HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-19, Page 7i Arnold *tionssen GRQLP , LIFE • • ACCIDENT 4nd.; SICKNESS " . MAJOR MEDICAI, PENSIONS ; ANNUITIES Representing. Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada 117 GODERICH ST. EAST -- SEAFORTH TELEPHONE 527-0410 • VAN?'` ADS BRING QUICK RKBULTS: Dial 527-0244 Seaforth Monument Works OPEN DAILY An Types of 'IN ` , C emete�`Y 4; `', , T �Wv Memorials Tr PRYDE••: 8 , SON 'nquiries are invited.— Telephone Numbers; METER 2"-5-0620 CLINTON 4824421 SEAFORTH:Contact Willis Dundas • THE McKIU OP MUTUAL • FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • Tewn Dwellings • All Classes of Farm Property • . Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind - smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc.) is also available k 1, r -i\ i s James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J: Lane, RR 6. Sepforthw Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton. Seaforth. wCA LF CROP INrSURANCE Most -bulls are reliable reproducers. The ones that are not, that have "off days", r weeks' waste a herd's tilde_ and income Artificial insemination units 'with mod- ern laboratory' equipment, can detect and lay aside these _bulls, eliminating a major cause of delayed calf crops. d Ontario's top cattle breeders today rely on the 'services of their A.T. co-ops, for regular crops of 'quality calves. 1 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING 'ASSOCIATION city ►sus Libera Liberals from all parts of the province turned their provincial leadership convention into an election rally. Robert Nixon, acclaimed Lib, eral leader to snµccee4 Andrew Thompson, was cheered and ap, planded throughout a: 45 -minute speech which denounced the Conservative administration as "government of the indifferent for the. entrenched" and laid out a ten -point platform for an expected 1967 election campaign, Attendance- was estimated at about 1,800, which Is 600 more than Liberal Party officials had predicated a few days before the two-day convention began. Many of the fifty-one federal MP's and cabinet ministers from Ontario ridings turned up in a demonstration of unity between the federal and provincial arms of, the Party. Mr. Nixon, a farmer and former high • school teacher from St. George, in Brant Coun- ty, was the only candidate for' the leadership when the post was . vacatedy Mr. Thompson because of a heart condition. In his speech to tjie delegates, the new leader referred-. to a Gal- lop Poll which put Ontario Lib- erals in the lead (30 per cent), the , Conservatives second (26 per cent) and the • NDP third (19 per. cent) (with 25 per cent undecided.) He said "the survey doesn't mean. the Liberals will win the next election in On- tario ... _but that the Liberals can win." "For the first time in thirty years, we are completely unit- ed. We are ready to work to- gether and work hard to win Ontario for the Liberal Party," he said. Mr. Nixon summarized ' the Liberal Party's goals for On- tario, , which he said would bring about far more than freedom from, want in our prov- ince: 1, We will make education freely available to the limit of the individual capacity, interest and desire by re- lieving students of tuition costs. 2. We will plan our province so that all regions will share economic deva1opment instead of becoming back- waters of unrest as the young .people move out looking for opportunity that doesn't exist at home. 3. We will plan land use and stopthe process- -ofr-eement- ing over our choicest farm lands. New policies can pre- serve this agricultural re- source without blocking the farmer from his share of the riches, NOTICE -- For Co-op ' Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 — John St. SEAFORTH Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and .Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings I- Huron Co-op Medical 'Services • Wind Insurance • v '1965'sPONTIAC SEDAN,- A.T.—E3292 1965 CHEV. IMPALA HARDTOP, A.T., RADIO -7A58783 1965 CHEV. IMPALA, "8", SEDAN, A.T.—E11082 • 1964 PONTIAC SEDAN, A.T., RADIO= -E8767 1964 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN, A.T.--R8955 . 1964 PONTIAC "6" COACH; A.T. and R.—E8347 1961 METEOR COACH,, —E9488 '1961 CHEV. SEDAN E7981 - , 1959 FORD 500 SEDAN, A.T.--E9273, SPECIAL $275.00 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED eaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 • ,Seaforth • 4 LOT OPEN E\ENIIh10$ TO 9:00 • ' " ONTARIO LIBERAL LEADER Robert Nixon hand held • aloft by Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson is shown _follow- ing his selection at the Ontario Liberal Leadership Conven- tion in Toronto. His wife Dorothy is at his side: 4. We will lead the people of Ontario in an anti -pollution program that will restore health to our cities and pride in our citizens. 5. We 'will restore personal right in expropriation mat- ters by making the proced- ures fair and uniform and seeing that the individual is provided with all the leg- al and technical resources to deal with government on an equal' basis. 6. We will further safeguard. personal rights and liber - public service. 9. We will organize a program to enable our citizens to share our advantages with the needy elsewhere in the world. 10. We will embark on a pro- . gram of economies starting with far-reaching reform of the Cabinet and the Legis- lature. There are too many Ministers for efficiency in government ''s- the form of " government has changed.' little except in , numbers ties by the immediate ap over 100 years. pointment of an ombuds- man. 7. We will. •transfer more and more of the cost of services to people such as welfare, education and the adminis- tration of justice to the prov- incial "level, leaving • the municipalities to meet the cost of services to lands from their assessment tax bases. 