funds to carry on
their work without support from
' ASDAY, JANUARY 26,1967 — 12 PAGES
Plan Purchase
For Scout Use
Seaforth Lions at a meeting,
Monday evening endorsed a pro-
posal of the boys and girls com-
mittee to purchase the former
Dick block on South Main St.,
as accommodation for Boy
Scout and Girl Guide activities.
Cost was set at $3,000, plus
The property Is owned by J.
J. Wilkinson ho had purchas-
ed it from Mrs. Dick for the
.same amount some mouths ago
And in turn offered it to the.
In presenting the proposal to
the club, boys and girls com-
mittee chairman H. G. Mier
said annual operating and car-
rying charges would be be-
tween $400 and $500. He said
that if used exclusively for Boy
Scout and Guide activities, the
property would not be subject
to municipal assessment.
' G. A. Whitney president of
the club said the public was be-
ing invited to assist in raising
necessary funds. A campaign
committee headed by W. D.
Stephenson has been establish-
ed and is inviting gifts .from
individuals and organizations to
assist in assuring continuation
of the Scout and Guideprogram
in Seaforth.
the general funds of the con-
gregation. They now have ac-
cess to these funds to the
amount of $150.00.
Following the • financial re-
ports, the Long Term Planning
Committee' reported that an ar-
chitect had been engaged to
draw up plans for the complete
renovation of the Church School
room. Changes will also have
to be made in the present heat-
ing System which are also to be -
placed under the architect for
final plans to be included in
the overall changes. This will be
a Centennial project for the con-
gregation that has been await-
ed for some ',time. Practically
nothing has,been done in the
Church .PSCheol area *Since the
Church was built and it is no
longer suitable for the type of
Christian Education program
which we are presently carry-
ing out under most trying cir-
cumstances. Approval was giv-
en to ,the plans ,under consider-
ation and the committee was
-empowered to proceed.
'The retiring elders, were. re-
elected to office, elders Wilmer
-Cuthill, Harold Connell; Ernest
Williams, Bev. Thomson and
John Talbot. • •
Stewarts appointed toserve
for three . years are: Messrs.
Thos. Wilbee, Harry Brown,
Herb. • Harrison and Dr. J. C.
MacLennan. •
One of the finest 'reports of
the night was received from the
Maitlandbank Cemetery trustee
board. A few years ago the fin-
ancial condition of the cemetery
was such as to be of deep con-
cern to the congregfftion, but
thanks •to the present 'trustees
they now show a slight profit on,.,
the operation.
Cavan United Church
The •annual meeting of the
Cavan United Church was held
(Continued on Page 6)
In Office 14 Years
Name New Post master
Barry Marshall, who hes been
Walton Post Master for the past
14 'years,has been appointed
Postmaster at Beigden and left
last week for his new appoint-
ment.' Stewart Humphries, who
has purchased the store and
residence owned by Mr.° Mar-
shall Succeeds him as Post-
Mr. Humphries said Tuesday
he would, continue to operate
the. post office for the time be-
ing in the Marshell store, but
intended to carry out altera-
tions in his own building to
provide post office accommoda-
tion. When this work was corn-
pleted, the office would be
moved across the street and
the Marshall property would be
used for warehousing.,
The McKillop Unit met at
the home 6f 1Virs. Keith Rock
with fifteen ladies present.
Mrs. Charles McCutcheon
presided for devotions and op.
ened the meeting by, reading
two verses of Hymn 368, "0
Brother man fold to thy heart,
Thy Brother". Hymn 424,
"My times are in Thy Hand"
was sung.
Miss Jennie tennis led in
prayer. Mrs. Lawrence God -
kin gave tribute to First
Church's Ladies Aid, depict-
ing such a meeting 60 years
ago. 1VIrs. Lawrence Godkin
read the scripture taken from
Ithrioans 13, Hymn 500 "Take
thrie to be hole was sung
lowed 'with prayer by Mrs.
Mrs. David Watson gave
the topic "Renewal" for the
coming year.
The president, Mrs. Glen
'McNichol presided for the
business. She read an article
"Is God Dead". The roll .call
was answered by members
paying their annual U.C.W.
membership. Reports were
heard and business conducted.
There will be no February
meeting so a, full attendance
win be hoped for at "Vie
World Day of Prayer" in the
Church, February 10.
Plans were made concerning
a social eVening in the •school.
Study material for the Unit
was discussed. •
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Glen McNichol, Mrs. David
Watson, and the hostess.
Duff's Has Annual Meeting
The annual congregational
meeting of Duff's United
Church Was . held Thursday
evening in the church with
the minister Rev. Arthur Hig-
ginbotham hi; charge of the
'worship service,. Hymn 210,
"Stand up anctbless;the Lord"
with IVIrs. W. C. Haekwell as
pianist was sung, followed by
the scripture reading. The
theme "Kingdom of God" cen-
tred around the "Lord's Pray.
er" stressing "Thv Kingdom
Come, Thy will be done on
earth as It is done in heaven".
