HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 14114- rH HURON EXPOSITOR, "SEAFORTH, ONT., DEC. 22, 166, •
• Christos Program
Features CWL Meet
Here Is Your
Fruit Cake
Mince Pies
Fancy Cookies..
Parker House
Danish Pastry
French Pastry
Pattie Shells
Ice Cream
Ginger Ale
Soft Drir'ks
St. James' C.W.L: met an
Tuesday evening in the school
auditor ium with a good atten-
Rev. Father C. Bensette op-
ened the meeting with the
league prayer. Reports were
given by the respective offic-
ers. Mrs. Arthur Devereaux
president, thanked alI the con-
veiwrr and all who had help-
ed wv,th the bazaar and tea
and bad canvassed for the
Lluud donors clinic.
Par sh visite -s for Decem-
ber are Mrs. Jack Case and
Mrs. Jean Fortune. There will
be no meeting in January.
Members decided to li a v e
Santa .Claus and treats for the
children, at Christmas, also to
send in the money pledge for
the Seaforth Hospital Fund.
Mrs. Harold Maloney gave
a report on their work at Sea -
forth Manor during November
and was thanked, by Mrs. Ber-
nard --Henderson who also
thanked the League for enter-
Phone 527-0340
It was decided to hold a
euchre party on Jantiary 13th
with Mrs. James Devereaux
and Mrs. Mike Williams con-
Rev. Father C. Bensette
spoke briefly on Advent and
the Christmas Season.
Mrs. James Kelly entertain-
tn e h t convenor, introduced
Miss Joanne Arts and Miss
Madeline Nash, who gave sev-
eral accordion selections.
Mrs. James Kelly organized
contests and a sing song with
Mrs. Joseph McConnell as ac-
companist. Santa arrived with
a gift for everyone. Lunch
was served by Mrs. Joseph
Lane, Mrs. James Nash, Mrs.
Arthur Devereaux, Mrs. Ber-
nard Henderson, Mrs. Joseph
McConnell, Mrs. Mel Cooper,
Mrs, Neil Crozier, Mrs. Peter
Jansen, Mrs. John Lansink,
Mrs. Gary Betties.
Mrs. Maurice Huard thank-
ed the ladies for lunch and
Mrs. Kelly and Misses Arts
and Nash for tie entertain-
Th' peace
Ana przornise Of
The Light that shines at
Christmas is radiant with
the promise of "Peace on
Earth, Good -Will t� Men."
We join you in this prayer.
Furniture Funeral Service
Ambulance Service
Phone 527-1390 Seaforth
Pay Trib.ute `t4 Retired
Huron County Judge
Judiciary representatives, sol-
icitors, Huron County officials
and law enforcement bodies paid
final respects Wednesday, Dec.
8th, to Judge Frank Fingland,
former judge of Huron County.
Funeral service was held at
Clinton's Wesley -Willis United
Church. Judge Fingland died
Sunday at his Clinton home.
Rev. A. J. Mowatt, DD, .min-
ister of the church, described
the judge as "a man who ob-
tained without seeking it, an
impressive weight among his
fellow men because of the
strength of his forceful char-
acter — a character which
never coveted ease, but delib-
erately chose the steep - and
rugged path where duty led the
Church Groups
Northside Unit' Three
Northside• United Church
Unit 3 met in the church
school room for their .Decem-
ber meeting which too • the
form of a pat luck supper.
Mrs. Luella Christie conduc-
ted the meeting .and thanked
everybody for corning. The
members were asked for cook-
ies or candy or a small dona-
tion 10 help make up Christ-
mas boxes for the shut-ins.
Mrs. Dunlop contributed a
piano solo after which Mrs..
Ellis read the story of "The
Northside Unit One
Unit one of U.C.W. met at
the home of Mrs. Wm. Camp
bell with 26 ladies present.
President •Mrs. •Don Wood
opened the meeting with a
poem, "Listen to a Child" and
Miss Fennell read the minutes.
The devotional was taken
by Ruth ,fluff. Mrs. E. Milts
read " the scripture lesson,
Luke 2: 1-12 followed by pray-
er by Mrs. A. Turnbull. Miss
Fennell gave- a reading "How
to change Xmas Jri Christmas"
by Claire Wescott,
Mrs. Wes Roe and•Mrs:'Rob-=
erten read several stories on
the festive season.
