HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-19, Page 10. p 1O -THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JAN. 19, 1967 CLASSWIED ADS Births POPPE - In Seaforth "Com- munity Hospital, on Jan. 12 to Mr. and • Mrs. Herman Poppe, RR 4 Mitchell, a son. McPHERSON In Seaforth Community Hospital, on Jan. 15 to IVIr. and Mrs. ?high McPherson, RR 5 Sea - forth, a daughter. Too Late STE A DY EMPLOYMENT Reliable young man wanted to operate recently purchased mobile feed mill. For more information contact ED DOLMAGE Mitchell Mobile Feed Service 218 Francis St.. Mitchell 348 -8507 -Mitchell 4-59-1 TRY SELLING Part-time for 30 days Ages 20 to 35 -show our products 20 times. Earn .$140 plus commission. Then decide from this experience, to keep working or return our samp- les. We -teach yon our short and interesting presentation from our .15 years experience, Write: Volume Dy;tributors Limited ' 883 Hamilton Road London, Ontario Att: Mr. C. F. Watson 4-59x1 Classified ads pay dividends. Too Late FOR SALE - Quantity of mixed grain. Harold Dietz, FR 1 Dublin, phone 126 R 6. s1 FOR SALE - 42 pigs, 9 to, 10 weeks old, Mac Stewart, RR 1 Dublin, phone 527-0897 -1 FUN FAIR, Seaforth Public School. Friday evening, Janu- ary 20th, 7:30. Everyone wel- come. Come out for an even- ing of fun. Admission at door free. xl FOR SALE - 500 ft. of knot- ty pine, new cut. 1714" x 8', storm sashes, 4 lights. 14" x R0",: one tnilPt seat. like nets 1 basin: number of inside nine rings. Walter Murray, East William St. . -1 Classified ads pay dividends. St. James' CWL Holds Euchre The Catholic Women's Lea- gue of St. James Parish held a successful euchre Friday ev- ening convened by Mrs. James Devereaux and Mrs: Michael Williams. Prize winners were ladies' high, Mrs. John Van Geffen, Seaforth; lone hands, Mrs. Frank Maloney, Seaforth and Consolation. Mrs. Wilfred Mc- Quaid, Seaforth: Men's high. J. M. Eckert, Seaforth; lone hands, Albert Baker, of Sea - forth; consolation, Leo Kelly Seaforth. Lucky Cup, Mrs. Alynn Dale. Lucky Chair, Mrs. Julia • Flannigan, Sea - forth. : .- COIN OPERATED, 25c CAR.... WAS NOW OPE in the former . White Rose Station, Gaderich Street East, Seaforth' Help Yourself . - No Waiting ° Watch For Grand Opening be sure of your spring fertilizer Don't make the mistake of waiting until spring to buy your fertilizer , . , that's when everyone els'e does. That's when supplies can run low too, even in the best -stocked warehouses. That's when you should be applying, not buying. Make sure you have your spring supply of CO-OP"' fertilizer in time ... order now. SEAFORTH FARMERS PHONE 5270770 save too. Buy your COOP fertilizer now end you'll enjoy worthwhile caulk delivery savings. Special winter savings are in effect from: January Early Deliv- ery Discount, $2,00 ton Plus 3% cash discount if paid by Jan. 31 next C'ou.nci15 Hold Meetings GREY COUNCIL At the inaugural meeting of the Grey Township ;Council; Reeve Clifford R. Dunbar and Councillors Kenneth Bray, Law- son Ward, Charles Thomas and Melville Lamont took the oath of office before the Clerk, " Rev. H. E. Waite of Atwood Presbyterian Church opened the meeting with a devotional period, The first meeting of the coun- cil for the year 1867 was held January 21st, 1867 and the. min- utes of this meeting were read by the clerk. Reeve Archibald McDonald, Deputy Reeve David Dobson, Councillors