HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-29, Page 11
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107th Year
Witdle No. 0164 •
The annual Christmas con-
cert of Na. 8, McKillop, was
held in, 3rPtIttagen •CommeniTY
Hall, Fridayevening. The pro,
gram was ' arret1,4e4 bythe,
teacher Mrs. B. goville, and,.
music supervisor Mrs. Mary Lou
Johnston. Allan Koehler was
chairman. ''•
A feature was the presenta-
tion of gifts to Mrs. oville and
Wed in 1916
eetings Feature
„iristma s Actuvity" •
Mrs, JOhnaton.,hy, the pupils
rand to eaelieer tbeeebildree. •
HAW' prizes were won by
CitadeS.Filende Dublin,, Mrs.
11090Sry P01411.91,1'XtE1,
hicit„coy4le, . Dublin and Greg-
ory": Beuermann, RR •Dublin.
The 'progrent branded these
numbers: Songs, grades one to
eight; welcome, grades one and
Snow Was Problem
For Horse, Cutter
There was no arguement
about a white Christmas When
Mr. and Mrs,• William Koehler
were married 50 years ago.
"There was lotsof snow and
sometimes it was just heavy
enough for the cutter", Mr.
Koehler said this week as he
remembered the trip by horse
and; cutter to Dublin following
the wedding event. They were
married' December 26, 1916, by
the late. Rev. W. H. Campbell
of McKillop EUB Church.
Oh/lowing the trip to Dublin
the couple went bye train to
getlerieh where they were met
by'his, brother Into took them
to hisAto'me at Benmiller by
horse and cutter. -
"There was just as /Muth
snow there asehere was at home.
Lots, of the time the cutter
would be pushing snow ahead
it was so heavy," the groom of
fifty years ago recalled.
Mrs. .Koehler, the former
Markle Koehler, a .cousin, said
'the only attendants 'at the wed-
ding were her parents the late
Mr. and Mrs. Henry teoehler.
Mr. Koehler is a son of the
late M. and Mrs. Fred Koeh-
ler. ,
. The wedding took place at her
parents' home and it was to this
farm at lot3 concession 8, Mc-
Killop that he couple , return-
ed and wherethey have contin-
ued to reside. Today the farrn is
operated by -geettrieletteley, but
Mr. Koehler continues to help.
Reealling his years on the
farm Mr. Koehler said the most
difficult time was during the
depression years in the early
"We had just got nicely und-
erway when times got bad. There
were some mighty hard days."
The couple have three sons,
Elmer and Manuele-beth of RR
1 Dublin and Morley at home,'
and five grandchildren.
They are members of the
Zion •Evangelical United Breth-
ren. Chatch, McKillop Town-
ship. Members of the congre-
gation presented them with a
cup and saucer and a plaque,
Mr. Koehler has two sisters,
Mrs. Clara Beuermann, McKil-
lop Township and. Mrs. Louis
(Lilly) Bennewies, Brodhagen.
Mrs. Koehler also has two sis-
ters, Mrs. Andrew (Laura)
Steinacker, Stratford, and Mrs,
Jack (Lydia) Banks, Regina,
Sask. -
A family gathering Monday
honored the couple on their
golden anniversary. On Satur-
day the family attended a din-
ner party in ' The Commercial
Hotel here.
two; recitation, Robert Elligsen;
piny, "Here Comes the Bride",
Join Elligsen, Larry Murray,
Susan 13oycl,'Warren Rock; solo,
Paul Beuermann; piano solo,
Larry Murray; square dance',
grades one and two, Susan Boyd
caller; choruses, solos by John
Elligsen, Susan Boyd, Elizabeth
Elligsen; recitation, Ruth Ann
Siemon; duet, Gayle Beuermann,
June Eggert; Manley Christmas
Concert, play, grades _one to
eight; solo, Larry Murray;
rhythm band, grades one to
five, Marilyn Koehler, condec-
tor; play, "Dad's Quiet Eve-
ning" Larry, • Susan, Elizabeth,
Kieven, Lorna and David; step
dance, Elizabeth, Susan and
Carole; The Wedding of Jack
and Jill, grades one to five;
solo, John Elligsen; Christmas
Taking part were: Grade one,
Garry Boyd, Glenn Elligsen,
Brian Fidom, Mary Lyndia Sie-.
mon; Grade two, Rickey Boyd,.
