HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-10-13, Page 9Cold sh makes Cold Qay 1.15E THESE CLASSIFICATIONS 8. Farm St0ek For Sale TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Events 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wat►ted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted " 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry. For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. ArticlesFor Sale 12. Wanted., To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property • For Rent 16. For Sale ,or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 10. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Not ces 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thankd 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Claseilled ads are inserted at a rate of. 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, !i, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- mum 65 cents per insertion. except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted .• (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica tion. For cash payment, or if paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. FOR SALE -- Hereford cows with calves. Contact Ralph Fischer, phone 24 R 25 Dub- lin. - 8-39=tf TWO 4 year old IIo1st-e1n cows, 1 and 2 months in calf. Priced $.300 and $325. Ed Ger1s'ch, phone 527-1026, RR2 Walton. 8-43-2 TWO registered Brown Swiss heifers, in calf. Ed Gertsoh; RR 2 Walton, phone 527-1026. 8-44x2 TWENTY -three pigs, 7 weeks old. Tony DeJong, RR 3 Sea - forth, Phone 482-9983. 8-45x1 THIRTY -two pigs 7 to 9• weeks .old. Don Watson, Phone, 482- 7262. . 8-454 REGISTERED Ayrshire heif- er, one registered Ayrshire c 5 years! old. one black, white-faced cow, 5 years olde bred to unit sires,, due mid- winter. Mel Bogie, RR 6 God- erich, phone 524-8095 after.6. p.m. 8-45-1 I. Coming Events ,.. _• THE annual Bazaar and Tea, sponsored by the C.W.L. on November 26, at St. James' School Auditorium. 1-45-1 BAZAAR, Wednesday, Nov. 9th, 3 p.m., Egmondville Unit- ed Church Women. Baking, Sewing and novelties. 1-45-1 HURON County Cream Pro- ucers are holding their 'An- nual Meeting in the Ontario Department of Agriculture Board Rooms on Wednesday, October 26th, at 8:30 p.m. Guest speaker will be Harold Martin, Secretary Manager of the Ontario Cream Producers. 1-45-2 2. 'Lost, Strayed DOG, Oriental pug, answer- ing to the name of Sampson. Disappeared September 27th, phone Cameron Holland, 527- 1012. 2-45-1 4. Help Wanted MAN for work in bean ele- vator starting Aug. 29, 1966. Good wage schedule, good op- portunities. Apply E. L. Mic- kle and Sons, Ltd., Hensall. 4-39-tf HANDY man. Steady work. Seaforth Manor. 527-0030, Seaforth. 4-44-2 MARRIED man to work on beef farm. Experienced. Sep- ' arate house: Yearly employ- ment: References, Huron Ex- positor, Box 1623. 4-45x2 MARRIED man for help- on grain farin. No . chores. Sep- arate brick house with bath. References. Steady .employ- ment. Murray Dennis!, . phone 527-1866.. 4-45x2 5. Bus. Opportunities (CASH IN On the 'big Fall, and Christ- mas Selling Season. Represent AVON illi your neighborhood. Territories available in Mc- Killop or Tuckersmith. Call collectto-night while still av- ailable, Mrs. M. Millson, Lon- don, 451-0541. 5-45-3 7. Situations Wanted 9. Poultry For 'Sale WOULD like job in offie Have completed 2 -year Junior Secretary Course in Retailing. Typing,' etc., etc. Apply Box 1619, The Huron Expositor. 7-44x3 KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 180 .9-394f 10. Used Cars For Sale THREE ton 'Ridge truck, s t o c k racks, good running condition. R. J. D o i g, 527- 0763, North Main St., Sea - forth. 10-37-tf 11. Articles For Sale 11. Articles For Sale GIDIR press, phone Mitchell 348-8252. , 1i -44x2 TAPE recorder and pair of walkie telkie,s. For more in- formation' call 527-1803. 11-45x2 THREE orfour kitchen chairs, in good condition: Box 1622, Huron Expositor. 