HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-29, Page 9USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR- ADVANTAGE " 1. Coining Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business, Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Alrticles For Sale 1.2. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 1.4. Property 'For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16, For Sale or Rent . 17. Wanted To Rant 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales. 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23: Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26, Personals Classified ads alt inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts, as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus' 25c for each 4 -line verse. ?U1 other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales (20); Ten- ders Wanted (M.); and Legal Notices .(22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above, rates. • 1. E"oming" Events A SERIES of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, Janu- ary 11, 1967, at 2 p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Seaforth Community Hospital Seaforth. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above' date, or phone the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth 527-1243, bet- ween 9:00-9:30 a.m. or 4:30 5:00 p.m. 1-56-2 SEAFORTII Boy Scout Bottle Drive, Saturday, January 7th, 1 to 5 p.m. Scouts Will call door to door, Please have, bot - les ready. Save your papers for paper drive in May. Pro- ceeds for improvements to Scout Hall, 1-55-3 3. Found On Tuesday, a tortoise shell kitten with long fur about 3 M months old near the cemetery in . Egmondville. This kitten needs a home, please call 527- 0996. 3-56-1 4 0 a • 0 ✓ r� 4. Help Wanted Clinton District f+a Collegiate Institute . Board Invites written applications for the position of a full time CLERK -TYPIST with duties to commence 18 January, 1967. Must. have good typing speed. Library experience helnful-but not essential. SALARY $2,200 to $3,100 commensurate with experience • " Applications to be received by the undersigned not later than 9 January, 1967, with references and stating salary expected. ,MR. R. J. HOMUTH, B.A. Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Ontario. • 4-55-2 7. Situations Wanted WOMAN to share my home, and be a companion. Send re- plies to Box 77, Seaforth, On- tario. .. 7-56-2 8. Farm Stock For Sale WHITE -faced bull calf. C. De- Corte:- RR 2 Seaforth, phone 527-1628. 8-55x1 9. Poultry For Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 180 19-44-tf 10. Used Cars For Sale '62 Me, rcury Monterey, needs body . work, otherwise real, good.Closest offer to $400. 262-5150 Hensall. 10-56x2 11. Articles For Sale ONE,upright hot water heater with sivitch, number of sash with large panes. No. inside pin doors. Two sfot'ni `Mai. Walter 11iurrayf. 1145-1 11, Articles. For'Sale' WINTER elearanxie at' 'Jack Thonapson's Footwear Service, Shoes and repairing, Main 'St„ Seaforth. This advertisement is worth $1.00 on the purchase of a winter clearance item, 11.56_x. Classified ads pay dividends - Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs - Ring Sizing l,. , Retip Clawl; Rebuild :Shaxxl `' Bead Restringing . Repair cpstittne``jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. ° 11-44-tf SPECIAL Gale of Apples at the f i, ESPYaC:� : Delicious, eto. $1'.50 a' bushel in your containers. Fred McClymont, 1 mile south of Varna. 11-56x1 FOR Gifts that last and ser- vice unequalled shoo at 'Say- auge Jewellers (opposite post office). $1.00 will hold any purchase until Xmas. 11-51-tf Classified ads pay dividends. NEWEST model Philishave with triple head at special low price at Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite past officer. Free lotion with each Phili- shave. 11.51 • tf 12. Wanted To Buy ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces -or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. 12-44-tf WANTED HAY, straw, corn and grain, any quality or quantity. Len W-atson, 13--Pullamore Rd., Brampton, Ontario, phone 451-4804. 12-54-15 15. Property For stent DENTIST'S office in Seaforth: 527-0587. 15-56-1 $20.00, small apartment with frig Harvey Dale, phone 527- 1406. 15-55-2 MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone- 527-081O or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15.44-tf 19. Notices As of December 7th, 1966, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my wife, Barbara Gilbert. —Allen Gil- bert, RR 2 Bluevale., 19-55x2 ANYONE vas-hini to rent the Zurich CommunityHiall or Ar- ena please contact Mr. Louis Schilbe, Zurich, Ontario. Call 236-4982. 