Mrs. nerves! Craig was ap.
Honor Couple
Wed 50 Years
A short service to the mem-
ory of a charter member ancl
past president J. E. Keating,
who died earlier this month
was conducted by, Rev. D. 0.
Fry who paid tribute to the
contribution which Mr. Keating
had made to the club and the
Rev. Douglas Steven of Eg-
mondville United was guest
speaker and diseased changes
affecting family life under to-
day's conditions. He was intro-
duced by J. Scott Cluff and
thanked by 0. Oke.
Mr. and, Mrs.' William Mac-
Gregor of RR 3, Kippen, cele-
brated their 50th wedding anni
versary on Wednesday, Janu-
ary 18th,; with "open house."
Mr. MacGregor has farmed here
all his life, the farm having
been in the MacGregor, name 1
for one hundred and fifteen
years. The have five children,
ten grandsons and one grand-
daughter, and nine great grand-
Couple Celebrpte
53rd. Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. David Netzke of
Jarvis 'Street, Seaforth, cele
brated their 53rd wedding an-
niversary on Sunday ,when a
number of friends and their
family were preseht. They have
three 'children, two sons, Roy
of Brpckville and Mel of Wood-
stock and one daughter, Mrs.
Pat Altman of Mildmay, also
13 grandchildren and 11, great
Herman Business
Wil! Close
Be -N -Jay Beauty Salon which
has been carrying • on business
,in Heehall since 1960 will close
this weekend.
In August 1960, William Gib-
son of Wroxeter and John E.
Caldwell of Kippen whd recent-
ly had secured diplomas from
Bruno's School of Hair Design;
opened the salon. With the ex-
ception of two weeks in 1962
when both operators holidayed
together in Flotida, the salon
has continued to serve the area.
At Walton
pointed secretary. Tribute
with silence and pryer was
paid to those who died during
the year. '
In the report of the session
the minister.gave special men-
tion of the communicants
class which included eleven
members, These were receiv-
ed by Profession of Faith into
the church in November. Dur-
ing the year there were eight
burials, 2 baptisms and 4 mar-
The ordinary report of the
church was reviewed and re-
ceived as printed, also the
Missionary and 'Maintenance
Mrs. Gordon McGavin gave
an encouraging report for the
U.C.W. showing that , the
group had been active during
the year: She also spoke of
the Plowing Match Banquet
in Seaforth at" which women
of all faiths rendered their
services so willingly helping
to make it a decided success.
"The church growth in Can-
ada" is the study book chosen
for this year for the United
Church women.
A letter was read regarding
Special and Presbytery Pro-
jects. Pink envelopes are still
available • from the treasurer
for these projects.
Mrs. Walter Bewley review-
ed the 1k/fission Band work and
thanked her helpers for their
support. Mrs. Neil McGavin
reported for the Canadian
Girls in Training and gave
special mention to Mrs. Robert
Lillycrop who was assistant
leader for many year and
stated that this office is now
being filled" by, Mrs. Lyle Os-
Rev. Arthur Higginbotham
spoke of the active Hi C group
with special mention going to
Miss Nellie Baan as organizer
and president, also counselors
Mrt. Donald Achilles and Mr
Douglas Fraser.
The Sunday School report
was given by the secretary -
treasurer Mrs. Nelson Reid.
Mr, Martin Baan also commen-
ted on the work of the Sunday
School and the need of more
help with the older members
showing more interest in the
work, of the Yetin
ger groups.
« Travel to Expo
Mrs. Ronald Bennett report-
ed there were 46 Scouts and
Cubs in the organization. Elev-
en scouts have signed up. to
attend Expo '67 at Montreal
and -travel on to the East
Coast with their leader Mr,
James Axtrnan.
Messrs. Douglas Fraser,
Campbell Wev and Torrance
Dundas were appointed to the
Board of Session. Added to the
Committee of Stewards, are
Messrs. Herbert Traviss, 1 -lar -
v" McClure, Ian Wilboe and
Donald Dennis. Representative
to the Men's Colwell, Emerson
Mitchell and Roy W'illia
(continued on Page
.• ° e
ratere st
The fuzzy appearance of a
number of leading Seafarth
males which for some days has
aroused comment in town, -was
explained with announcement
of rules and regulations govern-
ing the Seaforth Centennial
committees' beard growing cont
test. Details are aet out '�n page
12 of this issue.
The contest. in charge of a
committee headed by -Brian
Fiahnigan and including W, T.
Strong and J. C. Cornish- gets
.under way immediately with '
reeistration continuing until
the end of Febrnai53inTn).
three classes will take place at •
the Lions Club Summer ,Carni-
val at the' end of June, Mr.
Flannigan. said.
