HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-08, Page 6i,,-THR H2Onen. EXPQS4TOR, SEAFORTK p111'1'., GIEci 0, 1944 LOL EUCHRE ORANGE HALL Friday, Dec. 9th 8:3e p.m. Lunch Served EVERYONE WELCOME Trasferred Douglas Wright son of Mr. and Mrs. Art Wright, who has been on the staff of the Tor- onto -Dominion Bank here, has been transferred to the Petro - iia 1branch and commenced his duties on Monday. Friday night at closing time the staff presented him with a gift on his departure along wi hest wishes. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. SMORGASBORD SATURDAY, DEC. 10th -- 6 p.m. 15 Dishes to choose from $2.00, ALL YOU CAN EAT ENTERTAINMENT — Friday Night SAN - N -- TONES Saturday Night KELLY DAWN'S TRIO OHA INTERMEDIATE "B" HOCKEY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8th ORANGEVILLE AT SEAFORTH SEAFORTH ARENA TIME: 8 :30 ADMISSION 50 cents and 23 cents December 15 Acton at Seaforth,. All This Week ......._..__ The Country Playboys Coming Next Week . BUD ROBERTS AND THE BORDERMEN AT N QUEEN'SHOTEL Seaforth �1'�n�aMt Clears Pay Hike E. R. Davis told •council at the regular meeting Monday that he had repaired several ,drains and catch basins, that the car park at the station had been graded and gravelled and he had erected the necessary snow fence. John Baker asked council to request the PUC to erect a new light at the north end of Nelson Street, and Harold .Knight requested that the PUC have l the wiring repaired at Mickle's Mill. Mr. Knight also asked coun- cil to consider the matter of decorations for 'the Centennial year. The clerk was instructed to order more flags. Applications for building per- mits were approved for John Lavender to apply siding on his house, and the Trustees of Car- mel Church to build an addition at the rear of 'the church. A by-law was passed to change the rates of pay for the Hensall fire brigade, prov- ides the fire chief will receive $20.00 per month, plus calls, assistant chief, $10.00 per month plus calls, no. one cap- tain $8.00 per' month plus calls, no. two captain $8.00 per month plus calls, secretary $7.00 per month . plus calls, motor mechanic or engineer $6.90 per month plus calls, plus $2.00 for weekly inspection with the ex- ception of practice week. All firemen will receive 0.00 per month plus calls and must at- tend all practises to qualify for the $5.00. Personnel to receive $2.06 per call plus $3,00 per hour spent at the call. By-Iaw was made retroactive to Janu- ary 1st, 1966. Council declared December 26th and 27th public holidays in the Village of Hensall. ' Farmers • U n ion...:Meets . _. Local 284. Ontario Farmers'" Union met in the McKillop Township Hall at Winthrop with President George Stone in the chair: The President reviewed Farm Union activities of the last year in trying -to improve the farmer's economic posi- tion. Over 100 resolutions'' were di_cussed that were presented - at Belleville on the occasion of the Ontario Annual Meet- ing. The Huron -Perth District Director Will speak at the next meeting. December 15th. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240, Seaforth Industrial Hockey December lith Seaforth Arena 7 p.m. Don Coleman's team vs. Ron Dale's team 9 p.m. Bill Pinder's team vs. Frank Wilkinson's team 1 Ali 1 r4• �..( l� vii r i �_ 'i , ✓ t v1. rl, ,,,+1! LIONS TURKEY. BINGO THoie IS FRIDAY DECEMBER 9th at 8 p.m. LEGION HALL SEAFORTH 12 . 'Regular Games r- 5 - Share - the -..Wealth Admission $LOO Doer. Frites Should Up -date Objectives UDP Meeting Is Told Objectives . of the United Dairy and Poultry'to-op should be reviewed and brought up to date, a Co-op official told a meeting at Blyth. George, Suthetland, UDPC first vice-president, was presen- ting the directors' report to Zone 3 of the organization. He said the UDPC's policy of merging dairy marketing co- operatives has worked well since it started in 1958. The directors' theme is "changing objectives," he said, and policies laid down eight years ago have to be reviewed and brought up to date. "Producers in Ontario have indicated that the compulsory NEWS OF WALTON institute Discusses Safety Measures The Walton Women's Insti- tute met in the Community Hall and was preceeded by a supper served by the 4-H girls. and their -leaders. Mrs. Ken- neth McDonald and Mrs. Nel- son • Mks. The thenie of the meeting was "Safety" under the lead- ership of Mrs. Alvin McDon- ald and Mrs. Nelson Marks. A film "Anatomy of “an Ac- cident" was shown with Neil McGavin operating the pro- .jector. The roll call was ans- wered by a• safety hint. .The business was conduct- ed by the president, Mrs. Roy Williamson. She expresjed the thanks of the--7,1adies to the girls for the supper and Joan Dennis made . the reply. The minutes were read by Mrs.. Gerald Watson. A letter from 'the foster child in Hing Kong was passed around to read. Plans for the Summary ;Jay at Wingham were made. The next meetins is to be held December 19th with Miss Mary Heahn of Wingham as guest, showing - articles made from plastic bottles. - The sum of five dollars was voted sent to the Children's War Memorial Hospital, Lon- don. A report on the District Fall Rally held at Auburn was read by Mrs. Roy -Williamson in the absence of Mrs. James' Nolan. . . Mrs. R: Williamson report=- ed on the progress of putting the water in tine hall. