HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-11-10, Page 8Mtirre-AuRCN NEWS OF 11E NS'ALL a Lo ge ames De lega ,.. to Att rcztsITRs,; sN49filfift 9Ni- .0/1!. Hensall Centenn iat Meetin Amber Rebekah Lodge held their regular meeting Wednes- day with Noble Grand Mrs. Lind- say Eyre in the chair. Mrs. Leona Parke and Mrs. George Clifton were appointed delegates to attend the Centen- nial meeting at the Hensall Town Hall, November 17th and brute back a report to the. lodge. A donation was given to the Oddfellows and Rebekah Home at Barrie. Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Wil- liam Smale, Mrs. Mary Taylor, Mrs. Harry Horton, Mrs. W. H. Bell, Mrs. Harold Campbell, Mrs. Gordon Munn, participated in a bowling tournament at Ex- eter. Wednesday, sponsored by Exeter Legion Ladies' Auxiliary. Mrs Campbell Mrs Reid, Mrs. ry Horton the attendance draw. Brownie Enrollment Five new members, Tammy Baker, Barbara Cooper, Deb- orah Kyle, Brenda Clement and Lisa Brothers, were received into the Hensall Brownie Pack, Tuesday of last week. Brown Owl Mrs. Robert Cook extended a welcome to mothers present and Tawny Owl, Mrs. Rodger Venner arranged the en- rollment ceremony and enroll- ed.' the new Brownies. Profi- ciency badges were presented PattyVan and '• d dar to Joan,God Wieran who both received their collector's badge, and Judith Mickle who, received' her min- strel badge. Snowy Owl Mrs: Barrie Jackson presented Gold - Munn, Mrs. Horton and Mrs. en Bars to Joan Alexander, Mar - Bell were prize winners in var- garet Rooseboom, Aileen Klun- ious draws. gel and Patti Rowcliffe. Follow- ing the enrollment and presen- tations Brownie songs , and a game and story were enjoyed. The children's Aid Society in London thanked the Brownies for a donation of $5.00 for I Christmas gifts. The Brownies 1 made the money for the dona- One of the group projects tion by collecting baskets in will be the• selling of calendars ' Hensall. early in December. Bazaar Is Successful New executive are: president Church Sponsors Tea, Sale Louise Simpson of Hensall, an engineer for Chrysler Corp., w ho is building a new plant in Pret- toria, in South Africa, left a week ago for a.three weeks so- journ" in Capetown, South Af- rica. Mr. A. J. Voth of Birming- ham, Mich., left Friday for Aus- tralia and India on'business. He is the son-in-law of Mrs. Louise • Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Campbell, Eric Campbell and Miss Eliza- beth Ellerington of Exeter, were in Detroit for the weekend Where Eric is remaining to take a business management course with the Ford Motor Co., De- troit. Hi -C Group Elects Hensall Young People Hi -C Fellowship group of Hensall United Church met Sunday eve- ning with Paul Drysdale con- ducting the meeting. Miss Joan Simmons and Bill Taylor were appointed delegates to Toc- Alpha Conference at Niagara Falls in December. ; John Goddard; vice-president Chiselhurst United Church, The Ladies' Aid of Carmel' Joyce Flynn; secretary Joan lovely with a setting of flowers j Presbyterian Church held a suc-, Simmons; treasurer Bill Taylor; in autumn tones, was the °set 1 cessl'ul bazaar,, hake sale and • ling theon Wednesday afternoon,; tea in the church school room for autumn bazaar, bake 1 tali Saturday. gale and afternoon ted of the I Committees were: bake table, UCW of the church Mrs. Ed Munn. Ctrs. Lorne L.tth- In charge of booths there: ! cr. Mrs. Percy Campbell, Mrs. .._. teak' table. Mrs. Clarence Cole Clifford 11t,ir and Mrs. Clarence Hiatt, Mrs. 