The Huron Expositor, 1967-01-19, Page 4r r
.T91'4EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH,. 4l'NT�, JAN. 19, 1967
(Continues sewn !'age 1)
reeder ebligatiox . He urged
tlxat ii its activities, the Chem -
'ter of Commerce must think tike
diir forefathers wiles. had a- faith
=ire the future- and' he had no
hesitation in laying the founda-
t1Att in those early days for the
community as we know it to-
""' Mr. Scott was introduced by
A. Y. McLean and appreciation
was expressed by R. J. Boussey.
:, Reviews Activities
The guests were welcomed by
Robert Read, the president, who
reviewed, the activities which
tad been• carried out during the
past year. Among, the projects
With which, the Chamber was in-
vlvec4 were negotiations with
Bell Telephone to provide fut-
ure free exchange with Dublin,
iii preparation of a brief con-
ce'rning the C.N.R. rail service,
house numbering in Seaforth,
prevision of trash cans on Main
Street. co-operation with the
Plowing Match officials and ban-
quet, ,and, Santa Claus parade.
Thanking , the executive for
tiie co-operation he had receiv-
ed, he emphasized the necessity,
if the Chamber of Commerce
was to fu1111f its proper func-
tan, of a. greater participation
mike part of the business com-
` enunity and of citizens general-
Tieasurer D'Orlean Sills, re-
viewed the financial position.
• Ife said the subscription which
had been taken up on Main
Street' provide a free bus ser-
' vice from the Plowing Match
• ttir.deafo;'th and thus encourage
— shopping in the town .. had not
_• leen. _required because of the
weather conditions that, prevail-
ed. The fund had been used to
defray, other expenses involved
in connection with the Plowing
Match, such as welcoming Plow-
ing Match officials, the provi-
sion of a float and assistance in
providing accommodation at
the Arena, Contributions for
the Santa .Claus parade had been
down- -substantially this year.
While at the same, time costs
were somewhat less, there
would be a deficit of approxi-
mately $50 on. the parade he
said. ,
The meeting agreed that this
deficit as well as payment of
all outstanding accounts includ-
ing a number in arrears be
paid. Mr. Sills said this would
result in a balance el about
• $200 in the general account after
all bills had been paid.
A suggestion advanced by
''illrs. Jean Henderson that mem-
bership,. fees be ' increased to
make possible an enlarged pro-
gram was referred to the mem-
embership .executive with the rec-
ommendation that a budget be
_prepared for submission to a-
generaUmeeting to b called as
soon as possible.
• The report df the nominating
committee 'presented by past
presidents. J. J. Wilkinson and
George' Mcllwain was adopted.
Officers are: President O'Or-
lean Sills, vice-president Mrs.
Jean Henderson, secretary R. J.
Boussey, treasurer Donald Eat-
(Services at Orange Hall)
Rev. Floyd B. Shantz, Pastor
Services for
1 . Sunday, Jan. 22, 1967
} Family. Bible School - 10 a.m.
Classes for all ages
Morning Worship - 11:00
Message: "Building and
Bat -
Happy Hoiur: 2:30 p.m.
All children are invited: to
{ Evening Service: 7:30 p.m.
---Ilifessaeer"A .Cali to Cosistenv
..A'1ot of Christians are living- on
crackers and cheese when God
lits prepared from them three
? ' square meals a day.
on, committee chairmen, Fall
Fair laison, William Strong and
Garnet Stockwell:, membership
W. D. Stephenson and Cliff
Broadfoot, merchants commit-
tee Ed Taylor and Mrs. Freeman,
civic improvement Doug Row-
cliffe, industrial L. F. Ford,
publicity A. Y. McLean.
Heads Hensall
we-It:nued irpm -Page it
Mr. Stuart.' "
Rees e Elgin Thompson presid-
ed for the lection of officers.
-These are: president Ernie
Crich; vice-president George
Flewitt; directors, Jim McGreg-
or, Joe Lostell, Jack Dallas, Bob
Lawson, Bruce Coleman, Jim
McIntosh, Alex Boyes and Bob
Bell; John Broadfoot is secre-
tary -treasurer.
