HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-15, Page 7News mot plant, 1ber, brk ,.. ect of Dec: 1'1 s ° honored *' It trousseau tea given by her mother, Mrs, Bert Veber,' Ow Saturday afternoon surd" eve: The guests were receivedby Mrs. Faber, Dianne and its, George De Wys, mother of t e grown. The tea tablewas cov- ered with a hand crocheted tablecloth and centred by a sil- ver basket of whitet,rnutns and red carnatii ns and flanked by, red and white candles in silver candlebra. Pouring tea in -the .afternoon were Mrs. William 'Desch and Mrs. Andy Veldman. Serving the guests wereSharon Oesch and Linda RadrShowing the trousseau and gifts were Elean- or Wright, Em#na Oese▪ h, Ruth Clausius, Mrs, ',Henry Sterken- berg, Mrs. Emerson Coleman and Mrs. William Sims. Sylvia Oesch attended ;to the register. At the ' Ci lanae. rneetg of Henaall Legion Ladi,ea,Aux: iliery field in 'We Legion Hall officers were elected fOr 1907. Piesident Mrs. Harold Camp- - bellrlSt vice, 1Virs Garnet Al- lan; gnd vice, Mrs. • Roland Vanst¢ne• secretary, Mrs. W. H. Bell; treasurer Mrs. Grant Bisback; executive, Mrs. Mary Taylor, i'Irs. John Skea, Mrs. Gordon. Munni Mrs. Byran Kyle, Mrs. E. Davis; Sgt. at arms, Mrs. Harry Horton as- sistant, Mrs. Garnet Adan; Pianist, Mrs. Fd Munn; Sports, Mrs: Wm. Smale, Mrs. Clar- ence 'Reid. Past President, Mrs. Roy Smale, conducted the election. A gift of $10.00 was given to the Christmas party, spon- sored by the,businessmen and discussion was held regarding a ddhation for centennial dec- orations for the Village. Plans were finalized for the Annual Children's Party, Sun- day, and plans forthe centen- nial ball, New Year's Eve, were discussed. Christmas boxes will be sent too shut-in members. Mrs. Davis won -the -Mystery prize, Mrs. Horton, guessing game and Mrs. Roy Smale the attendance prizes. In the evening, Mrs. Cornel- ius Faber -and' Mrs. John - De Wys poured tea::' Serving were Lynne Faber nd•' Mrs. Lloyd Cooper. Showi the trousseau and gifts wet. Sandra Bolton, -Mrs. Sharon De Wys, Mrs. Bet- ty Clifford, Mrs. Ken Faber and Mrs. Tom. Penhale. Patsy. Faber looked after the register. Assisting in the kitchen were Mrs. Rochus Faber, .Mrs. Jack Faber, Mrs. Mary Funk, Mrs. AlvinRader and Mrs. Alex Whittaker. A miscellaneous shower was given Dianne Faber on Monday evening, Dec. 5th, by the ladies of Kippen United Church and the school section. A sing song of 'Christmas carols with Mrs. Ross Broadfoot at the piano was enjoyed by all. Dianne and Dar- lene McKay favored with two lovely duets. Wendy Jones and Debbie Anderson . • conducted contests. The address• was read by Eleanor Wright who assisted Dianne in opening .the lovely and useful gifts. Dianne thank- ed the ladies and invited all to her trousseau tea. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Faberwere ,'Mr. and Mrs. George De Wys, Mr. George De Wys and Miss 'San- dra Bolton of Stratford, also Mr. Peter De Wys and Dianne Faber of Stratford. Mr. Fred. W. Rowntree of Weston spent_'a few days visit- ing his sister Mrs. N. Long and Mr. Long. b' Gifts for Shut-ins Forty Christmas packages were packed and delivered by the Friendship and Visitation committee of Hensall United Church for the shut-ins of the congregation. Committee in•charge of the project were Mrs. Wilmer ARROW ALL CANADIAN Petroleums Limited Gasoline * Diesel HEATING OILS Valvoline Oil and Greases • "Go With Arrow" AGENT: DON COLEMAN re -gus n fconvenitir?.' Mrf4 Harvey 456,yo. ru,•_d . ergus� on, Mrs. 4. 