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The Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 7
s, 1 w 11. , USE THESE CLAS$IFKQATiONS v TA _ TO YOUR Ap AN ..•G,� 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Qpportunlltiea 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale . , 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars Fon /Sale in Articles For Sale t2. Wanted To Bu .. y 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices ' 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders. Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23, Business Directory 24,'•Cards of Thanks 25: In Memoriam 26. Personals 11..W.rticie "o:r Sale 195$ A;..stiA, sedaia, Che4p, for quit* ;:41,4, atslp. Bair Qi 090 x 10 sxiow tires. Harold.Bet- ger, phone Brussels 49 J 14. 11-55: 138E1),"' Meant $eve, used Shallow well pump, used oil furnace burners. All in reas- onable condition. Sills Hard- ware, phone 527-1620. 11-5.5-1 SEE our large selection of watches, (over 100 to choose from) Accutreens from $135 17 jewe1 Swiss from sand Ti fnex from, $'T.951 atFav- S vauge Jewellery Opposite office). 11-54.2 GIRL'S white figure ketes, size 13'. -Bone 527-13.22. • 11-55-1 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-44-tf Classified ads art. inserted at it rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per' insertion. except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or ;if paid by •16"days following last Inset. - Non, 15 CENTS deducted from a'bovs rates. • 1. Coming Events DANCE Brodhagen Commun- ity Centre, Friday, December 23rd: Music by the Novelles, 155-1 BUCHRR Thursday Decemb- er 29th in the II.O.O.F. Hall, Sponsored by the Ea,ern Star. , 1.55-1 SEAh'ORTIf Boy Scout Bottle Drive, Saturday„ J1Aifuary 7th 15. ro ert . For' Rent- . t ig. $? Oflt, st#n#��t p n.w r a Har vey 1e, pbna15.5 J14i06. 55` 2 MODERN 2-bodrWom apart - me: hams 52'. -0810 or Ex- et0 2 5.1.510, 15.44-tf O.R RENT -•- I beddroomhap- xtment, n:a rt 1 y urnise ap- artment, entrance and garage. Box 1600, Huron Expositor. 15,52.4 APPLES, Spys, Snows, Green- ings, Delicious, etc. Phone 482-3214. Fred McClymont, Varna. • 11-51-tf FOR Gifts that last and ser- vice unequalled shop at Sav- auge Jewellers (opposite post office). $1.00 will hold any purchase until Xmas. 11-51-tf Notieea As of December 7th, 1960, I v'il1 not be res pnsible fa any debts incurred by my wife, Barbara Gilbert. -Allen Gil- bert, RR 2 Bluevale. 19-55x2 ANYONE -wishing -to rent the Zurich Comtnunity Hall or Ar- ena please contact IVlr. Louis Sehilbe, 'Zurich, Ontario, Call 236-4982. 19-55-3 DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals 'CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 19-44-tf NEWEST model Philishave with triple . head at 'special low price at Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite post office). Free lotion with -each • Phili- shave. 11-51•tf APPLES, special .price on cm i s p juicy McIntosh for Chri$iinae, also Spies, Delici- ous and Courtland in our cold storage. Ross Middleton's Or- chard, Bayfield, phone 482- 9136. - • 11-53-3 GIVE your table the final touch-up .with a iiitifical Christmas arratxg ent. Also for that special 'ft a centre piece for table or coffee table. Steffen's Greenhouse, - arvis St., Seaforth. Open we days 1- to b . p.m. Seeuts. call -9. to- 9. We• .deliver.._- • 52-3 door Qo,00r. _will Please have bot - ORDER your C3hristrrt�isf� flow - les read Save• yetu"• papers ers now, ruins, cyglumen, for paper drive in May. Pro poinesetta and cut flowers. ceeds for improvements to Staffen's Greenhouse, Jarvis Scout Hall: 1-55-3 COMING EVENT Branch 156. Canadian Eegioli Boxinig night dance, Monday, Decem- ber 26th, Dancing 9 to ?. Res- stricted • to persons 21. years and over. The public is invit- ed t>s' attend. Admission $1.50 per person. 1-54-2 4. Hein Wanted Clinton District Collegiate Institute Board Invites • written applications for the position of a full. time St. Open weekdays 9 to 9. We deliver. 11 -53:3 - SEE our large selection of $1 and $2 costume jew'- Savauge Jewelley (opposite post ofifce). 11-5.4-tf THREE ton truck frame, also a Waterloo (13) not running. Phone 262-5150,. Hensall. 11.54x2 CHRISTMAS trees, Bonnie Wallace, RR 2 Walton. _ _11-54-2 FREE Watch with each dia- mond, $100.00 or more at Sav- auge Jewellers (opposite post office). A small deposit will hold your • selection • until Christmas. 