HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-15, Page 3• • • • r. M • 4. • N • .7 .x..,4..1;4.- The Dearborn Mick/ Guide in a i recent issue tells of ,new duties assigned, 'to Corporal Basil Byrne of 7 the Dearborn Police ,Force; - Corporal Byrne is a. son, of Mr. and Mrs.. Basil Byrne of 'Dearborn and a nephew of Miss' Monica Byrne of Dublin. t3~ "school policeman" Pro Vatn in which dildren in local schools will have the opportun- ,'ity to meet and talk regularly with a Deatborn police officer has •been in gusted i1y Chief of Police Joh ii B. O'Reilly. O'Reilly has assigned Cerpor- al Basil Byrne, .of the Accident and 'TrafficBureau, to be the "school, policeman,;" and "since, Nov: 1, Byrne t. has been f unc-. K SANTA ASKS YOUT!O Follow These Rules of , C -A -R -E and SAFETY! KEEP YOUR Cnoose a place for the Tree which will not block access to doors or windows in the event of an emergency. Hold it! Before you set up the Tree, cut one or two inches from, the butt. Then - • set it in water. Crushed stone in 'a suit- able container will keep it steady. c er eiitber. to replenish water regularly throughout the Christmas Season. Yon may need to add more than: a pint a day, nsulation of lighting strings should be checked for ` damage and possible short circuits. If buying new lights, be sure they are C.S.A. Approved. moking near the Tree is foolish and dan- gerous! Keep, cigarettes and matches at a safe distance. insel and other decorations should be non- flammable. Don't deck your Tree with added fire dangers! . . • 1 Make .sure that matches are kept out of reach of children, and NEVER leave young children ,unattended even for a minute! Asways clear away discarded gift wrap- pings promptly from the Tree area. Even a moist Tree will burn if ignited by such a fire around- its base. Switch_off the Tree lighting when Fou go to bed, or whenever you leave your home. SAFE FROM FIRE REMEMBER! Nothing can render these dis- plays absolutely safe, and that if accidents are not to., mar the festive season, constant vigil- ance and care must be exercised. , To the Citizens of Seaforth and District We Extern Best Wishes, for a Happy Holiday ' Season SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE R. J. BOUSSEY JOBN P. SCOTT Secretary .Etre Chief Scotch. Pine aid Balsam Nicely Trimmed GORDON NOBLE. Phone 527-0840 --- We Deliver - For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR 'LIFE ' SEE JOHN " A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office- _Directly Opposite - Seaforth Motors tioning in that eapaeitr, Dy`ne's assignment is to tour the scheels--Pubiic and parochial; and give talks to the children. The goal is to estab- lish a closer relationship . be- tween the child in school and the policeman. "We want to offer to the school children, a program in which they'll understand that the officer is a friend and a man to be counted on," O'Reilly said. "The childshould have the opportunity to ' meet a police- man and get to .know.what he stands for,. Many cli4drreri do 'not understand 'that'the police- man's duty is to prpteei them. and help them in many ways at any time." Bryne has' already hadaler of of meetings with; school Children:tie spoke last; week'to two second grade closes at VYilliam , Fold, tIepientary, School • on "the 4uties `pf: an, offiger." ' Oh Monday, • the corporal spoke at an assembly at 'Salis- bury Elementary School on the policeman's role in the com- munity. On Friday, he met with the safety boys of St. Alphon- sus School. Im his talks, Cpl. Byrne has dealt with the subjects of pe- he said, rborn met HURON EXPOOTOSIt SIEASOIMir ota roc ix, destrian traffic, problems of law enforeeip.ent, and the need lox citizen assistance to the policeman. He has also talked about how bicycles should be protected, how damage to school property can be prevented, why children should respect' their elders and respect the directions of safety boys, how littering can be halt- ed, and 'other topics. * * • Byrne, who attended Oakman Elementary School, Al phonsus and the Lawrence In- stitute • of Technology, • recalls that when he was ;a child, In- spector John ,Bartkowiak' Would come to school' end give talks, Bartkowiak 'retired in '1$55. Besides -`giving talks; 'Bryne plans , to work with school' 1:of- ficials in projects line bicycle inspection and registration: He ""reported that he has re- ceived'"a very good response" from teachersan school chil- dren .since he began his work as a school. policeman. "I'd like to have children feel that• i when a policeman comes to their school, it is as a friend," Byrne said. "The children think that a crime has been committed and the policeman is there to arrest someone. "We'd like to change that," Hensall Rector Moves _to Windsor Rev,a.. P. Gandon of the Par- ish of St. Pail's, Hensall and of Trivitt Memorial, Exeter, has. been appointed to be Incumb- WOMEN'S AUXILIARY The Women's Auxiliary of St., Thomas' Church, met at the home of Mrs. Cleave Coombs, Eg'mondville, The president' Mrs. Boulton _opened_ the_ meeting by reading the story of Christmas jroin St. Luke, chapter two, followed. by prayers and singing the Christ- mas carol, "Silent Night", Mrs. Coombs read a poem, "There will always be Christmas." . The study book, "The Church grows in Canada') was given by Mrs. William O'Shea. An. exchange of Christmas gifts was held and a lunch was served by Mrs.=Coombs. and Mrs. Jones. ,The _January meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Boulton, Goderich St. u iii �I • it I /rv`l fr,l I I Ifr. ) Ildl WATC TIMEX CARAVELLE ENICAR BULOVA ACUTRON..::. ES 7.95 to .39.95 17:95 to 39.95 29.95 to 80.00. 39.95 to 124.95_.. • 135.00 up- -All ' watches sold by us carry a one-year guarantee and (with the exception of Timex), are serviced by our own watchmakers. Q 0 • Anstett Jewellers Ltd. TRADE-INS WANTED WRIP"ler' I;wi w It i,Ew e- .6 wr1i F i r pW r11y TRU CK LOA LOTS of GRAIIV DELIVERED .DIRECT To Your GRANARY at COMPETITIVE .PRICES 11 V. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEELS LIMITED' Phone 5274910 ent of the Anglican Parish of St. Michael's and all Angels, Windsor, The appointment was announced by the Bishop bf Huron, the Right Reverend G. N. Luxton. Mr. Gandon is a native of REV. J. P. GANDON Here is Your Arin ld StInnis n GROUP I„11P1E '� A:CCI�Dtite all$ SICKNI> Ss MAJOR ECA`;` PENSIONS .• ANNUITIES • ?E�pre�enOziE Sim Life ASSUP1100-.COmpany Godetielt St, Est , Seaforth of Vanada 'ANT Ap.,S BRING.QU CI °RESUJ4W, Pial: G2? 0 Shopping .. 1 S Fruit- Cake Shoirtbread Mince Pies Fancy Cookies Bread Parker House Rolls Danish Pastry French Pastry Pattie Shells , Chocolates Cigarettes Ice Cream.. Candies Ginger Ale Soft Drinks Manchester,. England, where he 0.• Ins received his early education. He 'spi is a' graduate of the London, College of Divinity, London, and l was ordered. Deacon in , 1956, and ordained Priest in 1957 by the Bishop of Chelmsford; Fol- lowing, o1- lowin ordination he served as Curate at St. Michael's. and All Angels, Westcliffe-on-Sea, Es- sex: • Prior CO his training for the Sacred Ministry he was a sales- man for a wholesale drapery firm. . Mr. Gandon came to Canada in 1958 as Assistant Curate at the Church of the Ascension, Windsor. He was also Incumb- ent of the fol'mer 2 -point par- ish of St. David's and St. Luke's, Windsor, and subsequently St. David's, when it becanie an in- dependent parish..He has been Rector in his present Parish since 1963. While in Exeter he served as Deputy Reeve for the Town of Exeter for two years, Chaplain of the Canadian Leg- ion, and has been A:Y.P.A. Chaplain of Essex and Huron Deaneries. Mr..:tandorl served n the San ch East Township School 13 rd: was a member t ominion ,Board of Rel - s Education, and has been ral Dean of Huron since ne 966. andon is married to the Margaret Jean Croft, and e couple have two chil-- dren, hit-dren, Peter 3, and Catherine 1, This -appointment becomes ef- fective February 1st. HELP KEEP HOMES INTACT '1 Christmas is for giving and sharing', Help share happi- ness with a gift of good health - your 'contribution to Christmas Seals. Do it 'today! HGF'' TB AND OTER RESPIRATORY DISEASES 9. 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