HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1967-01-12, Page 1010 -+THE HURON 'EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTHH ONT., JAN. 12, 1967
Beavers Win Seventh,
Down Acton Tanners 7 -
The Seaforth Beavers scor-
ed four goals in the first per- �
iod and completely outpl yed
the Acton Tanners as the re-
gistered their seventh win of
the season against four losses
7-0 at `the arena on. Tuesday
night before a good crowd.
Bob •B.eutenmiller and Bill
McLlaughlin led the attack
with two goals apiece. Jim
Dick, Bill Teal and Ray Hen-
derson added. singles.
Gar Baker playing his first
game of the season turned in
a strong game in the Seaforth
The winner of the turkey
door prize was No. •264. The
turkey may be picked up at
the arena.
Acton Line-up: Goal, Swee-
ney; Defence, Cunningham,
Marchmant; Alternates, Inglis,
Arbic, Riddell, Grasby, Snid-
1 er, Bell, Farrley, Bodendistol.
Seaforth Line-up: Goal, Ba-
ker, Defence, Anstett, Morton;
News of
The first meeting of the new
year for the UCW of Walton
United Church was held in the
church basement, Wednesday
afternoon. Rev. Arthur Higgin-
botham conducted the installa-
tion of officers. The program
was in charge of the 16th and
Boundary unit with their leader
Mrs. Ross ,Bennett presiding.
Others taking part were Mrs.
Harvey Craig and Mrs• Martin
Canada". Other hooks were "My
Captain Oliver" "Nelpiog the
Child grow in Mission" and
"Centennial Reference Issue of
the Observer."
The 'Centennial Film" will
be on the program for the May
meeting and Mrs. Bewley hopes
that all the women will plan
on 'attending to see this film.
The flower committee of the
1'CW haxe decided ,to diseon-
Baan. Mrs. Harold Smalldon tinue sending flowers to the
sane a solo, "Great is Thy sick, These will be replaced
Faithfulness" with Mrs. Herbert
Traviss at the piano. The topic
taken by Mrs. Martin Baan, in -
with a basket of fruit or other
cnitahle remembrance; Rev. A.
Hi.*einhothain closed the meet-
troduced the new study book, inn with nraver;
"Into a Nation." Miss Brenda 'Houston
• The president, Mrs. Gordon onests at the . home of
McGavin presided for the bus- former's parents, Mr. and
iness part of the meeting..She Rae Houston.
expressed' her thanks for the
help and co-operation of the
ladies in the past year and ask-
ed for theircontinued support
for the coming year. She said
we- are asked to become better
informed this year, also to
make the Ontario 'Hospital,, at
' Goderich- ands our senior citi-
' zens our special projects this
The UCW agreed to finance
the Sunday School with better
accommodation for one of the
classes. The' next meeting of
the UCW will be held February
1st and the World Day of Pray-
er, February 10. The treasurer's
report by Mrs. Kenneth McDon-
aldsliowed a successful year
Unit reports. were given by
Mrs. James Clark, Mrs. Camp-
bell Wey,` Mrs. George McCall
and Mrs. -.Martin Baan. _
UCW membership fees of 50c
will be received at the January
unit meetings.
The president asked for sug-
gestions for Centennial projects.
Several ,were given for consid-
•eration but decision was left for
another meeting.
The annual meeting of the
Congregation is to be held the
evening of January 19th at 8
p.m., Lunch to consist •of sand-
wiches, tarts, squares or cook -
The serving of same ; to be
done by the McKillop".and-17th
and Boundary units. The church
reports this year are being prin-
ted on the -new Gestetner and
a request was made for typists.
The literature secretary, Mrs.
Walter Bewley presented some
.of the new study .end reading
books. She ureedethat every
woman in th,e congregation read
the book "The Church Grows in
' News of
Alternates, K. Doig, McLlaug-
lin, McLlwain, Beutenmiller,
T. Dick, J. Dick, Rau, Sills,
Teall, Henderson, Dolmage.
1st Period
1. Seaforth - Beutenmiller
(T, Dick and Dolmage) 2:55
2. Seaforth - J. Dick (Beu-
tenmiler and T. Dick) 8:28.
3. Seaforth - McLlaughlin
(K. Doig and McLlwain) 11:45
4. Seaforth - Teall .(Rau)
penalties - none.
2nd Period
5. Seaforth - Beutenmiller
(Anstett) 14:10.
6. Seaforth - McLlaughlir
(McLlevain and K. Doig), 16:17
penalties - Henderson 3:06. J
Tick 11•02, Cunnine'ham 13:02
Rau 14.04. Inglis 14:04.
3r.1 Period
Seaforth Hendersrr
(Rentenmiller and J. Dick)
penalties - Inglis :41, Sill
Wins Euchre Prizes
A progressive euchre party
v the Women's In-
stitute was held in the• Walton-
Commnnity Hall. Friday even-
ing.' Prize winners included:
ladies' high, Mrs. Peter McDon-
ald: ladies' low Mrs. • W. C.