11-54-2 12•.. Wanted To Buy - ANTIQUE' furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. 12-44-tf WANTED , a,. l!UUsLness 1'4reCt0 Chartered Aceopntant *57 South Street 1 T.elephoae Goderich 5- " Classified ad$ .pay dividends Auctioneer M er FARM and O$RNITURE SALES CONDUCTED H. G. 1 T: W Phone 347-2465 Monkton • AL._. FUN�RSERVICE Prompt and careful 'attention Ambulance Service Flowers For' All Occasions Phones:, • Day 527-0680-eiNight, 5210885 SEPTIC TANKS . CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey, Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19-44-tf ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service,- authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- bouse..St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-44-tf SEPTIC TANKS C:LER.. K -TYPIST with duties to commence 18 January,`'1567.' Must have good typing speed. Library 'experience helpful but not essential, SALARY $2,200 to $3,100 commensurate with experience Applications -to be received by the undersigned not later than 9 January, 19673 with references and stating salary expected. MR. R. J. HOMUTH, B,A. Principal, Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, 'Ontario. ' ' • 4-55-2 7. Situations Wanted WOULD like baby-sitting jobs Ai•,ply Mary Catherine .Mc- Quaid, North Main St. 7-55x1 8.` Farm Stock For Sale WHITE -faced' "bull calf. C. De - Corte, RR 2 Seaforth, ..8ph ne 527-1628. 9. Poultry For Sale - CLEANED Modern equip.. int . used 41 work guaramlbwd. Write Or phone LOUIS BLARE, RR2 Brussels, Th , w0; Bruss- els or ,,, x on, MAL- ONEY, p one 527-1424. 19-17x28' HAY, straw, corn and grain, any quality or quantity. Len Watson, 13 Pullamore Rd., Brampton, Ontario, phone 4514804. 12-54-15 ELECTRIC grinders hammer mill or roller, complete with motor. Bill Dolmage, phone 527-1777. 12-55-1 14. Property For Sale VICTORIA 'and GREY TRUST - COMPANY - IC.IMBER LEGHORN' Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x •Real... Pullets Mid Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. $eafbrth Phone 527.0841 Box 160 14. Articles For Sale' TABLE turnips for Christmas.. John F.:, Bell, Rfi, 2, Seaforth, phone 62/-1306., 11-55.1 HAMMBR Mill, 10" John Deere with selves..Harold Bol- ger, phone Brussels 49S 14. 11-55x1 ONE upright hot' water heater with switch, number of sash with large' panes. NO: inside pine doers. Two sform sash Wolter Murray. , 0,1-55.1 C 11ANTITY of mixed grain, oats, barley and'.nvbee' , dab shelled Corn. lambent Dalton plihrie 527.1366, 1145yt1 • • J. A,' BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls (alone 43 R l0 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL:. HONE Goderich St. W., Seafprth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY • OCCASION Phone 527-1390 Seaforth JOHN E. LONG,STAFF' OPTOMETRfT • Seaforth Office: Tues., Thurs., Frt., 9 to 5:30 p.m Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint ment only Phone 527-1240 - or 482-7010 WATCH REPAIR'S FAST SERVICE -Ail--work..-guaranteed. • ANS ZIT JEWELERS ltd. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth 19-44-tf TRI - 'TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Social A. tI t HIE Rill t rs. Thomas rovera� Mi. and M frac' Cecil. oto art ill be at bo to • C m yf w Hilar ons, neioccael; and . e e Maids w t, the T' Q 1'e.taking relativeson the occasion, of The Varna i altinl in 'Own er , e 7� , • their Sot weddingnaives= held..a supper meeting ' n the •pada in the seas . 'The tux* eery h es a Its a of Mrs m Dow4m1 on day 50001 Vlaseesi•aad Youth dlseusSed as well as judging tllriac gills. err thi7r Altrietttr A nd the Siris wonted ent their nee= s'ary olt Wednesday, 'Deceiri- Sa urday Menu planning w.as Groups: , f the church ,placed her 2 th from 2-5 pin. i'tti gifts pease.1 th it tar The Cholla p,X' eaten reo004- book covers anal post special >oa,tielc and Additional erg for. Achievement ` Day. A er this sank' Awziy iu a" :. a ; - • buffet ;supper was ,Rrepared ger!!., te• perG Joh and. served by the guns. ElaSSi� to � White Gift Sn iddie vitas oti• ton, )vex. s, el ' ?V,' star` and in apci:Mrs. Ha't`e served In the United*Church. See i s... n sated a ow Mr soak i "R'e la 1 ■r ,. . , in Glinthen en Saturday evan- .Loddington at Mier' hew home and. •Mrs. r Tippin Danny ;and David of mit" en Sun,- :, .Charles' 1d e t ., 4 fie ' V'St: H'n i , Lonktor, 1 tib a' G•4olrbe, P,C•, iisit9d -. Varna Rn Sunday. Amt 'atlti-44 a, '1 `grim of Vrna vi li ween end -'w$1:4 .