HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-15, Page 5• • • • • • ,0 • • • • • 0 ".` V 4 bk W., naYsolli your telephone Manage* Canada's annual Safe -Driving Week is over for another year. By stressing defensive driving teclinkittes during this week, the Canadian Highway Safety Council, hoped to make motorists aware of every known safe driving procedure SQ that they will better remember and practise them for the Other 51 weeks of the year, We at Bell Canada - at least all of us who drive our own cars on bnailleSS or the fatal/jar green vehicles - well know the importance of driving def ensively. All of -us who do any driving as part of our work a1 Bell Eanada must take and pass a pretty.rugged Company course even though we have provincial driving permits. And, in recent years this course has stressed defensive driving. Really, defensive driving is little more than common sense. It means learning hoW to recognize potentially dangerous situatiOns, learning hew to avoid them, then putting this knowledge to use. Since 42 percent of the people surveyed in connection with The Canadian Drivers Test television program some time back failed the test, it seems that few people know where danger lurks. With winter setting in with its snowstorms, sleet, ice and sub -zero temperatures, defensive driving becomes more important than ever. Driv- er Improvement courses have been held in many parts of the country this year and more are planned for the months to come_Driving conditions have changed drastically since many of us received our first permits, and a fresh look at our driving habits could make motoring safer and more enjoy- able on our crowded streets and highways. And, it could make for a happier holiday season, when so many people will be travelling to join families and friends for Christmas and _New Years celebrations. * a a Did you happen to see the lteM in newspapers not too long ago about the man in California who has collected 20,000 telephone books from all over the world? Actually, what appears to be just an unusual hobby is really a tool of this man's profession. He's a tracer. of lost persons, and his library of telephone directories often helps him to track down missing persons for his clients. You can use your tele- phone book to track down things too. Things like Area Codes, emergency •numbers, instructions for making all kinds ,of Ovalle calls, and in the Yellow Pages, lists a dealers, pro- ducts or services that you may be looking for. •a a On- Christmas day, 35 years ago', telephone, lines carried the first radio broadcast of a complete opera "Hansel and Greta', It. was transmitted coast-to-coast from the Metropoli- tan Opera House in New York. Happy New Year. r TownShip'etonteil Met :With, .all, members Present. Mo,,, %ions approved inCludetl; nos Smith, Ond Ames Mair that this 004011 4P.kroireS the erectiOn' of a predommant: vocational addition and alter- aticitis -to the present Wingham District gigh. SChpol building to accommodate an additional 510 PhPils, and the issuance of .debentures on the assessment of the combined Lucknow and WhIgham, District High School areain payment of approxi- mately 2.5 per cent of the total Bost of the said addition and alterations; -By Walter Shortreed and Mair that Mel Craig be re -ap- pointed as Morris' representas tive on Wingham District High School Board; -William Elston and 'Smith that John G. Berry be authoriz- ed to purchase for Morris any unsold land at the adjourned tax sale on December 14, 196q; -Mair and Elston that road ac- counts in tie amount ,,of $20,- 341.46 be accepted as presented by road superintendent; -Elston and Smith that Deputy Returning Officers get $12.00 each; Poll Clerics, $10.00 each -- NOTICE -- For Co -Op Insurance Call . . . W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 - John St. SEAFORTH • Complete Coverage For: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical • WindServicesin surance P10? SMOKE, Na ODOUR Walden &, Broadfoot Phone 5274224 Seaforth EVE.MAR - • • WeilitZtrer IT HEADQUARTERS EVE -MAR STORE • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO PHONE 527-1690 COME ANI) PICK A GIFT FROM OUR CHRISTMAS VALUES, FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE. . FROM YOUR FAMILY CLOTHING STORE Extra Special For Christmas LADIES' 'AND GIRLS' DRESS COATS -0 to 20% iscount guy NOW AND SAVE' "Come to the Store Where Your Dollar Buys the Most" t R . ORE i' ,. "'• 0 rih :-,1ii and Returning Offieer, $35.00; • --Shortreed and attj Amith-that we pima!' with 149110.441 Put forth by rePresentatiVeg, front,',•Sea- forth . Hospital Board •for grant according. to. patients using faC- plies of ROSPitfa , from the, Township of Morris; . Following the meeting MOM - ben of Council, and employees of the township were entertain- ed to dinner at the home of Reeve and Mrs. Stewart Proc- ter, Walter Shortreed extiresaq ed appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Procter- for their hospitality and then read ,all address to Nel- Aon Higgins, who after -35 years as treasurer of the township ,is retiring. Mr. Elston then pre- sented Mr. and ' Mrs. Higgins with an elebtric blanket in ap- preciation of services rendered to the municipality. General Accounts Murray McArter. and Robert Bird, fox hountY, eaeh, $4.00; Post Publishing House, re -snow plowing, $3.00; Hydro on hall, 9.75; Town of Clinton, balance of debenture payment, 7622; Royal Canadian Legion Poppy account, wreath 14.75; Helen Martin, revising voters' lists; 40.70; Judge R. S. Hetherington, revising voters' lists, 11.00; De- partment of Health, insulin 6.6;7 Robt.'4, Nicholson Const. Ltd., part payment on McArthur Drain, 1,728.30; Wingham Ad- vance -Times, municipal notice, 3.24; Post Publishing House, municipal notice 4.00; Grey Township, debenture payment 2,796.46; Morris Township School Board, school projects, 91,000.00; Laurie Scott, DRO, 12.00; Leo Cronyn, PC, 10.00; Allan MCCall, DRO, 12.00; Allan Searle, PC, 10.00; Mark Arm- strong, DRO, 12.00; Mrs. Tel- ford Cook, PC, 10.00; Howard Smith, DRO, 12.00; Jack Clark, PC, 10.00; Charles Campbell, DRO, 12.00; Gordon Higgins, PC, 10.00; James Bowman, DRO 12.00; Glen Sellers, PC, 10.00; Helen Martin, Returning Offi- Win Prizes At Euchre , Winners at the L.O.L. Eu- chre- on. Friday were ladies' higb 1Vfr. Joe„ Smith; Jadlear lone lands, 1Virs. gelen Lane.;, ladies' consolation, Mrs.. Bessie Davidson; _men's. Bob Smith; men'a lone han4s,-,Mr- Ed .Pryce; men!s-eopsOlation, Mr. Andrew Turnbull. Happy VVOikers Sponsor Meeting The Happy Workers of Sea - forth District met at the home of Mrs. L. Whyte on Thurs- day. Table service and manners and how to set a table prop -1 erly were discussed. The next meeting on Thurs- day, Decembe1 22 will, also be at Whytes. when mothers are invited for a supper meal. 4-.1111 „. 1..4• , • 'ger, ,'Xiatria :St. Travis„ fielgr4V.0 ',Orange Woe az Eobertsen, use of houses.• for -atecttoh, .eaalt 10;00; icattastlion Imperial . Panic of Cemmeree, iecontotax andCanada Pension. MOO:. TOCOV" er General, 42 unemployment stamps, 7.48; Helen Martin, sal- ary 1:19.40; Ross Higgins, re- fund of spraying, 5.70; George Radford -Construction Ltd., Rob- ertson-Mathera Drain, 420.00; J, M. McDonald, aluminum door etC. 32.81; Joe Kerr, covering dumps, 56.00; Welfare 6.60; Cal. lander Nursing Home. 322,50; In connection with McCrea 'cemetery, Bill Vancamp, 5.50; Glen VanCamp, 31.50; W. Alex Nethery 14.50; Larry Nethery, 5.50; Cooper Nethery, 16.50; Walter Scott, 26.00; Sam.Pletch, 8.00; Alex H. Nethery 25.00; „sz•;„.11 • , 44,1;• .4.44.44 13,50; Itenttati iletherYil25.00; John Malick, 7.0,99; •Aelgreve: COX cement, et, 26.03;, gogitiotownput. ItipAerp Stainton Axgrdwget,?7A4t:;• . • ... R01.4 *•ACP,PlitS. Repro Radford, gravel,. • Or ga.,9.0; Ideal Supply Co. Ltd., fire ,extinguisher; etc., 29,95; Corrugated .Pipe co,, 293.68; Alex Inkley, oil, fuel oil and tax, 35.7.50,; Joe Kerr, dozer rentals, 493,50; Brussels Cold Yard, truck rentals 354.63; R. Harry Christie, drills 5.27; Ross A. Jameison„ hauling grav- el, 25,00.; 17,1yrdo on, shed, 10.00; Dominion Road Machinery, bal- ance on grader, 14,249.75; Wil- liam ,McArter, mileage, ete. 189.50; James Casempre, wages, 383.25; John Smith" wages, 115.