HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-29, Page 4• 4.4HE •HUR,O$ EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT:, DEC. 29, 1966
visit tra with M. .. and Mrs -
Lavern averp Wolfe for Christmas on
$unday !Fern Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Wolfe . and , family, _Kitchener,
M. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and
Steven, Louden and Mr. and
Mrs. Haw Tait, MitchelL
31r. and Mrs. Harold Elligsen,
Donald and David- and Mabel
Higgenson and Hairy_ Procter
were presto of .Mr. and Mrs. Ken
Elligsen on Christmas Day.
Mr. and Mrs, William Koeh-
leroele1;trated their 50th wed-
ding anniversary and entertain-
ed guests at the community hall
Isere, Monday night.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Miller on Sunday were
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Benne-
wies and family, 'Mr. and Mrs.
Ted Nowack and family, Brun-
ner, Mr. and 'Mrs. Louis Ben-
newies, Mr. and Mrs. Jolla
Moore and family, Dublin, Leon-
ard Miller, Kitchener, Toleda
Beuerrsaan, Waterloo and ' Kar-
en Sckontr , Baden.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dutmer
spent Christmas Day with Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Rock, RR 1,
Mr. arid Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens,
Clayton, Robert and Ken, Mrs.
Rackael . Ahrens and Diane
Banana :en spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ah -
ren at 'Burlington.
On Saturday night the Sun-
day School class at St. Peter's
Lutheran Church presented a
Christmas concert with a. large
number in' attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer-
marin spent Christmas Day with
'Mr. and Mrs. Roy Beuermann
and family in Kitchener and on
Monday; Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Beuermann and Jeffrey visited
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Man-
uel Beuermann. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miller
and family spent Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. John Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ahrens and
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pearn, Mit-
chell, visited on Christmas Day
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ah-
rens and family.
''and Mrs. Gary Sholdice
and family spent Christmas Day
at the home of Mr. and, Mrs.
Russell Sholdice in Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Boris Bruder,
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Doug
Aitchison and family, Niagara
Falls, Jane Rock, University of
Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Wil
Liam Broughton, Monktaii, vis-
ited during the Christmas sea-
son with Mr. and Mrs, Edwin
Rock and Norman Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rock,
Farmington, Michigan, spent.
the Christmas weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. George Eickmeir
and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Eickmeir
and family. They also visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rock
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gilbert
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Kleber for Christmas.
Mrs. Caroline Elligsen spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Elligsen and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonhardt
and family spent Christmas on
Monday in Mitchell with Mr.
and M`rs. Chris Leonhardt.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brown
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Kettlewell and family
in Strathroy.
Clarence Mogk, London, spent
Christmas weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt. Mr.
and Mrs. Chris W. Leonhardt,
Clarence Mogk, Mi:, and Mrs.
Ross •Leonhardt, Kim and Kathy
,pent Christmas Day with Mr.
and Airs, Robert Beuermann
Rerenaber! It takes but a
Moment to place an Expositor
Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just
Bial Seaforth 527-024U
A Personal Call
For You'
No, One Else Can Aswer to God
For You . . . You Alone Are
For Accepting His Salvation, and
Attending His Church.
11:00 a.m.
(Continued from Page 1)
Ville spent Christmas at the
home of her brother-in-law and
sister, Mt. and Mrs. Fred E.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Coughlin,
London, spent Christmas with
Miss Alice Reid.
Mrs. Zurbrigg of Stratford
was a Christmas guest of Mrs.
J. D. Cairns.
Mrs. W. A. Campbell of
Guelph was a guest for Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. George
S. Love, McKillop and on Box-
ing day with Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Bennett of Clinton.
Mr. Norman Love :of Mile-
Sask., is a guest of Mr.
News of
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszca-
tor and girls, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Preszcator and Billy„ Mr.
David Preszcator, Miss Rose
Brady of Seaforth were guests
at a family dinner at the Com-
munity Centre in Crediton on
Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Hill as hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dyk and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Dekker and famil.y,/IVIr. and
Mrs. Simon Dyk, all of Galt,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Moorbrok
of Jarvis, were Monday visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Haverskamp and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt
and family were Boxing Day
visitors with Mr. Ted Peckitt
of Londesboro.
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson,
John and Elizabeth were din-
ner guests on Monday with
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lawson of
Miss Agnes Haverkampis
spending this week visiting in
Miss Glenda Pfaff of Credi-
ton is visiting this week with
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator
and girls._ Miss Dianne Presz-
cator is spending this week
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beimers 1 with Mr. and Mrs. 'Allan Pfaff
had as their Christmas guests,
Mr. and Mrs, Keith Gregory and
family, St. Catharines, Mr. and
Mrs. William Beimers and fam-
ily, Strathroy, Frank Beimers,
Toronto, Anna Beimers, Strath-
roy and Mr. and Mrs. Gerid
Beimers, Blyth and William
Guests of Mr. an Mrs. Robert
French for Christmas were Mrs.