�. Wil. m Pi }. , art.. it j. LI I mV i >;t, ap ` Mrs 1 i?1,71 a>lr16rc .r ■ ■w-■ ■ tk � I Mrs. Bill Taylor, Mrs. San- and faintly and, Mr, and Jars• visite4;Wi oxid`'�. 11 . M �` Harold OovsTsoi}' vistaed J1'Xr. Dowse o�Sada diYentiii;3,, ford Hutton, Mars, Freeinaxi Standings Horne, Mrs. William Walters, Followingare the results Airs. Tom Carol ill, 4Mrs. I John visited Mrs. Coward of the scoring and ,the team I Phil Hera a Tuesday evening standings as of December 12 I fora surprise birthday party. for the 0.H -A,. Intermediate The Junior Farmers h e 1 d "B" hockey circuit: thChristmas banquet an GP W L P W ednesdayeir evening at Elim- SEAFORTH 5 4 1 8vine Township. Hall. - Fergus 6 4. 2 01 Mr. • and Mrs. Tom Coward Hespeler 6 4 2 " 8 of Base Dine visited on 5atitr- Acton 6 3 3 6 day evening with Mrs• Jglin Orangeville 7 0 7 0 Coward. ( Scoring I Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne A of Sunshine Line visited on (S) 9 5 I L. Mercer (H) ain 8 6 14 G P J. McElw ,D. Richardson (A) 6 6 12. D. Hipel (H) 5' 7 12 'G. Nolan (F) 6 5 11 B. Ingles (A) 5 6 11 K. Doig (S) 3 8 11 B. Beutenmiller (S) 6 3 9 G. Abbott (F) 2 6 8 H. Tippin (F) 3 4 ` 7 1 P. Bodenistal (A) 2 5 7 Mr. and Mrs. MU D4wr,bn Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, . Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 527-0510 24. Cards of Thanks 'the family of the late Thomas f3. Hanle-nre1l/ wishes to thank relatiiies, friiehds.. and g bors, ' hospital staff and doc- tors, of the clinic for kindness in so many ways, while in the hospital, and later in our ber- eavement, for. flowers, dona- tions, messages of sympathy and many acts of kindness: Special thanks 'to D. A. Rann • CLINTON - SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience in • all Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482-9260 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all snakes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phoee 262-5350 Hensall. 19-44-tf 20 acres, 3 miles from Mitch-. ell on Highway No. 23. Barns 40 x 70 and 30 x 45, silo 1,4- x •34, driving shed, drilled well. Two storey red brick house, 4 bedrooms, 4. piece - bath. New oil furnace. Taxes 52850. Price $13,500.00. FOR HOUSES, BUSINESSES AND FARMS IN PERTH AND HURON COUNTIES CONTACT US VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Dead Stock ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLY funeral home and Rev. A. ginbotham. 24-554 I would like to, thank all my ' friends, _ neighbors and rela- 1 tives for their kindness with flowers, ,cards, visits and treats while I was a patient in the Seaforth Community Hospital:" Special thanks to Rev. G.1 Mills, Dr. Brady, Dr. Malkus ' and all the nurse's and staff of the Hospital. - Mrs. Howerd Crich.__ - 24-55-1 1 would like to express my 1 sincere thanks to all my kind7 friends and neighbors who sent me cards, treats and flo- wers and all who visited me while I was a patient in South I Huron Hospital, Exeter, and' St. Joseph's Hospital. Snecial thanks to Father BensetGe and'' the Doctors and nurses. Every- thing was greatly appreciated. -Mrs. Anthony Vait'L-Oon. 24-55-1 We wish •to thank all those who were so kind during, our recent bereavement. We ,par- ticularly wish to thank the staff of the Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital and Dr. Stapleton. for their good work over the past months., The Sills Fam- ily. 24-55-1 under New. Management Garnet Smith We ' are here to give' you faster service and better prices, paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND UP . FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free, also free veterinary inspection. Call Collect Atwood 356-2622 24 hrs. a day -7 days a week Lic. No. 401-C-65 REG SMITH SIGNS Truck lettering, farm signs, plastic signs refinished, show cards, and• highway signs. Cor- ner of East and High Streets,. Clinton. Phone 482-9793. , • 19-46-tf NOTICE (STRATE'ORD) Telephone ..• Office: 271-2050 Joe Delesie - Res: 393-6210 •. • • 14-54-2 Retneinber! It takes but u Moment to place an Expositor 'Want Ad and be money in nocket. . advertise, just 17ia1 Beafoirth 537-0240. We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives .►f Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. ' FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1346, or MICHAEL .i DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-44-tf 25. In Memoriam CUDMORE -'In everloving memory of our dear sister, Bea, who passed. away on De- cember 22nd, 1952. - Sisters and Brothers 25-55x1 WILLIAMSON - In loving memory of our dear daughter Alexene who,entered her hea- venly home June 23rd, 1963, As we gather around at Chrit- mas There is always an empty place, For the one that is always missing Had a dear and smiling face, No one knows how we miss het, • Nor how hard it is to bear, The thought that will always linger That she never can be here. Surrounded by friends we are lonesome In the •midst of our joys we are blue, With a smile on our face we- ' 've a heartache Longing, Dear Alexene, for you. -Greatly missed 'but always loved and remembered by Mom and Dad. 25-55x1 23. Business Directory McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitor:!, Etc. P. ll. MCCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R.; Bryan's, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab B.A., D.V.M., V.S Phone 527.1780 Seaford A. W. SILLERY • Barrister, Solieitor, Ete. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527.1643 Seaforth • - Ontario Classified ads Tray dividends. WILLIAMSON - .In loving memory of our dear sister, Alexene, who left us June 23, 1965. God gifted us with a wonder= fel Sister A Sister we loved so dear. God todk her away, from us suddenly And left us to shed many a teal', . A cluster of precious memor- ies Sprayed with a milliom tears Wishing God could have, spar- ed you If only a few more years You left us with beautiful memories And a sorrow too great to be told, But to us Who loved and lost Yourou memory will never grow • old. -Always remembered and loved by brothers and sisters- in-law. Ron and lDorothea Gerald and Barbara,. Iden _and also Anne. 25.55x1 Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Gerry Grubb of Farge- -tar, Michael and David, visit- ed on Monday with Mr. and Mrs, Freeman Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters visited on ' Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs• Rona Math- ers of Exeter celebrating Ross and Bill's birthdays; TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT APPLICATIONS Applications for the position of Road Superintendent for the Township of Hulled will be received by the undersigned. Applications ,will state qualifications. and age of applicant and residence and any other details that would- seem pertinent to the position. All applicants would be expected to begin duties from January 4, 1967. Applica- tions must be clearly marked as to contents - and must be in the Clerk's office not later than January 7, at 6:00 o'clock p.m. All applicants will be interviewed by the Council when the details of the contract of employment will be disdussed in detail, HARRY F. TEBBUTT RSR. 1, Londesboro, Ontario. 1)60UGN'( ME AN L.P. CHRISTMAS! 1-E7's SBE! 1 , 1 CENTRAL SCHOOL NEARS COMPLETION Huron Centennial School which will ser- ve the Townships of Stanley and Tuckersmith and the Villages of Bayfield and Egmondville novo• nears completion.. Due to' the slow deliv- ery of °steel and glass as well as roofing de- lays, it has, not been possible to set an exact opening date. However, the.. board chairman, Vern Alderdice, Rippen and the principal; Ax- L eld Mathers- agree ,that all classes will be moved into the new school before Easter. I dergarten classes will began after the Eater holidays. . The new school boasts sixteen regular classrooms, a special class, two kindergartens, a library and a spacious auditorium. An announcement will be published lat- er as to the opening date for the Huron Cen.: tennial School and the new bussing schedule. LAw NCE. WANG DonnT Se ASFIAMFD, DREAM -Cella . WE BELIEVE ITS FoR'iOUR . FATHER!,r J� r NO FATHER WHO CARVES, TIE CHRISTMAS wltiTR}K{�E SHOULD SE THESE 1 L oU WAVE DO 1 CARVE ALONG THE DOTTED LINES - r. MARKS ANY SirE TURKEY. EVER`ISOD"1 'MINKS 1'i'S VEtni DIFFIC-lfl r 'TO -CAKE THESE 131'6 RIGS 1t4t0 llGNT SPaTs, BCT l fokItlt cxtt SUMP't1.... .Clrllall►�►.!fi.li►p►►ii�►�lki;l, li ► ►1� IIIMI 111118�I 1111 IIIIIIII1fl1101111111111111all11s1UmnnnwlH91UUTAf54 iL 1' a ±llP bili lld(il�t Cdr ,l �6• ''' I )1 1 ,1 . ;11 ''hlf I 111 I utit1III I R `�hI 111111 �ij1.li ©IIS n 11 0i'j11Pt (1'itl1IL1...h I�Ili''l�;( l • z*r ` ;�3 IIII�III lig nr •Iillll1II'j1i;i i 4pp11 Il II A14VWHERE ThE MtRRot s vilu.-Go 1CAW &o9I •