HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-11-03, Page 12i• 12.41-1E HURON EXPOSITOR, SRAFORTH A gni NOV, 00 1966 22. Legafl Notices CLERKS ,NOTICE OF THE FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST 1966 Township of MgKillop NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 9, of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up at my office at Lot 27, Con. 2, McKillop, on the 31st day of October, 1966, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said Municipality at mun- icipal elections, and that such list remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby gall upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissions correcteel accord- ing to law, the last day for ap- peals being the 14th day of November, 1966. DATED this 31st day of Oc- tober, 1966. J. M. ECKERT Clerk of McKillop Township 22-48-2 Sale of Debentures TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH The Township of Tucker - smith will be offering deben- tures for 'sale, in $1,000.00 units, with interest' at 6% for 1-10 year terms and 61/2% for 11-20 year terms. The total issue will be $50,000.00 which is: to finance the extension of services , of the Tuckersmith Municipal Telephone System. Anyone interested in the purchase of any of this de- benture issue,• contact either , of the undersigned by not lat- er than Nov. 16, 1966. MEL GRAHAM, Secretary -Treasurer Tuckersmith Municipal .Telephone System Phone 482-9908 JAMES I. McINTOSH Clerk -Treasurer Tuckersmith Township Phone 527-0358 22-48-2 Clerk's 'Notice of the First Posting of VOTERS' LIST 1966 Town of §.. Seaforth COUNTY OF HURON NOTICE is hereby given that 'I ` have , complied with Section 9, of the Voter's. List Act and that 2 have posted up at my office at Seaforth, on the thirty-first day of Octob- er, 1966, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Munici- pality at municipal elections and that ' such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voter§ to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to .law, the last day of. ap- peal being the FOURTEENTH day of NOVEMBER, 1966. ERNEST M. WILLIAMS Clerka-Town of Seaforth. 22-48-2 23. Business Directory J. A. BURKE • Funeral Director and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W:, Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for t. FLOWERS re FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1300 - Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors,te. P. D. McCONNELL, Q.C. D, I. STEWART Seaforth, Ont, Phone 527-0850 SEAFORTH• VETERINARY • CLTNIC J. O. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W. R. Bryans, D.V.1VI:, V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J. P. Raab, 13.A., D.V.M., Phone 5274780 - Seaforth Ar W. SILLERY 0810arristor, Solicitor, Etc. @ 5274850 • Res. 527-1642 Seaforth • Ontario, JOHN E. LONG:STAFF OPTOMETRIST Setiforth ()Meet Tues., Thum, tri„ 9 to '5.3 pan Sat,y 9 to 12 1100n • Thursday evening by. appoint 15'1tone .12. 12 pnY r 4024010 ofl,, inn , Ci t6n WACO SJFJED 23. Business Directory • W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRER Night or Day Calls — 527-0510 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHK Phone 347-2465 Monkton BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For A11 Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 -- Night 527-0885 24. Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our neigh- bors, friends and all those who assisted in any way dur- ing and after the fire: and the loss of our home. Everything was sincerely appreciated. — Mrs. Dora Rapien and family. 24-48-1 THE family of, the late W. A. Patrick wish to express their sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to their relatives, friends and neighbors, for the many acts of kindness, messages of sympathy received d u r in g their recent bereavement. 24-48-1 The family of the late' Robt. L. MacLean. wish to express their most sincere thanks .and deep appreciation to the many friends, relatives and neigh- bors fir the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the Can- cer Society and the many acts of kindness shown during the illness and passing of our lov- ed one. Special thanks to Dr. J. Goddard, Staff of the South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Rev. Harold Currie. pallbearers, the Bonthron Funeral Home. Your thoughfulness and gen- erosity will long be rememb-' ered. 24-48.1 I wish to thank my friends and relatives for cards, treats and visits while I was a pati- ent in Seaforth Community Hospital. Special thanks to Father Bensette, Dr. Stapleton and Miss Drope and the nurs- ing staff for their kind atten- tion. All was deeply ,,appreci- ated. — Mary Lou McLaugh- lin. 24-48x1 I would like to express' my sincere thanks to my friends neighbors and . relatives for cards, visits, treats and flow- ers while I was a patient in Victoria and Seaforth Com- munity Hospitals. It was all very much appreciated: — Gilbert Smith. 