HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 51 • • • • • r • . • upon us. Let us eagerly share in its blessings. FLANNERY • t. CLEANERS ' SEAFORTH Phone 527-0250 Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. THE SETTLEMENT OF HURON By•James R. Scott ave Busy Programs The Christmas meeting of the 17th and Boundary 'Unit of U G.W. Leas -Church, Wal- ton, was held at the home. of Mrs. Martin Baan. Sixteen members answered the rgll call. Mrs. • Bert Williamson and Mrs. Roy Williamson were in charge of a devotional Christmas program assisted by Mrs. Harvey Craig who read the scripture from Luke 2, Readings were interspersed with the singing Qf Hymn 62, "White Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night" and 50, "As with Gladness Men of Old". A poem was read by Mrs. Baan, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet and,Virs. John Bos sang the duet "O Litle Town of Bethle- hem". Mrs. Van Vliet and Mrs. Bos favored with another duet "Silent Night". Mrs. ° George Williamson conducted the bus- iness session. • Mrs. Bert Williamson clos- ed the meeting. The singing of carols followed with Mrs. Harold Smaldon at the piano. UCW Christmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Walton U.C.W. Unit of Duff's United Church was held last Wednesday evening in the church school room. Preceded by a dinner serv- ed by the losing side of the copper contest and captained by Mrs. Emerson Mitchell, the tables were gaily decorated with , Christmas tablecloths and centre pieces. Contests conducted by Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mrs. Arthur Higginbotham opened the worship service with the singing of Christmas -the perfect gift - on sale at. THE HURON EXPOSITOR 31.0440240 A1' awkinew chillies ring out stay tidings we echo than atth the wish that fey be yours., WM. M. HART Phone 527-0870 Seaforth.. SPECIALS. FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Maxwell House COFFEE Rose Brand Sweet MIXED PICKLES bole's Hawaiian SLICED PINEAPPLE • • • 1 lb: bag 750 16 -oz. jar 294 • 20 -oz. tin 35¢ Stokely's Fancy HONEY POD PEAS • • 2 14 -oz. tins 350 Stuart House FOIL WRAP • • • • 12" x 25' roll box 320 Donald Duck ORANGE JUICE • • • • 2 48 -oz. tins 730 Garden Patch Choice Whole KERNEL CORN • • • • 2 12 -oz. tin 90 PRODUCE • Sunkist' ORANGES size 113s; doz. 69¢ Firm, Green HEAD LETTUCE • • 2 large heads 35¢. NUMBED ONE TURNIPS lb. 80 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY SUPERIOR FOOD )4 QKETS. mith's Phone., 52710990 . los Free Delivery carols These were intersper- sed With, reading by Mrs. Ger- aid Watson, A Christmas story was read by Mrs. Higginboth- am after which prayer was of- fered. Mrs. Ray Huether was pian- ist 'for the evening. Scripture and prayer tickets were hand- ed out by the president Mrs. William Coutts and the secret- ary Mrs. James Clarke. Gifts `which had been plac- ed on a table centred with a lighted 'Christmas tree were exchanged and displayed Boxes were packed for shut ins by the winning side with Mrs. Allan McCall as leader. 16th and 18th Units The 16th and 8th unit met at the Home or ivfrs. James Mc- Donald, Wednesday evening.. mirk. Harold Bolger opened the itmeetmg with the call to worship. Hymn 62, "While Shepherds Watched `T heir Flocks by Night" was sung, and ivirs. Alvin McDonald led in prayer. Mrs. Clarence Mar- tin read the scripture from Luke 2. 1Virs. Ray Houston• gave a reading and read two poems. "Away in a Manger' was sung. The topic, "The Christmas, Story according to Luke" Was taken by Mrs. Harold Bolger. She also read an article, "God so loved the world". Minutes were read by secretary Mrs. George McCall. The roll call was answered by 11 members and 1 guest. A reading !