Gayle Beuermann, Phyllis
Beuermann, Lorna Eggert, Mar-
ilyn Koehler; Grade three, Keith
Bennewies, Ruth Ann Siemon;
Grade four, Paul Beuermann,
Bradley Bpyd, Douglas Dietz,
June Eggert, Robert Elligsen;
Grade five, Sody Boyd, Steven
Boyd, Kieven Kennewies; Car-
ole Eggert; Grade six, Henry
Fidom,- Kenny Fidom, .T04
ligsen, David Siemon; ei,:otko
seven, Darwin Dietz, Allen
Koehler; Grade eight, Susan
-Boyd, Elizabeth Elligsen, Larry
Murray, Warren Rock.
The annual Christmas dance
01 Seaforth Branch 156 of the
War -Canadian Legion
day evening :attracted a large
and enthusiastic attendance.
Prize, winners in the draw
'were: Doris Allan, Seaforth; Al
Smale, Seaforth; Olive I3ettles,
Winthrop; Gordon Wilson, Lis-
towel; and John Chernes, Sea -
Mrs. Thomas Butters, the
president, was in charge. of
the Christmas meeting of the
Dublin Womens Institute held
Tuesday evening, December
20 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd
• After opening with the Ode
and Mary Stewart Collet,
Mrs.' Buterswelcomed mem-
bers and guests.
Roll call was' answered by
an exchange of Christmas de-
corations. Each member also
brought , a . gift for the resi-
dents of Spruce Lodge.
Members were reminded
that the 4-H club Achievement
Day for "Theelub Girl Eti-
tertaire is to be held in Mit-
chell qn January 9. Mrs. Chas.
We're Sorry
A combination of two holi-
days this week, early mail
closing, late arrival of much
area correspondence and an
unusually heavy demand for
space may result in some sub-
scribers receiving their copies
of the Expositor a day late.
The same conditions also •have
made it necessary to carry over
a number of local stories. These,
together with area correspon-
dence, will appear in full next
Expositor Awards
• " Winners in the recent subscription contest at SDIfS were (left) Larry Walter, Laura
Ryan and • Jeanette WatterwOrth, Each received a transistor radio for selling the most Sub-
seriptions to The Huron ntpositor and in addition the student fund earned $145.06 in coin-
raissions.*(Expositor photo by Philips);
Friend is to Iead the new
at,th oskep410,-,04petiWz for
whieh the trateling...011991-.
to be held February 2' and
in Mitchell.
Mane of the Institute tuein-
hers attended the Christmas
Meeting. of the C.W.L• of St.
Patrick's Church and enjoy
the .demobstration of Chrlst
Inas wrappings.
Mrs. Friend reported that
she had attended . tbe annual
District Directors' Banquet. A-
mong the District Centennial
Projects are the making of
and sendingof layettee. tp
Moosonee. EArch Branch has
been asked to contribute to
this and the required items
are to be brought to the Dis-
trict Annual meeting in. the
'Mrs. Thomas Butters and
Mrs. Lloyd Humphreys reper-
ted respectively on the Coun-
ty Rally and the area conven-
t'on held this fall.
The basement of Duff's Un-
ited Church was well filled
lest Wednesday evening when
the Sunday School classes pre-
sented their Christmas con-
Rev. Arthur . Higginbotham
acted as chairman for the pro.
gram which, included a series
of selections put on by Psi
;nary class with Miss Nellie
Baan and Mrs. Roy Wiletane
Son in charge; exerciaq‘bY
ior girls; recitations by §Usan
Humphries, Janice -,Votietcee,
and Kim Humphries;411eY, by
Mrs. Campbell,. Wey's clas, ;
pantomine "0 Holy ightt" by
Mrs. Harvey Brown's class;
Dialogue, Recitation, Kathy
-McDonald; _Play _Worn the
school); Choral Heading, Deb-
bie and Dena Wey• •Pageant,
Cferaldine- Dennis' class; Dia-
logue, Murray Dennis' class;
Christmas songs by the Hi C
A- lighted Christmas tree
and decorations added greatly
to the Christmas spirit. At the
conclusion of the evening
Santa presented the children
with .bags of candy.