8. We will introduce programs, to encourage our young people to enter careers of,. He- concluded: "The freedom of act -ion that will come -with the election of a Liberal gov- ernment will be due to the rooting out of this twentieth century Family Compact that presently bows and bends as itsfriends and supporters dic- tate from the positions of busi- ness,..,.politicaI and labour pow- er across Ontario." '. . "The progress ;must : come from our closeness to the citi- zens and our 'capacity to" in- novate, experiment and devel- op. We must truly be Liberal." Waterloo Cattle Name Officers Waterloo Cattle ,Breeding As- sociations annual, meetings, held in Clinton, Paisley and Water, loo this month," were well at- tended by district farmers. Re- ports were presented by Direc- tors and staff members, and Directors and officers were el- ected for 1967. A recap of the 1966 year's business, presented by the Man- ager, Wilbur J. Shantz, showed an increase of 1.6% in cattle inseminated, :compared with 19¢5. 81,035 cattle were servic- ed by the Association in 1966, in just over four counties in midwestern Ontario. Most popular sires were Hol- steins, breeding 42,936, for 51.8- % of the total. Herefords were next breeding 21,156 first ser- vices, just over a quarter of the 'year's business. • W.C.B.A. employs thirty tech- nicians, working from eight centres. They averaged in 1966, 2,700 first services per -man. Numbers of cattle bred by each centre were as follows: Clinton 16,083, Waterloo 14,773;.Formo- sa 13,535, Palmerston 12,259, Arthur 6,850, Kincardine 6,594, Tara 5,850, Guelph 5,091. W.C.B.A. also provides arti- ficial insemination for swine, breeding 1,827 sows in 1966. 'William Allen, Woodham, was elected Director from Huron County. Also representing Hur- on is Cliff McNeil of Goderich, who was named previously. President .of W.C.B.A, for 1967 is Sherwood Taylor, a Classified ads pay, dividends. INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 Seaforth Representing 'he Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co„ Woodstock, Ont. iio tt) tO td,nd111 full ,r • prominent Jersey breeder of the. Galt district. Vice-president is Jack Gilchrist of Guelph. *I.Eatiet The Ontario D" epartlment 'I�f Agrieulture and rood is making 1067 record keeping • easier for even the most speeilized farn1 er. The Department has printed tWo types of far= record boeks PIPS an additional ledger for the. homemaker. ' . Previously, this record book was only geared. -to livestock pro- ducers. While the familiar Pub- lication 540, Livestock and Gen- eral Farming, is still available 1 irblication 284, Horticultural and Cash Crops, has been dev- eloped. Because each of these clearly illustrates how the farmer's business is developing, such a record also makes credit easier to obtain and income tax easier I to assess. Both publications pro- vide ,for Canada Pension Plan payments and the new Unem- ployment Insurance that starts in April. While the Horticultur- al and Cash Crops edition also provides a much needed labor section for short time and full- time employment data. Perhaps the most unique feature, how- ever, is that Publication 540 and 284 have been ,designed for computer analysis. That is, farmers keeping their" business records in these books can -have them analyzed and compared with low and high income farm enterprise free of charge at the year's end by sending their books to the, Ontario Agricul- tural College. The three publications are available at Agricultural Rep- resentative's offices now. STANLEY UNIT UCW Stanley Unit UCW met at the home of Mrs. L. Wilson. The devotions "On the Church" was read, by Mrs. J. Cornish, ' with Mrs. L. Eyre reading the scrip- ture from Acts. Mrs. R. Taylor gave the study, "The Church and the World" and the mission- ary report of the church was given by Mrs. B. Scott. Mrs. Triebner read a poen, "Open- ing the New Year.' Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. OVER 100 WATCHES AT SAVAUGE J EWELLERS Certified Watchmakers (Opposite Post Office) Timex ..,. $7.95 and up 17J Swiss $14.95 and up • E'H rN IrXPostioa1 semcoltra ,OliT, $ 1f* 111147.4 GOOD SERVJOE W, LOW CO+$T. 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN - 1961 CHEW BISCAYNE-,6-Cyilrid"4 1966 AMBASSADOR 1963 CLASSIC SEDAN Come and. - See the NEW 1967 MODELS MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1410 •Seaforth American Motors Dealer SMITH' SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday • . Aylmer ' TOMATO CATSUP . • 2 11 -oz "-btls. 37 Aylmer TOMATO SOUP 10 -oz. tin 10¢ Aylmer Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48 -oz. tin 330, PEAS OR CORN • • • 2 15 -oz tins 390 Aylmer Fancy Golden Wax Beans or " Blue Lake Green Beans 2 15 -oz. tins 390 Puritan Beef Stew or PURITAN IRISH STEW • • 24 -oz. tin 470 Ballet White or Colored BATHROOM TISSUE • - 2 -roll pkg.'240. PRODUCE Aylmer Fancy 1 McIntosh APPLES 5 lbs. 450 Florida Fresh CRISPY CUCUMBERS • each 190 Louisiana YAMS 2 lbs. 33¢ FOR "ADDITIONAL SPECIALS ' SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY SUPERIOR '•FOOD 1lAIRKETS,; Phone 527-0990 - • Smith's Free Delivery 'PASSEPORT POk1R.l A•-TERRE bES•HOMMES P967 PASSPORT "TO MAN AND HIS WORLD • Pick yours, up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at "your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure you , amily sees Expo 67 —April 28 to Oct. 21 at Montreal, e • THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COIVYMUNITY '►UNriiK 11144 MO,Ik16 .Y W1411/1 OW Mir' p ii �✓..0....!_. ' frtYjY �y �ilrSY11,. y : ' ' 4ayl1� X117- 11'Y� •