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyce and son Billy of Madison Heights, Mich., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Fox, last week end. Recent visitors at the home - of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid included Mrs. Clifford Mach- an, Mr. and Mrs. Robert 1V1ac- -Tian and .Mr. and Mrs. Bill. Griffin all of Sarnia. Mrs. Edna Hackwell is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Smith, London. ,dr. and Mrs,. Peter Koster �r:rl family of Toronto were recent guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Roy Bennett. W c ck end and Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis included, Mr,. and Mrs. A. H. Loveridge, News of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ennis, Stk ven and Leanne and Mr. and Mrs. David Freethy, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stimore of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. James Scott at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. George Fle- witt of Tuckersmith visited on Sunday with Mrs. W a 1 t e r Broadfoot. .About 25 ladies from the community and their leaders Mrs. Jan Van Vliet and Mrs. Margaret Humphries, who took a Millinery "Course, at tended Summary Day at Wingham last Wednesday. marketing board is the best in- struntent in achieving the best return for all the producers of a product." he Mid. During a question period, Mr. Sutherland said "We are not happy to go out of milk, but we have to keep the cost down." "We have seen many changes since 1958. Many farms have increased their efficiency dur- ing this time. There is no rea- son why co-operatives and the marketing board cannot work amicably together." Mr. Sutherland said long- range plans are being made for the Blyth • and Wingham branches of the UDPC, but they will continue to.. operate as feeder plants for major plants. Blyth will continue to be a receiving station for Guelph. "Small plapts do not lose their identity. They still have pride in their operation,'' lie said. Elect Director Martin Baan of Walton was elected Zone 3 director by ac- clamation. He will be serving his third two-year term. Delegates to the annual UDPC meeting in Guelph, Dec. 6 are: Peter van Veen, Brus- sels; John Campbell, Bayfield; Les Fortune, Wingham; Martin Baan, Walton; Elmer Ireland,- Wingham. IrelandWingham. Claim Error in Report of -Bus Cost L. R. Maloney, business ad- ministrator at Central Huron Secondary School in Clinton said last week that bus trans- portation costs to'CDCI board were 35.7 cents per Mile, not 59.98 cents per mile as ' prev- iously. reported. The correct figure is most comparable to transportation costs at all other high schools in Huron. The..liigher_ figure had been supplied to Ross Lovett, ` Hur- on County representative on CDCI board and he reported it to Huron County Council No- vember session. The.same figure had also been supplied to town- ship representatives on the board for presentation at nom- ination meetings on November 25. In a letter to council, Ma- loney explained that "the er- ror wag caused in the transposi- tion of figures at. the time the calculations were made" and noted the mix-up had not cost anyone any money. The mistake was discovered after George' Clifton, Stanley Township representative to CDCI board telephoned Malon- ey during the Stanley nomina- tion meeting. Clifton had been AI1 1' Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cooper and famUy were Sunday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Carey. Miss Ina Jefferson' and Miss Jo -Ann Belton of London vis- ited on Saturday with Ina's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jefferson. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams, Janet and Helen of Blyth vis- ited on Saturday with Mrs. Adams' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Mr. and 14irs. James Gardin- er and Charles of Kirkton were Saturday evening visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs.. Gordon Marquardt, Janet and David of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dodds and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Harburn were guests at the Sprung:Christensen wedding which took place in Winthrop United Church on Saturday, They also attended the wed- ding reception which followed in, the churchparlour. Mr. W. Higgins of Mitchell' and Miss Susan Livingston of Listowel are practising teach- ers at S.S. No. 6 school Hib- bert this week. .The Christmas service of worship from the Glad Tidings was used for devotions at the Christmas meeting of the WMS of Cromarty Presbyter- ian Church, which was held at the home of Mrs. E. Moore. Mrs. Robert Dodds presided with Mrs. Grace Scott, Mrs. Thos. Laing and Mrs. Malcolm Lammond assisting with scrip-' ture readings and meditation. Eleven members answered the roll call with a Christmas thought. Mrs, Moore gave a Ontario Farmers' Union Meeting Dec. 15, 1966 41t 8:30 p.m. McKillop Township Office C. Govier, District Director, Speaker Member* and friends Cordially • invited: seasonable topic and pot luck items were given by each member. Mrs. Wm. Harper gave the treasurers report and, i_vzrs. K. ivicKellar the secret- ary s in absence of the .secret- ary, Mrs. .T. L. Scott. 