Hackwell: gent's high, Emer-
een Mitchell: gent's low Ricky,
McDonald; person coming the
greatest distance; Mrs. Rae
Ladies in charge' of the eve-
ning were: Mrs. Alvin -McDon-
ald, Mrs. James Nolan. Mrs. Al-
lan McCall., Mrs. Ernest Stevens
and Mrs. Herbert Williamson.
Mrs. Frank Walters will be
convener for the euchre party
.next Friday evening with Mrs.
Edward Miller. Mrs. Torrance
Hondas. Mrs. Harold Bolger and
Mrs.'R ov Williamson assisting.'
Mr. William Roe has returned
home from a visit to Vancouver,
B.0„' and Springroater, Sask.
Weil Comrades, the festive
season is all over for another
'year, so the Branch.will settle
down to routine business. The
bonspiel held at the local cur- d Ed
ling rink last Sunday was a
real siiccess.with lots of other
entertainment for the non
curlers. A repeat on this
would-be quite in order. On
the sporting scene, there are
about. 150 young boys regist-
ered for the hockey program
"-which '"the Legion sponsors
each year arid has been.a big
boost for the young fry in the
community over the • past
years. On Thursday night of
• this week, which is the regu-
lax business meeting date, the
annual installation of the new
executive is slated for the
-sane- evening, so it is most
desirable to have as is
crowd as possible. It will be
a double installation as the
Ladies Auxiliary are being
1"nducted also. The last stag
• euchre was so successful that
Gordon Scott is holding an-
other one on Wednesday, Jan.
18. Kee`t) the date in mind and
be sure to come out as there
is no doubt about it that "Ole'
Slippery" has to be dealt with.
And by the way our annual
dues are payable on Jan. 1,
so the sooner we get our mem-
•, bership paid tTieo better. This
is' the time of the year when
everyone is krone to accidents.
Don't forget that if you need
er'utche, wheelchairs or hos-
pital beds, contact Jake Cor-
nish or yours truly and you'll
be looked after. '
This is about wind-up time.
•rn our hustle and'bustle of ex-
1sthnee kindly• spare a mom-
ent to
om-entto think of our fallen vete
fades and less fortunate veter-
ans. See 'en next week:
"At. The going down of the
Ston, olUX ftl� the rooming, we
gill emetifsl er' Mote.
News of
T.OT., No. 1035 held their fir,.
pnrhre of the season in th'
Tntynchin Roll nn Friday �e,'r
nine. winners were men's. hi^''
Tenn Bell Clinton. ladies' hi''-
¢harnn Carter. Varna: mer''
logy Fric Ch"ter and ladies' lm•
P rlPne Havter. Tirkets werr
cold on a ham which was wo^
by T;nann Taylor, The cnmmitt.e^
in charge was Mr. and Mrs. Ria'
WPhcter.,. Mr. and Mrs, frri,.
Tlowson, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Tay
16r and Mr. and •Mrs. •Bill Dow
son,, The next euchre will be -
Tan. 20th.
Mr. John McAsh is at pres-
ent a patient in Victoria Hns•
vital. London and his many
friends wish him a speedy re-
Friends of Clifford Keys are
sorry to hear he has returned
to 'Victoria Rosnital and., hope
he is soon able to he home.
The. Varna UCW met Thnrs-
dav evening at the Church. The
worship service was led by
etre Harvey , Havter with Mrs,.
nrrin leowson reading the scrip-
t' re and Mrs. George Wilson
rereiying the offering which
-as dedicated by Mrs. Havter.
Meq. Aldie Mustard gave a very
'nteresting introd„ction' to the
tnrly book nn Canada. -Poems
"ere read by Mrs. Sherlock
Treys and Mrs. Mervyn Havter
T'ianist fur the evening was
Mrs Kalfleisch.
The bncin•ess was. • conducted
Mr the president Mrs. Merton
TTavter. Financial renorts wore
K;yen by Mrs, • Bill McAsh and
Mrs. ,Tnhn Ostrom and a mance
committee report by Mrs.
Charles Reid.
Thank you notes were real
by Mrs. Mervvn Johnston. It
was decided that the caretaking
TE'oilld he done on' al voluntary
basis with $4.0() keine paid each
week. The annual church meet-
ing will be Thursday evening at
the .church and there will not
be a pot luck supper this year
preeeding the meeting: .
The meeting closed with
prayer and group one served
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Taylor and
family visited Sunday with Mr
and Mrs. Murray Forbes and.