For Trip
Christmas was a particularly
happy occasion for Cleave
Coombsthis year.
One of several district deal-
ers to win honors in a tire
selling contest his name was
selected as winner of the top
prize — an all expenses, 10 -
day trip to • Florida.
But Mr. Coombs can't take
the trip.
"We just can't get away now
so we're going to take the mon-
ey instead. Then next summer
we're going on a trip to the
West Coast," he said.
Mark 1967
Sunday .•
denominational service of
Thanksgiving on Sunday, Jan-
uaryobsan4rv* enarecea oWfiliCanin-e
ennial with an Inter -
The service which will be
gin at 12:30 noon, in SDHS, is
planned to continue for...Ap-
proximately 20 Minutes.
lowing the service the Centen-
nial flag will be unfurled at
the Town Hall.
A feature of -the event which
is under the auspices of the
Seaforth Centennial Committee
in co-operation with the Sea-
orth and District Ministerial
Assoeiation will be the presence
of a choir of 100 voices.
• James -L. Slattery who heads
the comniitteein charge said a
particular invitation was ex-
tended to citizens of the Sea -
forth area to attend.
News of St..Coiumban
Win Prize
St Columben and Beech-
wood schools were successful
in the contest held by the Ed-
ucational ABC's of Industry. -
The contest was open to pupils
of Oracles 5, 6, 7, and 8. The
following won prizes: For sen-
ior projects, Trudy Van Drun-
en, Rose Marie Eckert, Mary
Catherine McQuaide Willie
land, Danny O'Rourke, Re-
a Van. Bakel, Jimmie Mur-
ray, and Sharon Shea. For
junior projects: Andrew Ny-
land, Elaine Ryan, Joseph Mc-
Quaid, Rosemary Poland, Lar-
ry Coyne, Gail Nolan, John
Van Bakel, Patricia Murray,
Joanne Maloney, Gerry O'-
Reilly, Tom Ryan and Marion
Duffy. For essays: Joanne Ma-
loney iii,d Mary Claessens.
For hand -writing: Trudy
Van Drunen. $1000 was also
won by each school.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bow-
man, . Stratford. visited Mrs,
J. L. Malone last week.
Peter Hicknel/, Kitchener,
spent hristmae with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hick-
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne De-
Gaust and children, London,
with Mr. and Mrs. James O'-
Mr, and Mrs. Jim • Doyle
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Reeler and baby, of
London, with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Maloney.
Miss Jeanne Melady, Fort
William, is spending the holi-
days with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
ward, Melady.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smith and
daughter, Acton, spent Christ-
mas with Mr. and Mrs. Albert
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray
and- family are visiting Mr.
end Mrs. Michael Murray.
Miss Mary Malone, Windsor
Miss Pauline Malone and Paul
(Continued on Page 16)
The Year In. Review
taiite Capjee 12 Casts
• ,•04011- Yet10-14 Admeo
, I
. „
• JOHN. MAI..ONEY .WHO recently etired from The
- Huron Expositor staff shown at the keyboard of the Lino-
type type setting machine which he operated for nearly fifty
years. During that period he set many millions of words
ready for printing in issues of The Expositor.
.A c�operative•effortrOfl :the
PaTt of the Sefoith••••
•Lions Perk,'hea T
poles : acrefie.'ethe',.front of 'the
Lions Park .and";10.t10i--#Ttla''Ot' • ,
A high -T0/14401T1i4e- te-iaerve
the park and ono „Ober rural
HEPC customer 4orrr7,010*--haa
extended along the higbway to
the town limits and '10 beenef
concern to the park sleet-it:fie
volved not only the hydro poles
but a series of unsightly guy °
poles and lines as well as a
transformer bank at the west- .
ern entrance to -the park.
