HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-11-24, Page 1414,71VE• HURON - [POSITQR *AI ORTN,1N"P., 'Noy, VI, 190 • RADS ' r ALTii ` UNIT LO13A EUCHRE Wed., Nov, 30th' ORANGE HALL Admission 50 cents Lunch Served Classified ads pay dividends. ( continued from Page 1# ed with what he Aaw, Warden iCenneth Stewart, Mc- Killop, extended a warm wel- com) to the new official on behalf of the County of Huron. Dr. Evans was born and ed- ucated in Glasgow, Scotland. He graduated from the University of Glasgow in medicine and surgery in 1951, and received his diploma in public health from the same .university in 1956. In the' meantime, he as Knights of Columbus' TURKEY, BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth THURSDAY, DECEMBER ist 8:30 p.m. 15 Games — 5 Share -the -Wealth 2 Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards "25c — 3 for 50c — 7 for $LOO spent practically the entire Per. iod in public health service. lat- terly at Walsall, ten miles north of Birminghatn, England. Dr. and Mrs. Evans and four children, Christopher, eleven, Richard, nine, - Maureen, seven, and Andrew four, are present- ly living at the Hotel Bedford but will take up residence soon at 133 Nelson Street, Goderich. The three elder children are be- coming oriented to Canadian life through enrolment in St. Mary's School, Goderich. Mrs. Evans, the former Moira Braid, is a native of St, An- drew's Scotland, the original home of the game of golf. She plays golf but prefers tennis. On the other hand, Dr. Evans calls golf his game. While in sehobl; naturally he played soccer. The family are looking for- ,ward or,ward to a happy life in Huron County,' 4414444•444440•8448044•40•44. immorepoolom. EUCHRE in I.O.O.F. Hall Mon., Nov. 28th 8:30' p.m. GOOD PRIZES — LUNCH Sponsored by Edelweiss Rebekah Lodge • Admission SO cents rl. r1 ✓j„-: 1 1 �,(. i, w l rli <1' 1 V .; 1 ; � ._ 1 1 ._ 1�: i .••••.t SANTA COMES Ti SEAFORTH SAT., -NOV. 26 Parade Commences at 2' p.m. and will include: 1. Young Conquerors Forest City Fife and Drum Band 2. Smokey the Bear, 3. Seaforth Motorized Fire Fighter Demons 4. Seaforth C. of C. Float 5. Big Al from CKCO-Ty 6. Dorothy Galloway Twirlettes 7. Whale Float 8. Stratford Swanettes Santa Clause will distribute treats to area children from in front of the Town Hall following the parade FREE Skating for the kids at Seaforth Memorial Arena from ” 2«30 to 4 p.m. Credit,) Union (Continued front Page 9): notes .and $1,700..90 interest in deposit accounts for a total of over $75,090.00 in earnings for our members. A bylaw to increase themaxi- mum loan with a first mortgage on real estate as security frpgt• $10,000 to $15,000 was confirm- ed by the membership. Elected to the board of dir- ectors for three year terms were Art Ball and A. (Red) Car- on of Clinton, Ernest Williams, Seaforth was elected to fill out the term of Thomas Steep. nn- tii 1967. Other members of the board are W02 Cliff Parker and Hee Kingswell, WO Jack Reid and Sgt. Donnie Champion, elec- ted to a three year term on the credit committee. Other mem- bers on the committee are John Lavis, Gerald Holmes and .Lew- is Ludlow. Jack .Bowman, CIA Insurance donated a• door prize en behalf of Co-operators Insurance As- sociation. This was won by. A. Garan. McKillop Federation Annual Meeting and Banquet Winthrop United Church Tues., Dec. 6th Speaker, Rev. B. Daynard, of Staffa - President, J. Moylan Secretary, A. Dodds For tickets •contact your line director COLOITY r ,• (Conti tea from I`#i;e 9? ehiei ory capacity tq the Counter P.ub- h'at'e t101,117 lie Library Board. They 'must son at a sal submit their liiidget ta. the County Library Board` lit' i•eb- ruary -15 of each year in' order that the overall budget for the County Public Library System can be -prepared. —The present assets of the lo- cal libraries will be vested in the local municipalities. —In this connection if the lo- cal board wishes to turn over any monies to the County Pub. lic Library Board, it may do so and specify that. the particular money be spent on their own library. In doing this the money can be spent to improve the library and at the same time receive the grant, therefore making for additional