HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-15, Page 11U,SE;THESE CI,ASSIFICATIONs TO YOUR ADVANTAGE • 1. Corning Events 2. .Lost, Strayed 3• Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7 Situations Wanted 8. Farm. Stock For Sale 9. Poultry" For Sale 10, Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted . 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent IQ. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19:' Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Tjyanks 25. In Memoria . • 26. Personals Classified ads art inserted at A rate . of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. ' For cash payment, or If paid by 10 days following last inser• Non, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. - 7. Situations Wanted • WOMAN to share my home and be a compaiii'on:' Sent re- plies to 13 77, Sep fd"rth, On - Utile. 744.1 • • 8. Farm Stook Por.Sale REGISTERED Hereford bull, rticea)Y,1e add. Geor'ge,Love, anon. 875i4 S OR? IO1;NS, •2 yearling h ife'rs and a `bull, 18 nfonths o , all t0011 e'el'O#edAr�d ¢gis- t red. iyafkk c;-'-RR-1 pen,, tralia, Ont, 1P11ofi 229-6192. 8-544 9. Poultry, For Sale 7,000 Kimber pallets, twenty weeks old April lst. Bruce Boa, Londesboro, phone 523- 4237. 9.5x'2 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 180 • •19-44-tf 1L Articles For Sale USED washers. Box Furniture phone 527-(1680. , 11-53-2 BORDER Collie .pups, good cattle strain. Ken . Thompson, 527-1915, .Seaforth,' 11-53-2 YOUR choice of used electric ranges at Box Furniture, 527- 0680, Seaforth. 11-53-2 SEE our large selection of El- ectric shavers for men and women, Remington, Sunbeam, Ronson and Philishave. Ans- • tett Jewellers Ltd. 11-50-tf USED electric dryers, various makes, in good condition. Box Furniture, 527-0680, Seaforth. 11-53-2 tOR SALE -- Ideal gift for ' aristmas. Set of World Book hat ,and New,. Child Craft. Can be bought Separately. Phone 527- 1986. 11253-2 THREE ton truck frame, also a Waterloo (U) not running, Phone 262-5150, Hensall. ' 11-54x2. NINE weiner pigs, .8 weeks old: Ted Van Dyke, RR 3 Sea - .forth. Phone 527-1435. 11-54-1 ALL wool green plaid short jacket, size 38, also a five - tined stable fork. • phone 527-1324. 11-54x1 CHRISTMAS trees, Bonnie ' Wallace, RR 2 Walton. 11-54-2 GOOD home for black and white •Collie pup, Free, phone '57-1877. 11-54x1 GIRL'S blue coat set, size 6x. Phone 527-0637, ,11-54-1 GIRI,.'S white skate s, good cphdition, size 2, $3.50. Could be sedn at Shinen's Store.l4x1 USED Coleman' space heater, 190 gallon oil. drum and. steel • stand. Connections for piping into house, Cheap. Phone q27- 1$74. 11-54x1 FUR coat, mink, muskrat, $/a 4 length, size 14, Excellent con- dition, 'phone 527-1874, • \ 11-54x1 8' x 8' wood overhead section- al door. p.U,C, office, Sea - forth. 11-5.4-1 CHROME ,table and four chairs, Small electric stove, hockey game, all in excellent condition, phone 527-0658. 11-54-1 USED TV sets in good condi- tion at Box Furniture, 527- ' 0680, Seaforth. 11-53-2 SPECIALS on Philislsave Shavers for men. Speed Shav- er $17,95,Speed-Flex $26.95, Tiples$20.05. Anstett t 11 Ltd 15 • 1.« Articles For Sale' LIKE new, Singer sewing machine in portable cabinet, does zig zag, buttonholes. Can be had, for' $54.00 cash or $8.00 monthly, Write box 1621, The Huron Expositor. 11-53.2 USED Articles in reasonable condition. Moffat heavy duty stove, shallow well pump, fur- nace oil burners. Geo. A. Sills & Sons, 5274620, Seaforth. • 11-53.-2 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs p . Ring Sizing Retip Claws l rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-44; tf APPLES, Spys, Snows, Green - lags, Delicious, etc. Phone 482,3214. Fred McClymont, 'Varna. 