Charles Millard and John Stewart took the oath of office. The Reeve issued his warrant for an elec- tion of one councillor, (Samuel Sleman) was later elected coun- cillor. Alexander McNair was appointed auditor for the cur- rent year and only appointment made at this meeting. • Reeve and Mrs. Dunbar enter- tained at dinner at the noon ad- journment. ' The following resolutions were passed: -The Reeve and Treasurer be authorized to borrow $90,000 from the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Brussels, for the .year 1967, until taxes re collected; -That the Ethel Community Centre board be appointed 'as. follows: Alex Pearson, Bruee Speiran and John Conley from Ethel, Mrs. Thos. ' MacFarlane and Mrs. Cecil Raynard repre- senting Ethel Women's Institute, Melville Lamont . and Clifford Dunbar representing Grey Town- ship council; -That Cameron Cochrane •be appointed to the Mount Pleas- ant cemetery boards for a three year term; -That Kenneth Bray and Chas. -Thomas be' app'binted to the Cranbrook Community Centre board; =That Reeve Clifford R. Dun- bar be appointed representative -to the Maitland Valley Conser- vation. Authority;' -That membership fees be. paid to the Ontario Good Roads Association $15; Association of Rural Municipalities $15; and Association of Ont. Mayors and Reev s $10; -Th t we concur with proposal put forth by representatives from Seaforth Community Hos- pital board for grant according to patients... using facilities of hospital from, the Township of Grey and appoint Reeve Clif- ford IrlYunbar a member of the board to represent Grey; -That Ernst Uhler be rebated $2.00 dog tax for 1966; -And that Clifford Dunbar be appointed to sell the used mat- erial from the Ethel street lights.. The following accounts were paid: County of Huron, leafy spurge 'Account 49.91; Hugh B. Smith valuator 10: Howard Ber- nard oil filter 1.25: The Munici- pal World, assessor's guide sup- nlement 7.64: Melvin Carnochan Golden drain 26.00; Frank Kirk- by. Hart and Blake Agreement drain 45: Sam Sweeney. John- cton drain 52; Molesworth street. lights 23.13; Good Roads .Asso elation membership fee 15: As-. ,sociation of• Rural Municipali- ties membership fee 15; Associa- tion of Mayor and Reeves mem- , bership fee 10: Seaforth Com- munity Hosnital, grant 72.00', Rev. H. E. Waite. attendance at inaugural meeting 5; Sam Sweeney bulldozing~ Walton dump 49: Ernst Uhler, rebate dog tax 2; Lothar Weber office supplies 4.19: George Wesen- berg, assessor's license 10.25; Hiemstra Nursing Home. Dec. account 122.25; Lothar Weber relief account • 197.95; 'Brussels Coal Yard relief account 30; rent for relief 30: December -re- lief 80.70; Wayne Hood 8: Nel- son Hanna 52: William Baillie 4; C. M. Stevenson 4: Ross En- gel 8: Robert Hanna 4: and Clif- ford Hpegy fox bounties /3; 'Jim Dobson garbage Ethel 14; Geo. Rowland gasoline, fire dept. 3.85;, Elwood McTaggart; main- tenance straps,; hydrometer fire dept. 12.95; Roads and bridges 3,815.61; total $4,792.