24-48-1 I would like to thank my friends and all those who ,het= ped in any way since the fire. Special thanks, to the Firemen, 'taff pf Wilkinson's IGA and Teen Twenty. Your thought- fulness will never be forgot- ten. — Bernice Hullev. 24-48x1 25. In Memoriam ROE — In loving memory of our dear father, Lorne Roe, who passed away November 7, 1964. A day of remembrance sad to recall, We miss you, Dad, since you left us all, Memories fade, life departs, You will live forever in our hearts. • No one knew the pain. you bore, Beneath the smile you always wore; From hospital bed to. heavenly rest, God took you, Dad, one of the best. — Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by daughter Loreen and son-in-law, Gib. 255-48-1 Births. DINSMORE -- In" Peel Mem- orial Hospital, Brampton on. Oct 18, to Mr. and Mrs. William Dinsmore, a son Peter Earl. , HABKIRK—In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Octob- er 31, to Mr. and Mrs,' T. Leslie Habkirk, Seaforth, aa daughter. HEHN — In Stratford Gener- al Hospital, on October 23, to Mr, and Mrs. Rudy Hehn, ' (nee Dorothy., Fischer) of Rostock, a `daughter, Patric- ia Rosine. RYAN — In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on Octo- ber 29, to Mr. and Mrs. jos- enh Ryan, RR 5 Mitchell, a daughter. VANDEI')1$ERK— In Seaforth Community Hospital- an Oc- tober 30. to Mr. and Mrs. Josenh Van`denberk, RR 2 Monkton, a daughter. Tao ' Late FOR SALE — Little boys maple leaf tartan dress jacket and two black velvet vests, size 2-3, used one season. Mrs. Hugh McPherson, phone 527- 1137. xl 1<'OR SALE -- 5 Holstein hei- fers bred Holstein, dtie soon, Don Rose,- Mitohell, p h pax e 348-914$.-1 I3ELP-• WANTED Middle 'aged married man for beef farm, no Milking. Steady _:erix- ploylnentf; modern home, oil heat . Apply Olen, Rose, 527- xl l`fe TILE. a--- Td, those taping the vi .1. ' trot Coin*, bring tette tnea ttrOci strong needle, steel dresazbaker pins,, §scissors and cotton 'thrretd.M., 3. -1 ADS Too Late McKILLOP THE BEAUTIFUL - 50 TQ 70 ACRES OF WORK- ABLE LAND OFFERED. NO BUILDINGS. 5 MILES NORTHEAST OF ' SEAFORTH WILLIAM M. HART Seaforth Salesman GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD: ' HONEY FOR SALE -- Clover 8 lbs. $2.50, 4 lbs. $1.35, 2 lbs. 70c. Light Amber end Buckwheat with all the fall vitamins in 8 lb, pails only $2.60. Comb honey 70e a car- ton. Insist on buying the un- pasturized honey, the way it comes from the bees.Wallace Ross Apiaries. -1 FOR SALE — A number of pigs, 6 and 10 weeks old. Ted Van Dyk, RR 3 Seaforth, 527- 1435. -1 COMING EVENT — Hot Tur- key Buffet Dinner, First Pres- byterian Church„ Seaforth on Wednesday, November 1,6th at 5:30 p.m. Adults $1.75, 6-12 years 75c, pre schoolers free. Auspices Fireside Group. For Tickets phone 527-0910, or 527-0152. 1-48-2 WANTED TO BUY — One good used sofa -bed, Phone 527-1404. x1 FOR SALE — Repossessed Singer zig-zag sewing machine does fancy stitches, button- holes. Can be had $54.00 cash or—$8.00 monthly. Write Box. 1628, The Huron Expositor. FOR SALE — Red ski jacket, size 6x. Phone 527:0356. -1: FOR RENT — Downstairs ap- artment, 2 bedrooms, heated. Available by Dec. 1st. Gor- don Noble, 527-0840: -1 NOTICE —.Just a reminder Have your heavy clothes cleaned before winter sets in. Flannery Cleaners, phone 527- 0250. REGISTERED NURSES Applications will be receiv- ed by the undersigned for Re- gistered Nurses to work at Huron County Home for the Aged, Huronview Please state age, iivalifica- tions, experience, when avail- able, salary expected. (Salary schedule being reviewed). Information and applica- tions to be submitted to: H.C. JOHNSTON, Superintendent - P.O. Box 219 Clinton, Ontario. Phone 482-3451.• 4-48-2 Mark. Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Scott, 244 So. Vergne, Chicago, Illin- ois will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, Thursday, Nov. 17, 1966. Both the Scotts were born in Seaforth, Ontario, Canada and emigrated to the United States in 1927. Mr. Scott is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. G. S.eott, while Mrs. Scott is the former Kathleen McMann, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McMann of Tucker - ,smith, on 'No. 8 Highway, east df town. They have lived in the same neighborhood for 39 years. Mr. and Mra. Scott have two children, Betty and Bill and five grandchildren. Mr. Scott is a retired painter and decorator and Mrs. Scott will retire fr Madigan Bros. Department Store at the end of the year, after nearly 39 years service. A spinster was shocked' at the language used by work- men repairing a telephone line near her home, so she wrote the company. The . foreman was requested to make a re- port of whattad taken place. The report rad as follows: "Me and Spl .e were on this job. I was up the pole and spilled some hot lead down on Spike—right down his neck. Spike looked up at me and said, 'Really, Harry, you must be more careful.' " UCW Talk The fifth Regional Conyers- tion of the centre section of the Huron Presbyterjal Qt the Un- ited Church Women was held Thursday in the Goshen United Church. The theme of the meeting was "Our Purpose and Our Res- ponse". Mrs. Gordon MacKenzie of RR 1, Seaforth, Regional president presided. Mrs. Durst and Mrs. K. Mc- Gregor of Wesley Willis UCW of Clinton, conducted the morn- ing worship service. President of Goshen • UCW, . Mrs. R, M. Peck welcomed the women of centre region. Reports were given by the treasurer, Mrs. 8, E. Lewis. She reported that 68-25% of alloca tion had been reached. Mrs. Orval Harrison reported on Westminister College. This year 12 students from Huron were in residence, also Huron "{was short . a few, -hundred dol• Lars and anidei a speeiiil appeal to complete this., project in 1966. The literature Secretary, Mrs. Walter Bewley .of Walton, displayed and suggested xp ny fine books for reading namely "The Church Grows in Canada", "The Church is Where The Ac- tion Is". Mrs. George Potter reported the fall supply was being well responded to. Guest speaker, Mrs. Elinar Egilisson of Wood- stock, second vice-president of London Conference, spoke on "Our Purpose and Our Res- ppnse". She reviewed the UC purpose witjl the gathering, stressing our response to this purpose, She said this response has to be commitment for life to Christ and His church. It has to be a personal, .a practi- cal, a progressive and priority commitment to the mission of Christ's Church. We become a living chyrch only when the members give service to others, Q.od places demands on Chris- tians and expects them to be the church in the world. . skit entitled 'AEncounter" waa presented by Mrs. John Turnbull 'and Mrs. Peter Dun- lop, A discussion from the floor resulted in the conclusion communication is lacking be- tween women- of the UCW and the women outside religious groups. Mr. Murdock Morrison of Varna brought greeting and of- fered the noon blessing. The afternoon opened with a hymn sing led- by Mrs. Elmer Hayter with Mrs. Bruce Keyes at the piano. Mrs. Gilbert Bee- croft of Belgrave, president of Huron Presbyterial, brought greetings, news items and an- nouncements from the Presby- teriaL She said she had had the experience of being named by to general rimmed and spode briefly on it. • Afro, ii. S. i fcKercher, finance chairman reported that while the allocation had not been an- nounced it could be assumed it would be raised. Mrs. • Clare McBride contributed a trumpet solo, "Bless this House". Dis- cussion periodLs took place.. Leadership development, led by Mrs. Bert Alton and Mrs. Egilis- son; programming, led by Mrs. Harold Doig of Fordwieh; friend- ship and visiting led by Mrs. Lloyd Bun& of Lucknow; public relations led by Mrs.. Lorne Por- ter of Exeter and Mrs. Youngs of Lambeth. Mrs. Youngs is associate Dean of Alma College and chairman of public relations at conference level. Reporting back to the after group discus, ssiori," Mrs. Youngs said that in this specialized age public re - Huron Presbytery, commissioner rations and publicity are high- ly skilled activities and' th, t, "Thus spike the Lord", is por- haps the greatest public rela- tions publication ot all .tunes, The Holy Bible, it is im ortant the the UCW build a better un- derstalading with all news nxedr is through courtesy, accuracy, promptness and a knowledge pf their rules. By being aware of your pur- pose and by using the proper channels, a more favourable image of the church. as an in- tegral part of life will be re- vealed through the press, radio and television. Courtesy remarks were . ex- tended by Mrs. William Little of Winthrop. Invitation for 1967 was accepted from Mon- crieff UCW. Mrs. Metcalfe and Mrs. A. Morton of Bayfield brought the convention to a close with an. impressive worship service. 4 r1 SELL NO LONGERiNEEDED ARTICLES TH�tOUGH 05ITOR -0240 or VD 4 w