'Mrs. Mervin Dow led in the Glad Tidings prayer. Mrs. T. Laing reported 12 cards sent and 1 visit. ivirs: Lamond conducted the business period and after hearing annual reports from the various secretaries, report- ed the following slate of of- .ficers for 1967. Honorary Pre- sident, Mrs. Thomas Scott; President, Mrs. Malcolm La - mond,; 1st Vice=President, Nirs. Grace Scott; 2nd Vice-Presi- ident, Mrs.Mervi n Dow; Sec- retary, Mrs. T. L. Scott; Trea- surer, Mrs. William Harper. Glad Tidings secretary, Mrs. Grace Scott; Supply secretar- ies, Mrs. Thomas Laing, Mrs. Thomas Scott; Welcome and Welfare, Mrs. Thomas Laing; Literature secretary, Mrs. R. Dodds; Press reporter, Mrs. K. McKellar; Pianist, Mrs. K. Mc - ,Kellar; C.G.I.T. and Explor- ers leader, Mrs. M. ^Lamond; C O.C. leaders, Mrs,. Jim Mil- ler, Miss Shirley Gardiner; Nominating committee, . Mrs. Frank Allen; Mrs. Calder Mc- Kaig. Cavalier Dance Music by the Cavaliers of London ° A SATURDAY Dec. lath, 1966 at the Dashwood Conti unity Centre Everybody Welcome. questioned by Stanley Reeve !Ernie Talbot concerning the discrepancy. in the cost of bus transportation as revealed in a composite report to Huron County Council from all five high schools in the county. - At the same meeting, Robert Peck another Huron county rep- resentative to the board stated he did not believe it was pos- sible that Clinton's bus costs were nearly- 40 per cent., higher than anywhere else in the coun- ty and argued, the costa "must" be figured on a different basis. Classified ads pay dividend. CHRISTMAS in First Presbyterian Church. SUNDAY December 11th 11:00 A.M. Service of Worship WHITE GIFT SUNDAY - 10:00 A.M. Senior Church School 7:30 P.M. Sunday School Christmas Concert SUNDAY December 18th - 1):00 A.M. Service of Worship Carols and Christmas Anthem by the Sr. - Choir 7:30 P.M. Evening Song Service Two. Christmas Cantatas "Kneel et The Manger* sung by the Junior Choir "The Music of Christmas" sung by the Senior Choir SUNDAY December 25th Christmas Day :moo A.M. Service of Worship The Musk -and Message of Christmastide First Presbyterian Church extends the wish for a Blessed Christmas to Everyone! Clear Bridge (Continued from rage 1) proved by the Department of Highways and the old furnace is to be disposed of. Allan Nicholson, read super- inten4ent, is to investigate the best type of fire extinguisher for use on ' the new grade. Councilor Cleaye Coombs rec- ommended the dry type. A by-Iaw was passed to bor- row no more than $50,000 as a loan to the Tuckersmith Munici- pal Telephone System. A culvert at Warren Whit- more's has been approved by the Department of Highways. A rural area is one of those backward places where they use money instead of credit cads., DANCE WALTON HALF, Friday, Dec. 9th' DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Sponsored by Walton W.I.,, A Lunch Booth EVERYONE WELCOME BETHEL BIBLE CHURCH (Services 4t Orange Hall) Rev. Floyd Shantz, Pastor SERVICES FOR Sunday, Dec. 11, 1966 Family Bible School 10 a.m. Classes for all ages Morning Worship - 11:00 a.m. Message: "Recognizing the Need" Happy Hour: 2:30 p.m. Evening 'Service: 7:30 p.m. The Spokesman Quartett of Kitchener, will be in Bethel Bible Church this Sunday, Dec. 11, 7:30 p.m. You will ,ploy their free style of Gospel music as welk.es the ministry of the Word of God. Remember this Sunday night at 7:30 p.m. —4- The Spokesman Quartett. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost • Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. CHRISTMAS CONCERT • Pupils of McKillop T.S.A. IN SEAFORTH DISTRICT*HIGII SCHOOL 8 P.M. Friday December ° 9th Admission Adults 50c; Students 25c Songs - Skits = Drills - Etc. HURON PROVINCIAL LIBERAL ASSOCIATION ANNUAL MEETING and election of delegates to Ontario Leadership Convention .T ursday, Dec. 15th Elm aver) Motel, ,Clinton DINNER 7 (Lower Dining°Room) P.m: MEETING 8 Everyone Welcome (Tickets available from the Executive) P. SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY ANNUAL BANQUET AND DANCE Saturday, Dec. _10th at 6:45 p.m. At The Legion Hall, Seaforth 7 Music by, The LORDS of LOND.ON.. (Toronto) The following CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS Have Been Adopted: 1. Stores will be open all day Wednesday, December 14th, and 21st, until 6:00 p.m. 2. Stores will remain open until 9:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; Thursday and. Friday December 19th to December - 23rd. 3. Stores will close at 6:00 o'clock p.m. on Christmas Eve, Saturday, December 24th. MERCHANTS' COMMITTEE Seaforth Chamber of Commerce