Lena Bennewies, Mr. and Mrs.
William Bennewtes, Sandra and
Kitchener, 'Mr. and Mrs. George
Rock and Warren, RR 4, Wal-
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rock, RR
4, Walton, Mr. and Mrs. George
Sherrin, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs.
James Lloyd, Weston and Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Davis of Fullar-
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Buuck
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Burgess in Strath-
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Diegel,
Sr., spent Christmas Day with
Mr: and Mrs. Norman Ahrens
in Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Diegel
quietly observed their 59th
wedding anniversary.
Mr.-. and Mrs.. Dalton Hinz
spent Christmas with Mr, and
Mrs. Gerald Hinz at .Stratford.
Every week More. people dis-
cover what mighty jobs are
accomplished by low cost Ex-
positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240.
- Our thank you to those who attended,
our open House and to .One and All We wish
you a Happy and Prosperous New Year.
co. Ltd.
Hensall Ontario
`Seaforth ..
and family of Crediton.
Mr. and Mrs, Wendy Grant
and family of Port Colborne
are spending a few -days with
Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and
family_ -
Master Roberf Moorbrok of
Jarvis is visiting this week
with Ralph Haverkamp.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Medd,
David, Jim .and Kerri spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Harold Phillips, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lundy MacKay of
Blyth. -•
Mr. •and Mrs. Paul Dederick
of Simcoe, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
McMaster, Carol and Mark of
London were week end visit-
ors with Mr. and Mrs. George
Hoggart and family.
Marvin, Ken, and Darlene,
MacDonald, of Mitchells visited
on Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Earlan Osborne and girls.
Mrs. Annie Medd was a
Christmas guest with Mrs. and
Mrs. Ray Finch and family.
lVLrs. Luther Sanders visited
over the week end with Mrs
Ken Reid and family and wi lz
Mr. Ken Reid who is a patient
in Westminster Hospital, Lon-
dori.. Paul, David and Jane ac-
comnanied Mrs: Sanders home
for this week.
David Medd and Bev Jewitt
are attending the T.O.C. Alfa
conference , in Niagara Falls
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte
and family of O_ shawa spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs
W. L. Whyte.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der
Molan and family of -Oakville
are spending the Christmas
Holidays with Mr. and Mrs.
W. L. Whyte and family.
and Mrs. George S. Lave, Me-
Killop Township.
Miss Ethel MacKay has re-
turned from London. .
Miss Mabel Thompson spent
Christmas in Landon with her
niece, Mrs. Dona M Hoggarth.
Mr. had Mrs. Frank Cudmore
of Wallaceburg spent Christmas
day with Miss Hazel Reid.
Mrs. R. K. McFarlane, of
town, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Piggott
of Clarksville were Christmas
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. C.
Bennett, Clinton..
Miss Annie Moore of Toronto
is the guest of her brother, Mr.
Harvey Moore, High St.
Mrs. Hugh McLachlan and
Mrs. J. D. Cairns spent Christ-
mas in Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Nixon
and daughter,, Hensall, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Waytowick and daugh-
ter of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Tolton of Port Elgin,
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Black of
Weston and Mr. and Mrs. James
Baynham and family of town
spent Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Nixon,
Visitors for Christmas week-
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Roe and Joyce were Mr.
and Mrs. William- Arr, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Justason, Barbara
and Sandra of Kitchener and
Miss Dianne Roe of Kemptville.
Miss Dianne Roe is spending
the holidays here with her par-
Mrs: Leland Wannamaker and
Gail of Napannee are spending
this week with Mrs. Alex Wal-
lace and relatives in this area.
Mrs. Ada Dale is • spending
some time in Kitchener with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and. Mrs., DelKrauel.
Misses Abbie and Wilma Seip
are spending Christmas in Kit-
Mrs. Joe Devereaux and Billy
were in Chicago attending the
funeral of Mrs. John Morgan.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Downey and
family of Kitchener spent the
holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bicknell,
Kirkland Lake, spent Christmas
with his sister, Mrs. Joseph
Matthews and Mr. and Mrs.
Lester Leonhardt. . -
-Mr.--Robert Knigh#,•Kitchener,
spent Christmas with his moth-
er, Mrs. Ruth' Knight, and Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Haley and fam-
ily, Seaforth, .