`The Miracle of Christmas" was read by Mrs. Bclger. Hymn 53,' "Silent Night" was sung. Ten dollars be sent to the Children's Aid and "a collection was takers to cover this.' Lunch was served by the lcsing side of the copper con- test which was planned by the leader Mrs. Ray Houston. McKillop Unit The McKillop U.C.W. Unit met in the Sunday school mem of the United Church, Walton, with 18 .ladies pres- ent. 1Virs. Jack Bosman "vias in charge ef -the-devotions and opened the Christmas meeting with "Hark the Herald Angels Sing". leers. Bosman led in pra'er and gave a reading. ivirs. George Love read the scripture from Luke. 1Virs. Neil McGavin read the meditation Hymn 51, "0 Lit- tle Town of Bethlehem" was sung and Mrs. Bosman closed with prayer. )Miss Tennie Dennis spoke a few words and Mrs. lViurray 'Dennis. gave the -logic, _"The Peace of Bethlehem". Reports were given. A quilt was dis- played which is for sale. Mrs. DavidWatson gave the nominating committee report. For 1967 there will be four leaders, each one to act for three months, Mrs. Charles iVlcCutcheon, Mrs: Glen Mc= Nichol, Miss Tennie Dennis, Mrs. George Love; Treasurer Mrs. Donald Dennis; secretary ill rs. Norman Schade; pianists Mrs, Merton Hackwelli, Mrs. Laverne 'Godkin, Mrs. Camp - ell. Wey; Supper committee, Mrs. William Roe, Mrs. Wil- liam Dennis; Visiting Commit- tee, Mrs .Roy Wiltlfong, Miss Ethel Dennis. Copper contest leaders, Mrs. Donald Dennis, Mrs. Jack Bosman; Nom}tiat- t'ir:g committee, Mrs. David Watson, Mts. Roy Wildfong, Mrs. Donald Bennis. Hymn 53, "Silent. Night" was sungeand. the meeting closed with ,prayer, After the meeting gifts were exchanged. A contest was held. The los- ing side of the copper Contest. captained 'by Mrs. D. Dennis, served lunch. • Vesper Service.. ;_ • The annual Christmas Ves- per Service of the C.G.I.T. was held in the church audi- torium Sunday evening. Prior to ,the service records of Christmas chimes were played also a medley of carols by the organist Mrs. Harvey Brown. The C,G:LT, members pro- ceeded to the front pewt, also the eaders, two readers, the candlelighters and the choir, which was composed of the Hi C group. The theme for the service was "In the beginning was the Word" with the leader Mrs. Neil McGavin in charge. Pray- er was offered by Karen Mc- Donald. Within theme, the background of the • Christian Heritage of. Canadians Is tract ed, for this is the eve of our: 100th birthday, therefore we use the "Huron Indian Carol'. The • Christmas Story, "A Living Picture" was the Na - 1 jr..1 r 1 Xr I e,; I ;p a I lens ;rlr r r 11/4 W. ARTHUR WRIGHT For Co-op Insurance Phone 527.1464 John St. SEAPORI'H tivity scene done in f ndian, costume. A wigwam and an undecorated Christmas tree formed the scenery for the picture. Connie Coutts was 1st reader and' Judy Thamer - 2nd Reader with `Brenda Bewley as candielighter for (1) An Act of Remembrance, (2) An Act of Penitent (3) An, Act of Dedication. . A Christmas family gather- ing et- the home -pf 1Vfr. and 1Virs. Jan Van Vliet Sr. last Sunday included Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hamlin and family of Midland, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Cousins and family of Brus- sels, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wil - more and family of Stratford, 1Vir. and Mrs. Jan Van Vliet and family of Grey Township and Miss'' Corrie Ruyter, of Stratford. A Christmas' family get-to- gether at the home of Mr. end Mrs. Clarence Martin last Sat- urday included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin and family of New Market, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pryce and family of Winthrop, and Mr. 'and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins and family of Ingersoll'. Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. • Edward Miller were: Mr. and Mrs.. Roy Turvey of Brussels,` Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam McTaggart of Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs Scott , Mc- Taggart of Stratford. Mrs, John Boyd Sr. of Mc- Killop, Mrs. William Leeming and Mr. Ivy Henderson of Sea - forth were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Walter Broadfoot. Plan )Euchre • The Walton Women's Ingo- 1 _44tute met in Walton Commun- ity Hall Monday with 30 lad- ies present. Mrs. Roy William- son president presided for the business with Mrs. Ray Hue- ther at the piano. The secret- ary -treasurer Mrs. Gerald Watson read the minutes. It was decided to have the euchre parties again with two in January, committee in charge.. of January 6, Mrs. Al- vin McDonald, Mrs. Ernest .Stevens Mrs. James Nolan, Mrs. Allan McCall, Mrs, Her- bert Williamson.: Committee, in charge of January 20, Mrs. Frank ' Walters, Mrs. Jean Miller, Mrs. Harold Bolger, Mrs, Torrance Dundas, Mrs. Roy Williamson. • Those in charge of the pro-,. gram of the evening were Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. Tor- rance Dundas and Mrs. Wil- liam Humphries. Mrs. Ronald Bennett introduced Miss Mary Heahn of Wingham who had a display of articles made from plastic bottles. Mrs. Tor- rance Dundas presided for a short program. This consisted of a reading by Mrs. James Clarke; duet by Mrs: Jan Van Vliet and Mrs. Herbert Traviss piano solo and Christnlas car- ols by Mrs. Ray Huether; dia- logue "Counting Cavities", Mrs. Ronald Bennett, Mrs. N. Marks aand Mrs. Stewart Humphries. ' The ladies' who took the Millinery Course displayer) their hats and the leaders Mrs.. Jan Van Vliet Jr. and Mrs. Margaret Humphries were nresented with gifts on be- half of the group who took the course, Carol singing with Mrs. H.. Craig as narrator was enjoyed Santa paid a visit and distrib- uted gifts. Hostesses for lunch were Mrs. Herbert Traviss,- Mrs. Al- lan McCall, Mrs. Frank Wal- ters and Mrs. Ray Huether. News of - Brucefield The Tpckersmith Unit of the UCW, Brucefield United Church was held at the home of Mrs. John Broadfoot, beginning with a pot luck supper with an at- tendance of 18 and three visit- ors. Mrs. J. McEwen end Mrs. N. Sillery had charge of the devotions. Mrs, McEwen read a poem, "Christmas" and Christ- mas carols were sung, with Mrs. Richardson at the piano. Mrs. Sillery gale a 'Christmas reading and Mrs. McEwen clos- ed with prayer. Mrs. Berry took the chair for the business and welcomed. all members and visitors and wish- ed everyone a Merry Christmas. She thanked everyone for help and co-operation during a busy 1966. Report from the secretary and the roll call by Mrs. E. Thomas on "A verse .of Christ- mas" was given, Mrs. Sillery gave the treasurer's report showing a balance of $775,00. New officers are: leaders, Mrs. John Henderson, Mrs. J. Broad - foot; treasurer, Mrs. Edgar Al- lan; secretary, Mrs. Irvin Sil- lery; • press reporter, Mrs, El- gin Thompson; recording secre- tary, Mrs. N. Sillery. Mrs. J. Henderson conducted several contests and an exchange of gifts. Mrs. Broadfoot was thanked for the use of her home and for a pleasant evening. Miss Barbara and Janet Hen- derson spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Eldon Jarrott is not as well as her many friends would like. 1U Ir. and Mrs. Mac Wilson itis tended the fuserial of the late Mrs., ''GVliiteman of i 1neardf of ltotrcia .,. I�''IIIII l�A bo .po MOST POPULAR GIFTS FQR DAD WHITE SHIRTS Forsyth) or Arrow with fused, soft, dome -tab, rounder -tab. or button 3 • ®5 to 6 9iC down collars. ■ ■ a7 THE *tops 4.?;PQS$TOR/ $ ONMT; Of i ENGLISH RIB HOSE Ten lovely shades in machine wash- 1■C5O able and machine dryable wool each SPORT SHIRTS Plaids, Plains, Paisleys, Stripes, in all popular shades, sizes S. M. L. cc to XL. and XXL . 