• 1965 IMPALA 2 -door, A,T. and Radio—E8629
1965 PONTIAC SEDAN, A.T.--E3292
1965 EPIC—E9276
1965 CHEVAMPALA, "8", SEDAN, A.T.—E11032.
1964 PONTIAC "8" SEDAN, A.T.—E8955
1964 PONTIAC "6" COACH, A.T. and R.—E8347
1963 OLDS, 2 -door, HARDTOP, P.S., P.B., Radio -961227
1963 CHEV. SEDAN—E8664
1963 CHEV. SEDAN, A.T. and R.—E8730 ,
1962 CHEV. SEDAN—E8947 '-
1961 CHEV. SEDAN—E7981
1959 FORD V0. SEDAN, A.T.—E9273, SPECIAL $275.00
aforth Motors
hone 521-1.750 Seaforth
News of
way and useless luxuries dared
not invade."
OPP officers and Huron
County municipal police attend-
ed in a body. Also attending
were members of Clinton, Lon-
desboro and Seaforth Masonic
Lodge, A.F. and A.M.
Honorary pallbearers were:
Mr. Justice Frank Donnelly, To-
ronto; Mr. Justice Campbell
Grant, Toronto,; Judge A. R,
Willmott, Toronto, chief judge
of county. courts in Ontario;
Perth County Judge Harold D.
Lang, Stratford; Huron Judge
R. S. Hetherington, Wingham;
Bruce Judge Steuart MacKen-
zie, Walkerton; Peel Judge E.
W. Grant, Brampton; Lambton
Judge Roland Carscallen, Sar-
nia; Huron Magistrate Glen
Hays, Goderich; Huron 'Crown
Attorney William Cochrane,
Goderich; Goderich Police
Chief Fred Minshall; . Group
Captain Keith Greenaway, Base_
Commander, Canadian Forces
Base, Clinton; Huron Warden
Kenneth Stewart; Ben Case and
Stewart Scott, Georgetown; H.
M. Monteith, Kitchener; Elmer
Bell, QC, Exeter; .Ivan Kalb-
fleisch, Zurich; Clinton Mayor
Don Symons; William Aberna-
thy, Toronto; P. D. McConnell,
Seaforth; Colborne Hays, Gode-
rich; Dr. J. A. Munn, Seaforth;
A. Y. McLean, "Seaforth;. Harry
Ball, A. J. McMurray, Art
Knight, Fred Cloman, Garnet
Harland, H. C. Lawson, Morley
Counter, all , of Clinton; and
Huron County Registrar, Harry
Furd, Goderich.
Active pallbearers were
Quite a few mothers and
daughters from Winchelsea at-
tended Achievement Day at
Exeter High School on Satur-
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skin-
ner . of Sebringville visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn
and family, this past week.
Mrs. John Hutton, Mrs. Jes-
sie Cousland, and Lawrence
of Listowel visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fulton,
Stephen and Paul of Stratford
v!: Heti on. Saturday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford
Hutton and Dianne.
News of
An Expositor Classified will
pay you dividends. Have you
tried one? Dial 527-0240. ,
James Donnelly, William Prest,
J. K. Hunter, all of Goderich;
Beecher Menzies, Clinton; Don
ald Stewart, Seaforth; Ken
Johnston, Clinton.
Flowerbearers were *Wilfred
Jervis, Hal Hartley, William
Hearn, William Cook, all of
Eastern Star Meets
The Eastern Star Christmas
Party was held in the LO.O.F.
Hall Thursday evening open-
ing with a pot luck dinner,
followed by a program of car-
ols, solos and recitations by
the little ones. Santa Claus
distributed treats for the
children and others from the
beautifully decorated Christ-
mas tree. -
Mrs. Elmer Townsend was
in charge of the program.
Donald G. Eaton
Office in Masonic Block
Mein Street
Phone S27-1610 Seaforth
'blue coal'
Champion. Stove.. and
Furnace Oil
Office 527-0150 — Res. 52'74053
Mrs. Norman Bushfield and
Mrs. Lawrence Barker called
on all shut ins on Wednesday
and left a Christmas treat
from Zion U.C.W. • • '
Mrs. R. S. Aikens received
a call from her nephew saying
her niece was very sick in the
Stratford Hospital.
A few of Zion ladies attend:
ed Staffa bazaar on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Rob-
inson from the West called on
several of their old neighbors
before returning home 1 a s t
Mrs. Mabel Higgerson visit-
ed on Wednesday with Mrs.
Mary Malcolm.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney
attended the funeral of their
cousin, the late Mrs. W. R.
Lohh of Clinton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Burchill
of Mitchell and M. Ross. Mur -
die and friend of Seaforth cal-
led on Mrs. Mary Malcolm
Thursday night.
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Miss MacFarlane
wanted to know
what we did
with the
In the happy spirit of the
holiday cheef that abounds, may
we offer sincere wishes for a
Merry •Christmas, to all our friends.
-Macaulay Limited
Lumber Builders' Supplies
Seaforth Clinton
527-0910 482-9514
Reading annual statements isn't Miss MacFarlane's cup of tea, but
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Nearly half of this amount of $4,995,368,152, is the savings of individual'
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