Mr. and Mrs. John Zorudlo
of Winnipeg,, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Dougall and family of Stratford,
spent Christmas day with Mr.
and Mrs. Steve Lupul.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Barber
Kitchener, spent the holidays
with Mr. and Mrs. Leonhardt and
Mrs. Matthews. •
Guests visiting with Rev. and
Mrs. J. C. Britton for Christmas
were: Mr. and Mrs. William Jep-
son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kendle,
daughters Debbie ' and Cathy
from Brantford, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie ,Hoggarth, Jane, Bruce
and Catherine from London, Mr.
and •Mrs. Ron Britton, Wendy,
Greg, Bradley, Barbara, Lorie,
Kelly and Kim from Brammalie,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Aryon from
Bancroft, .Mrs, Walter Broad -
foot, Walton„ Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Bull., Chatham, Mr. and , Mrs.
Robert McMillan and Billie,
Seaforth," Miss Connie Britton,
Scarboro, Mr. David Britton
from University of Western On-
A- funeral service for Mrs.
Henry J. Gibson, 98, of Strat-
ford, the former Mary Boyd,
was held Saturday at the Hein -
buck Funeral Home, 156 Al-
bert St. Rev. William Weir, of
Knox Presbyterian ,,Church, of-
ficiated. Burial followed in
Avondale cemetery,
Mrs. Gibson fornnany years
a resident of Seaforth, died
Friday at Avon Crest.
Christias • Actiiity in 1rc'Iton Area
Mr. and Mrs. David And-
rews, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Reid
and- Dennis of Toronto were
week end guests with Mrs,
George Dundas.
Christmas guests • at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Love included Mr. Norman
Love, Milestone, Sask.; Mrs.
W. A. Campbell, Guelph; Mr,
Tom Love, Sudbury;, and Mr.
and Mrs. Graeme MacDonald
and Julie, Brussels.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan and
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Ryan and
Kimberly of, Ingersoll spent
Christmas with,iVlr. and Mrs.
Joseph Ryan, Walton.
Mr. and Mrs. William Coutts
Karen and Connie, visited on
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Huether, Cran-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Machan,
Karen and Kim, Sarnia were
Friday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McDon-
ald and Lynne spent Christ-
mas Day with Mr. and Mrs. G.
L. Cassidy of Ingersoll.
Mrs. Luella Marshall, Mr.
Barry Marshall and Maloolm
Fraser visited on Christmas
Day with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Marshall and family, Bramp-
ton. , .
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore,
Stratford, visited with Mr. and'
Mrs. Nelson Reid for a few
days and spent Christmas day
with Mr. and, Mrs. James Wil-
liamson and family.
Miss Betty Hoegy of Listo-
wel was a week end guest
with heir parents Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Hoer".
Mrs. Peter McDonald spent
the Christmas week end with
her son-in-law and daughter,
1Vir. and Mrs. Pat BodleY and
family near Blyth.
Jim --Rutledge, London, and.
Bob Humphries, Niagara Falls
are holidaying with the Tatters.
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Christmas Day guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russel
Marks were Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Marks arid family,
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Marks and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph •Traviss and Linda.
Christmas Eve guests', at the
home of Mrs. Edna Hackwell
included Mr. and Mrs. David
l-lackwell, Stratford; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward, Smith and fa
ily. London; Mr. and Me$.
Jack McLlwain and Mark of
Seaforth; and Mr. and Mrs.
Reid Hackwell of Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirk-
by and Mark of Woodstock,
visited with the former's fath-
er, Mr. Frank Kirkby and Mr
and Mrs. Douglas Kirkby.
Mrs. Edward Miller accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tur-
vey of Brussels to Goderich
where they spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Monday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGav-
in included Mr. and Mrs. John
McGavin and family of"Thom-
bgry; Mr. and Mrs. William
Dinsmore and..,faniily, Bramp-
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mc -
Gavin and family.
Mrs. Walter Broadfoot spent
Christmas Day with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Cardiff, Petrolia,
and visited with 1"iier nephew,
Rev. J. C. Britton and Mrs.
Britton and family, Seaforth,
on Monday.
Christmas guests' with Mr..
and Mrs. Herbert Traviss in-
cluded Miss Anne McLeod, of
Detroit, Mrs. Hilda Sellers, of.
Seaforth, and Brian Traviss of
Western University.
Miss i eraldine Dennis,- stud:
ent nurse at Stratford General
Hospital is holidaying wit h
her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Dennis,
Mrs. Pat McGale of Toron-
to visited with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. -John McDonald
for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Uhler
and family, Burlington, visited
on Sunday with the former's
father Mr. Ernest Uhler.
