HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-22, Page 4'r 1-- HE HURQN E)WOSITOR, SEAFORTH, QNt, DEC. 22, 1966 0 AREA WEDDING ,ti DALRYMPL E -- MUEGGE Carruei Presbyterian • Church here, decorated with candelabra, formed a setting for the mar, riage of Judith Marie Muegge and Douglas Patrick Dalrymple. Bev., J. C. Boyne, Exeter, offic- ;ated.. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Every week more people dis: cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527_0240. RECEPTION and DANCE for Mr. and Mrs. Doug Dal- rymple (nee Judy Muegge) Hensati Arena Dec. 23rd Bonnie and the Chandeliers EVERYONE WELCOME Ladies Please Bring Lunch CHRISTMAS DANCE Tues., Dec. 27th Walton Community Hall Desjardine's Orchestra Spot Prizes and Lunch Booth Sponsored by the W.I. CWL Euchre and Social St. Columban Parish Hall Tues., Dec. 27th 8:30 p.m. Lunch Served Everyone Welcome Plan Your NEW YEAR'S EVE ,, PARTY At • the COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 7 SEAFORTH Entertainment Dancing Horns Hats Balloons A GRAND TIME FOR ALL RESERVATIONS Phone 52'1=0980 THE SETTLEMENT OF HURON By James R. Scott --'the perfect gift— THE NUR PosiItoI Muegge, Seaforth, and - the bridegroom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Dalrymple, RR 2 Kippen. Mrs. G. Hess, or- ganist, • accompanied the solo- ist, 1V1rs. Elmer Koehler, RR 2, Walton.' The bride, given in marriage by her ' father, "wore a ' full- length gown of peau de faille fashioned with a scoop neckline and elbow -length sleeves. Ap- pliques of Alencon lace trim- med with seed pearls decorated the bodice and sleeves. An in- �erted pleat extended from the empire waistline at the back and a train fell from the houlders. Her• shoulder -length veil of nylon illusion. was,. held by a craw n of mohair and seed pearls and she ,carried., a cor- sage of red roses on a white Bible. Miss Linda Muegge, Seaforth, was her sister's only attendant, wearing a floor -length gown of midnight blue peau de soie and carrying a bouquet of -white chrysanthemums. Thomas rymple, brother of •the bride- groom, was best man and the guests were ushered by Leonard Muegge, Seaforth, and Ray Mc- Lean, Hensall. After,., a buffet supper served at the home of the bride's par- ents, the bridal couple left on a honeymoon. Upon their re- turn they will live at, Hensall. DOWN AT THE LANES BY LEE HEE -00‘ St. James' Ledgue Team Standings as of Mon- day night: Dictators, 64, Pros 50, Sweepers 46, Blue Devils 40,'Munsters 38, Flinstones 36. December 12th — Ladies l.igh single, triple and average Martha Van Geffen, 223, 528•. and 176; men's high single Brian Broome; 280; high trip- le, and average, John Van Geffen, 674 and 224. Season's high to date: Lad- ies single, Bonnie Bedard, 312; triple, Bonnie Bedard, 682, average, Martha Van Geffen, 184. Men's single, John Coleman 331; triple John Price, 763; average Gord Noble 221. * * * Egmondville League Team Standings:" Blue Dev- ils 54, Alley Eaters 52, Space- men 47, Ti -Cats 33, King Pins, 30, Sprites 25" Ladies high single and trip- le, Joan Eaton, 303 and 740. Men's high single and triple R o g e r Benneweis, 246 and. 632. * * Mixed League Team Sta'ndings:. Barracud- as 43, •Acadian, 42; Comets, 42; Rebels, 29; Valiants, 19; Mustangs, 14. Ladies' high single and triple, Gene Baynham, 248 and 615, 1Vien's high single and triple, Eric Matzold, 26'7 and 895, • Season's high to date:. Lad- ies' single, Joyce Miller and Eleanor Wright, 27.3; triple, and average, Gene Baynham, 646 and 186. Men's single, tri- ple and average, Eric lyfatzold, 330, 864 and 248. * * *: Ladies Auxiliary League Team Standings: Bel Aires 54; Queenettes, 46; Stiff Jacks 46; Chevelles, 43; Wing Dings 42. High Single Ann Wood 239. High triple, Ann Wood, 631, and Mary Mennen 587. ' * m: . * To My many bowling friends I wish to take this opportun- ity