11-51-tf FOR Gifts that last and ser- vice unequalled shop at Sav- auge Jewellers (opposite post office). $1.00 w) U hold any purchase until Xmas. 11-51-11 YORK 8 transistor radio. black plastic case 81/5" x 4102" with batteries an.d .earphone, only $24.95 at Anstett Jewel- lers Ltd. 11-51-tf NEWEST model Philishave with triple head at special low price at Savauge Jewel- lers (opposite post office). Free lotion with each Phili- shave. 11-51-tf WE selland service Timex watches priced from $7.95 up. Come in and choose one as we have all models in stock. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11=44-tf. FIFTY piece sets English- Din-nerware, 8 cups, 8 saucers, 8 dinner plates, 8. bread and butter Plates, 8 cereal barvls,- 8 - fruit nappies, 1 vegetable bpW1, and 1 platter a11tor only $29.95 at Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-5041 APPLES, special price' on crisp . juicy McIntosh for Ch sari s;- also ,Spies; Deliti= cis and Courtland in our cold' ¢storage. Boas "Middle qn's 'Qr- c. rd, Bayfield, phos a 452- 9138.. .11.53-3 GIVE your table the f in al touch-up ' with an artifice' Christmas arrangement. 'Also for that special gift a centre piece for table or coffee table. Steffen's Greenhouse, Jarvis St., Seaforth. Open weekdays 9 to 9. W a deliver. 11-53-3) ORDER your `Christmas' flow- ers' now, mums, .cyclomen, noinesetta and cut flowers. Staffen's Greenhouse,' Jarvis St. Open weekdays 9 to 9. We deliver. 11-53-3 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS FOR FINE.. TILLEY LEATHER GOODS WALLETS - KEY CASSES UTILITY CASES WRITING CASES JEWEL BOXES CLUTCH PURSES SHOE POLISHING KITS SEE THIS FINE SELECTION AT Ahstett Jewellers Ltd. - 11.50-b1 12. Wanted To Buy. ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. - Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578. 12-44-tf HEINTZMAN piaho . under 60,000 Serial no., also old Ma- son Risch 1905 or earlier for wrecking. Mitchell Music Shop, Box 329, Mitchell, Ont. 12-54x1 BOY'S wagon in .good condi- tion. Apply. innrnediateiy to Box 1623, The Huron Exposi- tor. • 12-54-1 USED skiis about 7 feet, •in good condition, also girls ski boots, size 7 or 8. Box 1622, The Huron Eitpositor. 12=54x1 WANTED HAY, straw, corn and grain, any quality or quantity. Len Watson, 13 Pullamore Rd., Brampton, Ontario, phone 451-4804. " 12-54-15 14. Property. For Sale BUILDING lot on corner of Brantford and Isabella Street' Seaforth with° water, hydro, septic tank and weepers. Ap- ply to, Albert Baker, Seaforth, phone 527-1593. • • 14-54x1 VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY 20 acres, 3 miles from Mitch- ell on Highway No. 23. Barns 40 x 70 arid 30 x 45,, silo 14 x 34, driving shed, drilled *ell. Two storey red brick house, 4 bedroorf)s, 4 piece 14, Property For Sale bath, New oil ftu naive. Taxes $,285.00. Price $13,590.00. FOR HOUSES, BUSINESSES AND " li'AIIMS iN PERTH, AND HURON CQUNTIES CONTACT US .... VICTORIA .rind GREY TRUST (STRATFORD) Telephone - Office: 271-2050 Joe Delesie - Res: •393-6216 14.54-2. 15. Property For Rent MODERN 24,edroom ' apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-44-tf 1'OR RENT - I bedroom ap- artment, partly furnished. Separate entrance and garage. Box 1620, Huron Expositor. 