Cards followed, winners being
ladies' high Mrs. W. D. Wilson;
men's high W. D. Wilson,
Miss Mary Jane Nixon
The death occurred in Sea -
forth Community Hospital on
January 4, 1967 of Mary Jane
(Minnie) Nixon. She was in
her 92nd year.
Miss Nixon was born in Au-
burn, the daughter of -the late
Mr. and Mrs. James Nixon
ard came with her parents to
Seaforth at the turn of the
century. For more than 50
years she was employted in the
shoe business first with the W.
J Duncan Co. here and from
1941 to 1958 with a firm in
Galt. She returned to Seafortli
that year where she continued
to reside. •
She is survived by two sis-
ters, Florence, Mrs. Joseph
Smith, Seaforth; Mabel, Mrs.
John Brindley, Goderich; and
a brother, A. bale Nixon, Sea-
fcrth. She, is also survived by
several nieces and nephews.
The - remains rested at the
R. 'S: Box Funeral Home until
January 7 when funeral ser-
vices were conducted. by Rev.
D. O. Fry of First Presbyter-
ian ' Church. Temporary en-
tombment followed in Pion-
eer Memorial Mausoleum.. Pall-
bearers were Glen . smith,
Chas. Pinder, Barney. Hilde-
brand, W. M. Hart, John C.
Muir and Wm. Tttapnell. Flow-
erbearers were James Nixon,.
Glen Nixon and George Mun-
Early Tuesday morning, Jan.
10, 1967, there passed away at
Htironview, Clinton, Annie Eliz-
abeth, daughter of the late Wil-
liam L. and Janet Keys of the
Babylon Line, Stanley Township;
in hen 51st year -,--She was t
widow of the late" James Reid
and had -been in ailing health
for nine years.
In early .life she was a mem-
ber of the Goshen Methodist
Church, where she was organ-
ist for many years, as well as
being active in all church work.
On Feb. 27. 1912, she was un-
ited in niarriage to James -Reid,
at the home of her parents•and
following this they went to his
homestead at Carnduff, 'Sask.,
where she remained until his
death in 1921, when she and her
daughter moved to Seaforth,
where they took up residence.
Here she belonged to Northside
United, Church, where as long
as her health permitted, took
part in its activities.
She is survived by one daugh-
ter, Mrs. George T. (Mary) • Sin-
clair, London, two grandsons,
and one great grandson, as well
as one sister, Mrs. John (Myrtle)
McAsh, Varna.
The funeral took place from
the G. A. Whitney funeral home,
Seaforth, on Thursday, Jan.42th
at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. .J.
,C. Britten of Northside United
with burial in -Bayfield ceMetery.
Pallbearers were James Ste*
art; Clare Reith, Sam Scott, Wil-
bur Keyes. George Clifton and
Elgin McKinley.
.C.O:F• Hall, Constance
Friday, Jan. 20th
Ladies Please Bring Lunch
Come to tie
JANUARY 25, 26, 27 & 28,1967
Secure your flee admissions from your
Fmm'Equipment Dealer
‘Statiforth,AgricuOurcii. Society
EGMON VXLL " antrgD. clomp
peakcr * Mr. It. Crozlht i
!10 Editor d Mingo/it j( Pro. Profit Weekly.
AT A 4-H achievement day at Seaforth on Saturday, -the county honor certificates and
pins were awarded from left, Gwen McLean, RR 2 Hensall; Yvonne Pryce, RR 1 Seaforth;
Dorothy Collins, RR 3 Clinton; Agnes Haverkamp, RR 1 .Clinton; Mary Elliott, RR 5 Sea -
forth, Jean Scott daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott, RR 2 Seaforth received provincial
honors. (Expositor photo by Phillips).
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell
of McKillop are in Colorado
for a week' skiing. They flew
prom Walton on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Sam McSpad-
den of Otterville have return -
ad from a cruise to the Cari-
bean and were the guests of
his father, Mr. Zack McSpad-
Mr. Ed Daly left last week
for Barbados, B.W.I. where
he will spend some weeks.
Christmas visitors at the
aome of .Mr. and Mrs. John
Pryce were Mr..and Mrs. Aar-
on Doerr and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Parsons, and Larry,
Mor. and Mrs. Alvin Pryce and
family and Miss Beatrice
Pryce. `
Ted Montgomery" had the
misfortune to fall while play-
ing at school recently and
fractured his leg.