3 •9i.� ■6 ■ 95 MEN'S SHETLAND ;PULLOVERS Blue, Green, Burgandy, Pheasant 1 oil 95 Round neck. Sizes S. M. L. ■ Hat certificates Give him a certificate in a miniature hat box for a Biltmore or Stetson hat 8.95. NEW 'PAISLEY DESIGN TIE & POCKET PUFFS New, exciting giftset to please any man. 2.50 set GIFTS FOR BOYS Paisley Koraton shirts` 3.95 Burgandy or Blue - "T.K." slims 5.95 Boys' sweaters 2.95 to 7.50 Boys' knitted shirts 1.95 to 2.95 MOST POPUtiA0 GIFTS' FOR HER GIFT NYLON Individually boxed quali- ty nylons, all sizes, best shades 970 7 up GIVE SLIPS Always a popular gift for any woman. A wonderful last minute suggestion. 3.95 to 8.95 SWEATERS Every type, weave, color and style can be found at. Stewart's. All sizes 5.95 to 18.95 l ;el, e -e vl, rse el, Wil, rll e , •:,. , ell e. r1, 1• ✓ 1 .E ; 1 :.f �, 1- 1, ^• As carolers sing their Happy Christmas songs, we add our voices to wish you good cheer, GIFT TOWELS Big thick Caldwell. and Canon towels in.`.severai patterns and shades . Gift Boxed at 1 ■00 to 2 ■95 FAMOUS KENWOOD BLANKETS For that special someone' you :euuidri't beat .an all wool Kenwood Blanket. Six beautiful plain shades. 15.95 to 19.95 HOUSE COATS FOR HER Corduroy, Flannels, Quilted Nylons : and Tery- lenes, in a good range of sizes and colors. Priced at 6.95 to. 12:95 _. HIGHLAND QUEEN and SABRE Skirts and slims in plains, plaids achecks. 10.95 t° 14.9' . , >> ,1, -, rl ,..• rl, ;rl r-.(, rl, tri, 1 tr , w wl, tr�l, k l✓1 r ; '4 .r1 .i• To our many wonderful friends and patrons From the Staff and Management_ of TEWART .�` l 'f ' �� til 4�.Y�Q ' ^r '_,..0 uf'✓�f w�4 u1UF.`�U,,?( .rn I '• oto r "•N,4-4 L t1We.l:;6:: Qr•'.`J11 'U I% OBITUARIES RANALD•Mac KENZIE 'Home. Mrs. Andrew Moore, Elgmond- ville, received word on Monday of the sudden death . in 'Detroit of of her brother,, Ranald Mac- Kenzie, age •64. He was the son of the• late Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKenzie of Brucefield and at- tended school there before moving to Detroit in early life. He is survived by his wife, the former Clara, Zapfe, form- erly of-Brucefield and a son, Edwin and a daughter, Mrs. Gilbert (Lois) Hammock, all, of Detroit.' Besides Mrs. Moore, tan - other sister, Mrs. Harry (Mar- garet) Collins of Sarnia .also survives. Funeral services will be held in Detroit on Thursday morn- ing from the Harper Funeral --•:4. '& rjl !. p 1, LOCAL • BRIEFS Mrs. M. R. Rennie is spend- ing the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Rennie in Sundridge. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Keys and son of Winchester are spending the Christmas holidays at their homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Emile Grebner of Kitchener, were in town on Saturday last. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson left for Florida last Friday. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Andrews are sp•anding Christmas in Norwich with Mr. and Mrs. Garry Dyk- stra. 1,4r,l, lea( l 4Ps`llel,;ill;rIwrrI,ai,r1, illy isolo•vdtiv-Ity, o.PO4s) ihwywbore,Ocarob dig Ort !'skiing Nis joys of Ho s.cwon , , • • add ON bild Wok ROSS MOTORS 'Theft' 527-0650 *forth • err l e l -ob w e• I x« I w 1 r ie+11 e' 1, a 11 rl, i, 1',:x •• ,4 •. ,`, .. ,4 ,h ..-• ... F... 'Ka 1 -- ,y... ,., _ .�, .. '4 .. •i-' ,,, .. ,4 +47. ' -. CHRISTl!✓IAS GREETINGS On this wonderful holiday of Peace and boy we send our heartfelt greetings, and wishes for your Christmas to be merry •and bright. HABKIRK TRANSIT SERVICE LIMITED Phone 527-1222 • Seaforth SEAFORTH- UP1 Li.STERY AIt KINDS OF IIPUOLS! ERING Done 621*0190 Centre St; S of