HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-12-01, Page 7• (Ci4ntioued fro* PaI3C '.t). of WOO. - COOltil0 Wilbaan Pews $aid he had expected.AO would' retire:' He said the highlights of the year had been the elec- tion of Reeve Stewart as War- den and the work involved in the Plowing Matcli, Councillor Ralph. McNichol told of the work which had been done -In gravelling and resur,. • facing ,township roads. Gravel cost together with chlorine had. totalled $27,280. He was satis• fled the work which had been carried out was satisfactory and this was indicated by the man- , ner wiiie1 the roads had stood upunder the heavy traffic which they were called on to carry during the Plowing Match. Cost of snow plowing had totalled $5,776. 'Councillor Al - Jan Campbell told the meeting. He said there had been a lot of ditching work ° carried out and at the moment twenty-twb ditches were underway in the township. It was hoped -that all would be completed early next summer. He urged ratepayers to initiate action concerning ditches as early as possible since it takes four months to carry . out administrative work before actual construction work can commence. Reporting for the aree.school board, board chairman, Murray Dennis said there had been a lot of work but it had been most enjoyable. While there had been differences of opinion,the root of all the discussions was the concern that the best course for McKillop students and rate- payers be found. He said that as far as he knew McKillop would be the only township op- erating one -room schools after the 1st of January. The board appreciated that the 'central school ' . must come and was studying the matter to de- termine the best course to fol- low. ollow. John Henderson, of the school board, said that the board had MCI deep workingwith the tnsppet, or and with other 'board& in, an. of fert to work elft a Satisfac- tory sollrtioi to'provide a high; er standard' of .education in the. township. Ho Was satisfies' that the decision that Wild inaliy. he •taken 'would be to the bene-' fit of the lieople as well as` the ratepayers. Arthur Bolton, another mein - her of the board said that there had been some difficulty in ads jesting to the new system. Now everything was settled down and there was tine to look to planning for the future. Emphasizing how essential at- tendance is ht said that grants were based on pupil attendance and in the case of McKillopi` amounted to $29,500. Regardless of what 'decisions were taken. regarding modern school ac- commodation it .could be antici- pated nticipated it Would cost arleast'two ,mills additional but that such a rate would compare favourably with rates in other municipali- ties. Trustee George Rock said he found the work most interest - Acclaim Mayor. (Continued from Page 1) COUNCIL (three needed)— John Tinney, Lloyd Hendrick, Charles R. Burgess, Harold Campbell. • BRUSSELS (election Dec. 5) There will be - an election in -Brussels Dec..5 to choose a reeve and four members of council. Calvin Kreuter, the present reeve, and J. H. Stretton, have qualified to seek •. the reeve - .nip. Council candidates are C. L. Cousins, 1. G. Campbell, Clarence Elliott, J. L. McCut- eheon and H. J. Tenpas. • C. L. Workman, PLIC com- missioner, and George McCut- cheon, school trustee, were el- ected by acclamation. iliop been. a Mistake in got,, baying bung a brand rGOW .school 'whoti the first :Qat war additipa was constructed. Ire. said 'there seem , to be a lack. Qi biteresj i agricultural courses at the school but perhaps this reflect- ed the lack of staff. There was a shortage of - accon odation in. Provincial Agricultural Schools and this suggested the neeessity of providing addition- al facilities in areas.'such as Huron. The regular meeting of the Red Cross will be held, in the Library rooms on Friday at 3 p.m. WARDEN KEN ' STEWART Ing. Educational demands were increasing 'but it was agreed that students should be provid. ed with the facilities they. need. Trustee Harold Pryce'al- so spoke briefly. Reeve Elgin Thompson of Tuckersmith Township, who was in attendance for the meet- ing brought greetings and con- gratulated the township. on "your reeve, our warden". He said it looked as if the warden next year would be Reeve Don McKenzie of Ashfield by ac- clamation. Harvey Craig, the township representative on SDIIS board said construction of the addi- tion at SDHS was well advanc- ed. Total expenditures at the seh4bl last year had beeri•4351,- 255. McKillop had 102 pupils attending SDHS and 28 attend- ing Clinton Vocational, Russell Bolton, who represents Huron County on the SDHS board suggested perhaps it had Sing a song of. Christ - mas, A stock- ing full of cheer; Christ- mas Seals on all your mail Will mean a Health - ier Year! Christmas Seals on your holiday mail fight tuberculosis and ,ether respiratory diseases CHRISTMAS SEALS FIGHT TB s PIain1Goo rise . 