St. Columban
St. Columbian CPTA
The first CPTA meeting of
St. Columban ,was held in the
hall with a good crowd in at-
tendance, Father Boyle opened
the meeting with prayer. Presi-
dent Joseph Dorsey conducted
the meeting. Minutes were read
by Mrs. Joan Mclvor. Francis
Hicknell gave the treasurer's re-
port„ Joe Nolan, was chairman
for the program. Songs were
sung. by Grade seven and eight
pupils and a step dance was
given by Vicki 'O'Rourke•,
Father Moylan was guest
.peaker and gave an informa-
ive talk and showed slides of
their way of life in the Phil-
ipines. A draw for a pole
amp was won by Father Boyle
which he donated to Mother
Vlary Justin, principal of St.
eolumban School.
Rev. Father Boyle, Brooklyn,
V.Y., is visiting at the home,.of
'Ir. and Mrs. John Moylan.
Mr, and Mrs. Tom Ducharme
Ind children, Dryden, visited on
1unday with Mr. and Mrs. Aug-
ste Ducharme. Mr. Duchartlne
ill be in Toronto to take a
ourse for several weeks.
Miss Jean Maloney and Miss
ileen Maloney, London, visit -
1 Mrs. Nora Maloney. '
Mr. and Mrs. Roy McQuaid,
itchener, spent the weekend
ith Mr. and Mrs. James Mc-
Rev. Father Moylan, S.F.M.,
paves on Thursday for Toronto
nd from• there will go to San
)omingo, for mission work.
Miss Rita Kennedy, London,
isited Mr. and Mts. Angus Ken-
Miss Luella Moylan, Kitchen -
r, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Alex F. Chesney was instal-
led as . Worshipful . Master of
Britannia Lodge. AF and AM,
No. 170 GRC, at a recent cere-
mony in the lodge rooms.
o y
Other officer's are: I.P.M.
Wor.. Bro. Emmerson Durst; SW
Bro. Laverne Hugill; JW Bro.
Glenn Chesney; Chaplain V.
W. Bro. Ross Scott; Secretary
Wor. Bro. G. .A. Wright; -S.D.
Bro.. Dr. John MacLennan; JD
Bro. Gordon Beuttenmiller; D
of C. Wor. Bro. Mel -Clarke; IG
Bro. Orville G. Oke; SS Bro.
Ken Scott; JS Bro. Kenneth
Caldwell; Tyler Bro. Roy Butt.
Engagements Too Late
Mr. and Mrs. John Blue wish
to announce' the engagement
of their daughter, Elizabeth
Doreen to Mr. Bernar .
ward Talbot, son of Mr. and
Mrs. George Talbot, Guysboro
Nc,va Scotia. Marriage to take
place the latter part of Janu-
• Too Late
NORTHSIDE United Church
Annual Valentine Supper, on
Wednesday, February 15th. -1
cere thanks go to everyone whc
• helped us the night df the fire
and to those who have helped
in any Way since.
Alfred and Audrey Malone
An Expositor Classified wu
pay you dividends. Have yoi
tried one? Dial 527-0240.
FOR SALE - Ford Galaxie
500, hard top. In A-1 condition
priced to sell. Write Dox 1628
The Huron Expositor. -t
FOR SALE - Ten pigs, seven
weeks olid. Carl Vanderzers; N.
Main St., phone B27-1772. -1 '
FOR SALE - Holstein Bull
calf. Gerald Van den Henget,
RR 5 Seaforth, 527-0968. -1
Classified sea 'paw dividends
FOR SALE - Eleven 9 week
old pigs. Ron Jewitt, RR 1
Clinton. Phone 521-1139. xl
2 lbs.. 65c: 4 lbs., $1,35; 8 lbs.,
$2.50; light ember, 8 lbs.,
e,2.50; 5-30 lb. pails only $8.90
each; comb honey .70c. insist
on buying unpasturized honey
the way, it come r nm the
bees. Wallace Rea' Apiaries:
Every week more people die
cover what mighty jobs are
awe/Welled by low elsrt :Per
pbsitor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240.
l wish to thank friepcla, rela-
fives and nelglibnrs for Cards,
flewt:ra,'fruit. g'ifte land violas
while 1 WAS in Hnsp+tal:
fat thanikS to, fir. Stapleton,
ACM Trico and the nlltrseS. It
Was. a11' trreatiy elmreeiated •-•W
of Seaforth, recently was pre-
sented her stewardess wings
with Northwest Orient Air-
lines after completing five
weeks of specialized training
at the airline's training cen-
ter located at the Minneapo-
lis -St. Paul International Air-
port. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L• Fow-
ler, RR 2, Seaforth.. Miss Fow-
ler attended the Seaforth Dis-
trict High School.