of extending Seansons Greetings and a Happy New Year in bowling to each and every one. Sincerely, Leo Hag- en. M a y, t be. Star of ' Chaistmaa Attie cyturia fort stud viva /Olt»t*c.. JON, A. CARDNO histtraitee Agency P'l ohs 521-04 &Werth Off cs, ibit+.ktly Oppoalfrt teafOifl lllatttr { WI Has Xmas Meeting The Christmas meeting of the Seaforth Women's Institute was held at the home of 'Mrs. Gor- don. Elliott with Mrs. Graham Kerr as co -hostess. The roll call was "My favorite Christmas Thought." Christmas greetings were read from district branches and from a sister Institute in England. The program was chaired by Mrs. Carl Vander- zon. The motto "Keeping Christ, mas is Good, Sharing it is Bet- ter" was prepared by Mrs. A. Crozier anti read by Mrs. Har- old jiugill. Carols were sung and Mrs. Eldon Kerr read a Christmas poem., The guest speaker, Mrs. Rus- sell Worden of Staffa, introduc- ed by Mrs. L. Strong, demonstra- ted gifts and wrapping to suit the person and the occasion for men, women and children. Mary Elliott sang Christmas songs and accompanied herself on the guitar. " The travelling Christmas gift was won by Mrs. I. Hudson and the lucky cup by Mrs. R. Wor- den. Gifts were distributed by Mrs. Leonard Strong. Mrs. James Keys gave • courtesy remarks and a Christmas lunch was ser- ved by Mrs. Ross Gordon and her committee. Beavers Lose Third Seaforth Beavers lost their third game of the season Thurs- day and their second in a row as they were downed 7-5 by the Acton Tanners. Acton outscored the Beavers 4-1 in the first per- iod and led 6-4 at the end of the second. Harold TownsIey led Acton with three goals while _. Paul__-Bow_denstet, Jim Farley, Don Richardson and Jan Ridley scored the others. Bill McLaughlin,, Ken Doig, Paul •Rau, Jack McLlwain and Bob Beuttenmiller scored for the Beavers. Lineups: Acton: goal, Sweeti- ey; defence, Cunningham, Mar- chmant; alternates, Bell, Towns - ley, Ridley, Richardson, Farley, Currie, Bowdenstet, Snider. Seaforth: goal Petrie; defence Muir, J. Dick; Alternates, K. Doig, B. Doig, McLlwain, Hen- derson, Dolmage, Dale, T. Dick, Beuttenmiller, Sills,' Teall, Rau, McLaughlin. Seaforth 6, Orangeville 4 Seaforth o Beavers journeyed ":16" Orangeville and came home with a 6-4 win. Seaforth led 3:1 at the end of the first and 5-3 at the end. of the second. Jack McLlwain and Paul Rau led the Beavers 'with two goals a piece., while Jim Sills and Bill Mc- Laughlin • added singles. Kary Pointer_.. scored twice for the losers while Steve Grigg and Bill Marshall got the others. Lineups: Seaforth: goal, Pet- rie; defence, Henderson, Dol - mage; alternates, K. Doig, 1VIc- Laughlin, McLlwain, T. Dick, Beuttenmiller, Rau, Sills, J, Dick, Muir. Orangeville:,. -goal, Hogarth; defence, Church, Soloman; al- ternates, McDonald, Wanless, Ahrens, Little, -Smith, Pointer, Mortley, Grigg, Marshall, Davi- son. FUNERAL - THOMAS HACKWELL Thomas Howard Hackwell passed away in Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Friday morning, December 9th, after being in hospital for three months and in failing health for a longer period. He was born in McKillop Township, on Aug. 31; 4882, son of the late William Hackwell and IsabellaMcDon- ald, and farmed in McKillop all his life. ,, . He is survived by his wife, the former Lilly Margaret El- liott of Mitchell, together with one daughter and three sons, Claire of London; Elliott of Mc- Killop at home; Howard of Wal- ton; and Merton, also of Mc- Killop. He is also survived by five grandchildren and a sis- ter, Mrs: Emily Naylor of Al- bany, N.Y.; another sister, Mrs.. P. B. Gprdiner, (Mary), passed away in Toronto ten days be- fore on Nov, 29. Two other sis- ters and several brothers pre- deceased him. The funeral v9as 3tel at D. A. Bann funeral / hom`e, Brussels, on Sunday, Dec. 11,,'. 