0 U. E THE • Sell Those No Long Need�dArticles Saturday Viatter'S With and Mrs- ,A,leX C, diiaer Were Mr. and Mrs, Ken Moorehead 4414 Chris of graxnptoxi aYital Mr. awl Mrs. Ed Kgechta a i Mr. Henry 'Eggert of. Rostock. Mr. and Mrs. Quo Walker visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, gugh Currie and family of Dorchester. 'Mrs. Alan Somers; of St. Marys, visited on Tuesday with Mr". and IVlrs• K. McKel- lar. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott are spending this week with some friends in Chicago where Mr. Scott is attending the Inter_ national loot Stock Show. While in the city they are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bre- brier. On their return trip they will' visit friends in Det- roit. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Miller of St. Marys visited on Sun- day with Mrs. Frank Allen and Mr. Will Warden. • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited on . Sunday with Mr - and Mrs, Wm. Alles and fam- ily of GadshillL. The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met in the Chulrch. Mrs. Gerald Carey presiding, opened the meeting with med- itations followed with 'scrip- ture lesson by Mrs. Lloyd Miller and prayer by Mrs. Carey. The topic "Thou shalt Re- memlffer" was presented by Mrs. Lorne Elliott. i jeven members answered the roll call with a thought - on "Re- membrance". Mrs. Charles Douglas gave the secretary's report and Mrs. Norm Har- burn gave the financial report. A portion of the StudyjBook, "Women in the Early Church" was reviewed by Mrs. John Miller. An - article, "Words from a Centotaph", was read by Miss Olive Speare. Mr. and Mrs.. Wilbur Miller opened their home for the No- vember meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club: Mrs. Cecil Bor- oman presided in the absence of the president, Darrell Park- er. Reports were given by the secretary and the •treasurer. The roll call topic "Your most important event of the year" answered by 17 members. The December,meeting will be held on the .13th with, a• pot,, luck supper at'.12:30 noon: Wilbur Miller and Lindsay McKellar are to arrange the pr o g r a m with Miss Olive Speare and Mrs. R. Dodd s• .eonvexiing._ Community ,sing-' ing followed with Mrs. Mc- Caughey at the piano. A vote of thanks Was extended to Mr. and Mrs, Miller. News of Woodham Mr and Mrs. Jim Rundle o -ureter ere-tvfo-naay-guesus_ witn sus. Hobert Rundle and Jacts. 'Inc Ladies Lodge held a eucnre in the hall- on >i'riday evening witn ten tables m play. Prizes going to Miss Ger- maine Beckett for ladies n.tgn score; lone hands, urs. Harry Webber; Men's Hign, Mr. La- verne ttoaa; lone hands, Air. Lawrence. Beckett Ladies lue. Icy card, 1Virs. Jim 4r iison of lx.xeter. yir. and Mrs -Gerald Brint- ncii, Terri and Scott visited un Sunday with ivirs. Ricna.0 Kinsman of- Seaforth and ivlr. iticliard Kinsman In Seaforth t inunity Hospital. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Smith were Sunday guests with MVlr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, Wurre„• Sandra and Perry of Lakeside-. ivliss Cheryl. Brine -spent ti.e Week r.grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Douglas were week end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit. Lloyd attended the Masonic meeting at Hazel' Park, Mich., on Saturday'.'evening. Mr. and Mrs. Max Epplett w; PLEASUSI r TJIB HURON EXPOSITOR $B IJ AT 8',I`RWART's M . AR . T EST STARDUST SIIIRTS After an absence of many seasons, this "white op wh t0 Forsyth shirt is back. No need .to say More if you.'vo had one. Sizes 14% to 15% only as yet Single or Double cuffsKso r' 249 MACHINE WASHABLE and WWCHiNE DRYABR.E ENGLISH RIB WOOL SOX ` For the first timecain history, sox that you en Machine wash and dry and still keep their size Eight beautiful new plain shades Only *SO PERMA - PRESS WHITE SHIRTS BY FORSYTH Terylene and cotton blend( shirts with a baked in life time press, make great, gift. Dad and Mother too. Stay set collar two-way cuffs. Sizes\14% to 17',x, sleeves 32 to 34. Gift Boxed 7 ReS 14 PERMA-PRESS PLAID -TYPE SPORT SHIRTS 7.95 ate► TIE - TACK and PUFF SETS Paisleys, polka dots and neat patterns, ties with a matching pocket puff and a tie tack make a new fashion gift he'll like at \ , $2 ■ o to 3 M5O w• V MAN ABOUT SLIPPERS FOR MEN Genuine. suede in brown olive shades, made by Lyons' of London. Sturdy enough for c al wear $3.95 All sizes 7 to 12 AT STEWART'S MEN S DEPARTMENT Just the gadget to keep his .suit4iclean and neat. Just roll off the dust and lint. . - Rollers $1 .00; Extra refills 2 for $ 1 .00 17 NEW FASHION • ' DOUBLE KNIT CARDIGANS Fine all wool double knit cardigans in new shades of Bottle Sizes S., M., L, .XL. Brown Whiskey, Sand, Blue and Grey $16.95 YOUNG -MEN'S , SHETLAND PULLOVERS o Green, Burgandy and Pheasant tones, .V or round neck, Machine washable_ Sizes S., M., L. • - Special $13a.95 SHOP AT THE STORE WITH THE BIG CHRISTMAS SELECTION STEWART BROS. 11.4 BUSWESs 61 YEARS --= AND GOING STRONGER THAN EVER! [F i A rs,.,i sr, r M f x • ;t 44, ..,r rr.,r !r n i ..v iss IPlr f