Mr -and. Mrs. Wm. Poppe
of Dublin have 'returned frim
a visit to Holland. '
Mr. and Mrs. George Ort-
wein of Great Falls, Manitoba,
spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Milton Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Cole-
ntan of Clinton, were also the
guests •of Mrs. Stewart last
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Camp-
bell • have returned from 'St.
Petersburg, Florida.
Sunday visitors at the home
of Rev, and Mrs. J.-Ure Stew-
art were the former's. daught-
er, Mrs. Alvin Hammond, her.
husband and Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Hammond of Moore-
field,' Mr. Carl Allendorf of
Wallace and Mr. and Mrs. W.
Straughan of Auburn.
Mrs: Geo. Love of Goder-i-eh-
spent the week end` with Mr.
Mrs. James
?led Scott. F
Miss Mary Jenn Mcnean of
London spent _the week end
at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. I. McLean.
Miss Annie McLeod return-
ed to Detroit on Monday. She
was accompanied by Mrs, Hel-
en Sellers With. whom • she
speht the past month. • -
Mrs. M. R. Rennie has re-
turned from Sundridge, where
the spent Chistmas and. New
Years with Mr:and Mrs. Gor-
don C. Rennie and other mem-
ba rs ofher family. .
The annual congregational
meeting of . St. :Andrew's
Church, Kippen, was held on
Monday evening, preceeded,
by a pot -luck supper. Financ-
ial reports were, given by all
organizations. Four stewards
were elected for a three year
term namely, Leonard Lovell,
Allan Johnston, Wilmer Jones.
and John R. Cooper. Rev. E.
D. Stuart extended thanks to -
Miss Jean Ivason as choir
leader and organist and also
for the work done on the
membership roll, the choir,
the session, Board of Ste*ards
the Custodians; (McBride fain,
ilk), ---Ladies of the. tJ C.W.,
Sunday School Superinten
ants and teachers, auditors
and clerk of session. A com-
mittee was also elected to plan
Centennial activities, namely
from the session, William B01
and Thomas Reid, from •the
stewards Keith Lovell, and
Ray Consitt, Sunday School
Mrs. Bert Faber, 'Young Peo-
ple, Grant ' 'Jones, U.C.W. Or-
ville Workman.
Mrs. Nancy Riley who was
90 years old on Sunday and
Mrs. Mary Gerber of Zurich,
70 years old on Sunday joint-
ly celebrated their birthdays
with Mfr. and Mrs. Nelson Ril•,
ey. Mrs. Riley inspite of her
years is enjoying very good
health. The family of Mr. end
Mrs. Nelson Riley were pre-
sent including a daughter,
Mrs, Lewis Gfngerich, her
husband and daughter, Dorcas
Ann df Zurich.
Scott Kyle of Hensall is vis-
iting his grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Emerson Kyle while
his parents Mr. and Mrs. Don
Kyle are holidaying in Jain-
F of A Presents
(Continued from Page 1)
ered a number of the 'books, one
of which will be placed in the
local library acid one in the
Hensel' school.
The Meeting discussed a cen-
tennial feature, for the 196`7
fair batt deferred decision until
later' The next meeting is plan -
tied •for . x'ebratlrls' 28th.
The second meeting of the
sewing course "More About
Finishes" was held at the
home of the leader Mrs. Car-
ter Kerslake, on Wednesday
evening with 8 ladies present.
Mrs. Kerslake discussed neck
facing and hemming with ev-
eryone making, samples.
•• 't'iie ladies of the Staffa U.
C.W. held an all day quilting
in the Family Life Centre on
Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian
were host and hostess for a
progressive euchre party on
Friday' evening sponsored by
the Staffa W.I. There were 10
tables in play with prizes go -
Cera l-Iambley; High gent,.
ing to High ledy, Mrs. Toni
Colquhcun, low lady, Mies
Bev Taylor, low gent, Alvin
Worden, ,near est -birthday,
Mrs. Ross McPhail, lone hands
Rov. MacDonald, ,
The next` card party is to
be held at the home of Mr.
arid Mrs. Ross Smale on Fri-
day, February 10 with Circle
III in charge of r!'rangements.