19-55-3 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT 'Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. .350.0-65 19 -44 -ti SEPTIC • TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6,- Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed -ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth 19-44-tf TRI - TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE CLINTON — SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience in all Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 Dead Stock - ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLY under New Management Garnet Smith We are, here to give you faster service and better prices, paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND UP FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free, also free veterinary inspection. Call Collect Atwood 356-2822 24 Ins. a day -7 days a week Lic. No. 401-C-85 REG SMITH SIGNS Truck loitering, farm signs, plastic signs refinished, show cards, and highway. signs, Cor- ner of East and High Streets, Clinton. Phone 4824093. 1946•t1 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS • CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1400. 19.44-tf ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd, Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- 'bousae St.. Goderich, phone 524- 6514 19-44-tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales -& Ser. vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales Varna Phone 262-5350. Ilensall.. 19-44tf Classified ads pay dividends: NOTICE We are shippit}g Cattle every. Monday to United Co -Operatives 4 Ontario. To arrange for pick up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS HUNT. Fhone' Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-44-tf 22. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WALTER WRIGHT ROBINSON All persons having' claims against the Estate of Walter Wright Robinson, late of the Town of Seaforth in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Barber, deceased, who died on or a- bout the 22nd day of Septem- ber, 1966, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the 'undersign- ed on or before the 20th day, of January; '1967' after which date the assets will be distrib- uted having regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth, this 20th day of December, 1966. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth. Ontario Solicitors for the Estate 22-56-3 23. Business Directory McCONNELL & STEWART w Barristers. Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. 1. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTH7— VETERINARY •CLINIC J. 0, Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S • Phone 527-1760 • Seaforth A. W. STI,LEKY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. ' Office 527-1850 • Res. 527-1643 Seaforth Ontario A. 'M. HARPER Chartered Accountant "55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524=7562 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone. 347-2465 Monkton BOX,. FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527-0885 J. A. BURKE • Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Ppone 43 R 10 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth, t 3. Business Directory JOHN E.• LONGSTA,I I. OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: Dues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:.30 p,m .Sat„ 9 to 12,noon Thursday evening by ' appoint meat only Phone 527-1240 -- or 482.7010 Mon,, Wed. — Clinton Office W. J. CLE43RY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or nay Calls — 527.051.0 44. Cards of Thanks fvriseints, apIdreliavsfor, heirNIsincere thanesto my cr .a treats. le a patient foam- munty Iospital. $15 e e i a 1 thanks to Dr. Stapleton and the 'nursing staff.It was s all very ranchp-- preciated. Mrs. James McNichol. 24-56x1 Mr. and Mrs. James Sloan, of Riverside Nursing Home, Mit- chell wish to thank the C.W.L. of Dublin who presented to the Nursing Home, a pole lamp for the sitting room and an electrid' fry pan and elec- tric kettle for the kitchen. 24-56-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thomp- son of RR 1 Londesboro, an- nounce the engagement of eldest daughter, Judith Louise to William Arthur Garfield McMichael, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McMichael of RR,1 Londesboro. Marriage to take place Saturday, Decem- ber '31st at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. (_.. Births _ OLSON— In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Friday, December 23, to Mr. and Mrs. Allan Olson (nee ter - 'nice Dilling), ,London, - a daughter. Additional . Classified SEE PAGE. 10 Good Luck, .May This Lucky Horseshoe Bring Good Fortune To •Our • Wonderful Customers in 1967, and All the Coming New Year. W. ARTHUR WRIGHT ,For Co-op Insurance Phone 527-1464 - John St.. SEAFORTH INSURANCE WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone 527-0467 • : Seaforth Representing 'he Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Woodstock, Ont. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT APPLICATIONS'' Applications for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Hulled • will be received by the undersigned. Applications will state qualifications and age of applicant and residence and any other details that would seem pertinent to .I the position. All applicants would be expected to begin'duties from.January 9, 1967. Applica- t ons ipust be clearly marked as to contents ad must be in the Clerk's office not later than January 7, at 6:00 o'clock p.m. All applicants will be interviewed by the Council when the details of the contract of employment ,will be discussed in detail. HARRY F. TEBBUTT R.R. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 41, (Continued from.Page 5) St, Coluniban parish ball, under the auspices of the CWL. Avgyst 4th Mary McKercher, d•apghter, 4f Mr. and.. Mrs, R. 6,, Melcercher of Dublin, graduated • front Stratforfl Teacher's College. August 11th, - MacDonald Shoehas beet. sold. ib Ed Taylor of Stratford, and Orillia and who takes pos- session September list. Pa terson's General' Store in Brucefield was broken into. Egnxondyille River niay be small but. some big fish are in it just the same. Paul. Nigh and Tom Malone prove that fishing in the river can , be profitable. They caught a 33',a inch pike weighing eight pounds. ' Auggst 18th Joan Williams, bride -elect of September, was honored at the home of Mrs. John Oldfield, by neighbors at ,a miscellaneous. shower. Mrs. Amy Horne has been ap- pointed secretary -treasurer of the Seaforth PUC. The congregation of Duff's United Church, Walton, staged a surprise party in the school rooms in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Higginbotham, on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniver- sary. ' Tom Sloan, son of Mr. and Mrs. James 'Sloan of St. Colum - ban was one of more than 50 men who wereinjured when part of the new Huron Road bridge in Ottawa collapsed. August 25th A surprise party was held for Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hillen in honor of their 25th wedding an- niversary. - A miscellaneous shower hon- oring Alice. Ann Nixon, bride - elect, was held in the Orange Hall. About 125 persons attended the annual picnic of Huron Lib- erals Assoc. at Seaforth Lions Park. Joanne Elligsen, 15, a stud- ent at SDHS was one of 24 students chosen to visit areas of Canada as part of the Cen tennial Youth Travel program. September 1st, Ken Doig of Seaforth shot a two under par 69 to win the `.annual Waterloo County Golf and Country Club men's invita- tional in Galt. Beth Bryant, 11 year old daughter- of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bryant, 101 Cambria St., Stratford, was instantly killed in front of her parents home in Hullett Township. September 8th Friends held a shower in the Orange Hall, Seaforth, recently in honor of Miss Barbara Cole- man, bride -elect. Overcast skies and scattered showers failed to lesson the en - t1114146111 with which the o14 boys and girls greeted each other when they gathered at 34S. Np, 3, Tuckersmith, Scott's, .School. Attendanee at Seaforth's school's When the holidays end- ed showed little change over lash year, except at St..James' Separate School, where, there were 20 additional pupils. September 15th Canadian Forces Base, Clin- ton celebrates the 25th anniver- sary of radar training in Cana- da. Mrs. Albert Clarke was hos- tess for a miscellaneous shower honoring Miss Barbara Nott, whose marriage takes place in mid-September. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Malone honored them with a dinner on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Reeve Carl Dalton and Mrs. Dalton were surrounded by members of their family and friends from a wide area when they marked their 40th wed- ding anniversary. September 22nd Mr, and Mrs. William Kelly were. -surprised by neiehbors, the occasion being their 40th wedding anniversary. Visitors left their mark on Seaforth's recently painted wa- ter tower. .September 29th ' oldest resident in the district Thomas Grieve marked his 100- th birthday. He has lived in Eg- mondville 58 years. A leading Seaforth -business- man , and long time resident, Milton Ross Savauge died sud- denly in his 64th year. Two men died when their car � skidded off Highway four, 1% miles north of Hensall and struck a tree. Killed in the ac- cident were Erie Wayne Mous- seau of Hensall and Jack Rad- er of -Centralia. Work on the new Seaforth District High School should get underway immediately accor, ding to school officials as a re- sult of the final approval re- ceived from the municipal board. October 6th Pat Malone, 13, is in Seaforth Community Hospital with sev- ere lacerations and bruises to his head and legs following a car bicycle crash on Main St. Seaforth council accepted a public address system as a Centennial gift to the commun- ity from the Seaforth Highland Band. The season's crop and 85 pigs were lost in a fire that destroy- ed a large barn on the farm of James Sloan, Mc'xillop October 13th Intermittent driving rain, hail and high winds provided a discouraging welcome for plow- 'CURKEy...