3, Drytsdale, . Mrs. en s. "Jack Simmons,, • Mr .. t. Lorne e aY,-Mara;- Wm.Clement. Leaves for Holland Mr. Hen Resosdboom will leave:'Deamber 21st. from In- ternational Airport by jet for Holland, , where he will spend Christmas with relative s whom. he has not seen for 16 years. He will be away for three weeks. Local Chairman In the report of the annual meeting of the Hensall associ- ation of Girl Guides and Brownies, it was reported that Mrs. E. Rowe was appointed District Commissioner for 1967, this was in error, Mrs. Rowe having been appointed Chairman of the local associ- ation. Santa Welcomed The annual Christmas party for children of the Village and. district was held Saturday. Santa arrived in . the Fire truck and was given a rousing reception by the children and adults and 350 bags of treats - were handed out by clerk E. Campbell, Chief of Police, E. R. Davis,.' assisted by Senior Citizens. Films were shown in the town hall in charge of Kinsmen Bill, Fuss. The pro- ject was sponsored by Hensall Businessmen, Kinsmen, Kin- ettes, Legion and Ladies Aux- iliary. Kippen 'W.I, Entertains DIAL 527-0646 SEAFORTH PROCLAMATION! Town of Seaforth By resolutionof>• the Council, .I hereby • proclaim Public .Holidays MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th (in lieu of Christmas Day} and TUESDAY, DECEMBER 27th (Boxing Day) and respectfully request the Citizens and Businessmen to.. observe the same. JOHN FLANNERY Mayor - "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" Kippen East Women's Insti- tute entertained residents -of Huronview Wednesday after- noon. Twenty-two residents with birthdays this month were presented with gifts. Lunch including a birthday cake was served and the resi- dents reported an enjoyable afternoon • of entertainment. Legion Elects : #► `` � Found r'' 'werity,` Mr. AUCTIP., Mars E. Hutchison,., Mr.. 4414Mrs EayMcGonigle Mr.. and ,Mrs. a"�eorge ,finde4'-. son and,;th Se H Departm nt. ' Mayor:J. F' Flannery 6poke briefly bringing- g:re e.: t i n g s - from the town. Hee commend- ed the group on •their achieve- ments and on their decision 'regarding , d.r es s at their dances. Elmer Hutchison,, former Seaforth. Police Chief, now of Markdale,founder .of .the original Teen Town, was pre - noted. with a gift Mr- .and Mrs. Hutchison have been re- turning ' to - Seaforth, from Markdale, every year for the annual event.. He addressed the youths expressing his in- terest and concern with their activities and delight in their Increasing. success. •Gordon Hulley, Chief of Police, introduced his police force and auxiliary members to the group and the guests and talked briefly regarding Teen Twenty dances and the police. He; also, was in agree- ment with semi -formal dances. Kenneth Cardno, treasurer, addressed Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGonigle and made a pre- sentation -to them on behalf of Seaforth Teen . Twenty. Mr. (and Mrs. McGonigle have been closely .associated with the or- ganization since their first dances alt the Community Cen- tre. Mr. Cardno expressed the thanks df Teen Twenty to the couple for the guidance and co-operation received through out the past two years. Other presentations were made to guests and the to the Seaforth Police Department. . A financial statement pres- ented by .treasurer Kenneth Cardno showed a sizeable pro- fit over the year. Most ,of this profit, he pointed out, was donated to various charities and community work. 0 v e r $700.00 was given to minor sports of which hockey recei- ved $400.00 and baseball, $300,00. An additional $400.00 was presented to the Pioneer Memorial 'Mausoleum fund. Numerous smaller donations were presented throughout the. community: Nominations for office in 1967 followed and included: for President, Brian ITaftkirk, Doug 'Wright, Murray Young; for Secretary, Cheri Scott, Christine Turnbull, Joan Ban- non; -far- ;Treaburer, Ted bee; Bill McGraw, Alice Ban- non. - Elections will take place in January. • They retiring executive in - eluded, President; Jim Scott; Vice -President, Doug Mills; Treasurer. Kenneth Cardno; Secretary, Eleanor Wright. 11110 1 OXiOSITOlif- $Mil e. ' we. AbQut.1 (Y;;3ea Orth And er, ea' Young' people 4(athexod *,t tho•LegiQn. Hotir .