HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-29, Page 2Since 1860, Serving the Community First
Published at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, every Thursday morning by MCLEAN BROS., Publishers Ltd.
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Authorized as Second glass Mall. Post Office Department, Ottawa
The Publishers and Staff of
The Huron Expositor
Extend Every Good Wish
for a
Happy, Peaceful and Prosperous
New Year
to their Readers and Friends
Sugar and Spice
This is the time of year —
between Christmas and New
Year — when some people wish
they, were Moslems or Dud
dhists. Yes, that Christmas -cap-
er is getting rougher and
rougher. Worse than the 'Feast
of Ramadan.
The main bout, Christmas it-
self, went off smoothly enough.
It's the preliminaries that al-
most murdered us.
One of the first and the
worst, of them, was Christmas
Card Night. The kitchen table
was a melange of cards, stamps,
envelopes and lists.
About half the cards are no
trouble at all. You merely sign
your name. But you're working
with some left -over cards from
last year, some new ones.
There's always the haunting
fear that you sent exactly the
same card with the same mes-
sage, to the same person last
Christmas. This doesn't bother
me, but my wife, knowing what
women are like about these
things, gets the tremblesover
It's the remainder of the
cards, however, that turns the
whole thing into a bit of a
nightmare. These are the cards
' to old friends. Each requires a
cute, or sentimental, or witty
Try writing 50 such notes
-of an evening, and it takes
more crit' of you than a day in
the salt • mines.
Such inanities. Such garbage.
Such coyness. Such insincerity.
You don't believe it? A sample:
-- By Bill Smiley .-
To a.couple you met on a trip
six years ago, who live 1,200
Mlles away. "We still renrem-
b r the wonderful times we
had. Why can't we -get together
for a week end? Does Jim sill
do his famous trick?. Our kids
are certainly growing up. How
about yours?"
You know perfectly well they
were dull as porridge, that you
would take off like the Canada
goose if you even dreamed they
were coming to visit, that Jim
was stoned,and made a tress of
his trick. You know your kids
have grown up, but you're not
even sure they have any kids.
And you have to look up their
last name in your Christmas
It would be a lot more fun
sending brief, pungent notes to
-political leaders and such, with
messages like this: "Holiday
greetings. Why don't you drop
Another of the preliminaries
which gabs you where it hurts
is Christmas Tree Night. This
is the annual event which
makes me destroy, with my
family, the image which I have
built up, so carefully, during
the preceding 12 months.
This event drives me into a
frenzy which neither psycholo-
gy, science nor faith can ex-
plain. It's not exactly a reli-
gious frenzy, though I must ad-
mit the Lord's. name comes up
with awsome frequency.
I've tried them all. Iron
stands, aluminum stands, wood=
en stands, buckets of coal. And
the damn thing invariably winds
A Year -End'
(Continued from Page 1)
In the Years Agone
From The Huron Expositor
Jan. 2nd, 1942
Dr. R. R. Ross and Mrs. Ross,
widely known Seaforth resi-
dents, quietly observed the 50th
anniversary of their wedding
at their home on Goderich St.
West .
Mayor John J. Cluff of Sea -
forth, commences his sixth
term asmayor of the town.
The second in 'a series of
bingo parties being,held under
the auspices of the Lions and
Legion, took place in the Ar-
mouries. The 25 -pound turkey
special prize went to Pte. Jack
.Rivers. The draw was made by
president M. A. Reid of the
Lions Club.
Small. attendances featured
the annual ratepayers meeting
of Tuckersmith , and McKillop
Townships at Kippen and Win-
throp. The councils of both
townships were "elected for a
two-year, term.
Members of the McKillop
Township unit of 'the Huron
County Federation of Agricul-
ture, meeting in Winthrop,
heard R. J. Scott of Belgrave
on the farmer and his prob-
lems. -A 'program included
nurnbers by Arthur Bolton, Har-
old Dodds, Thomas Blanchard;
Jean . Habkirk, Margaret Hab-
kirk and Ivy Henderson.
A pleasant evening was spent
at the home of Mrs. Sylvia Ril., .
ey when a number of friends
and neighbors gathered to pre-
sent- Alvin Riley with a gift be-
fore his leaving for active ser-
Mr. Ernest Murray, C. E. of
Regina, who came east to at-
tend the funeral of his sister,
Miss Annie Murray, leaves on
Friday for his western home.
Mr. W Arthur Wright of
Owen Sound, has purchased Mr.