'Russell, Brack. Mrs.' ` ,Hand:: ett in table. Mrs. Earl C,,,.• iilty. Mrs. Lloyd 1''et"msCampbell. Mrs. R. Taber. Mrs. sonMrs,' Jack. I ritudl. Mrs.. . tr!c'nn Bell, Mrs. G, ,Waltz and R. Taylor: product', lies• «'i! 11n, hairy Snell: produce, Mrs.1 !tam tlritnr!i, Mrs.Harald Far Lo,t 11rs Robert Madne. • d -_lit • :Ors: 1•'d • Dick' candy. -:11-..r -.: r and' 1Irs. A. Hoggarth; can 3, Ben �t,u'ematt• lire, A1� in Cult : firs. Len Purdy and Mrs. George sewing. 11rs• Karl Kinsman, Troyer; touch and take and 'i Mrs. Rov McDonald, Mrs. Ro- bert Boyes; tea 'tables, Mrs. Alf Ross, Sr., Mrs. Alf Ross. Jr., Mrs. George Boa, Mrs. William Gibson, Mrs. Percy Wright, Miss Mary Kinsman, Mrs. ;William Brintnell, Mrs. Ed Taylor, Mrs. Robert Kinsman and Mrs. Percy Harris. • Hear About Public Speaking Herman Young 'of Kincard- ine, was guest speaker at the November meeting of the Le- gion Ladies' Auxiliary, Tuesday evening when he discussed pub- lic speaking for school" child- ren. The speaker was introduc- ed by president; Mrs. Harold Campbell, who chaired the meet- ing. Plans were outlined for the annual Christmas party in December. Mrs. Garnet Allan was appointed convener of a Christmas doll draw. Nomina- tions were held, conducted by past president Mrs. Roy Smale. Mrs. William Smale won the mystery prize. Mrs. W. H. Bell, the guessing prize and Mrs. Har - White, Elephant, Mrs. Esther Wright; tea tables, Arnold Cir cle,=Mrs. Robert Bell, Mrg. Lloyd, Mousseau, Mrs. Harold Knight, Mrs. John Skea, Mrs. Stewart Bell and Pauline, Mrs. Gordon Schwalm. Mrs. J. C. Boyne and Mrs. Har- vey Hyde formed the reception committee. Miss Myrtle Peart is a patient in Victoria -Hospital, London, where she underwent surgery Tuesday. Mrs. Louise Simpson left Wed- nesday morning of this week with her "daughter-in-law, Mrs. W. C. Simpson, for Birmingham, Mich., where she will visit. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Allan and family have moved to the home they recently purchased on Queen Street. Charles Hay of Hensall was the winner of the weekly draw of $25.00, sponsored by Hensall Kinsmen. Mr. William Simpson, Birm- ingham, Mich., son of Mrs. knu�ritae 111.E PERFECT WAY TO SEND YOUR GREETINGS 59c - 79c - $1.00 - $1:25 - $1.50 - $2.00 Assorted Boxes -- Solid Packs Greatest Variety of QUALITY CARDS to- be found anywhere, including Rustcraft, Coutts and Norcross Regilious,' Comic and conventional Designs Greeting Cards for every occasion SEE THEM NOW rr at NMI Seafoi t cit S J° $1.Uo SStore Stationery Gifts' Complete. ale ap ent congeners Paul Drysdale, Jayne I'Y cite, CarolynCook, Bill Hulls. 1 Mrs. Malcolm Dougall had the misfortune recently to fracture her left arm in an accident at her .home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen of Stratford, spent the week- end with the latter's mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray - Ripper). Coo'kettes met at the home of the leader, Mrs. Ken McLean. Mrs. MacGregor spoke and demonstrated table setting manners. - Mr. Fred Beer and Mr. Harry Horton attended the annual re- union of the Canadian Corps' Cyclists Battalion, C.E.F., Sat- urday in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. Ross MacMillan, David and Tommy„ .Waterloo, Charles . Mickle, Hamilton, ' Ro- bert, UWO, London, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Discuss Centennial J. Russell Croden, Regional Centennial representative from London, will speak an show slides on Centennial prdjects and promoting of celebrations at