l%* t ,.r r .x ! s, (4 ! .;i, s' !r*r NEWS OF HENSAi,i. Huron M.P. Telis institute Of Life in Canada North Kippcn East Women'; last lute held its Annual Faint, Night in Hensall Arena o Friday which began with i- I.ned home•,Sunday from aotah ? IHuron Hospital where she has been a patient frim • fifteen a 1 weeks. turkey banquet for memh”-rs and their families, Later in the evening, Robert McKinley. M.P. for Huron, showed slides of his 10.000 • mile mission. across Cauada's Northland. He was intrnctuc6 i I by Mrs. Kenneth McKay. ani, ' thanked by Mrs. Vern ;>.lder- lice. Mrs.' James 'Drummsnd. i gave a reading and Mrs. llsb• ert Kinsman, Mrs. Ross S:!1'1:' ras, Mrs. James Chalmers acel !are the Husbands of the Wsnt- Mrs. Robert Bell sang "We ens Institute", dressed in .'rat- able. costumes. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot acted as accompan- icst in her usual fine manner. At the euchre, winners were, Ladies first prize, Mrs. J- ' Broadfoot: second, Vfrs. Ball G i b s o n; consolation: Mrs. Lloyd Cooper; Lone hands, Mrs. Robert Bell. . Men's first. James Dri ni- mond; second. Bill • Gibson: consolation, Bill Bell. L alley chair prize was won by Miss Margaret MacKay. • Plan for Canvass At the Kihsmen s u p p e r meeting Thursday plans were made fol• the annual peanut drive Thursday at 7 o'clock. Teams were pickedto canvass the town. Christmas trees have ^ n cut and will be available around the first week in Dec- ember to anyone wishing one. George Beer, Bob Baker, Bob Caldwell and Murray Ba- ker were chosen as a commit- tee to investigate ways for Kinsmen to help celebrate Centennial, They will bring in a report at the next meet- ing and it is expected it will be a joint project with the Kinettes. Grades 1 and 2 of Hensall School, Hav Township School Area. and their teachers, Mrs. Frank Dalton and Miss Johns, were guided through Huron - dale Dairy, shown how the milk is bottled and homogen• iced and were treated to choc- olate milk, on Friay after- noon. Mrs. Grace Harpole who has been a patient in South Huron Hospital returned home Sun- daMrs. Stewart McQueen re- turned home frdin South itur- on Hospital on Sunday, where. she was a patient. Mrs. Jslm Itelidelrson refar- of Kingston who have been visiting with Mr, aril Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby of Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Kirkby and Mr. Charles Brine of Base Line were, ,Thursday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Rodd. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Keizer and family of Woodstock were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett, Jaqueline and Geraldine. Mr.• and Mrs. Fred. Arthur, Ross and 1 _ger of Brown's Corner were.Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrti. La- verne Rodd, . Wasne and Ed- die. • Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett, Jaqueline and Geral- dine were Sunday guests with Mrs, Rachel Bennett of St. Marys. Messrs, Tom and Ray Smith of London visited on Satur- day afternoon with their tnother Mrs. Mary Smith. 'Entertain at Goderick Hensall Kinsmen and Kin- ettes entertained patients et the Ontario Hospital, Gocler- ich, Wednesday evening, The patients enjoyed a period c f dancing with prizes for spot dances, with music provided by "Bonnie and the Chandel- iers" who donated their time. Members of the orchestra were Ken J uchatme, Larry Duchari e, Richard Denornme Gus Cresces and Bonnie Mc- Crae. In the absence of Bon- nie McCrae, Mrs. Wayne Smith of Eensall accompanied dt the pial O,. • Mr. Jcic Flynn is ap:. aru nt lin Sl. Joseph's -Hospital, 1. rn- ' dun. • •Mr. and 1L1r,s. Dona Rigby, rrid Stewart Knights of 131:•o - l• ;;'im visited recently with yIrs. S. •itleQueen at Ss it n . Huron H:spital. Twoshundred and fifty at- (steled Teen Town -dance in � :•knoll Arena Auditorium on -..nturd:�y night, music pr',vid- I d by the „Gladiator..' Mr. Wilbert Dilling r sd homeSunday-from South • Sick and Shut-ins. in Hen - sail, Queensway N u r s i ng Home (17 patients), South Huron Hospital, Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, St. Joseph's ifoe- _},ital, L o n d o n, Huronview, tre made .haply on Sunday when • m e m b e r !s ef• Hensall !Kinette Club called on them 'arid presented them with pac- - kages of fruit and treats. Over 45 packages Were given, out. I This is an annual project of the Kinette,Club- Mrs. John Henderson who h �s. been • a patient in South Horo"n Hospital for 15 weeks returned home: on Sunday. An Expositor Classified will Huron Hos ital where he had • Pay you dividends. Have you been a p ient. ! tried one? Dial 527-0240. LONGER STORE HOURS IN HENSALL Until Christmas Stores Open All Day Monday Nights and Friday SANTA VISITS HENSALL SAT., DEC.lOth 2:00 p.m. Free Party for the Children and Free Skat- ing for Deceml?er and January Sponsored by the Hensall Kinsmen, Kinetics, Legion and Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Lots of Parking Large Stock and Law Prices