expendi- tures if it is the wish of the local library board. Any of,the -municipalities which do nt wish to join now, May do so in any year prior to February 15. —Library service to public libraries, associate libraries, de- posit stations in municipalities which do not join the new sys- tem, will be discontinued as of January 1, 1967, and .service to the school in the municipali- ties which do not join, will be discontined as of June 30,.1967; but where school children of municipalities not joining but who attend schools in munici- palities who do join, they will be given at a cost to the muni- cipality not less than the county library rate for municipalities in the ,system. Mr: Thompson said a shoY•t- age of qualified librarians: ex- ists and encouragement should be given local people to who are practical librarians, to en- large their qualifications. The Anyone Interested In INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY Please Attend a Meeting at SEAFORTH ARENA ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th Between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. Opening Soon 25c U - Do - It Sparkle Car Wash GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH HEY KIDS! I.T'S BIG AL TIME ONCE AGAIN AT HUARD SERVICE STATION SAT. NOV. 26 After Santa Claus Parade FREE GOODIES FOR THE KIDDIES St. James' • C.W,L. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR and TEA on Sa irday, Nov. ,2G, 1966 From 3 to 5 p.m. AT ST, JAMES' SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Draw for Cash Prizes and Christmas Cake Draw Homebaking, Produce, Serving, Penny Sale, Mystery Prize, White Elephant • 1-'91 course, wtl ully civalified per- ry consistent with these gtialifjcatiops, The Stratford Anglican Theatre Gvild Presets The Chrristrnas Story in The Stratford Festival Theatre Sun., Nov: 27th 4 p.m. and 8:30 p.m, Organ through the courtesy 'of • the Stratford. Music Centre No tickets' needed. Collection. B ET H.E'L BIBLE CHURCH (Services at Orange Hall) Rev. Floyd Shantz, Pastor Sunday, November 27 Does anyone care whether or not you go to Church? Yes, God cares, and so do we at Bethel Bible Church. If you do not have a regular Church Home, then pay us a visit. We welcome you to attend our Services this Sunday which are as fellows: Family Bible School 10 . a.m. Classes for alt ages Morning: Worship - 11:00 a.m. Message: The Christian's Con- flict Happy Hour: 2:30 p.m. Evening. Service:: 7:30 p.m. Message: The Price of Fruit- fulness Soloist, — Mr: Frank Collar of Wingham. Remember, You Are Always. Welcome At Bethel Who Cares If I 90 To Chu ch . ... The Almighty God .. - The Saving Christ . The Friendly People in First Presbyterian Church Worship with us. each Sunday Service at 11:00. a.m. Church Schools at 10,00 and 11.00 a.m. Nursery at 11:00 a.m. Minister: Rev. Douglas 0. Fry Organist: Mrs. Don Carter A.R.C.T.; A.Mus. COMMER0 I. HOTEL� +S�afO SATURDAY, NOV. 26, 6io 9 p.rr- MENU Roast Turkey and Dressing; Southern Fried Chicken; Roast Pork; Cabbage Rolls; Din- , ner Ham; Roasted Pig Tails; ,Sauer Kraut; Spare Ribs; Scalloped Potatoes; Potatoe Salad; Chef's Salad; Hors D'Ouvres; Coffee ADULTS, $2.00; Children, $1.45 EAT ALL YOU WANT . Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Psaine! Hear the Unusual Country Stylinigs .of CINDY N' LYN Now Appearing Nightly AT UEEN'S HOTEL Seaforth • INTERMEDIATE 11B", HOCKEY TUESDAY, NOVEMBER :29th HESPELER AT SEAFORTH SEAFORTH ARENA - TIME: 8:30 ADMISSION 50 cents and 25 cents SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY PRESENTS The CAVALIERS ON ATURDAY Nov. 26 9:00 to 12:00 AT' THE SEAFORTH ARENA o NOTICE Beginning on December 3rd, Teen Twenty Dances will be semi- formal and will continue to be for the remainder of the season. Boys must wear a tie and Girls will be refused admittance wearing slacks. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO REFUSE ADMISSION o,.❑ • REGARDING THE BANQUET 'The Banquet wilt Vie. held on December 10th, at 6:45, at the Legion Hall, Seaforth. Admission to the Banquet and Dance is FREE to those attending both, , 41 interested persons must register at the door at Teen, Twen tl is week, to be elegible. " • 4 • N 4 • • 4- k • 4 4