Hensall Centennial conimit- tee meeting, next Thursday eve- ning, in Hensall Town Hall. Unit four of UCW met in Fell,owship 'hall in the United Church, Thursday afternoon, with leader Mrs. James McAllis- ter, wh'o chaired the imeeting, opening with a poem "A thought for today". Mrs. N. E. Cook had charge of the devotional with the Centennial in mind. Sacred passages were read by Mrs. Al- bert Alexander, Mrs. Harry Cald- well gave the study "On Our Canadian Heritage" from the first period in the book, which was the year 1450 to 1550, which constitutes a great deal of dev- elopment including the discov- ery that the earth was not flat but" round. Mrs. E. Chipchase favoured with the reading of two poems. "The touch of the Master's Hand", and "A.thought for every day". Mrs. Harold Currie repeated the memorial she performed at the general meeting recently in tribute to the late Mrs. W. B. Cross. A moment of silent pray- er was Observed in honor of Remembrance Day. Mrs. Chipchase reported for the fall bale when nine large cartons of. used. clothing were, sent to Toronto for overseas relief, and three smaller boxes for the Salvation, Army at Lon- don, Lunch was served by Mrs. Alexander and her. ' committee. Obituaries MILTON LOVE Milton Love of Hensall, 74, passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter,. on Friday, where he had been a patient for eight weeks, having suffered a severe stroke from which he never regained consciousness. A resident of Hensall for many years, he was a well known cattle buyer. Surviving are one, son Howard, Toronto; two sisters, Mrs. Albert (Anna) Keys, Exeter; _.Mrs. John E. (Grace) McEwen, Hensall; three brothers, Ross, Kippen; Glenn, Hensall; Grant, Caro, Mich. Mrs. Love, the former Lillie Ann Workman, predeceased him in 1952. Public funeral services were held Monday from Bonthron funeral home, conducted by Rev. Harold Currie. Interment was in Hensall Union cemetery. Pallbearers, were Winston Workman, Verne Pincombe, Ger- ald Glenn, Rochus Faber Thom- as Brintnell and Maurice Coates. • MRS. STANLEY TUDOR Residents of Hensall and com- munity were saddened to learn of the very sudden passing of Mrs. 'Stanley (Stan) Tudor, who passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, Novembet .the 6th, one week after she celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary with her husband and family in Hensall. A highly esteemed resident of .the village for many years, she was the former AIiee Mabel McKee. "Surviving are her husband, two sons, Maurice,. Hensall, and John B., $t. Marys; one daugh- ter, Margaret, ,Mrs. Les Parker, Woodstock; one sister, Agnes, Mrs. Harolds Green, Aldershot, and seven grandchildren. The late Mrs. Tudor rested at the Bonthron funeral home; •Hensall, until 'Tuesday, then was taken to the Cattel funeral home, Dundas, where sptiblic services conducted by` lte'tr. J. $ Spensley. Were,hel4 'ed tes- as. with lAtetihent in :Wafer. dot; eerlteters. •• Amwai Service SunclaY Cotnemorating the dead of two World Wars, Hensall Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion Auxiliar will and Ladies!. Y observe Remembrance Day on Sunday November 13th, with a service 4t the Cenotaph at 9:30 a.m. when wreaths will be placed, followed with a service at Carmel Presbyterian Church at 10 am, when Rev. 3. C. Boyne will deliver the sermon. News of Zion !sborrier OOP usltorne Council met le, Mel townsltlpSit With 'Reeve r elite gtl;<erington an4 Council- lors Roe Westcott, Ken Duncan, LJQydl Ferguson and