Mrs. Carter Kerslake, presi-
dent, and Mrs. Russell Word -
en, sectetary-treasurer, of the
Staffe W.I. attended the Inau-
gural meeting of Hibbert Twp.
Council and presented the
council with a new Canad-
ian flag for the Township Hall
on behalf of the Institute
members. Rev. A. Daynard
dedicated the flag which. is
one of the Institute Centennial
Lloyd Miller who has been
confined to his home for the
past two weeks with the
mumps is able to be out again.
Mr. and Mfrs. Gordon.Hog-
gerth are enjoying a vacation
in California. -
Miss Sharon Knott ,Carling-
ford, was a guest of Miss Fay
Templeman Wednesday night,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowcliffe,
Hensall; visited recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller
and family.
The annual meeting of the
LCW of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church was held with Pastor
Lossing in charge of devotions
along with Mrs. Reuben Buuck
and Mrs. Martin Dietz. He was
also chairman over the elec-
tion for a new executive for
The new president Mrs. Ed-
win Scherbarth succeeded Mrs,
Martin Dietz; vice-president Mrs.
Dalton Hinz; secretary Mrs, Har -
51d Elligsen; treasurer Mrs.
Reuben Buuck; mission treas-
urer. Mrs. Ella Rove; member-
ship Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and
Mrs. Dalton Hinz; education and
.hristian service Mrs. Martin
Diet; Mrs. Minnie Vock and
Mrs. Edith Bauer; parsonage
^ommittee Mrs. Lloyd Prueter,
Mrs. Irvin Miller, Mrs. George
Beuermann, Mrs. Lavern Wolfe,
Mrs. Harold Mogk and Mrs.
Henry Rose; buying committee
Mrs. Reuben Buuck, Mrs. Har-
ol4 Rock and Mrs. George Rock;
recreation committee Mrs. Os-
-•ar Young, Mrs. Fred Young,
Mrs. Boyd Driscoll and Mrs.
Lloyd. Pfeifer; palmist Mrs. Ro-
bert French, assistants Mrs.
Lloyd Prueter and Mrs. Dan
Beuermann; quilt stamping Mrs.
Reuben Buuck and Mrs. Reu-
ben Rapien; auditors Mrs. Man-
uel Beuermann and, Mrs. Irvin
Flowers were placed on the
altar of St. Peter's Lutheran
Church from the family here,
in memory of the late Philip
Rock who passed away three
years ago. Last week a floral
arrangement was placed in the
church from the funeral of
Julia Marie McEwen, infant
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy
McEwen, the former Joan
TWO babies were baptized at
the church service on -Sunday
by Rev. H. Lossing. They werg'
Rodney Maurice Steffler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Steffler,
OrilIia, sponsors- being Lloyd -
Bauer, RR 5, Mitchell and Chra
Meyer of Kitchener along with
the parents and Judith Ellen
Sholdice, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Gary Sholdice, with the
sponsors being Mr. and Mrs. ,
:Wesley Mulford, -Stratford and
Beverley Sholdice, Stratford and
Patricia -Leis, Wellesley, along
with the parents. -
Mr. Ed Ahrens has been hos-
pitalized since Tuesday morn-
ing in the General Hospital 'at
Stratford, Norman Bennewies
underwent an operation last
week at the Community Hospital
in Seaforth and returned to his
home on Saturday.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Lavern W5.fe on Saturday eve-
ning were Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Wolfe, Monkton and Mrs: Mick-
ey McCloy, Stratford and on
Sunday,' Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Wolfe, Dale, Darrell of Kitch-
The sympathy of the . com-
iiunity is extended to them fam-
ily of the late Mrs. Orland
Rohrer, a member' --of the LCW
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church
here.. ,
Cheryl Bennewies' University,
of Waterloo,• Phyllis Hinz, Lon-
don and Ken Ahrens, Hamilton
spent the weekend at their
homes here.
The adult membership - class
of St. Peter's Lutheran Church
held its first meeting at the
parsonage on, Sunday afternoon.
C of C Elects
Orval Parrott .was elected
president.of the Brodhagen and
district Chamber of Commerce
last Thursday night. He succeed-
ed Lloyd Prueter:
Russell Sholdice now of Strat-
ford was presented' with a desk
set in appreciation of his ser-
vices. He was first presidento'f
the Chamber in 1957 and served
as secretary -treasurer from then,
until he moved .to. Stratford.