Ernest McIntosh's residence on
John St: at present occupied by
M. Burke.
Mr. Thomas Habkirk receiv-
ed a cable this week announcing
the safe arrival of her son Sgt.
Observer Sterling Habkirk in
* * *
From The Huron Expositor
Jan. lst, 1892
While Mr, James Kyle of Us-
borne was assisting, another
farmer to back a load of wood
into a yard, his right _ Nand
caught between the wheel and
a stick of wood, terribly mang-
ling one of his fingers.
At the closing of school at
No. 1, Stephen Township,. the
teacher, Mr. D. -C. Dorrance who
has resigned to .take the prin-
eipalship of Harriston Bublic
School, was presented with a
handsome gold chain and lock-
et and an album accompanied
by a complimentary address.
Mr. James H. Chesney has
opened an office in Hensall and
will minister to the ills and
ailments of the equines of all
and sundry. He is no stranger,
having been . under instruction
of Mr. D. McIntosh of Bruce -
Mr. Edward Shaeffer of Hen-
sall had the misfortune while
chopping wood td cut his leg
Several of the citizens of
town spent Christmas wrestl-
ing with la grippe and among
the number the Editor of The
Many of our readers will 're-
gret te,,.,learn of the death of
Mr. John Carroll, the well
known proprietor of the, Royal
Hotel, '-Seaforth. He was a pop-
ular, genial and obliging' land
Mr. Ruse of Exeter will be
in .the village of Kippen at the
new Town. Hall, for the purpose
Of forming a singing class.
As Mr: Rivers of Kinburn was
returning home from Seaforth,
he met a rig driven by Hugh
McDermid, the night being
so dark, they could not see
each other until they collided.
Mr. Rivers was' thrown out and
received a severe bruise on the
shoulder and a bad shaking up
in general.
A number of the members of
St. George's Church, Walton,
assembled at the residence of
Mr. Henry Hamilton and pre-
sented Mis's Maggie Hamilton
with a handsome purse in ack-
nowledgement of her services
-as organist and choir leader.
n * *
From The Huron Expositor birth
.' Jan. Sth, 1917 next
A shower was given by the suit.
members of Carmel Church, to
Miss Mary Alice McLaren, who
had been a valued member of
the choir and who was getting
married and leaving for the
Township of Stanley.
Mr. Thomas Dickson, who re-
cently moved into Hensall had
the misfortune to slip, on a step
ladder fracturing several ribs.
As Petrie's Creek near Bruce
field is now frozen over, a num-
ber of the youths of the village
are practicing for -a strenuous
hockey season.
Special recruiter A. D. Suth-
erland, secured two more re-
cruits this week, W. T. Hays,
for A.M.C. and M. J. Wankel
for the 63rd battery. Four Sea-
forth mothers have now three
sons each in khaki. Mrs. Wil-
liam Westcott; Mrs. Simeon
Neely, Mrs. J. F. Reid and Mrs.
August ;Wankel. .
Miss Marian Watson has re-
signed her position as teacher
at Zurich and will go to New
York shortly to train in a hos-
pital there.
Mr. Sherman, Stewart of Cry-
stal City, Man., and formerly of
Seaforth, has enlisted in Win-
nipeg in the Army Medical
Mr. Joseph Nigh of town re-
ceived word from Ottawa that
his son Joseph Nigh, infantry,
has been officially reported
missing. He enlisted with -the
33rd Battalion, London.
At the' recent municipal elec-
tions . held in' Macklin, Sask.,
Chester Crich, a former Sea-,
forth boy, was elected to coun-
cil of that prosperous town.
Mr. Harry Grisbrook of Tuck-
ersmith, met with a painful ac-
cident. He `got his left hand
caught in the cutting box, when
it was running at full `speed.
Mr. Fred Hess, who for forty-
two years has served as a trus-
tee on the school boards of SS
No..7, has resigned. Mr. Hess
was secretary for most of that
time and it was due td his
efforts that the present new'
school was built.
Mr. Joseph Atkinson,) St. Co1-
umban, is the owner of two
prolific cows• One gave
to twin calves, and the
day the other followed
Mrs. Howard Armitage, the
former Phyllis Bryans, won
several valuable prizes includ-
ing a $300 kitchen range in a
contest in Montreal.
March 10th ,
Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dexter
of Hullett celebrated their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Seaferth's new police cons-
table, on duty less than a week,
has resigned.
Mr, and Mrs. William Coutts
celebrated their 50th wedding
anniversary with open house
and a family dinner at the Com-
mercial Hotel.