$eefOxtl1.. for. the annual... S. F f r:t..tt Teen Twenty .Banquet and' laatice. president tori Soon addressed the groin and introduced the guests, including Mayor Flannery and Mrs. Flannef!y, l --a. bituaries FRANK RYCKMAN . . Mr. Frank Ryckman" RR 1, Hensall; passed .away Sunday afternoon, ' December llth, ..a& I.luronview, in his 96th year, He farmed. extensively at Chia- elhurst where he lived all of his life. Surviving are one brother, Grant Ryckman of RR 1; Hen- salt. ensalt. His wife predeceased him in 1955. Public funeral services were held from Bonthron fun- eral home, Tuesday, conducted by ' Rev., Harold Currie. Burial *as in McTaggart's cemetery. MINA FLORENCE MacLk6D` The death occurred in De- troit oh Monday of Mina Flor- ence MacLeod. Miss MacLeod who resided at 9236 Agnes, Apt. A2, Detroit, was in her 81st year. Born in Seaforth she moved with her parents to Detroit six- ty years ago and had resided there until her death. She is survived by two sisters, Mrs. C. H. Jett of California and Miss Anna MacLeod of Detroit. Funeral. services will be held .from the G. A. Whitney funeral home, Thurshay, with Rev. J. C. Britton officiating. Tempor- ary entombment will follow in Pioneer Memorial Mausoleum. ' Hensall Branch of the Cana- dian Legion 468 met Wednes- day evening . when nomina- tions were held, conducted by past president John Simmons. $5.00 was, donated to the C.N.I.B., '$10.00 to the Legion Christmas' Fund for hospital- ized veterans in London; $25 to the Santa Claus party, in Hensall. - Wilmer Dalrymple donated a Canadian flag to the branch. Mr. Sam Oesch is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mr. and. Mrs. `.Karl Haslip and family of Burlington were week end ,°visitors with Mrs. Eric Kennedy and Mr. Ira Geiger. V. M..Pyette, C.N.I.B. Cam- paign Chairman fol. Hensall and district has announced $392.00 has been received to date. He -expressed- thanks to,.. the canvassers .and donorstfor their assistance. Talk Centennial The Lodge Halal. in Christ- mas motif, was the setting for the Christmas party of Amber. Rebekah Lodge, Wednesday evening, with a large attend- ance. The report of. the Cen- tennial meeting held Wednes-. day of last week was given. It was decided to have a Sup- er Duper Dessert Euchre and bake sale in March. It was.de` tided to contact Miss Joanne Elligsen, student to the United Nations in June, 1966, spon- sored by the Lodges, to show. pictures of her trip:. A,donation was made to the War Memorial Sick Children's Hospital, London. . 1VIrs. 'Louise Simpson left on Friday for Birmingham, Mich. to spend the winter months with her daughter and son-in- law, Mr.:: and Mrs. Gus Voth, and other members of her family. Dublin Colleens The Dublin Colleens enter- tained their mothers and mem- bers of Dublin WI at tea Sat- urday, at the home • of their -leader, Mrs. C. R. Friend. Mrs. M. Lannin and Mrs. -R. Aikens poured tea. The girls prepared and served the refreshments. Mrs. W. Annis, leader and Miss Joan •Annis, president, greeted the guests. • Christmas Shopping Is Fun At THE QLD MILL BAINTON LIMITED WOOL & LEATHER SPECIALISTS SINCE 1894 Blyth, Ontario, OPEN 9 A.M. to 6 P.M., MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY A GLEN LAINE wool or leather gift provides a real thrill when received at Christmas. SHOP FOR THESE ITEMS AT OUR NOVEMBER SALE PRICES LEATHER COATS AND JACKETS - - LEATHER GLOVES ,• - SKI MITTS. AND HATS LEATHER MOCASSINS AND SHEARLING SLIPPERS - : WOOLLEN BLANKETS - - CASHMERE SCARVES - - SHEEPSKIN RUGS AND INTRODUCING OUR EXCLUSIVE LINE OF HAND CRAFTED SkIEEPSKIN TOYS From $1.75 toi $14.95 MRS. W. 0. GOODWIN/a Mrs. W. 0. Goodwin, highly esteemed . resident of Hensall for the past 45 years, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Friday evening, follow- ing a three ;week illness. She was the. former Ethel Maulkin- son, a native of England, and. beloved wife of Wilfred 0. Goodwin. A very active member of St. Paul's Anglican Church, she was a .former president of the WA ,up until 1963, she