HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-29, Page 6if - 'HIR .FitlRO1+J. EXPOSITOR., SRAPORLTH ANT., 221 15'411 Hoii'day Visitors in and Around Constance Mr: and Mrs. Verne Dale Visited; on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale and giria of London. Mra.• A. W. Bromley of Kit- shenen spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale and Kathy and Cheryl. Mrs, Irene Grirnoldby spent Christmas eve with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Betties of Winthrop. I Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods and Debbie and , Michele of Oananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim and Greg of Ajax spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ril- ey. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Glous- her, Stewart and Barbara, spent Christmas Sunday With n comes the New Year, on a really cheerful note, with inany a toast to health, happiness and. prosperity in the days ahead. And is the clock strikes the hour of twelve, may our "Happy New Year" reach all of you. SEAFORT MOTORS PHONE 527-1750 ti SEAFORTH Mr. and Mrs. henry Qipusher a1 Blyth. • ivir. and Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol And,. *luny, Danny and 1i111y, ivir. and 1Virs. Dennis Jewitt, K'ath'y, and David, of oearurth, ivir. and iyine. 8ill• UoWs'on, Brenda, Bonnie and J onn of Varna, 1Vir. and Mrs. Jim Preszcator and Billy cele- brated Christmas on Saturday with 1Virs. Ella Jewitt and ooyS. ivir. and Mrs. Ken Preszcat- or and girls, lvir. David Presz- cator, Miss Rose Brady of Sea- iorth were Christmas Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jun freszcator and Billy. Christmas Sunday visitors with Mr. and 1Virs. Don Buch- anan and family where Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Buchanan of Ilderton, Miss 1Viary Buchanan of 'Waterloo University, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cook and family, all of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. George Turn- er, Linda and Barry, Mr. John Turner of Tuckersmith visit- ed on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, John and Elizabeth. Mrs. Irene Grimoldby spent Christmas Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of God- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Fogt and Carol of Streetsville were Christmas. Sunday guests with the letters parents Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woods Debbie and Michele of Ganan- e.que, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley. Kim and Greg of Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley were Christmas Sunday visitors with Mrs. Sadie Riley. Mr. and Mrs. George Mcll- wain and Lynn of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crozier, Brian, Paul, and Kevin of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kingswell of Goderich were, Christmas guests with,,Mr: and Mrs. George Mcllwain and Mary. Mrs. A. W. Bromley, Kitch- ener, Mr. and Mrs, Don Glou- sher, Karen and Billy of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scott, Melanie and Meribeth Snell of Blyth were Christmas of Belgrave and Mr. Harvey dinner._guests with iV[i and. Mrs. Bill Dale, Kathy and Cheryl. Mrs. Wilmer Glousher, Stew - Mrs. Ella Jewitt, Mr. and art and Barbara, *ere Boxing Day dinner guests with Mr. end Mrs. Austin Dexeter of Blyth. THIS WEEK AND'NEXT1 by Ray Argyle Strong - willed provincial premiers who do not hesitate to challenge Ottawa's author- ity have become a. special ter- ror to the Pearson govern- ment. And none more audac- ious or daring than British Columbia's W. A. C. Bennett. Because Premier Bennett combines 'auracity with an al- most unmatched political sav- vy, almost every major move he makes is of national im- portance. This is why B.C.'s dramatic move to stake a claim to all the continental shelf off the west coast has become a mat- ter of such concern to federal - authorities. The B. C. government has been waging a prolonged bat- tle with Ottawa over control of the provinces' resources, Once again, oneupmanship has put Ottawa on the spot., . The tremendous significance of the B.C. claim to the conti- netal shelf lies in the future exploitation of ocean and un- dersea resources. The world's oceans hold un- tapped minerals which poten- tially exceed all the land -lock- ed resources of all the contin- ents. In the Canadian picture, the question to be settled is whet- her Canada's off -shore re- sources belong to the country as a whole, or only to the pro- vinces which hug the. coast. British Columbia formaliz- ed its claim with an order -in - council, placing a Crown re- serve on the ocean floor ex- tending up to 300 miles out in- to the Pacific. Other provin- ces have made similan claims, n1.tl,iough none has moved so brazenly to stake, its claim ati P.C. Premier Bennett got in a-' head of 'the Supreme Court of Canada which is scheduled' next year to finally rule on ihiF very question. Four times so far, the Court has delayed a decision. When Jean Lesage was pre- mier of Quebec, he took the position that if the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Ott- awa, his province simply wouldn't accept the decision. Daniel iohi Son can hardly be expected to be any more gen- erous.