15-52.4 19. Notices 'DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED -For Dead or - Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company. of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No. 350-C-65 194441 NOTICE Hibbert Tovynship Muniejal Dano W4Vbg CL SHtf, of r De'ce;lnber'`3tY1 an until fu - th r mice. • ATTE id$ gH11,L * it 54-1 ClOsssai dd ids l'y wide s SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED 1 Modern equipment. We guar- antee work:'Write or call I•iarvey Dale, Seaforth; phone 527-1406. -- - 19-44-tf F:i,RCTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light;; House St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-4441 SEPTIC TANKS • CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd, Phone 527.1720 - Seaforth, 19-44-tf TSI - TOWN BOOKKEEPING SERVICE .. .CLINTON - SEAFORTH GODERICH AREAS Five Years Experience in all Phases of Bookkeeping. Phone 482'-9260 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262-5350. Hensall_ 19-444f REG SMITH SIGNS Truck lettering, farm signs, plastic signs refinished, show cards, and highway signs. Cor- ner of East and High Streets, Clinton. Phone 482-9793. 19-46-tf NOTICE, We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 .R 16,, Dublin. Call Collect 19-44-tf Dead Stock -- ATWOOD PET FOOD SUPPLY under Nein Management . Garnet- Smith We are here -to give you faster service and better prices, paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND UP FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and condition, Smeller ,animals picked 'up' free, also free••.Veterinary lnapection. Call Collect Atwood 350-2622 24 hrs. a day --7 daya..a week Lic. No, 401-C-65 22. legal Notices NOTICE TO CODITORS' In the Estate of WILLIAM 1VIATTHEW • CAMERQN All person having claims against the Estate.. of William Matthew Cameron, late of the Township of TucJiersinith, . in the Count r of ,1 uroxi, .deccas ed, who died on the 'lQth day of November, 190,5, are ,fere- by notified to sena full par- t}culiars of their claims to the undersigned onp or ,before the 16th day of December, 1,956 after ,whueh date.the assets will be distributed havinr 're- gard:.only to claims then recei- ved. DATED at Seaforth, this • 29th day of, November; 1968. 5.' In_ inemiffjeln RNDER$.QN--4n, lnvin '.Tnea : o y .of Mrs. Oliver Anderson, when passe.•d away one year ago •December 20th, 1965, The depths of sorrow we can"- not an-not tell, Of the loss of one' we Roved,.. so well, And while she sleeps a peace- ful ,sleep Her meniory we shall always • • keep. Always remembered by Husband and I family." ' '25-54x1 Engagements Mr. and kg. s. Walter, , Shot reed, Walton, wish to an- nounce the engagement of •their daughter, Anne Christ - axle, to • Mr. Colin M'cKarney, son of Mr, P. arney-,, Weat Ville, Nova coria, and the late. Mrs. McKarney, The mar- riage will take place the latter pert of December. xl McCONNELL& STE3VART 'Barristers & Senators Seaitprth, (intario Solicitors for the Adnzinistra- -trix 22-52-3 23 -:Business Directory McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D. I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, B,A., D.V.M., V.S Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office .527--1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario A. M. BikAPER Chartered Accountant 4S encs -r et,,,a . a 2�_t rC Sifie4yttla pay'•dIvi 4endss::e Milan¢. er R‘.1; tirrwriME' . G. GET u'N Phone 347-2465 uMenkt,on • -BOX FUNERAL aERVICE Prompt aid careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions Phones: Day 527.0680 - Night 527-0885 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 G. . WHITNEY FU ERAL HOME God ch St. W., Seaforth ANCE SERVICE Adjus ble hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FORE Y OCCASION Phone 527-1390 , - eaforth JOHN E. LONG, TAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth- Office: Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m Sat., 9-40 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint ment only • Phone 527-1240 - or 482.7010 Mori., Wed. Clinton Office - W. J. •CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or, Day Calls - 527-0510 24. Cards of Thinks I wish to thank Doctors Brady and Malkus, Miss Drape and nursiing staff, United Church Women, Seaforth Public School and the many friends and relatives for cards and gifts I received while I was a patient •'in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital'..