Miss Ruth Ritchie, student
nurse at I_St.-. Mary's Hospital,
Stratford, spent a few days
with her parents, Mr. and
The Christmas Service was
conducted by the minister'
Rev. Arthur Higginbotham,
last Sunday morning in Duff's
United Church. Prior to• the
scrvice special Christmas sel-
ections were played by Mrs,
Harvey Brown (organ) and
Mrs. Ray Huether (piano).
Miss Sherrill Craig was solo-
ist and appropriate anthems
were rendered by the choir.
Bill Hamilton of Windsor
University visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen last
week before holidaying with
his mother Mrs. Kay Hamil-
ton of London.
Clarence J, Cox, 78, Egmond-
ville, died at Maitland Manor,
Goderich, Monday. Mr. Cox. was -
born at Auburn. He is survived
by his wife, the former Eva
Cameron Townsend and two
brothers, Melbourne W:, Gode-
rich and Ralph L., Jackson,
Mich. He was a member of Eg-
mondville United Church. • The
funeral service was held at 2
p.m. Thursday at the R. S. Box
Funeral Home, Seaforth. Temp-
orary entombment was in Pion-
eer Memorial mausoleum, with
burial later in Maitlandbank
Pallbearers are Glen and Ken
Paterson, Ken Knights, John
and Ronald Howard and Wil-
liam Manning.
Flowerbearers were Burt
Marsh and James McGregor. ,
in I.O.O.F: Hall
Thurs., ,Dec. 29th
8:30 p.m"
Lunch Provided
Admission 50 cents
Mrs. Clifford Ritchie.
Miss Linda Leeming of Mit-
chell- is holidaying with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Leeming this week.
Mr. and Mrs,, Leslie Rut-
ledge and family of Streets -
villa visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Bennett last Sunday.
Miss June Higginbotham
spent the Christmas week end
with her parents Rev. and
Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham.
Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun-
das were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Wat-
erloo on Christmas Day.
Christmas guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. David
Watson included Mr. and Mrs.
Ray. Hannan and family of
Mitchell, Mr." and Mrs. Rob-
ert Pritchard and family of
Toronto and Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Maier of London
Mr. and Mrs. David Ereethy
of Toronto spent the week
end with the lattter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis.
Miss Arlene Williamson of
Kitchener is holidaying with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
James Williamson and family.
Graeme Craig of Ridgetown
is vacationing with his par-
ents Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lydi-
att and family of Barrie were
Christmas visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Rit-
Christmas. guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mills. included Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Buttel, Blyth; Mr, and
Mrs. Murray Mills and fam-
ily, Brantford; and. Dr. Jean
Mills of Hamilton,.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Turn-
bull spent the week end at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Lawless; Burlington,
and spent Christmas at Inger-
Plan Yotir
At the
Dancing • Hats
Horns Balloons
Phone, 527-0980
'sir :fi HApPI ^•,�`/
May every minute of
the New Year be full
Phone 5/741720
(Services at Orange Hall)
iiev. Floyd B. Shantz, Pastor -
loll as guests of Mr. and Mrs• sand family of Loz 4on were
George 'Habkirk. Sunday visitors with Igr,,, and
Mr. and Mrs. James Lamont Mrs. Floyd Porter. '
Services for
Sunday, Jan. .1,.1967
Family Bible School - 10 a.m.
Classes for all ages
Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m.
Message: "We Have Not
Passed This Way Before."
Evening Service: 7:30 p.m.
Message: "In the Middle of
Christ alone knows the coming
year. He holds the key. There
are many things he could tell
us about it, but we cannot bear
tkfm now. He will lead us into
it step by step. That is better
than seeing the distant scene.
"I know not what the future
Of marvel or surprise;
Assured alone that life and
- death
His mercy underlies."
As you enter the New Year of
1967. make sureoyou enter it
with a New . Life in the Person
of the Lord Jesus Christ, for
then and then only will you
have a Happy New Year.
The Country Rhythm
No Cover
— No Minimum
Dining Room Open to 3 a.m.
New Year's Eve Special - Southern Fried
We fervently pray that the Year
.19671will see the attainment of
World- Peace . and bring every
happiness to You and Yours.
I,r+.1rrtxy vii w1, r1r- ire,,-- Wi)"'r "iwrw.1r
Kr 1w;1.
The Public is invited to attend an Interdenominational
Service of 'Thanksgiving
to inaugerate the Seaforth and District Observance of
Canada's Centennial
Sunday, Jan. 1st, 1967
at 12:30 noon
Seaforth District High School
The service which is expected to continue
for approximately 20 minutes will be
followed by the unfurling of the Centennial
flag at the Town •Ha1T.
The service is under the auspices of the
Seaforth Centennial Committee in co-oper-
ation with the Seaforth and District Minis-
` terial Association.