Calling on all main to grow
a beard, the chairman explain-
ed that the committee recog-
nized that in certain cases this
might not be possible. For this
reason shaving permits were be-
ing provided at $1.50 each,
Seaforth oalgotott
Road:Plans Undo
Single ',Co** 12, Om*
$5.00 a Year ,in* 144010404
Preliminary planning for the
rebuilding of Main Street and
No. 12 County road through-Eg-
mondville is under way. For the
past weeka survey party from
Burns Ross Engineers of Gode-
rich has been at work on the
project. The Ross firm has been
appointed to design the road.
At a recent meeting between
representatives of -Seaforth
couneil, Huron Engineer J. W.
Britnell and engineers involved,
a basis for the joint carrying
out of several aspects of the
work was determined.
The rebuilding program invol-
ves construction of new storm
sewers and additional outlet
capacity. It is expected this will
be provided co-operatively, with
Seaforth, at a resulting saving
C of C
Acting quickly to carry out
the instructions of the recent
annual' meeting, the Chamber
of Commerce ,executive has ar-
ranged for a general meeting in
the Legion Hall, Tuesday,' Feb.
President.D. Sills said arrange-
ments had been made' to Opw
movies indicating features of
the Norwich Plan as it applies
to communities such as Sea -
forth. A buffet lunch will be
served following the meeting.
The meeting is open to all
interested in Seaforth area in-
cluding the farming as well as
the business cemmunity,
• Drivers Carry Out Check
There is mere •involved in driving a school taus than
sometimes seems the case. Here three of the' drivers of
Habkirk Transit faxhiliarize themselves with what makes the)
wheels go 'round following a trip this week. They are (left)
Mrs. Jackie, Melanson, Mrs. Jean Baynhanr,and MrS. Peston
Dallas. (Expositor photo by Phillips).
Springlike Weather
Brings Area Floods
The springlike ' weather this
week with record temperatures
climbing to the late 50's while
eliminating most snow has also
created flood conditions in sev-
eral areas.
On Wednesday Silver Creek
had overflowed across Lions
Park and much of the former
gplf cliib property' north of the
[highway was under water.
' Areas along. Goderigh Street
enorth of Colman Street were al-
so under water with the floods
covering sidewalks and isolat-
ing neighboring houses. Sind -
lar conditions -were present ,in
south Seaforth where streets
adjacent to the Rec. grounds
were floOded.
td both parties. Seaforth
ready has a basic storm sewer
plan available and this coupled
with the study now 'under ,way
by engineer S. W. Archibald to
provide 400 outlets at Silvet
Creek for McKillop, 'Seafatth
and Tuckersmith surface Water •
will form the basis of the pro-
posed sewer plan.
While_ almost the entire., east
of rebuilding the road from
13 Highway to Egroondville
bridge will be -born by the.prOV-
ince as part of its development •
road program certain construc-
tion and design costsinvolved
in intersecting streets will be
a Seaforth responsibility. The _
meeting discussed the method
as to how these, requirements:
could be incorporated into the
o'Ver" all scheme most econorai4' '
With ,aetive planning novr un-
der way it was indicated th‘v •
project would be advanced 'suf.
ficiently , to permit tenders to '
becalled late this year or early
in 1968 with construction corm
pleted in '68.
Delay in completing eenstrue-
tion of .Huron Central Centen-
nial School at Brucefieid has:,
prompted the board to release
a statement in which reasone
for the delay are indicated.
"We are badly behind sched-
ule and wanted to tell the
people why", Verne Alderdice,
chairman of the board, told The
Expositor Tuesday.
The statement:
The construction of the Htiren-
Centennial School, near Brine-.
field, has been disappointingly,
stow, due to a series of late.. de-
liveries of materials' during the
autumn and to the, eurrent shor-
tage of fradekekm,. The target
date of completion was the end
of November.' This has slipped
month by • Month, and it now
appears that Easter might be a
more likely date for occupancy.
Members of the • board have
been asked why they did not ap-
ply a penalty clause in tlfe or,
iginal tender to guarantee cam-,
pletioh on timeor cempensation
in lieu of failure of the builder
to meet his deadline. This was
discussed before advertising
for the tenders, and the cost of:
a penalty' clause was found- to
be prohibitively high. Such a
Waste of public funds eould •
not be . countenanced. Moreover,
in the event of a sub -contractor:
not meeting their deadlines,
there is no easy manner•to ap-
(Continued .on Page 6)
Mothers Prepare
Sponsored for the second year by Edelweiss Rebekah
Lodge, Seaforth, the "March of times" blitz gets under way
here on Monday. Here some of the Marching Mother receive
their kits. (left front) Mrs, Tillie Dunn, noble grand Mrs.
L. P. Pod, marching mother, Mrs. Zoseph.Grurntnett,
For -Monday Blitz
ty chairman; (rear) Mrs. peter Malcolm, recruiting, qss 1I
eanor Henderson, captain, Mrs. Charles Beeves, nfinatIce chair4'
man and Mrs. Mao ,Habkirk, general chairMall. (EXPOSiter
photo by Phillips);