HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-01, Page 94 ire st Diff WJLL1A.. Ph0 e 627,0870 AT -- Sea1+ th 4 -f GOOD 'SERVICE AT LOW, .LOW psi. 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN 1961 CHEV. BISCAYNE-6 1966 AMBASSADOR 1963• CLASSIC SEDAN • Y Cylinder Come and See the • NEW 1967 MODELS MILLER MOTORS Phone 527.1410 Seaforth American Motors Dealer WANT ADS BRING QUICK•RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 • Read the Advertisements -- It's a Profitable Pastime! r. `Big egg profits start with Starcross 288 chicks .. . Proveit—you say! In a five year summary (1961- 2965) of random• tests in Canada and the United States, the SHAVER STARCROSS 288 consistently ranked at the top. The STARCROSS 288 was de- signed as a high producer of eggs on a minimum of feed in any environment. Take a look at these facts and .count on BIG PROFITS. .„ SHAVER • Income per pullet housed $2.20 • Egg yield per year..,.250.280 • Percentage of large and extra large eggs................84% CONTACT YOUR NEAREST SWIFT HA'TCHERY 1 OR DEALER WALTER. McCLURE RR 2, SEAFORTH PHONE 527-0476 M. a result of a questioxsaire -sent-out-to --i'epresent,a4Yea. of the five high school board's op. erating within` -the County Of Buren, some. extremely Nterr esting information, from a coxli-.. paraative, point of view, was pre- sented to members ,of Buren County, Conned .at their Now ember session Questions asked by members indicated some doubts on their part. The questionaire, was un- der 14 different headings. J. Ross Lovett presented the facts for Central lluron Secon- dary School, Clinton. Pupils • attending, 1,066; from district, 650; classrooms 37; shops 8; gymnasiams 3; cafe- teria 1; teachers, including principal 66; salary range $5,- 300, to $15,000; other staff 22; salary range, $2,200 to $7,000 (business administrator); ten biases; 11 routes; 550 pupils per day; miles travelled -by buses, 492 miles per day at an- nual cost $50,020; cost per mile average 59.98 cents; assessment of area, 1966, $10,858,225; mill rate, 17.92; present capital pro- gram, $506,900; equipment $67,- 500; sports field, $16,073.,. Russell Kernigham presented report for „Poderieh District Collegiate Institute Board. Pupils attending, 650; attend- ing CHSS, 124; classrooms, 24; teachers, including principal, 32; salary range, $5,300 to $10,- 660; other staff 5; salary range $2,000 to $4,500; 10 buses; miles travelled) by buses, 820 daily; cost per mile, 33 cents; asses - ALL TYPES INSURANCE Donald G: Eaton Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 : • Seaforth 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME,,BUSINESS, FAM, • CAR, AR ACCIDENT, LIABILITY QR_ SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seafo-rth Motors 1965 CHEV. A.T. SEDAN—E802 1965 EPIC--E92Z76 1964 PONTIAC "6" COACH, A.T. and R.—E8347 1964 OLDS SEDAN, A.T. and R.—E9395 1963 FORD,SEDAN "8" STANDARD RADIO 1963 CHEV. SEDAN, A.T. and R. --E8730 1962 KIEV. SEDAN—E8947 1961 METEOR COACH ---E9488 1961 CHEV. SEDAN—E7981 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED Seaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 Seaforth LOT OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00 •dont.R area; $1 ,18.5,40; min rate., l7„9h capital l�rog.ran?f $1,, ;4p : addition.. _-meluding- O,uipxne! it, ,lohn, C, irewer submitted the repo of Winghom District High- School. Pupils attending, 080; attend- ing CHS, nil; , classrooms, $9; teachsrs, including principal, 4'7, plus two pare time; salary range, $5,300 to $15,000;, other staff, head custodian pays staff of six, $25,500; office part time, $1.50 to $1.70 per hour; salary range $2,950$o $4,800; cafeteria staff, $1,650 to $3,000; buses, 14, and' two feeder lines;' miles travelled, 1,107 per day; cost per mile, 37.97 • cents; as- sessment of area, $13,686,719; mill rate, 9 mills (reduction of three from 1st year); future capital- program, futher ad,di- tion to vocational` facilities tQ. 