Other officers installed by
Rudolf Bauer were: Wilbur
Hoegy, first vice-president; Har-
ry Muegge, second vice-presi-
dent; Robert French, third vice-
president; Gordon , Mogk,. --Wil-
'fred Ahrens, 'Edwin Scherharth,
Wilfred Krauskopf, Charles
Scherbarth and Ted Vandenberk
directors; Harold; jfogk, treas-
urer; Gary Sholdice, secretary;
Wilfred Ahrens in charge • of
hall rentals; George Rock, per-
sonal treasurer; Fred Herbert,
dues collector; Ken Smith and
Harold Elligsen, auditors.
It was recommended that all
dues be paid by cheque.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy
and Bonnie accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Querengesser of
Edmonton, Alberta, visited with
Mr, and Mrs. Russell Sholdice,
Stratford on Friday.
Guests with' Mr. and Mrs.
Gary Sholdice on Sunday were
Every week tnore people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by loty cost Ex-
positor Want .Ads. Dial 527-0240.
Miss Fay Templeman was a
guest Thursday night with
Miss Debbie Illman bf Monk -
The pupils and teachers ofT
the Hibbert Township area
schools enjoyed an afternoon
ef skataing at Mitchell] arena
en Friday,
Misses Janet and Edna Mil-
er, London, visited over the
week end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie ,Mil er.
Mrs. Cecil Bowman was el-
ected president of -the Senior
Citizens Club for 1967 at the
meeting held at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson.,
;vi:. Harold Carey was named
vice-president, Mrs. J. R. Jef-
feeson, as secretary and Mrs.
R. Dodds as treasurer. Mrs..
Grace Scott retains the .posi-
tion of press reporter. The
past president, Mr. Darrell
Fsrker, opened the meeting
with "O Canada" and the
Lord's Prayer in unison. ,The
election of 'officers and busi-
ness was followed with a sing
song. Mrs. R. Dodds ,• and Mrs.
K. MCkeilar are lunch con-
venors and Mrs. T. Laing and
Miss O. Speare program com-
mittee for February.
A lunch was served by the
hostess with Mrs. Wilbur Mil-
ler and Mrs. Darrell Parker
Cromarty ladies who at-
tend'ed the annual meeting of
Stratford Presbyterial in St.
Andrew's ..Church, Stratford,
were Mrs. T. L. Scott, Mrs. T.
Laing, Mrs. M. Lamond, Mrs.
C. McKaig, Mrs. Wm. Harper,
IVIrs. James Miler, Mrs. Ger-
ald Carey, Mrs. Mervin Dow,
Mrs. Norman Harburn, Mrs.
John Miller.
Mr. O. R. Francis and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Town of Wood.
stock • visited on Thursday
with M. and Mrs. K. McKel-
Week end- guests with Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson and
Mr. and• Mrs. Gordon Laing
were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
LaFarge, Charles Jr. and Dan-
ny of Windsor:
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson were
Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Chessell
and family, Stratford, Mr. and
Mrs. Bruce Cleland and fam-
ily, Listowel, Mrs. Robt. Laing
and family, Cromarty, Mr. and
Mrs. Don Riehl and family,
RR 5 Stratford. Mr. and MIrs.
Norman Jefferson and family
of Munro, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
i.aFarge and family, Windsor,
Miss Ina Jefferson end Mr. W.
LaidlaW .of London
Mrs. Mervin Do was host-
ess for the January meeting of
Cromarty Church Ladies Aid,
the president, M-rs. . Gerald
Carey opened the meeting"
with a NOW Year's poem, fol-,
lowed with hymn 697. The
scripture lesson was read by
Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. R.
Laing led in prayer. Eleven
members answered the roll
call by naming their project
for the Centennial year. A
number of articles for a lay-
ette were receiaed. Mrs. Carey
lead a number of interesting
facts concerning Expo '67.
Bonnie Miller and Brenda
Kerslake gave reports of"their •
trip to Niagara Falls as dele-
gates to Toe Alpha. This youth
group met during 'Christmas
holiday's to study alcohol and
its effect on people. They
stressed the fact that it Isn't
necessary to have alcohol ,to
have a good time, ,
Routine reports were given
by the secretary, Mrs, Robert
Laing and thei:reasurer, Mrs.