-DRESSING..... PLUM PUDDING..,-_ MINCE PIES CAIE':..CHOCOLA'ES... MOTS.... • ing match visitors the first' two; days of the International, ' plow ing Match, and turned; the- sheets in the tented city into greinud baths, Aasy n historfGal ,plague <cow.- inettorating• Willzaxn Aberhart,. tonndor of the Social. C,',rottit Party and former p,e;axier of Alberta was unveiled ixi Sear" forth.. O'he. freedom of Seaforth. was.' extended to plowmen and plow- ing match visitors at a short ceremony at the town hall. Mr. and Mrs, Herb ,Trapnell, well known Seaforth residents. marked their golden wedding: - -.., ._ October. 20th Mrs. Mary Hildebrand of Sea - forth celebrated her 110th birth• clay with.a family dinner party. The .53rd .International Plow ing Match came to an end iv it began, in the midst of a rain storm. Huron Warden Ken- Stewart saluted his, daughter Am• Stewart after she had won the Queen of the Furrows contes' at the International. October 27th Seaforth Lions paid a solemr tribute to a former member, the late Ross Savauee. Mrs. Andrew Crozier and Mrs Gordan Pa.pole were honoree by' the Seaforth Wornerr's In stitute when they were present ed with 25 year pins by the In• stiti te. Mrs. Tillie Dunn was named Noble Grand of Edelweiss Reb- ekah Lodcre. -- Thieves broke into SDHS and attempted to break into the vault. November 3rd .Mrs. Helen. Dalrymple, Clin- ton, observed her 99th birth- day with a promise that "she. would do her best to be on hand next year." Mr. and Mrs. James : Carter, Tuckersmith, marked the 50th anniversary of their wedding Monday. A land mark of wiopen for four generations, the large frame structure 'at the main interset- tions in the village is disappear- ing.. _ `Seven buildings were burned .in Htullett and McKillop Town- ships as Hallowe'en was cele- brated, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Scott, Chicago marked their 50th wedding anniversary. November 10th Rev. Douglas Steven was in- ducted as minister of Egmond- ville United Church. Members of Huron ,County Council joined the two hund- red guests to pay tribute to Warden Kenneth Stewart at 'the annual Warden's banquet. November 17th Robert E. Mickle, Hensall, has been awarded the Huron Coun- rrs VERY HARD To Dt5c05 J' Ci1RIsTMAS WITH • PDDR GOoDt6... SoBi ty seholarshipti Ty the hip. ,cox ittee of the, Facultal of Arts. and Sc .senee, 1J ve i* ty'df Western Ontario. Mr aril A ra, .T mss J. Wat- son .oi ' on s "fere given E surprise " party in Walton; H a t e r .: Church, Cromty°, marked :the 54th wedduzg' anniversary •' of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur l�liller,. - staff`s, • Robert . , Fotheringha>m, Sea; forth, has ivon' the' world-.Akv.. title. November 24th The corner•stone of tlje•, nevi at , olubitnwas laid' insch+anool uiapressStGi eu mceren-ionly. • Mayor John Flannery,. who has served Seaforth de Mayor and 'Couneillor 'far seven years, has announced his !retirement.:. James Broadfoot of Bruce- field captured first pirize in 4 H competitions'' for Ora:- at the Royal Winter Fair. - R. J. Boussey, Seaforth; PUC Manager, has .been elected dir- 'ctor of the Western Ontario Water Works conference, • December 1st F. Kling has been acclaimed as Mayor of Seaforth, sucgeed 'ng Mayor John Flannery. He 's the 38th personto occupy the )ffice, ' Mrs. P. B. Gardiner, formerly of Walton, passed, away in Tor- onto. December 8th Judge F. *ingland passed, away suddenly at his home in Father John McConnell, Bible scholar of Dublin, observed the 35th anniversary of his odina- tion to the priesthood. John Moylan was. elected pres- ident of the McKillop ' Federa- tion' of Agriculture. December 15th" Long time merchant passes in the Seaforth Community Hos- pital in the- person of Frank S. Sins in his 84th year. His Excellency G. Emmett Carter, Bishop of London, `or- dained. -.to. -the Priesthood in St. Columban Church, . Gordon Francis Kennedy. son of ' Mr. and Mrs. Angus Kennedy. R. J. Boussev was elected president of Seaforth Branch 156, Royal Canadian Legion and MrS. C. Coombs is president- of the Ladies' Auxiliary: December 22nd General Coach Works of Can- ada- Ltd., of Hensall and London has received a contract to build 550 travel trailers valued at nearly $1,500,000 to provide .ac rommodation for visitors to Expo 67. Fire of undetermined origin destroyed a large barn on the farm of Alfred Malone in Hib- bert. Seaforth Fire. Chief .1ohn - F. Scott said loss could . be $14,000. - „5(6 oN A PIE `walcp -• TI J\ MAKES YOU FEEL) ENVIOUS, DOESN'T \ IT,' 1'M MAKING A COUPLE O1= NEW NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS, HAROLD! III REFUSE TO NOW THE LAWN' OR RAKE UP LEAVES UNTIL THE END OF SUMMER! AND ISM GOING TO REFUSE TO SHOVEL SNOW UNTIL ISM ABSOLUTELY FORCED 'TO! 7.2741 04 ,1 Doter YOU Pr • J ' WINGS',ON 1'f ANb1'AICE ('C To THE MODEL AIQPIANE CU1B? •