- 50. Mid gets, Bantams Release Schedules' Seaforth Bantams opened their schedule in Mitchell, Mon- day night. The lack of practice and desire slowed the locals down as they dropped a .10-3 decision. The boys hope to im- prove as the year moves on. The schedule for the Bantams and Midgets are as follows and season tickets can be obtained from any player, coach or man- ager. These tickets allow the holder to all home games fin. the Midgets, Bantams and Juv- eniles. Midget Schedule • Dec. 12, Seaforth at Mitchell Dec. 17, Monkton at Seaforth Dc. 1.9, Seaforth at Listowel Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan, 22, Seaforth at Monkton 4, Seaforth at Clinton 7, Mitchell at Seaforth 14, Zurich at Seaforth 21, Clinton at Seaforth 25, Seaforth at Zurich 28, Listowel at Seaforth Bantam Schedule 12, Seaforth at Mitchell 14, Seaforth at Milverton 17, Milverton at Seaforth 23, Seaforth at RCAF 4, Seaforth at Clinton 7, RCAF at Seaforth 13, Seaforth at Hensall 14, Zurich at Seaforth 21, (Clinton at Seaforth 25, Seaforth at Zurich 28, • Hensall at Seaforth • NOTICE Our year end has been - changed from JULY 31st to DECEMBER 30th We would appreciate alt • bills being paid' on or • before this date OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 527-1910 Seaforth 00401' IPIPOWOR, $10004114 • INCHEIS The Blirnville U.C.W. 4104 0401r ctwistnwootiJng to the, cl*eb„ with .A large attend- ance. Ttte WaltetAgere Band Were,,fftteSta, Parsons.-- 1144 charge ',of the, =elite.* 004,4414104 two numbers accompanied by his ,Inetber.' at. the piano. Phil 41E171story. The, Messengers gav:p a Chr,Pt, • OIRISTMAS TREES Selet Sept. ph. . Icon Smith "•• EGMONDITITALR •' ROVVIT mao, .1'W/tattoo, S,anta Clatta apPeareil and gave all the ;'; Chaaren a OM ai4graiMgt.• ClaSSitied ads pay 1 Do Your Christmas Shopping . , MAIN STREET VARIETY RUB MEAT MARKE PHONE 527-0040 - SEAFORTH Oven Ready 6 to 18 lbs. TURKEYS lb. Store -Sliced Breakfast BACON lb. Lean Sweet Pickled ;0. • „. .„ titage R 011113. s WhYt?' $ze 'the. dreee SOLOGNAT•ib SMALL PORK SAUSAGES' • • •,• ib. 59c SKINLESS WIENERS • 1 I itlbs..'99c FRESH SIDE PORK lb. 69c __WONDEZMARVAMINZ, -59c FRESH GROUND HAMBURG,lbs.89c MEALTYME BREAD 2 vg' 43c Ready for iMAS'• - - L- FRESH KILLED AYTER TURKEYS ORDERS ,TAKEN ,NOW *000000000 VAIROON.k.. :K. .0... • , y' We Stock • SMILES 'N CHUCKLES NEILSON'S' and ROWNTREE CHOCOLATES IN CHRISTMAS WRAPPED BOXES FEATURING . . . JENNY LIND WHITMAN SAMPLER PERFUME COLOGNE TOILET GOODS A' few of the well-known brands of toilet goods avail- able at our store:: Ylardley, Faberge, Evening in Paris, Max Factor, Old Spice, Friendship Garden, Desert Flower and many others - Cosmetic Sets, Quality Sentlsr Bath Salts, Colognes, Dust. Rig Powders, Comb, Brush and Mirror Sets, Gift Sta. Dial 527-1990 tianery. In the Store and Windows of your Christmas Store, For Every Member of the Family, at FOR THE PHOTOGRAPHY ENTHUSIASTS! . • KODAK CAMERAS • MOVIE CAMERAS • MOVIE AND SLIDE PROJECTORS •. FILMS and SUPPLIES Pipes, Tobacco, Pouches, Cigarette Rollers, Shaving Sets, Electric Razors, Shaving Brushes and BArls, Kodaks, Leather Wallets, Travelling Kits and Lighters. CIIR1STMAS CARDS . A Colorful Selection Available in Boxes or Single • • Gift Wrapping Paper Seals and Tags of Every Kind for Attractive Presents All Makes of ELECTRIC,. • SHAVERS At Special Prices for Christmas Giving ! GIVE AN ELECTRIC SHAVER The ever -day -in -the -year Gift! Keating's Pharmacy J. E. Keating, Phm.B. "The Rexall Drug Store" M. E. Hoover, Plral:- Sedorth