- 68. SEAPORTH Quality controlled for your satisfaction Casemore, Bert $actings, north- east, Wilfred Warwick, Wm. Peacock, James Bowman, south- west, James Wilson, Bruee Smith, Chas. Souch, southeast, Kenneth McDonald, James Smith Clarence McCutcheon; weed in- spector Robert Grasby at $1.50 per hour and l0c per mile; grad- ermen James Casemore, $L75 per hour, John Smith $1.60 per hour; labour wages, $1:40 per hour; trench inspectpp, Wm. Me Aster, $1.50 per hour and 10c ' per mile; tile drainage inspec- tor, George Michie, $1.50 per hour and 10c per mile. -That Stewart Procter look af- ter administration of welfare in the township; -That Ross Smith be represen- tative on Maitland Valley Con- servation Authority; -That James Mair be represen- tative on Brussels recreational ) committee; .-That we recommend William} Elston and Stan Hopper to the Belgra've arena board; -That Stewart Procter and Wal-, ter Shortreed be representatives on Blyth Fire Area board; -That Stewart Procter and Ross Smith be representatives on Wingham Fire Area board; -That we recommend Glen Coultes to the Wingham District' Hospital board; -William .Elston and William Peacock be representatives on the • Wingham Area Planning board; -That. Blyth Standard be given printing contract for •196.7 for $185.00; -That a grant of $15 be given St. John. Ambulance, Ont. Coun- cil; - --Support a proposed dental clinic for Brussels. MORRIS COUNCIL At the inaugural meeting of Morris Council. the oath of of fice was administered by the Clerk to Reeve -Stewart Procter and Councillors Walter Short - reed, Ross Smith; James Mair and William Elston. Rev. H. C. Wilson, Belgrave United, Church, conducted a short devotional period and Wel• ter Shortreed expressed appre- ciation to him. As this is Centennial year the minutes of Morris Council dated Dec, 28, 1886 and .Tan. 21. 1867 were read. Motions adopted included: -That Reeve receive $360. and Councillors $250. each plus $10. Der special meeting 'called by' the Reeve, Officials appointed,: Clerk. Helen Martin $1.500; treasurer George Michie $550; assessor John Brewer $800; poundkeen; ers Carl Johnston, Clarence Gd1T Ross Turvey„ Mel 119 fathers, John Bowman, Stanley Hooper, Clar- ence Yuill, Mervin Pipe, Robert Grasby. Wm, McCutcheon, Sani Fear, Robert Bird, Wm. Craig, George Blake, John Nesbit, Rae Fluether; Livestock : 'valuators; Herbert Garnish and Ken Taylor at $1.78 per hour and lee per mfle; feneeviewers. $10 each, northvites ~slot~ Practery,•,14ti1 General Accounts paid; James G. McNeil, rebate on taxes 5.53; welfare 112.50; George Michie, er Rev. 11. Wilson 5.00; Town- ship of Turnberry, charge back 13.19; Town of Clinton, deben- ture on Clinton Collegiate' 130.- 42; 30:42; Ant. Association of Rural Municipalities, membership, 15; Blyth Fire Area, call 26; Ont. Hydro, Bluevale lights 14.25, Belgrave lights 104.52, Walton lights 101.52; Ont. Good Roads Association, membership 15; St. John Ambulance, Ont. Coun- cil, grant 15; Exeter Times -Ad- vocate, re plowing match 25.20; J. . McDonald, aluminum win - do 20.58; Township of Logan ch rge back 22.02; Callendar Nursing Home 337,50; Receiver General unemployment stamps 5.92y Imperial Bank of Com- merce, income tax and Canada pension 44.72;1 Morris School Area board, balance of deben- ture 103,659.81.. Road accounts; Glenn Snell, snow plowing 498.75; Glenn Mc- Kercher, snow plowing 656.25; E. S. Hubbell and Sons Ltd., blades, etc. 95.45; Purdon Mot- ors, reliners 4.20; Oldfield Hard, - ware, shovel 3.25; Wajax Equip- ment Ltd. belts 22.65; Alex Ink - ley fuel oil and tax 175.60; Wm. McWhirter, wiring shed 21.41; Brussels Coal Yard, truck rent- als and stove oil 178.35; Mel Jertnyn, snow plowing 558.75; Belgrave Co op., ,salt 22.50; J. C. McNeil, accet. and oxygen -'15.50; Wm. McArter, bookkeeping, mileage and wages .135.30; Jas. Casemore, wages 290.50; John Smith wages, 84.00. Every week more people'.dis. cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240, Amerkan Teams to Play Quring Minor Hockey. Week Plans have been made to cele- brate. Centennial Minor Hock- ey Week in Seaforth. Seaforth will enter into the spirit of Capadianism when they set out to show. local f�that Canada's_, National Hock eam isn't the only team that can win in in- ternational competition. Dearborn, Michigan, will sup- ply the opposition. ,Dearborn will send two teams to Seaforth on Saturday, Jan. 28th,.part of Centennial Minor Hockey Week. The bantams will start the eve- ning off at 7:00 p,m. This game should prove very entertaining as the local boys have Unproved steadily since the start of the season and should supply ample opposition to their American Remember! It takes but a mOment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. For Sale Cocktail Tables Coffee Tables Handmade in Mosaic Tile Call- Ivan. Nielson PROM 527-0603- apponents, Following this will be a game involving the local juveniles and a juvenile team from •Dearborn. Since this - wd'ek is especially set aside for minor hockey and with American teams supplying the opposition, local hockey of- ficials are looking for an en- thusiastic and large turnout. JANUARY Men's Jackets Lined Smocks 4.40 to 6.35 Lined Forest Green Pants 5.50 Top :Coat, zip lined or wools Winter Underwear, caps gloves, scarfs, all 20% off Boys' Ski Jackets 7.00 Special Group Caps 1.00 Lined Jeans 3.15 Underwear, mitts, gloves, 20% off SPECIALS 8 75 to 17.50 26.00 BILL O'SI4EA MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 Seaforth TOP VALU,, SAVE Sc BEAN 'COFFEE 1 -LB. BAG c GRANULATED FINE WHITE SUGAR 5 -LB. BAG C Lien"S . WILKINSON SUPER STAINLESS STEEL ALPHA GMk ... 2T�m 69 RAZOR BLADES 7;g; 59¢ • HEINZ SNO CROP FANCY FROZEN S - TOMATO KETCHUP Z 101;7:...491t GREEN PEAS ... 'Pkgs. ' 9¢ TOP VALID ORANGE PEKOE " ' SNO CROP FANCY FROZEN . TEA. .BAGS ........... of ;Z0, 790 - CAULIFLOWER: 'P 3 9 : 69¢ TOP CHOICE TULIP PARCHMENT' DOG- BURGER 3Pk4' 79 MARGARINE'1-Ib. 89¢ Pkgs. BJG'G'Asst'd Cheerios, 101,4 oz. SI -II RLEY GAY:- CEREALS lucky Charms, 4 oz. Total, B oz. Wheatles, 12 oz. Pk BRECK ASSORTED - HAIRMIST $ PACIKL £ Tins TIDE' POWDERED DETERGENT iSPEOIAI. PACK) -- SAVE 2ck KING .$ SIZE PKG. 95.750 • APPLE PIE SHIRLEY GAY DONUTS • PLAIN IAMON • Fruit Cocktail '-SAVE 19c- 28 -OZ.. TINS. FRESH, YOUNG, PRE -DRESSED G.RADE 'A' FRYING HICKENS • 24 -oz Pie . 39¢ P■ of 12 7 2-3 U. SIZE CHICKEN IN THE BASKET �b TURKEY OR LEGS AND BREAST .... Ib. 'YOUNG AND TENDER " IMPORTED LAMB LEGS Ib - !COLEMAN'S EPICUPE ' .. SLICED SLD[ BACON WILKINSON'S SEAFSRTH Alt Prices Effective Jan. 18.21 Ir+cl. We Reserve the Right to so.. ....to 000000 000 0 00000000000 i Ch CLIP Ma VAtUAdtE COUPON 11111 FREE. COLD BONO STAMPS w , 7H1. COUPON • ah.n yeu am y,W d6b/ 5666* CX.gb. 6 IdA 1 N. Out. 611..4...bind. Ol+ JLdu*ry 511.. 1..�+ CLIP ONES VAIUA0t1 COUPOr Wrier • 000100 0000000000000000101111 4Q,' M+i+.P7,J.:I.r'YPilrrr.1.,,4'44r..r..Y44444 444444 ..1NYipsri4 Limit Quantities SAVE TWO WAYS AT IGA .... LOW, LOW PRICES AND 'GOLD 'BOND # STAMPS U.S: NO. 1 Q DOZ. ORANGES. c U.S, NO. Sunkist EMONS �6,:es 39c U.S.•NO. 1 VINE 'RIPE TOMATdES2 ,„ 49c ONT. GROWN CAI4ADA NO. 1 2ri \IiAOTS'. • BagY - r K • 4 rA