March 17th
A: surprise •party was held at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave
Muir in hdnor of Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Muir's 40th wedding an-
Long distance charges will be
removed from telephone calls
placed between Seaforth and
Dublin when dial telephone ser-
vice is introduced in Dublin
within the next two years.
Work has commenced in con-
verting the former Seaforth
Shoes building to office accom-
modation for Topnotch Feeds
. Whena car driven by. Wit,;
Liam Cronin, RR 4, Seaforth,
went out of control on an icy
road, a concrete street lighting
standard on North Main St. was
knocked down.
March 24th
Kenneth Devereaux, . son ' of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Devereaux
has been selected as .a. member
o,£ the student leader's club.
Rev. J. C. Britton of Northside
United Church, on behalf of the
Christian Education Committee,
presented Mrs. Frank Storey
with a beautiful leather bound
Hullett School Area Board
has accepted the tender of Gor-
don Radford for the, transpor•,
tation of pupils to the new cen-
tral school to be built at Lon-
Mrs. John McLean of Braeside
Rest Home, Mitchell,' will be
99 years old on Saturday.,
Miss Roba Doig, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Doig, receiv-
ed the actress award. for • her
part in the play "The Bracelet
of Doom.'' •
March 3lst
A sow which gave birth to
eight pigs, eight days ago, de-
livered 11 more pigs to the de-
light of her owner Carl Vander-
zon, North Main St., Seaforth.
A Cromarty farmer, Ronald
err. tI
up with the same list as a sailor
on the sixth day of a seven-day
The last, and ,not the least of
the preliminaries is Gift -Wrap-
ping Night. You wander
around, having a drink and giv-
ing the Christmas tree the odd
quiet kick, while your wife gets
the paper and presents but.
Nothing fits. The expensive
gold paper bought to wrap
Aunt Flo's present isn't big
enough,,and you wind up wrap=
ping it in that cheap' junk from
Woolworths, Oh, well, there
goes a 0,Q00 legacy,
Then there's the pre -Christ-
mas party. We've had one for
the past six years.. Ask me why
and I'll explain to you why I'm
not; in a mental home. But high
on the list for admittance.
Yair'll 'notice I haven't even
mentioned ,Christmas shopping,
which is a form of self-destruc-
tive exercise, better than any
yet invented, Nor Christmas
"music'', which is neither music
nor Christmasy. Nor Christmas
lights on the cruddy cedar on
your front lawn.
Oh, well, the heck with it. It's
all over now. But that doesn't
prevent me from doing some-
thing pleasant, in the midst of
all: these pains in the posterior.
I'd rather shake hands, or
kiss you, depending on your
sex. But I can't. To all my read-
ers, from Newfoundland to the
Yukon, and down to B.C., and
then across the prairies, and
through the old provinces and
down as far again as Shelburne,
N.S., permit me to say, "God
bless and good heart."
Review of
L. Pullman, paid' the top price -
of $250.0 for a Yorkshire gilt
in Clinton. The top selling gilt
was consigned by Graeme Craig,
The 13th Power Bill will cost
the PUC $1,021.03. The bill 'is
submitted by the HEPC to re-
flect year end adjustments and
the determined cost of power
.consumption during the pre-
ceeding year.
April 7th
A large crowd attended Sea -
forth Chapter No. 233 O.E.S.
birthday party in the Legion
Prior to the communion ser-
vice at Northside United Church
six stacking bread plates with
covers were dedicated in loving
memory of Miss Lois Scott. A
chair lift has been installed for
the convenience of the members
who find it difficult to climb .
the high stairway.
Tuckersmith council approved
in principal the purchase of a
new road maintainer with
plow and wing.
Work is under way this week
(Continued. on Page 5) .
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Phone 527-0190 Centre St., Seaforth
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• ,r rr•Ht f .4,', I sri r ..p r e+i f (Pig
f .M° ' rr..h' r .n*' Qrrx !rte .di 1 .d . f I „M. r , .rA li r .ti4 r
Tick -rock -Tick! 'The"clock
strikes twelve as
another year flies by. Many
thanks to all
" our faithful customers.
Happy New Year.
Donald O. Eaton
Office in Masonic Block
Main Street -
Phone 5274610 Seaforth
Phone ,522.0990
Free Delivery
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1-1 .:1� ��'1.'1 •'1..'1' 11 1 1 n1,-1 .�r,.1 ,1
sounding off
with a New
Year's welcome
and "thank
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