'ith' Rev. A. Higginbotham f Walton United Church offic•ating The pallbearers erre nei-gh,., bors, Earl Mills, Percy Dalton, Robert McMichael, Lavern Cod- kint, William Dennis and Alex Gulutzen. , Flowerbeat'ers were favid -Shgldice and porter Den- nis. Temporary. - entombment followed in Brussels Mauso- team. Rem�ernt erl It takes ,btit a rrtotne6t to.tiflce an Expositor ant •Ad and be money in • lot ad O, , vert*, :l.1 0 . _... t., . . . .Ngws ar, 'MxsaLL Hensall Rabes $18a • In Bible Society Canvass Christmas Eve communion will be held in Hensall United Church on Saturday evening at 7:30 p.m. Christmas Family service will be held Sunday at 11 a.m. Classes for church school are withdrawn. Flowers in St. Paul's Angli- can Church Sunday morning were in memory of Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, placed by the family, Christmas Eve Holy Com - nu niofl at St. Paul's will be ad- ministered at 8:30' p.m, Next Sunday, Christmas Day; a ser - %ice of lessons and carols will Hurondale WI Hurondale Women's Institute met Wednesday evening at Caven Presbyterian Church, Ex- eter. The president Mrs. Mac Hodgert opened the meeting and extended a word of wel- come to the guests. Mrs. Har- old Patterson, •secretary -treasur- er read Christmas cards from the sister institutes of the dis- trict. Mrs. Arthur_ Rundle, Tweedsmuir History curator, gave an interesting paper of the history of Rogerville. As a Centennial project, Hur- ondale and Elimville WI will have a church service on Thanksgiving Sunday in Thames Road United Church at 3 o'clock. An interesting program was arranged by the directors with Mrs. Garnet Hicks as convener. A number of Christmas carols were sung with Mrs. William Kernick pianist and Mrs. Louise Oke song leader. - Mrs. Edwin Miller read a Christmas story and Mrs. Mur - General Obtains (Continued from Page 1) lage Caravan Motel, with the trailers functioning as motel units. The development will accom- modate up to 2,700 Expo visi- tors per night. The trailers will provide sleep- ing accommodation for six or eight persons and be fully self- contained. Daily maid • service will be provided by the 'motel operators. • Mr. Clayton called the con- tract the "largest single travel trailer order hr the lfistory of Canada." Deliveries are sched- uled from January until April. � ' Hib ert Lassies Meet Hibbert Little Lassies, No. 2 4-H girls entertained t heir mothers and the members of Staffa Institute Wednksday ev- ening. Bonnie. Jean Miller welcom- ed the guests and introduced the 4-H leaders and the girls. Carol. Ann Dowdemonstra- ted the correct way to pack a week end bag. Leader Mrs. Douglas with the help of the girls conduct- ed a contest. - All were invited to a tea showing the proper manner which the girls have been taught in this project. Mrs. Carter Kerslake voic- ed courtesy remarks on behalf of the Institute of the mothers. White Gift Sunday Cromarty congregation and Sunday school observed White Gift Sunday service at the afternoon service on Sunday. The auditorium of the church was tastefully decorated with evergreen and candle$ and a lighted Christmas tree. The junior choir led the singing and sang as a special,:a3umber "The Birthday of a.Xing" un- der the leadership -of Miss Carol Ann Dow. . ' " ' ••.• • • • • .. ••. id • • •••� 7,, •' • • • • • • lb • :• • :w;... . • • . • • 41 • • • • • The Wise Men found the Wonder of that lioly Night. May you and your loved ones find its Peso. HOW Connell your SUPeriest., Ager, ray Keyes played a piano instru- mental. Mrs. William Dougall introduced Mrs. Frank lnderson, of Science Hill. Mrs. Anderson gave an interesting demonstra- tion on the use of tin cans and had on display many pictures. Christmas decorations, _candle holders and other items which could be made out of tin cans. Mrs. Mac Hodgert on behalf of herself and Mrs. Harold Pat- terson extended •Christmas Greetings. Mrs. Floyd Stewart on behalf