Removal of the lines, was
made possible by the exteneion-
of a PUC primary line easterly
through the co-operation of
Ewalt Wilson who agreed to el -
low the line to cross ids prdp- •
Mr. and, Mrs. t. McKellar
have returned home after Spend-
ing three weeks with the. and
Mrs, Hugh WillieMala Ste Paul,
Mrs. M. Hildebrand, spent the
holiday in Kitchener:
Mr. and Mrs. D. C, Corishad
daughter spent Christmas in
• Port Dover. •
ies Margaret McLean is The
in' Waterloo.
Miss Mabel E. Turnbull spent
Christmas i ijnburg.' "
Mr. and Mrs. Dong -Stewart
• and <laughter of Toronto nt
• the holidays with his parents,
-Mee-and elm .1" A -Stewart.
Mr. Glenn Smith spent the
holidays in Toronto.
Mie and Mrs. Robert Reith of
Kitchener spent holidays at
their :tomes here.
Mr. and Mrs. J, -H. Grant of
Kitchener , were visitors in
town on Monday.
Mr. Aubrey. Baker of Everett,
re Oat., spent CI -nest -rims at his
• home here. ,
Miss Dorothy Parke spent
Christmas in London.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Campbell of
• Brighton spent' Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. McMillan.
Miss Margaret Grieve -of Oak -
(Continued on Page 4)
MR. AND MRS. William Cole of Hensell were, married
December 28, 1916 and plan an open houge to mark'the.occa-
sion on Saturd.ak, January 7. Mrs. Cole is the former Annie '
Eyre °I Tuckersmith. They farmed in Hibbert until retiring
to Hensall in 1948. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have a son Alvin of,
Hibbert and two grandchildren.
Recall Area Happenings Thr
January 6th, 1966
Miss Barbara Note commenc-
ed her duties at Vitoria -Hos-
pital, London, upon receiving
word that she had successfully
pasged her R.N. 'exams.
Mtn Wilbee, who was ser-
iously injured more than a year
ago when he was crushed be-
tween. two motor vehicles, re-
cently resumed his duties as
caretaker at Seaforth Post Of-
Complimenting Miss_ Gail Fin-
layson, recent bride, several
showers were held in her hon-
or prior to her marriage.
Staforth first 1966 baby was
beret on NettArs Day, to
Mr. and KM", in Chesney,.
of McKillop. 1
Mr. and4fri. Charles MacKay
marked their SlItlf wedding an-
Aldie Eckert, of Fort
Wayne, In ., has; been promoted
10 Vice-president i charge of
administration of the National
Wayne. Mr. Eckert is a son., 01
Mr. and Irrs.1.• M. Eckert of
January 13th
• .
The sudden death of Arnold
Russell .Turnbull oceured at his'
home at Walton -on -Thames, Sur-
yey, England; on Dec. 31st.
Miss Annie Gordon passed
away suddenly.
Mrs. Wm. T. Dodds fell and
broke her left wrist.
Emmerson burst of town has
been installed as Worshipful
Master of Britannia Lodge No,
Traffic accidents claimed the
lives of two Seaforth residents
and a former resident ' of Md-
Killop. Albert Hudson and his
• daughter, Miss Muriel Hudson
succumbed to injuries received
when the car turned over on
Huron County road No, 12,
north of Winthrop. • •
John L. Malone, widely
known McKillop farmer', passed
away suddenly at his home in
A 16 -year-old youth was re-
moved to Seaforth Community
Hospital when he collapsed as
he was walking along the High-
way east of the Lions Park.
Announcement was made this
Neelt of the sale of Jay -Bee Here -
"foul Farms, Tuckersmith, to
'Douglas It. Henderson and Sons,
• = • January 20th
Bruce Brady of Seaforth and
Miss Kiln • Roberts of Guelph,
have been Itieited to Skate, in the
Canadian Matte Skating Cham-
pionships at Peterboro- in mid-
Robert Read was elected presi-
dent of Seaforth Chamber of
Reeve Kenneth Stewart of
McKillop was elected Warden
of Huron County.
Jarnes Here Wes named sec-
retary -treasurer a the Me/Cillop
Telephone System, to succeed
Miss /Min Pryte Who resigned.
James Doig..was named presi-
dent of the South Huron Agri-
cultural Society at Hensall.