held the office of secretary -treasurer,' a member- of --the choir and con- ducted the Sunday' School for several 'years. She was interest- ed in all phases of the church, and a former member of Hen- sall WI. Surviving are her"- husband and one daughter, Mary, at home. Public funeral services, largely attended • were held from the Bonthron funeral home Monday, with Rev. J. P. Gandon. delivering • the memorial mes= sage and paying high tribute to_ thelife of the deceased. Burial was in Hensall Union cemetery. Bearers were R. H. Middle- ton, Walter Spencer, Laird Mickle, Gordon Schwalm, John Skea, CIarence Parke. Floral tributes were beautiful., • Winchelsea • Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, 1Vir. and Mrs. Wm. Waiters at- tended the Grand Masters Banquet in Exeter Legion Hall on Friday evening. • - Mr. Harry Cole of London visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs: Freeman Horne. SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday and Saturday Chase and Sanborn INSTANT COFFEE Heinz • TOMATO JUICE, • • fancy 48 -oz. tin 330 'Maple Leaf MINCEMEAT 28 -oz. tin 430 Shirriff's Lushus JELLY POWDERS 3 bdls. of 4 reg. pkg. $1 King Size FAB, Scotian Gold , APPLE JUICE •••• Heinz Sweet Mixed PICKLES . Green Giant Medium SMALL PEAS 6 -oz. jar 950 Green Giant Fancy NIB'LETS CORN each $1.05 large 48 -oz tins $1 3 16 -oz. jars $1 515 -oz. tins $1 5 12 -oz. tins $1 PRODUCE Florida - TANGERINES • • • • size 210 per doz. 290 California CELERY size 30, large stalk 25¢ 'Fancy McINTOSH APPLES • • • • • .•,. 3 lbs 290 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS ' SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY SUPERIOR .FOOD MARKETS. Phone 527-0990 daodi mith's Free Delivery G R E . GIFTS I~�► . �..R ' 1Vloxsam Housecoats•.... 6.95 0'3.5.95' Kayser and Patricia Lingerie 59e to 24.95 Kayser. and Whisper Nylons , . 97e to 05- Kayser .95:Kayser Gloves ' .... .. , .. 1,00 to 4.95 Famous Make :Sweater .' . 3.98 tp '18.95 Quality Make: Hand lags: 2.98 to. 12;95 London Make Wallets .... 1.95 to 6:95 Brophy' Umbrellas 2.95 -to 7.95 Wabasso Bed Sets John . Brown Linens Highland Queen Kenwood Blankets 9,95 to 14,95 2.98 to .19.95 12.95 to 39.95 13.95 to 19.95 Lady Manhattan and London Lassie • _ 2.95 to ' 7.00 FAMOUS NAME GIFTS FOR HIM Wolsey' English Hose 1.25 to 1.50 Currie & Abbey Ties .. 1.00 to 2.00 Tie & Pocket Puff sets 2.50 to 3.50 Forsyth Sport Shirts .. 4.95 to 7.95 Viyella Sport Shirts 11.95 to 14.95 Forsyth & Arrow Dress -• Shirts 5 50 to 7.95 London Brand Wallets 2.95 to 6.95 Biltmore & Stetson hats .... 8.95 Forsyth & Tuckley Pajamas 4.50 to5.95 Stanfield Ski Pajamas 5.50 Rochester Housecoats 12.95 to 17.95 `Craft' Outer Jackets 19.50 to 37.50 Tee -Kay. Slims casual pants 5.95 to 7.95 Tony Day & Warren Sweaters 10.95 to 17.95 Sleeveless Pullovers .. 5.50 to•6.95 Barrie Gloves 3.95 to 7.50 ST -J VART BROS: - EVERY - PURCHASE GIFT BOXED FREE CF HARGE tr OPEN 'TIL 9, MON. TO FRIDAY - CLOSED CHRISTMAS. EVE AT b P.M. srvt LEATIJER CRAFT FROM MEXICO LADIES' Hand Bags, Wallets Change Purses MEN'S WALLETS Assorted Styles ,and colors A PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT GOING AWAY FOR CHRISTMAS Travel with McBrine Luggage for Smart Styling and Colors Bowling `Shoes and Bags. For Ladies and Men Ernie Richardson . CURLING BOOTS ' , for Ladies - Men • assorted colors 7 Cocktail . Boots assorted heels in brushed nylon and vinyl Ideal Gift for Mother - SLIPPERS - FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY - LADIES' Warm, Cozy, Cuddle Pups washable orlon. Lullaby Slippers by , Nite-Acres Kaufman Foamtread machine washable MEN Shearling lined leather slippers Kaufman Foamtread machine washable Canadian Plural and many others Plurals Leather . Romeo Slippers in Gore or Zysiser - styles with leather Or foam sole READ' SHOE$S & LUGGAG� . PHONE 527.0690 - SEAF.ORTH "WHERE SATISFACTION IS GUARANTEED" �r