Lloyd Smith in attendance. The Clerk told Council there were no ap'eals against the tts- sessments in the roll and Council agreed that the 1966 assess'n'fent roll be certified' at the total assessment for 19.67 of $2,841,- 850.00. The balance sheet of 1966. tax Collector's roll was present- ed showing a total .of $191,480.46 in 1966 taxes to be collected. Council adopted the annual nomination and election by-law providing for the annual nom- ination and 'ratepayers' meet- ing on November 28th and elec- tion if necessary on December 5th. ' The treasurer reported receipt of the blame of the provincial per capita grant of $2,328,00; other receipts of $47.07 and '$84:50inreceipts fro the road department. Road accounts amounting to a total voucher of $6,245.11 as presented by the Road Superin- tendent were approved as were current accounts of • $8,655.38, including Tile Drainage Loan No. 55 for $6,000.00. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Balfour and family were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Giles and Mrs. Balfour Sr. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvjn Wil- liams and Gay visited .on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Eal Barker. A good crowd from Zion at- tended Roys Turkey Supper on Wednesday night, Mrs. Morley L an n i n got home from Stratford Hospital on Tuesday and is feeling much better. Zionhada very successful bazaar on Wednesday. The weather was poor ;but the crowd was good. Mr. Keith Malcolm . was home from London Western for the week encl. 1 • "Avie, why 'do you hate school!" • It's not the school I hate. It's the principal of the thing." The High School Board re- quested balance of maintenance requisition and Engineer J. A. Howes re -affirmed the need to Power the culvert en the Kers- lake drain on 'County Road No. 6. Kirkton Library Association represented by Alex Irvine and Eldon Robinson requested assis- tance for the association. Being 4• Vetpran of the Second World War and in ret My Fallorj ComrpAivs \t t tl MIEW'S Phone 527-0995 I { J � Y { p WEAR Seaforth CLOSED ALL DAY NOV. 11 ememberance Day THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 ti tR PRICES EFFECTIVE.' NOV. 9 -12tH INCLUSIVE. WERESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. N. Delsey Assor'te9 Colours 3ATHROOM TISSUE } ONE 5 -LB. BAG GRANULATED WHITE SUGAR WITH EVERY, PURRH,' ASE't:tF FOUR WESTINGHOUSE "EY!E SAVER" LIGHT BUDS (40, 60 or 100 Wait) • Bulbs $1.36 TOP VALU CHOICE 0 OCREST 2 ' Re BARTLETT PEARS 2 TinsZ" 690 TOOTHPASTE 3 si*e tug. bes $1 TOP VALU STOKELY. FANCY FROZEN Evaporated MILK 6 • 'T$' •s1 GREEN PEAS • 2 polylbats 990 ARMOUR 'STAR STOI ELY FANCY FROZEN• CORNED.BEEF 'T;nZ 490 Kernel CORN 2 polylb. bags 990. FARMHOUSE FROZEN • CREME CAKE bELMONTE Ready to eat 11/2LB. 49¢ Da 7 Breakfast PRUNES Instant PUDDING • Orange Supreme JELLO (Asst'd. Flavors)o¢ • Lemon Supreme3 2•oz pkg,2/ cha OLO• oPARCHMEN3. • MARGARINE ROBIN HOOD' Instant or Quick OATS U PLAIN or 6-/b. bag z. bag69¢ inZ ITOP • SLICES 'Pkg. 59c TIDE POWDERED, Giant• SHIRLEY GAY RASPBERRY OZ DETERGENT S,ze Pkg. 95 JELLY ROLL • Rflll • 3P0 13 -OZ. Cakes 99- 3 -Ib, Pkg. 99 GRAPEFRUI "OUTSPAN" "ORANGES .. Bag, FROM FLORIDA, NO. 1 TANGELOS Doz. FANCY GRADE REB SPY APPLES .... 8 -Ib. . Bag FB,.II F' TASLERITE TRIMMEt) • CENTRE CUT Picnic Shoulder Roast ��.4'9¢ PORK CHOPS ....... Le, .$9+ WWCILE OR"HALF Bu'hitii FRESH HAMS .... r . •8.690 SMOKED PICNICS .. 590 1 HIS W K'S HANDBILL FOR MORE OUTSTAND$NG VALUES • • w • 1 1 r r i • .1