of the -guests thanked the Hurondale W I for inviting theirfriends. Mrs. William Lamport and her committee served a Christmas lunch. Kippen East W.I. The Christmas meeting of Kippen East Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Ernest , Whitehouse with Mrs. Robert Bell as co -hostess. The president Mrs. Grant Mc- Lean chaired the meeting which she opened with a reading. This was followed by the opening ode and the Mary Stewart Col- lect, The roll call was answered by telling where to keep Christmas cards. Deck the Halls with Holly was sung and Mrs. James Drummond read the minutes. It was decided ' that the eighth group would look after the Dessert Euchre in January and that a euchre party would also be held - on Feb. 17. Good King Wenceslas was sung .and Mrs. Grant McLean reported for the Historical Research com- mittee and gave a reading on the day after Christmas. Mrs. William Gibson gave the motto, "It isn't the giver who snakes Christmas, its the spirit of others." . Songs were sung by Sandra and Jeffrey McKay and Eileen Connolly, recitation 'by Stephen Sararas. Mrs. Pipe of Londes- bor•o gave a demonstration" of Christmas decorations and cor- sages. - - Mrs. Edna Caldwell demon- strated the making of variety cookies. She also showed us her candy and cookie house which was illustrated in the weekend magazine; Mrs. M. Connolly read the Christmas story. Santa arrived to distribute gifts and was assis- ted by Mrs. Cecil Pullman. Mrs. Glen Bell gave courtesy remarks. Hensall United Church • At the recent Advent Coni - mullion service of . Hensall Un- ited Church the following young people were confirmed by the minister, Rev. Harold F. Currie; Janice Armstrong, Larry Con- sitt, Fred Elder, Stephen Faber, Kenneth Ferguson, Donna For- rest,Nancy Forrest,' Brenda Hay, Linda Hay, Mary Mock, William Munn, Bradley Pryde, Jane Smith and Pam Taylor. Receipts. $185.55 It has been announced by Mr. V. M. Pyette that the contribu- tion to the Canadian Bible So- ciety in the recent canvass of the village' amounted to $1.85.55. A reception for Mr. and Mrs. Peter DeWys (nee Dianne Fab- er) abridal couple, was largely attendetl;.-Sa:tarday night in Zur- ich CommUnity Centre. The young couple ;were' presented with a purse of money, the pre- sentation address read by Leon- ard Rolston, and gift presented by Tom Penhale. AREA WEDDING DeWYS — FABER On Saturday-,.Afteron_ at "2:30, -amidst a setting of mini- ture Christmas trees reflecting their blue'lights on baskets of white and blue tinted mums, Shirley Dianne Faber and Peter Francis DeWys exchang- ed rings and vows in Parkview United Church, Stratford, with Rev. Howard K. Plant officiat- ing. . The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Faber of Kip - pen. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George DeWys of Stratford. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor - length gown of white peau de faille, fashioned with lily -point sleeves, portrait neckline and. accented with Alencon lace. The gently controlled skirt ended in a double train. The -:main centre of attention was focused on the detachable cathedral train cascading from a tailored bow at the back,, empire and also accented by the same Al- encon lace appliques. To _com- plete 'Mr bridal outfit, the bride wore a tiered silk illusion fingertip veil held in place by a petal rosette of peau de faille edged with tiny seed pearls. She carried a shower bouquet of red roses, trailing white rib- bon and dotted with white baby mums. Miss Sandra Bolton was maid of honor. Senior bridesmaid, Mrs. Carol Penhale, 'sister of the bride, and bridesmaids Miss Emma Oesch. and Miss Eleanor Wright and junior bridesmaid was Miss Patricia Anne Faber. The bridal attendants provided a colorful background in their floor:length gowns. of chiffon velvet, the maid of honor in American beauty and