'accommodate additional 51.0 pupils increasing capacity to 1,520' pupils. Ken Johns reported for Hur- on South District High School. Pupils attending, 758;, attend- ing CHSS, 119; classrooms 26; re plus four.portables and�library; teachers including principal 41; salary :ainge.i ,500 •tn ;11,- 000;. vice-principa 1300; principal, $14500; otheaff, business admir. st nistrator, $6,700; chief custodian $400 per rxxopth; five custodians, $1.50 per hour;. four Secretaries, $2,400 to $3,- 200; 3;200; buses 20; miles travelled 950 daily; cost per mile, 31.40 cents; assessment of area, $15,- 701,347; mill rate, 15; addition to cost $2,118,532. Russell Bolton „reported for Seaforth District High School, Pupils, attending, 421; attend- ing ttending CHSS, 70; classrooms, 16; teachers, including principal, 20; salary range, $5,300 to $13,- 500;, other staff, custodians, $3,- 000 to $4,000; buses, 7; miles travelled, 10,170 miles per year; cost per mile, 38 cents; assessment of area, .$9,504,571; in01 rate, 12.8; present pro- gram, $800,000 replacement and addition to increase- classrooms to 16. One member asked why des- crepancy in cost.of bus travel per mile. Council Considers Health Unit Salaries Huron • County Council made several changes at the Novem- ber session in connection with matters pertaining to working, conditions of the Bounty p1oyees, with particular stress on employee benefits. A gener- al meeting was held with var- ious department heads and chairmen of certain committees. Highlighting the changes were the following: ' —In future, employees being granted an extension beyond the •normal retirement age of 65, will, not receive`any further salary increases or and above, the salaries which they were re- ceiving at the time of reaching retirement. Extensions will con- tinue to be allowed if the 'com- nnittee concerned deems it ad- visable, dvisable, but salary, employee is receiving' at retirement remains constant during the extension period. . —In future, there will be ten statutory holidays for all county employees, and if a statutory holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, it is to be taken on the next working day or at the dis- cretion of the department head. These statutory holidays 'are: New Year's Day,- Geod Friday, May 24, July 1, Civic Holiday, Labour Day, Thanksgiving Day, November 11, Christmas and Boxing Day. —In future, mileage paid ' to county employees- is to be at the discretion of the committee or board concerned, but the rate is • not to exceed ten cents per mile. —In -'future, sick leave money paid to an employee. shall be calculated on basis of 260 days. per annum. —In 'event of death of an em- ployee, his estate will be paid two week's salary from date of death. —An employee. called for jury duty shall be entitled to jury pay and at same time not lose wages for, days absent from work while on jury duty. Clerk Saes Increase In County Tax Rate An increase_ rt} the county= mill rate in 1967 was forecast by Clerk -Treasurer John G. Ber- ry in his financial report to Huron County Council last -week-.---He—considered. it .``more than likely” in view of the ' in- creased cost entailed in setting up a new county library sys- tem. Mr. Berry submitted financial statements as follows: general account, highways account, county health unit, county lib- rary co-operative, children's aid society, Huron ''County' Horne. "Generally, speaking, the fin- ancial_ picture appears to be rather good. All acco are showing a surplus, with the ex- ception of highways, and this is usual during the construction period;here seems to be no reason why they should not con- clude the year's activity ' with- in their budget, • "-The--picture for 1967 is go- ing to be semetvhat