Mews (i'C:ti
Mark Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker
celebrated their 38th wedding
anniversary on Sunday at the.
home of their daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Jack McGhee and fam-
ily, London. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie and
family, Dorchester, Mr, and
Mrs, Robert Hulley end family,
Winthrop, Mr. and Zees. Larry
Gardiner, Cromarty, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ken Walker, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner
entertained on Friday evening,
at their home' in honor of the
38th wedding anniversary of
Mrs. Gardiner's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Otto Walker. Guests pres-
ent were Mr. and Mrs. Walker,
Miss Olive Speare, Mr. and Mrs.
Darrell Parker, Staffa, Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Harris, Munro, Mr.
and Mrs. K. McKellar.
The WMS met at the home of
Mrs. Thomas Scott with twelve
members and one visitor pres-
ent. Mrs. Calder McKaig presid-
ed and opened the meeting with
a New Year's poem and • -
Mrs. • Thomas Laing led in the
Glad Tidings prayer. Routine
reports were presented by the
secretary and the treasurer.
The business period, was eon -
ducted by the president Mrs.
M. Lamond when an honorary
membership certificate was pre-
sented to Mrs. E. Moore by her
daughter Mrs. T. L. Scott..
Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson,
Warren, Sandra' and Perry :,f
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith
Lakeside were Sunday visifors
and Mrs. Mary Smith,
Mr. Jack Rundle spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Rundle of Exeter.
Eastern Star
Holds Euchre
The Order of Eastern Star
euchre held January 5th was
convened by Mrs. Andew Croz•
ier. Winners were ladies' high
Mrs. Edgar Stoll, ladies' lone
hands, Mrs. John Cairns, ladies'
low Mrs. Albert Baker. Men's
high Mr. Robert Dalton, men's
lone hands, Mr. Charles Cun-
ningham, men's low Mr. Warren
Whitmore. Leech was convened
by Mrs. Adin Forbes.
Win Jr. farmer's
Singing Award
Liz Smale, Sharon Strong and
Christine Pryce, all members of
Seaforth Junior Farmer's As-
sociation won the Iadies' -trio
class fp the music competition
at the Junior Farmer Confer-
ence ,held in the King Edward
Motel, Toronto . last Saturday..
Besides the honoi' they brought
back, to Bum County, they
eaeh received- sterling silver
bracelets, compliments of the
x ; glfzabeth trovtifi, -l. i.
Rank of Montrreal
-JAN. 11-14
Mrs. T. L. Scott reported 16
cards, retie visits and one let-
ter during the month.
Miss Olive Speare used as
her topic an article by the late
Rev. Joseph Wasson, "The Keep-
ing Care of God."
The new study book, "-The
Growth of the Presbyterian
Church in Canada" was intro-
duced by Mrs. T. L. Scott, assis-
ted by Mrs. Mervin AoW i and
Mrs. William harper. Scripture
lesson from Acts 1: 1-14, was
read in unison. Thank you notes
from shut-ins who were remem-
bered at Christmas were read by
the secretary. Mrs. McKaig clos-
ed the meeting with prayer. The
hostess was assisted by Mrs.
Mervin Dow and Mrs. William
Harper in serving lunch.
WESTERN ONTARIO'S newest hearing aid
centre offers for a limited . time only, Free
Service for two years on any ail purchased
in January 1967. For the Best in Service and
the Best Deals and trade-in value, call or
write us soon.
Free Home. consultation at your convenience or visit us at
100 Anglesea St., Goderich. Call or write for an appoint-
ment: Our motto is and shall always be (service, satisfac-
tion or money refunded). Our Japanese aids start as low
as $39.95. These will not do every person but many now
receive excellent results. 'Canadian built and guaranteed
s --start at $199.95 Rechargable aids at $229.95. Many
mates and models to choose from. Fill in the coupon be-
low and let us test your hearing with the newest equip-
ment available. You will never be sorry you did. No obliga-
tion except the cost of anear piece if youcide to have
one fitted. Happy New Year to everyone
Goderich Hearing Aid Service
100 Anglesea°Street, Phone 524-6562.
Name M.
Please have your representative call on me at my
home during the week of
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Top Valu Black or
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16•oz. $ 1 LICORICE1-oz. 4 Pkgs. $
Aylmer Condensed Betty Crocker tAsatld Flavours)
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10 -oz. $ 17 19
Vegetable Tomato SOUP $ ding 1 Cake Mixes2 Pkpa.oz. $ ¢
Cashmere (Asst'd Colours) Top Valu 1T n $�
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Shirley Gay -French
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NYLONS 211 , 4 Pair 1.
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Gt. Sizer 550
REDI BOLOGNA (By the Piece) ,b. 39¢ PORK LOINS lb. 65°
COTTAGE ROLLS poo - Ib. 65¢- Whole side of Pork irbpA,°e ). Ib. 494
SIDE BACON -sac $9$ FRESH' HAM ' Ib. 69e.
Sunkist Oranges
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Bag UJ
Bag 59
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Celery • Stalks 2 wit,. 3
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