the brides maids in Royal blue. The basic sheath style featured an em- pire waist accented with braid and rosettes of powder blue if puff sleeves. To ..add a fin 1 touch to their ensembles t ey wore matching petal rosette headpieces of chiffon velvet ed- ged with seed pearls accented by a tiered silk illusion should- er -length veil and they carried cascade bouquets of mums; white carnations and large" white. sat- in. bows to match their dresses. Flowergirl, Wendy . Penhale, niece of the bride wore a short white chiffon velvet dress with full skirt and eitmberbund of American beauty velvet. Her headpiece was similar to that of the other attendants in Am- erican beauty and she carried a noseghy of roses and white streamers. Groomsmen were George De- Wys, brother of the groom and Leonard 'Rolston. Guests were ushered by Kenneth Faber; brother of the bride, and Jos' eph Clifford, • Richard Penhale, nephew of the bride was junior usher. Master James Veri was ringbearer and carried the rings on a white satin heart- shaped pillow. Organist was Miss Lynda Rader, cousin of the bride and Miss an Sinclair was soloist and sa "Thea Wedding Pray- er', just before the close of the wedding service and "0 Per- fect Love" during the signing of the register. • The .bride's mother • received the guests in a street -length dress of gold chiffon over taf- fetta. Her hat was of beige and gold brocade and her acces- sories were black. She wore a corsage of pink cymbidium or, chids. The groom's mother wore a powder l5lue dress of metal- lic jersey, black velvet hat, black accessories and a cor sage of pink cymbidium or- chids, , Following a wedding dinner in the church parlour, a recep- tion and dance was held inthe evening in the Zurich Arena. The bride changed to a gold me- tallic, jersey dress, beige fur coat, with brown and gold ac- cessories and a corsage of red roses ' for travelling to Honey- moon Haven ii 'the • Pocona Mountains in Pennsylvania. The couple will reside in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faber spent Sunday evening with Mr. -and Mrs. Tom Penhale at ,Bayfield and attended the carol service at Bayfield United Church. STANLEY UNIT, MEETS The Stanley UCW Unit met at the home of Mrs. D. Trieb- ner with 16 members present. Mrs. H. Taylor opened the meet- ing with the study "Jesus' Grew Up". Scripture was taken from Luke 2, verses 1-20, followed by hymns. The meditation was taken by Miss E. BoweY, follow- ed by a prayer: Mrs. Triebzrer read a story on "Things that out -last us". Roll call was ans- wered by Christmas stories or verses. A Christmas lunch was - served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. L. • Clyton and Mrs. C. Henderson. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL Seafort h The Country Rhyfhrn • Pals ..y 411 this week and mit .week''tool The Christmas message a source Of everlasting joy and hope. 'May it bring you deep fvlfilimentt QU THE °TEL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Air Like the calm contentment of a snowy landscape, nay you and yours have the serene peacefulness of Blessed Christmas. MiLL:R ;OTORS Phone 527-1410. Seaforth SK+TING Community Centre Friday,,Dec. 23 — 8:00 to 10:00 - Admission 25c and, 35c Saturday Morning, Dec. 24 Legion Hockey Saturday, Dec. 24. -- 2:00 to 3:30 Admission 15c ' Monday, Dec. 26 2:00 to 3:30 Admission 15c Monday, Dec. 26 -v- 8:00 to 10:00 Admission 25c and 35c OIIA' INTERMEDIATE HOCKEY TUESDAY; DECEMBER •271h Hespeler at Seaforth 1:I SEAFORTH ARENA TIME: 8 :30 ADMISSION 50 cents and 25 cents Game Thursday, Dec. 22, Cancelled II The Public is invited to attend' the • . Seafoirth Branch 156 ROYAL , CANADIAN LEGION Annual CHRISTMAS- DANCE MONDAY, DEC. 26, 1966 Dancing 10 - 1 a.tn. Ign :A-Dn11HSSION -- $3.00 PER COUPLE 171 14' Tr . •, 1118ic by Yale Wilbee's Q,► chestra , • - i 4 • • • a a • • • • • • • •