different, Departments "'which will more than likely increase in" cost of operation will be administra- tion of justice, child welfare, Hurontiew, Health Unit, Lib- rary and debenture costs will also increase. There, will be some relief in the fact that we can, divert a portion of the hos- pital reserve funds to apply against the additional debenture The young housewife was washing dishes in the kitchen when she heard a knock. on the back door, Thinking It was her husband, she said, "Come in darling, the door's open." There was a silence , then a deep voice boomed, "Sorry, lady, I'm not the regular met- er reader.' - HELP I EEP HOMES INTACT Christmas is for giving and sharing. Help share happi- 21089 with a gift of good health -- your contribution . to Citristnias Seals. Do it today! FIGHT TB AND OTHI3R SPIRATORY DISEASES cost ra eT `thasj,,W'to .continue` •to build'tip our hospital reserve fund. The clerk stated that the "as hi the case in all municipal fields, the __workload continues to increase.and he suggested changes to divide committee work between the deputy clerk and himself so that both would not have to attend committee meetings, as in the past. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be Honey in pock- et. To advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. USBORNE • & HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEADOFFICE - EXETER, Ont. Director's: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President- Cromarty Martin -Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice-Presid nt Win. H. Ch e - RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Com o uhoun R.R. 1, Science Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirktort Tim Toohey • - R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris' - Mitchell Secretary -Treasurer: Hugh Patterson - - Exeter OVER 100 WATCHES AT 5AVAUGE JEWELLERS Certified Watchmakers (Opposite Post Office) Timex .... $7.95 and up 17.1 Swiss 314.95 and up The sympathy .Pt the opt), munity is extended to the family of the late l'lvyd Atm er who:assed nw y at the londoia, Hose-tal on Thli.da moaning. Mr. John Dorsson Sr. is a . dept in Clinton neePli n a friends p1»isa4.n able -ts returnhorne, The Young People of the Varna, United, Church held a very succegsfu1 paper !.!rive last week end" Mr. and Mrs, David ,John- ston and ivirs. Emma Cocker- line of Pilot.Mound; Manitoba attended the funeral. of Fluysi Turner and are spending " a few days in the community. Members of the Bannock- burn Pipe Band surprised Mr, and Mrs. Wat Webster with a social evening at their hprne Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lee McCon- nell spent last week in Toron- to visiting with, Mr, and Mrs. Jhn McConnell nd"'family. pinfierwar:::•'.$0tou Entire 'Stack to be Sod Ove • 'atterna p cj Odd Fleeces, SAVE '25% 10 50% SA UGE WELLERS, WATCHES ---� • G!.FTS. DIAtMQN1DS SEAFO.RTE • (Opposite. Post Office) WANT ADS BRING QUICK RBSUIa 'S.. Dial E47-0240 'Read the Advertisements' It's a Praltq,ble Pastimtei PROTO ROYAL SALON WAVE The world's first emulsified Silicone / Protein Wave, reg. 17.50 SPECIAL Other perms from 8,50 FREE, while they last, with every perm, bottle Intim- ate Cologne. BRIAN'S HAIR STYLING WIGS AND HAIR PIECES — PHONE, -527-1700, Seaforth • r+ , , w ,Eo w.1i r+• , w.1r ,.M.i• w.i, 1, .rtj, x•• , p-, ,rY. , w.i, w , ,,�.. , w- t ; ,,wji ;0,4 el; µ•' , .� , x' , rG(, r+' ,. 1;—'.4- 4• FOR CH'E'ISTMAS EST "A HIBBERT REVIEW" (PART ONE) "A HIBBERT REVIEW" (PART Wo) "THE STORY OF HIBBERT TOWNSHIP" By ISABELLE CAMPBELL each $2.50 NW "The Settlement of Huron County" By. JAMES R. SCOTT priced at $5.00 THE -PERFECT GIFT For kriends of the ,Area and former Residents. AVAILABLE AT Since 1860, Serving the Community First Phone 527-0240 mosii •r r r r r� r"*'r�'r r r�'< t�•4.`,.; r'; �- r'r Seaforth WidaDattlerattfai