Allen Nicholson was named
Road Superintendent for Tuck-
ersmith at a special meeting.
Donald Kunder was named
secretary-tteasurer of the Sea -
forth District High School.
Januar, 27th
• The business of -Borden Brown
of Kinbten, has been sold to
Earlart Osborne 'of Logen Twp,
Mee. 'Mae Habkirk, Mrs. Adin
Fdthee„ ;Mts. James Rose, Miss
iThafx.,*a and Mrs. Mae Hine-
breeht We* shown in a picture
where they were preparing for
the March (If Dimes, in cennec-
Hon With the Edelweis Rebekah
'William Hodgert was nam-
ed chairman of the Seaforth
Public School board.
James14. McNairn left Tor-
onto. for India to take part in
a project sponsored by the Un-
ited Church of Canada Board
of World MiSSiOhS. •
February 3rd
R. S. Box, a member since
1962, Wei:gee:led chairman of
the Public Utility Commission.
H succeeds D'Orlean
elweis Rebekah Ledge, with
Mrs. James Rose as -thief
marching mother, completed the
March of Dimes, rising a total
of $626.00. The goal set had
been $50.00. —
Mr. and Mrs. itay Consitt, well
. • „
„Wed 55
• Ycars
• Mr. and in. James Hender-
son celebrated their 55th Wed-
ding anniversaey, -Tuesday at
their home, North Main Street,
Seaforth: Both were born near
They have two daughters,
elle a nor and Laurene, (Mrs.
Clarence Maloney) and three
t 1966
known. Tucl«eeneth residents
eeeerateci their 50th wedding
QII`l'er-ary at their home- in
Frank Kling was elected presi-
lent of the Blue Water Shrine
Club, .
February 10th ,
• Earle McSpadden, McKillop:
Township, was 'elected presi-
dent of the Seaforth Agricul-
tural Society. He succeeda.Har-
old Piece. •
Harry Cuming, *ho bas :been
Accountant at the Toronto-DoMs
inion Bank here ,.eiece. 1962, hpk,
been appointed Manager 'of the
Falconbridge �pirg Plata'
Branch at StidbetY.,
McKillop residents, • friend*
and visitors from neigh:boting
municipalities crowded Sew
forth Legion Hall to honor 14
Kiliop Reeve Ken Stewart, an
his election as 'warden of Mee
on County.
February 17th
The Order of The Eastern
Star held a euchre hi the IOOk
Hall. The travelling prize was
won by Mrs. Harold Pethiek,
high prize by Miss Mae Smith,
consolation, Mrs: Thomas Ap-
pleby, The nearest birthday was
Mrs. Pearl McFarlane.
Students of Miss Carol Brown
A.R.C.T. 0. -Mus., were sueeess-
ful in passing music exaMitra-
Hons. Included were: Evelyn
Storey, Brenda Hodgert, Karen
Henderson and' Barbara Long-
• staff• .
February 24th •
Fire destroyed the garage of
Peter Maloney, on Raglan St.,
1 Dublin. Two dogs were suffo-
cated, but Inc was able to get
his car out of the building.
Mrs. Lloyd Stewart entertain.
ed in the form of a. miseelean.
eats shower honoring Mise
'Joan Pryce, bride elect. An Pd.
dreet was read by Faye Little
and -gifts were presented by
YeOne Peyee.
Donald.- Sfewert, Seaforth
aWeer,,..$11.oke to. the Kippen
st 'Wortien's InStittne et the
home of .canighell Eyre,
f makingr o„ II4itisss,,,h20,4;Airis the
C. A. Meilrego*I> associate ag-
efeultural 'representative in"
Kent County, has,,been promoted
to ifarm- management specialist
-and will be stationed at Brigh-
. March
Wilbur Mrjeyylit, aged 49,
died at Sertforth' Community
Hospital following a lengthy ill-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cuming
and family were honored fol-
lowing their Pradtice, by sev-
eral grotto. of Pita Presbyter -
Ian Church.
Georgegoost atiftered n slight
concussion When a limb le rifts
cuttirtgAtuct him and knobled
hire to the ground. •
• (Cetithrool en Page 2)