- Allan Savauge 24-54-1 The family, of the late Mrs. Martha Corlett ,wis-$ 'to ex- press their 'sincere thanks to relatives, friends, and neigh- bors for their kindness, floral tributes, cards of sympathy during our recent bereave- ment. Special thanks to Rev.' J. • C. Britton, Elder Ralph Moore, Pallbearers and the G. A. Whitney funeral home. _ 24-54x1 I wish to thank my friends for their cards and treats while I was a patient in 'the hospital, also Miss Drope and all the staff, Drs. Brady and Malkus also the U.C.W. of ,Northside United Church, lieu. J. 'C. Britton. It was all "very much appreciated. - Jaynes Kerr. 2 -54x1 The family of the late Thorpe Rivers wish to express their sincere thanks to relatives, friends! and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, floral tributes cards of sym- pathy, donations to ' Heart Fund, Cancer and Mausoleum during our - recent bereaSe- ment. Special , thanks to Dr. Malkus, Dr. Flowers, nurses and staff of Clinton Hospital and all who helped at home at the time' of our great loss, 24=54x1 My sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives for their. Malta cards and treats while a patient, itl Seaforth Com- munity 'hospital, S p e c l a 1 thanks to' Dr. Stapleton 'and the nursing staff. It was all very much appreciated, -- Miss Lynda Iyer%, 24=5411 For Additional Classified See Page 12 I !Fr.( j 1 .et, fr 1 p4131.7 wl.. ii rL ✓' $,1.00 will lay away a. RING for Christmas -at SAVAUGE - JEVVELLERS (Opposite Post Office) HUNDREDS TO 'CHOOSE FROM fThvl -1 -4 • AT YOUR Here at your Co-op you will Find a wide variety of practical CHRISTMAS GIFTS Bernz-0-neatic Propane TORCH KIT, reg 10.95 9.95 Fontainbleau Stainless Steel KITCHEN TOOLS • • 47.9 General Electric FRY PANS General Electric Compact HAIR DRYERS • • • • General Electric TOOTH BRUSH • • For all the family, a G.E WAFFLE I3AKER Automatic Pop Up TOASTER ' Holiday Luggage FLITE BAG For the Kitchen DISPOSAL CAN With 44ccgssories, G.E MIXER 23.95 15.95 22.95 26.95 19.95, 17.95 8.50 35.95 Automatic Electric DEEP FRYER • Child's TRICYCLE 6' Aluminum TOBOGGAN Realistic Scotch Pine XMAS TREE Graceful Spruce XMAS TREE For Mother, Pacemaker Clothes Dryer • . • • Fpr the Car SPOTLITE . • • • • • Perfect For Dad, 11 -piece 11.95 13.49 7.29 15.95 4.95 164.95 • • 2.19 W>E C SET .•••-1.4.951 Playmate .Portable ,RECORD 'PL'AYER 1-9.95 Attractive Bathroom SCALES - • - - ,� Chill's - turdy WAGON S:95 8.99 95 8.99 For the man iii the house, give Tools - Here at your Co-op Store is a complete se cion of Hand and Power Tools CHRISTMAS SHOP AT YOUR CO-OP EAFORT ARMER -(FIEY SHOUT -D MAKE.IT A 1.Ah' TO US 1-1EADI-16171T5 ON A 120A1) LIKE 'HIS • BECAUSE -THEY'RE BUILDING THE �* ! CARS Sd yoU,CANY 1.. L IF 'THEY'RE CoMiNG OR GOING! THE OLDER MEN MUST HAVE SOMETHING WE LACK,HENRY. THEY'VE ALL GOT FUrti; COATS AND WANT TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE TO SHOW THEM OF.' A MOTH ALWAYS KNOWS THE I<EE N ¥1INDS OF MINTER '131-0\14! Vou CAN'T BE Too CAaEFUL No YQU GET TO HELP WITH x_ OUR V . I.ASI NIGHT I ASKED HILAQ' MA I.ORY To IRON (SHE SCORCHED yr! •4