HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-11-03, Page 4Hit HURON EXPOSIT094 SPAFORTH, ONT., NOV. s, 1966 SPECIALS FOR Thursday, Friday .White Swan — White, Pink or TOILET TISSUE CARNATION MILK • - Libby's Deep Brown BEANS Robin Hood Celebration CAKE MIXES • • • • and Saturday yellow 2 -roll pkg. 230 2 large tins 31 0 2 14 -oz. tins 35¢ 3 large pkgs. $1400 (White, Chocolate, Devil or Spice) Australian Seeded RAISINS Superior Weiner Rolls or 2-1b. pkg. 59 HAMBURG BUNS pkg. of 8, 2 • Marra's Apple or RAISIN PIES PRODUCE Chiquita BANANAS Florida, Pink or White GRAPEFRUIT Local PEPPER SQUASH ; per lb. 70 FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY pkgs. 490 eaoh390 2 lbs. for 254 7 for 49. Smith's SUPERIOR .FOLD ! KETS. Phone 527-0990 -- Free Delivery ir use COOP FEEDS $5.00 Offpert�n on all Co-op Dairy and Beef. Concentrates s.100 per ton for 36% dairy flo concentrate 36% beef gainer concentrate THIS OFFER EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30th Cash in on this "get acquainted>' offer and con- vert your full granary into extra profits with a Co-op balanced feeding program. Grains are defi- cient in some necessary .nutrients. Co-op Concen- trates make up these deficiences and give you in- creased milk and meat production — greater pro- fits for you,• SEAFORTH ,.FARMERS Phone -527-0770 W*. of Staffe ng PJscu.SSk.fls • . eOple Chang�s.. Staffe United Church Family Life Centre was filled, to cap- acity Sunday evening when par- ents and friends were guests pf the Hibbert Township young peoples group. The evening opened) with Gerald Carey in- troducing a folk singing group f Kitchener called the "Four J Men and Just One Woman" wh . sang and entertained everyone for an hour. This was followed by a most interesting and informative address by Mr. Hugh Bremner, London, who spoke on "Change" touch- ing on the change in Communi- cations, theology, politics and our relations with other coun- tries. A question and answer period followed. Mr. Bremner was thanked by Rev. B. Day - nerd. This past week was a busy one fpr the Staffa Women's Insti- tute members. On Monday eve- ning 15 members attended a fun night in Carlingford) hall, guests of the Carlingford Wo- men's Institute. Tuesday eve- ning 21 memberswere guests of the Dublin Women's Insti- tute in St. Patrick's parish hall on the occasion of the kith an- niversary oa the Dublin Insti- tute. On' Thursday evening the Institute members entertained their husbands and friends to dinner at the "Shillelagh Motel" Luean. After dinner Court whist was enjoyed along with humorous readings given by 1liss Olive Speare. Prizes for court whist were awarded to ladies high, Mrs. Russell Wor- den; ladies low, Mrs. Robert McCaughey; gents high, Mr. Garnet Taylor; gents low, Mr. Carter Kerslake; lucky chair, NEWS OF BRODHAGEN 4-H . Group Discusses arties at Brodhagen Frauleins 4-11 Homemaking Club met with Glenda Dickison as hostess. A discussion was held on planning parties and introductions and Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Elligsen demonstrated making a table centre fro Hallowe'en with stryrofoam, puinkin, candles, witches and black cats. During group Work the members prac- ticed making proper introduc- tions. A delicious lunch. was ser- ved with a surprize birthday cake for the assistant .leader, Mrs. Brown•. Carl Beimer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Beinier had his ton- sils anadiioids removed on Thursday at•Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital. A surprize 25th wedding cele- bration was 'held at the Com- munity hall here for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, Stratford. The evening was" planned by their family, Mrs. Charles Scher - berth, Brodhagen, , Julia and Glenn Jackson, Stratford. Ron Joseph and his orchestra suppl- ied the music. Smorgasbord was held at midnight. The Ladies' Aid from St. Pet- er's Lutheran Church attended a social es;ening at Ellice Luth- eran Church, 'Moserville, on Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hoegy and family visited in, Detroit over the weekend a-ith Mr. and Mrs. Ed McKenzie and attended i the Tioch - Roe land wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. August Scher - berth and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Prueter, RR 1, Bornholm, at- tended a social evening Satur- day- night in Brampton. at the First Baptist Church in the Fel- lowship room with Mr. and Mrs. • News of Varna The Meal -time Maids met at the home of their leader, Mrs. Alan Hayter on Saturday, when minutes were read by secretary, Mary Lou Johnston. After the business, Mrs."Hay- ter discussed cereals and bread and the use of cereals for supper. Mrs. Bill Dowson demonstratea making tea bis- cuits.. The girls, worked on_ their notebook covers and • lunch was served by M.S. Hayter. The Huron U.C.W. Presby- terial met Thursday at the Goshen Church. The guest speaker in the afternoon was Mrs. E. Egilsson of Woodstock. A dinner was catered to at noon by the Goshen ladies. l�!lr. and Mrs, Alan Hayter and Lori visited Sunday with Mrs. Hayter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack , Woods, Lon- don. • Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rowson visited Sunday -with Mrs. W. Jewitt and boys. - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston of Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Don Camp- bell end -family and Mr. and Mrs. Perce - Johnston visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Wilsie of Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Caldwell and family of St. Thomas vis- ited the past week end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dowson. TIRE SALE 40% Seaforth Phone 527- 1750 OFF on most Popular sizes Motors • Seaforth e Meer/ng Clare Burt as host and hostess. Mr. Burt was the guide on Mr. Scherbarth and Mr. Prueter's recent trip to Europe and Rus- sia. Mr. and Mrs. Schdibarth and Mr. and Mrs. Prueter then drove on to Niagara Falls on Sunday. A wedding reception was held on Saturday night at thecom- munity hall for Bonnie Howes and William Harmer, A meeting was held Sunday night for the Sunday 4chool teachers of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, here, planning the Christmas program. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leonhardt, -Kathy and Leslie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sawyr3r on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pfeifer RR 1, West Monkton, visited with Mrs. Mary Pfeifer and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl on Sunday. Mr: and Mrs. Al Brown, Mel- bourne, visited with his parents, Mr.. and Mrs, William Brown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith, Sea - forth, were Sunday visitors with George and William Diegel. Mr. and Mrs. Les Weiterson, Bornholm, visited with her mother, Mrs. August Hille- brecht on Sunday. KofC Mark 5th Birthday • Members of the Father Stephen Eckert Council, Knights of Columbus, Seaforth and Dis- • trict, marked their 5th anniver- sary of receiving their charter, when they sponsored a banquet and dance Saturday evening in' the Legion Hall, Seaforth. Among the 140 who attended the affair were the following 'guests from a distance: District Deputy Cecil Tufts of District 31, Stratford and Mrs. Tufts; District Deputy Jerry McNamara of District 9, London and Mrs. McNarliara; also seated at the head table were Rev. I -I. J. Laragh, Chaplain; Grand Knight Alvin Rau and Mrs. Rau; Grand Knight Emmerson Williams, Kilroy Council, ,Strat- ford and Mrs. Williams; Past Grand Knight Vic Walden, Father Nagle Council, Gode- rich . and Mrs. Walden; Deputy Grand Knight Clayton Looby and Mrs, Looby; Mayor John F. Flannery and Mrs. Flannery; D'Orlean Sills, Legion Presi- dent and Mrs. Cora Chesney. Following the banquet Ian, Wilbee and his orchestra pro- vided the music for an evening of dancing. The banquet was catered to by the Legion Ladies' Auxiliary of Branch 156 Seaforth. Approidmately 85 attended the Father Stephen Eckert Council inter -council meeting held 'in their rooms here. Guests were from Father Nagle 'Coup- cil, Goderich and Kilroy Coun- cil, Stratford. Grand Knight t az Brudnick and Grand Knight E. Williams of the respective councils spoke briefly. Some of the highlights of the meeting were two donations of charity and a recording of a Columbus Day talk by the Supreme Knight. Gordon Byers, Dublin won the monthly draw. Huron Farm News Harvesting of grain is pro- gressing favourably under al- most ideal weather conditions. Moisture levels are lower now than at any time last year. Yield is very good with small losses occurring. Good weather has allowed for a good deal of fall plowing to be completed. Fegder cattle arebeginning to arrive inthe county in sub- stanial numbers. Sugar beet and turnip bar - Vesting is continuing. > Mrs. Garnet Taylur. Mrs. Carter Kerslake attend, - ed a leadership training course on "More About Finishes" this past week. She will be conduct- ing a sewing course in the near future consisting of four meet- ings and anyone ,interested is asked to contact Mrs, Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bowman, Hagersville, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bowman. Miss Shirley Morrison, Ful- lerton, was a weekend guest of Miss Bonnie Miller. Hallowe'en parties were held in Hibbert' area schools 2, 3 and 4 on Friday afternoon. The mothers of the pupils were guests at No. 3 school and the pre-school children were enter- tained at No. 4 school. News of St. Columban Rev. Francis Moylan, S.F.M., is home from a mission in Alan Phillipine Islands and is visit= ing Mr. and Mrs. -John, Moylan. Mr. and Mrs. Les Murray spent a week in Windsdr visit- ing their daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne De' Gaust, and children, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. James O'Connor. Carl Stapleton and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stapleton, London, visited relatives here on Sun- day. Many interested people at- tended a meeting which was held in the parish hall, for the pur- pose of organizing a parent - teacher association. • Lou Row- land, Dublin, regional treasur- er, was guest speaker. He ex- plained the work of the PTA. A nominating committee was appointed and at a meeting to be held on Nov. 14, voting will take place for thedifferent' offices. 1 Are BUYING ... . Tor DRY RN ... , at Competitive .Prices. CONTACT US BEFORE YOU SELL FALL FERTILIZER All analysis in stock -- bulk or bag . at Competitives prices Spreaders Available CONTACT US BEFORE YOU BUY OR SELL OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone ,527-1.910 Seaforth 1.14 -mg - .... :x .:: W). .... when they were' hit hard, the eyes looked at you and said : "I'm not afraid for myself, Mac. But my wife and kids! 'What'll happen to them I Who'll look after them ?" For thousands of widows and war orphans there are pensions. But no pension or allowance can hope to provide for life's emergencies. Most of us have some form of insurance against sickness, accidents and hospital bills. But where would your wife turn ' for help if she were a widow or if you were disabled ? The Canadian Legion's Poppy Trust Fund is the .answer. for thousands of war widows, orphans and disabled veterans. It is -a comrade's enduring answer to the eyes that talked i fit ,.1<�.Mfg,�;,x,rrsr _._ _- •• . ..,...: >. _ <..: F� Poppy Days in Seaforth and District Canvass of Seaforth Homes Thursday, Nov. 3rd BUY POPPYS ON Friday, _ Sahrdayftv 5 . SEAFORTI4 BRANCH , 156, ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION ., • • n f1 rf A