HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 13• e • • 4 We are proud to have been chosen to carry out the interior and exterior decorating at the new TOPNOTCH HEAD OFFICE• BUILDING 0 0 HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER Phone 527-1880 Seaforth . Read the Advertisements — It's ik Profitable Pastime! WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESU TS: Dial 527-0240 1_ Thp: (continued:troui,,ige mks that" the Good Lord had provided. Grandfather asked the blessing and ,then the plates–were heaped with goose, vegetables, stuffing And lovely brown gravy over all. My what a dinner. Then it was topped off with pudding, mince pie and Christmas cake. You could hardly move when you left the table. Throughout Wall there was a constant flow of conyersation in which small fry had no part but to listen. Parlor games and a few tunes on the fiddle offered a little variety to this big family day. 'Christmas Sunday meant that we all went to the little country church 'as usual. There was nothing un- usual about the service save that they sang the Christ- mas carols and perhaps the choir had a Christmas an- them that they had practised for a month before. I don't remember any Christmas sermons nor do I remember anything about the preacher. Not much change here. I wonder if we would want to go back fifty years and hold an old fashioned Christmas No, I don't think so:We crab about commercialism at Christmas biit dis- tance has dimmed and glamorized old ways. I like Christ- mas as it is. We put more music and joy into Christ- mas today. There is plenty of light, there is beautiful music, there is therush, and preparation for Christ- mas today that leaves you almost breathless but when you think that we have so much for which we can be truly thankful. If people spend their money unwisely; if they indulge themselves selfishly; ,jf they miss the atmosphere of joy and gladness; the, gan't lift up their hearts •and voices in praise of God's good land, God's good gift of his Son, and God's great privelege of spreading abroad the stoiy of love, of human kind- np,4s, of brotherhood, then we halve missed the real mean- ing of 'Christmas. Let us realize that- the Christmas of older rural Chrishn as .e...t.de, je I Ie.' Ile' I ;.••••4J ,•••••41., ,1 ,4‘ ' K. ,„. I - /...-••••••••••••••,•-••••;;;;;;,?.":•7 1 • I ...t. --„,..~:A•••1 N• • 'n't° ,:s"" ttk )4.• 16' .0" „"•=4, ;'," • .*"" Y. • • 1 •.I. Long ago, ono quiet night, the Message came, , and in its spirit of Hope and Peace we send all our friends warm Christmas greetings! Greetings and Best Wishes for the Holidays We, at TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED, Seaforth, gladly welcome ' the opportunity' the Christmas Season presents, to extend our warmest . •. 1HOLIDAY GREETINGS to you, and to express our appreciation for the FrienclOip and Patronage you have accorded us in the past year. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve you in the past, and we look forward with happy;canfidence to the coming year. MAY ALL THE JOYS OF A MERRY YULETIDE BE YOURS AND THE YEAR AHEAD FILLED TO OVERFLOWING WITH PROSPERITY AND HAPPINESS ! MARY LANSINK ELEANOR WRIGHT MERRY CHRISTMAS JAMES PRESZCATOR BRUCE PAPPLE MARGARET FLANNERY RAY HENDERSON EARL McNAUGHTON One and All from the PAUL NICHOLSON GARNET STOCKWELL • DR. JQHN •HARVEY TOPNOTCH PERSONNEL • DONALD KUNDER ART MOUNTFORb BILL ROBERTON DAVE CORNISH GEORGE McILWAIN BILL STRONG JOSEPH NOLAN MACK McLEAN FRANK NIGH . LOUIS NIGH CARL. FEENEY WES COOMBS MAC CHESNEY ANGUS BROWN ANDY Doia KEN MALONEY NEIL HQDGERT LEN VANDEBAAN INIPTC TOPNOtC 'FEEDS LIMIT -ED SEAFORTH PHONE 5274910 "THE MOST VALUE FOR THE FARMER'S DOLLAR" Smile of the Week Professor: "Jones, why don't you join in the discussion?" Jones: "I learn more by, lis- tening. Anything I would say I already know." "Seems to me your girl is kind of spoiled." "Tain't that at all. It's -just the perfume she's wearing." 114 _essages , Ontarib if3 past and gone, Ilt' is a membry, We live in a world today that is more deeply conscious of its obliga, tion to a needy world than ever befere. True the Ohurcli may not dominate our thinking as it once did but let us remember that "God sent his Son into the world", that means our world. We are the shepherds and the wise men of Our day and it is to that Incarnation of God in a Babe, that we turn in adoration and before whom we bow, humely acknowledging our need for a Saviour. It is.we who have found the Christ Child, who go .forth, 'glorifying and praising God', we go into a pagan world to proclaim "Goa is ,with us" and all the glamor, and the tinsel, and the ribaldry that has gather- ed around the festivity of Christmas will never alter the wonder and the joy that Christmas always brings to a weary and disenchanted world. Let us join in singing a little more fervently this Christmas Sunday, — '!Joy to the world the Lord is eome, Let earth receive her King. Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing." This is the Christmas that is so mean- ingful to each and every one who bears the name of Christ. Northside UCW Holds Christmas The Christmas meeting of the UCW of Northside Church was held on Wednesday evening, with a good attendance. Miss Abbie Seip opened the meeting with a Christmas poem. The hymn, "Joy to the World" was followed by the reading of the Christmas Story, taken from Luke, by Mrs. Les Oliver. Pray- er was offered by Mrs. Peter Dunlop. Mrs. Cliff Broedfoot was pre- sented with a life membership and pin by Mrs. Britton, with a few well chosen words. Mrs. Ernest Williams condudted a memorial service, a minutes silence and a poem was read in memory of three deceased mem- bers, Mrs. Webster, Mrs. Lemon and Mrs. Corlett. . A • candle light service pre- pared by 'Mrs. Thomas Wilbee, -followed and _wasled _by its. B. F. Christie. During the ser- ,p•-• ,&••• .••=a ,”-` • t..`" ' CH R1STMAS gREET1K1q5 As the Three Wise Men brought gifts to the Manger, so may this holiday season bring to you peace and joy. Seaforth Public Utility Commission 4 4, 4+. 4, 4. . 4+. 4+. F- , I ( .4 4 , Meeting vice, duets were sung by Mar- ilyn and Joanne Sedley. The COLT sang an Indian carol. Six members. each lit a candle re- lating to the different national-. ities in Canada. The president Mrs. Ball con- ducted the business and wel- comed .members. Encouraging reports were given by each de- partment. It was decided to hold the annual Valentine Supper- on Feb. 15th. Morris Council ( Continued froiri,..page 9) Road Acc9wits: Dldfield Hardware, pipes and cable, 42.53; Glenn Snell, snow plow and standing time, 202.50; Glenn McKerahe'r, snow plow and standing time, 217.50; D.orninien _Road _Magbir.:1941. filters 40.13; Mel Jermyn, snow plow and standin_gtime, 326.25; Mrs. M. L. Hall, addi- tional premium on grader, 7.00; J. M. McDonald, posts and wire 20.64; Wm. McArter wages and mileage 52.20; James Casemdre wages 106.50 and John Smith wages 55.50. News of drocinagen The L.C.W. of St. Peter's Lutheran Cnurch held its an- nual Christmas Banquet on Wednesday. The Brodhagen group of ladies were in Chayge of tpe,prograth, and the Born- holm group were in charge of a bounteous turkey dinner. An exchange of gifts closed the evening, Pastor Lossmg was ,presented with a thatch- ing bed spread and mat. Murray. Edwards, aecomp- anied Ken Ahrens, Hamilton, to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens, here. • On Saturday, the Brodliag- en Frauleins 4-H Homemaking Club. attended Achievement Day at 1Vlitchell District High School, having completed the project "The Club Girj Enter- tains". Each member was pre- . sc nted with silver spoons. Janet Scherbarth and .Phyllis Ahrens werepresented with certificates for having comple- ted two clubs. The club put pn a skit on Table Manners in which Sharon Dietz, Wendy Trutter, Karen Leonhardt, Donna Leonhardt, J a net Scherbarth and Phyllis Ahrens took part. Leonard Miller„Kitchener, Karen Schifthrn, Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Nowack and fath'iy, Brunner, and Mr. ard With fond hopes that all your holiday dreams come true, we send you our best wishes for a Merry Christmas. McGAVIN'S Farm ,Equiprnent WALTON . ONTARIO Seaforth Phone • 527-0245, Brusttels • • .Phonp 365-1A16 Mrs: John Moore, Dublin, vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mil- ler on Sunday. Wilbur Hoegy has returned .to his home after being in Vic- toria Hospital for nearly two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Muel- ler, Baden, Judy and Dianne Trutter and Doug McVeighn, Kitchener visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Trutter over the week end. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. • Irtill!flURON !txrosrrokso otamotm, ow, INSURANCE • WIND TORNADO CYCLONE JAMES F. KEYS Phone527-0467 : Seaforth Reprisertting he Western Farmer's Weather Insurance Mutual Co., Wood:clock, On may this Christmas holiday bring you a bounty of blessings 'and happiness, including -our -very best wishes for a peaceful Yuletide . have the most wonderful Christmas ever! WALDEN & BROADFOOT TEXACO DEALERS Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pixstimel • • • * • I • • ,• • • • • * Nri • .11.1 • • 1 • ft The sounds of Christmas are happy sounds ... the glorious ringing of church bells . . . the echo of merry voices 'midst the softly falling -snow . and our wishes to you: a Very Merry Christmas! Maple Leaf airy Phone 527-0810 – Seaforth May the peace and serenity of this hol- iday season dwell in the hearts of all. To our customers and friends, our greet- ings, good wishes and grateful thanks. LARONE'S Seaforth SC To $1.00 Store Stationery Gifts,