HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 1212; -pie HURON EXPOSITOR, sEA.FQRTH, 9NT4: DEC, 1946
New HeacI ,.c:Pffk:e Serves Topnotch
AT HIS DESK in the new Topnotch Head
Office Building is General Manager Garnet Stock-
. well. At the right is a portion of the general office.
Seated left to right are Bill Roberton, book-keeper
and Mary Lansink, Margaret Flannery and Elean-
or Wright, secretaries. Standing (left) are William
Strong, manager manufacturing, D. C. Cornish,
credit manager and Art Mountf_el'd,• treasurer., (Ex--
positar'photos by Phillip~.)
• The New Topnotch
is an all -electric building
• and we .appreciate being
entrusted with the
electrical heating and
plumbing contract
Geo. A. sills & Sons
Plumbing - Keating - Electrical
Phone 527-1620 : Seaforth
Modern head office ae-
commodation, in keeping
I with the greatly increased
activities of the company
recently have been brought.
into use by Topnotch Feeds
( Limited here.
Originally a portion of
the former Seaforth Shoes
plant on South Main Street
the interior of the building
has been completely re-
built. The southern por-
tion of the shoe plant —
at one time a Seaforth ho-
tel — was demolished to
provide parking space.
The. fact ,thatthe town
could make the building
available meant that Top-
notch was able -to retain
the company head office in
Seaforth. Decision to pur-
Dr. J. D. Harvey is nu-
tritionist at Topnotch
Feeds Limited.
We. are proud to have been selected as
for the new
and congratulate Topnotch Feeds Limited
.on this further indication of progress
General Contractors Seaforth
chase the building result-
ed in the conversion of an
empty building which was
rapidly becoming an eye-
sore on .Main Street into
a modern, and ' attractive
business block. A total of
ten -are employed -in the
head office.
The interior arrange-
ment provides on the
ground floor and around
the perimeter walls,- seven
offices for the head office
staff. In the central area
are located desks for cleri-
cal and accounting staff
and off this area is an
attractive waiting room.
The entire building is
heated electrically.
A conference room, lab-
oratory facilities and l-
ing accommodationar h
the second floor. There` is
as well provision for addi-
tional 'office accommoda-
tion when it becomes nec-
The enlarged lab facili-
ties are of particular sig-
nificance to the area for
here it is now possible to
provide a faster and closer
control on the production,
flow. Discussing the en-
larged lab set up Dr. J. D,
Harvey plant nutritionist
said where in the past it
had been necessary to de -
pend on outside -Labs for
certain analysis 'now these
could be done without any
"Our primary concern
is with an accurate analysis
of incoming' ingredients.
Itwas a problem before to
have these checks done
fast enough," Dr. Harvey
said, " now this no longer
is the case."
He added the lab would
ensure maximum accuracy
in the final product through
faster and closer control
ofthe production system;
Equipment in the new
lab permits speedy deter-
mination of prgtien .end
moisture content The aut-
omated machine grinds,
weighs and produces the
answer within twenty
minutes of receipt of a
sample he said.
Need for additional of-
fice accommodation had
been recognized for some
time according to general
manager Garnet Stockwell.
"When we took over
Mid -Lake Elevator Limit-
ed two years ago the need
became acute because of
the increased head office
activity." Mr. Stockwell
said. "It was at that time
that decision 'to provide
new accommodation was
taken. Negotiations were
begun with the town to
purchase the former shoe
plant building owned by
the town. The purchase
was completed the follow-
ing year in 1965 and con-
struction of the new (dice
was begun early in 1966."
In addition to the Mid -
Lake l llevater Limited pur-
chase,.,_. Topnotch reeds
Tin .itod bar . experfenre"
considerable expansion
since moving to- Seaforth
ten years ago. The com-
pany is a wholly owned
subsidary of James Rich-
ardson and Sons Limited.
A, new branch was es-
tablished in Wroxeter- in
1963 and during the past
two years elevator capa-
city has . been greatly' ex-
panded and new .automa-
tic grain handling facili-
`ties installed at Tillbery,
Springfield, ,at
Seaforth. In 1964 'a mod-
ern research centre was
established in connection
with. the Seaforth plant.
Earlier this , year a com-
plete new mill Was erected
in Kingston.
Smile of the Week
Two detectives were standing
over the- body of a man named
Juan Gonzales.
"How was he shot?" • asked
one dective.
"I think it was a golf gun,"
said the other.
"But what is a golf gun?"
"I don't know exactly, but i
sure made a hole in Juan."
electric heating
can offer you
all these
unmatched cleanliness
Electric heating is flameless.
There is no combustion to create dirt,
dust, film, dr soot. Windows,
drapes, and walls all stay clean longer
Unmatched comfort
Cedric heating offers room -by -room
or gone temperature control.
it is quiet, creates no draughts,
no chilly spots—just gentle,
- .---,ryery-constantwarmth.
unmatched value
Electric heating is maintenance -fres,
_ . Yet, with
all its advantages, electric heating
QOM far less than you may think.
For more Information about electric
heating, consult a qualified electrio
beating contractor, or your Hydro.
This is why Topnotch Feeds Limited chose Elec-
tric Heat for its New Head Office Building.
Read 'the Advertisement:: — -It's a Profitable Pastime! -
Our New Head, Office facilities" at Seaforth
make possible an improved operation and will permit us
to contribute in increasing measure to the farming
communities we serve. We invite our friends to drop in at
their convenience and ; see our new arrangements..
Branches , at Seaforth, Dundas, Milverton, Stratford, Kingston,
Moffatt, Dorchester, l3russels, Wroxeter, ' St. Thomas, Port
Stanley, Springfield, Dutton), Tilbury