- In the Maritimes, Nova Sco- tia premier Robert Stanfield has said his province claims rights "far beyond" the 12 - mile territorial limit which normally; defines sea bound- aries. The stage thus seems set for a federal -provincial dispute that will have at least the six coastTrovincee lined up solid- ly against Ottawa. Manitoba ;and Ontario will also be affected by the out- come because of Hudson's Bay most of which is now und.nr federal jurisdiction as the boundary of the Northwest' Territories extends across the Bay. Only landlocked Alber+a and Saskatchewan can reason- ably be expected to ,support Ottawa's position. In announcing B,C.'s claire, attorney general Robert Bon- ner said men would soon be able to live under the 'sea .at great depths and for gr e a t lengths of time, and would be able to mine the oce u floor. "Any maritime jurisdiction which ignores this fact is n - different to the advance of science and technology," he, added. Mr. Bonner said that in ad- d'tion•to offshore oil resources the ocean floor is covered with balls of molybdenum, there for the taking. But the claim to offshore rights will ultimately go much further than this. In addition to resources in the floor of the •ocean, the ocean water itself is filled with minerals and fodstuffs. Research into desalination of sea water is now beginning, to pay off -especially in Israel -and the day is not far away when fresh water will have to be pumped from the ocean tu' replace diminishing and polluted land water. „ Ocean resources will then become not merely a matter of dispute between federal and local jurisdictions, but belwcen nations with common seafronts.. The' mother of the teen-age girl caught on fast to jive talk shortly after her daughter ask- ed, "Ma'ma, may I hit the flick?" "I'm afraid I'don't read you dear," mother replied. "Oh mama, said the young- ster, "Hit the flick' is teen talk for 'go to the movie." "In ' that case," mother said, "ask me again after you rub the tub, scour the shower, spread the bed and swish the dish." do here proclaim that we will -continue to serve friends, old and new, in their best interest with benefits and satisfaction for all. 1/44ofilleogot Seaforth Public Utility Commission M11 ML q YA\R'1M W May "the New Year herald health, wealth and mach happiness for you. WALDEN & BROADFOOT TEXACO DEALERS. _. Phone 527-1224. - Seaforth ,e-,:4 • ; «i; 1, r1 ,rli w1 i r1' wl, r f; ..- 1• . , •.• • •.4 n . e„re'• r r re re' '1,30 r "r - BIG REDUCTIONS! ! Women's Water Proof Pullon- SNOW BOOTS Fleece lined, sizes 5, 6, and 7 only 5 Reg. 6.95 to 9.95 ON SALE FROM 0 7.99 Discontinued Lines WOMEN'S NAME BRAND PIGGY' BUCKS Low, walking and flat heels Reg. 9.95 to 10.95 WOMEN'S FASHION FOOTWEAR Illusion and Cuban heels Reg to 9.95 ON SALE AT • II ON SALE6. Sharp Toes - Square Toes YOUNG. MEN'S SHOES Oxfords and Slip Ons Regular 9.95 to 12.95 ON SALE FROM . to 10.99 7.99 Imemr SELF SERVE- DOOR OPENING SPECIAL Infants' and Children's SLIPPERS 1.00 Reg. 1.98 ON SALE MEN'S - - WOI.K BOOTS Name Brand - Vulcanized Soles Reg. 14.95 ON SALE Other Styles at equally Big Savings ! 1 i.99 Men's Ili Waterproof SNOW BOOTS Reg. 6:95 ON SALE Boys' Sizes 3 to 5, reg. 7.95, ON .SALE . AT 5.99 7.9 SHOES Formerly MacDonald Shoes - Main Street Seaforth 4¢ 4 WINTER STARTS CECEMBER 30 Everything Beduced to Clear to Make. Room For the New Spring Footwear That Will Arrive Soon ! SELF SERVE CHILDREN'S SHOES Odds and Ends Discontinued Lines Reg." from .. :2.98 to 4.98 , ON SALE .00 - R'-UBBEYR BOOTS % For the entire family Imparted' and Canadian Made DOOR OPENING SPECIAL 300 PAIR Women's - Misses' Children's -•- Men's - Boys' • SLIPPERS Reg. 2A9 to 3.98 ON SALE Self Serve - While They Last ! ! 2.00 EXTRA SPECIAL WOMEN'S LEATHER SNOW BOOTS Reg. From 8.95 to 10.95 ON SALE 6.99 to 8. Self Serve - FREE Silicone with each purchase SILICONE Water Repellent REG, °1.00 On Sale 66c - SELF SERVE - MEN'S FLEECE LINED SHAG BOOTS Grey or Beige REG, 11.95 On Sale 9.99 4 ITAYLOR 'SHOES Tops in Quality - Low,' Low Prices NOTE - TAESE PRICES PREVAIL ONLY DURING THIS SALE ALL SALEt;,FINAL -- NO LAYAWAY"-- NO, PHONE CALLS PLEASE BIG SAVINGS! !• MEN'S DRESS SHOES Made in England - Calf Leather uppers, leather "soles - full rubber heels Many Leather Lined. Reg. 14.95 to 16.95 - ON SALE • 1.2•99 WOMEN'S CORRECTIVE " OXFORDS Low Cuban Heels - Name Brand Reg. 14.95 ON SALE WINTER OVERBOOTS For MEN - BOYS • and CHILDREN ion ff WOMEN'S LEATHER SNOWBOOTS reg. 12.95 on sale 9.99 Plus a FREE bottle of Silicone water repellent value 1.00 CHILDREN'S 'AND MISSES' WATERPROOF SNOWBOOTS Black or Brown, reg. 4.95 to 6.95 Men's Leather Insulated on sale at HI CUT BOOTS Reg. 19.95 ON SALE MEN'S Sizes 8, 9 and 10 only COWBOY BOOTS Reg. 21.95 to 29.95 ON SALE AT 3.99 to 4.99 7.99 FLATS FOR THE MODERN MISS Reg. 5.9510 7.95 ON SALE i r • r • If • • s