T. L., Scott. Mrs. Eldon Allen
i Speare Miss Ol ye Sp e were
appointed lunch committee
and Mrs. John Templeman
and Mrs. James Miller•ltich
convenors for the next Meet -
Mrs. Laverne . Wallace and
Miss Carol Anii Dow assisted
the hostess in serving lunch.
Elected President
At a meeting of the Hibbert
branch of the Bible Society,
held on Sunday evening in
Cromarty church, Charles
Friend, Dublin, was elected
president and Mrs. Lawrence
Berker, Zion, as secretary.
Past president, Mervin D.ow;
p: esided and Mrs: Cliff Mil-
ler, gave the secretary -treas-
urer's report. A film strip,
"Living Harvest" was present-
ed by Mervin Dow. Special
musical numbers were given
by Misses Verna, Beth and
Joan Dow of Roy's church and
a duet by Misses Joan Temple-
man, and Brenda Kerslake.
Cromarty, '
Couple Wed
.40 Years
Mr. and Mrs. William Par-
sons celebrated the 40th an-
niversary of their marriage at
a gathering at the home' of their
only on, Robert Parsons and
Mrs. Parsons at Cromarty.
The couple was . married on
December 22, 1926. Following a
fowl supper, the evening was
spent in playing cards. They
were presented with an elec-
tric frying pan by their only
grandson, Larry Parsons.
Seek Change
In Traffic
Light Pattern
A Belgrave man was involved
last fan in a traffic accident at
As a result, .the Huron Coun-
ty Federation.. of Agriculture
Thursday forewarded a resolu-
tion to the Ontario Federation
seeking uniform positioning of
traffic signs and signals.
Albert Bacon said that over-
hanging tree limbs blocked his
vie* a red light' in Toronto.
He sold he was fnvolved in an
accident, but •rto charge was
laid because of the visibility
He• is a member of the Mar-
ris 'Township federation. The
township feder'atiott drew up the
resoItitlon and the cotanty
eration, Thursday, 'passed It on
to the provincial body.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coulson,
(nee Bernice Seyeau)
• Staffa Nall
Sat.,' : Jan. 28th
D Ladies Please, Bring Lunch
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Clark, Mit-
chell, Mr. and Mrs. Rus
Sholdice and Beverley, Mr. aid
Mrs. Wesley Mulford an, faatn-
ily, Stratford, Mrs. Mose Leis,
Patricia, Marilyn, Ann and
Brian Dietrich of Wellesley anti
Rev. H. Lossing,
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy,
Merle and Beverlejr and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Querengesser spent
the weekend visiting relatives
in Detroit.
Guests of Mr: and Mrs. Aug-
ust Scherbarth on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mikel,
RR 5, Stratford, Anna Elligsen,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Elligsen and
family, RR 4, Walton and Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, RR 1,
Friday, Jan. 20th
8:'15 p.m.
Legion Hall, Seaforth
15 Regular Games for $10.00
Three $25.00 Specials
Jackpot $50 to go
(Children under 16 not
Extra Cards ?5c, • or 7 for $1.00
Auspices Seaforth Branch 156
Canadian Legion
Industrial' Hockey
January 22.
Seaforth Arena
7 p,m. '
Don Coleman's team vs.
Bill Finder's team
9 p.m. •
Ron Dale's team vs.
Frank Wilkinson's team
Q�ONE' C4t4
A Personal Call
For You
No One Else Can Aswer to God
For You . . . You Alone Are
For Accepting His Salvation, and
Attending His Church.
11:00 a.m.
Election- ,.of Committee -
Thurs..Jan. 26, 1967
All Milk Producers in Huron County
Are .Urged to Attend
President • Secretary -Treasurer
All lodges, service clubs and Chambers
of Commerce in the area covered by the
Father Stephen Eckert Council • of the
Knights of Columbus, are requested to keep
Thursday, February 23rd open. This is the
date the Council will sponsor Brotherhood
Night. Brotherhood Week is Feb. 19,0,26.
There vviil be an outstanding program
prepared for Centennial year. All are wel-
on -
9:00 to 12:00
at the
Seaforth Arena
Admission: $1.00
TIME: 8:30
ADMISSION , 50 Bents and 25 cents