11-45x1 USED bedroom suite priced for quick •sale, call after 7 o'clock. Phone 527.1401. 11-45-2 FULL sized baby crib, in good condition. Teeter -babe chair. Phone 527-0168. 11;,45-1 OFFICE desk, almost new, 24" x 60", arborite top, phone '527-0862. 11-45-1 HUDSON seal fur jacket,' in very good condition, size 14, priced reasonable. Apply Box 1621, Huron Expositor. 11-45x3 COAL or wood heater, quant- ity of quart sealers, ph o n e 527-1122. 11-45x1 BLUE winter coat with black fur collar, size 8, $9.00. Phone 527-0858, Mrs. Dyke Wheat- ley. 11-45x1 FIFTEEN cords of dry mixed wood. E. Beuermann, 527- 0196. 11-45-4 FOR SALE — Dry walnut stove wood. Jim McNairn. phone 527-0428. -2 UNIT -STEP, pre -cast concrete steps. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Seaforth, phone 527-1320.' 1f-43-8 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of 'jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-39-tf See our Large Selection of Swiss Made Watches by BULOVA 'CARAVELLE RODANIA ENICAR, These watches are ail guar- anteed for one foil year and serviced by our own watch-' makers. Anstett Jewellers Ltd* • 11-39-tf WE sell and service Timex w a t c h e s priced from $7.95• up. Come in and choose one as we have. (all models in stock. Anstett Jewellers Ltd: 11-39-11 BOOK of .Knowledge includ- ing bookcase and many extras at a substantial saving, Apply to Boit 1612, The Huron Ex- positor or phone 527-1522. 11-42-tf. 12. Wanted To Buy FOUR acres of buckwheat, standing in . field. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. •11-44x3 GOOD wintercabbage, squash, turnips, carrots, beets, and fresh picked green corn. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. 11-44x3 APPLES, exceptionally good quality, windfall McIntosh, •$1.25per bushel. Pick your own, anytime. Ross Middle - ton's Orchards, Bayfield. 11-44-2 SINGER zig zag sewing mach- ine with portable cabinet. Does decor and button holes. Can be had for $64.00 cash or $8.00 monthly. Write Box 1620 The. Huron Expositor. 11-44-2 APPLES, pick your own, low trees. Picking days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur- -day,- beginning October' 8th. Spys, Kings, Delicious, Snow, Tatman Sweets, Russets, etc. Also picked McIntosh. Fred McClymont and Son, 1 mile south of Varna. 11-44-2 • 4. Help Wanted ' 4. Help ' Wanted LABOURERS and SEMI - SKILLED WORKERS Urgently Required by a Goderich Firm Minimum starting rate of pay: $1.60 an hour No pervious experience, needed Fringe Benefits - Company pays 75% ofd P.S.I and Ontario Hospital Plan, Life Insurance, - Sickness and Accident Coverage 8 Statutory Holidays and' Vacation with Pay 5 day week - 45 hours Interested applicants should apply- at your nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE r QUOTE CO# 725 I"" ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy indlvid- µal pieces or" complete house= hold. Phone, 271-1578. 12-39-tf LARGE quantity . of baled straw, barn stored for fall pick-up. Write stating amount and price expected to G. Mc- Fadden, RR 1 Milton Ont. 12-38x10 THE .M,URON•.EXPO$ITOR< SMIFORTH, ON" '.r (P'01`., 1 1:4, Property For Sale FOR R sale ata else. d value, game dwelling in Harphur. hey, to be remodelled. Phone 527-1456. 14-43-4 FOR SALE —. 50 acre farm west -1/2 lot 3, con. 8, McKillop Township, Good Buildings. Jerre -'Doerr. x2 FOR sale at assessed value frame dwelling in Harphur- hey. To be removed. Phone 527-1456. 14-45-4 14. Property For Sale Recently redecorated 4 -bed room family home in ideal location, 2 bathrooms, 2 fire- places and garage. Apply at Savauge Jewellers, phone 527-0270 or evenings phone 527-0162. 14-44-tf VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY House For Sale Beautiful seven room brick house, 3 yrs. old, situated on 1 acre landscaped lot, riot Wa- ter Heated, excellent condi- tion with full basement, gar- age, Breezeway paved drive- way, water-softner, etc. Rien Vanderhoek, phone 527-1477, 14-45-1 Building Lots Full sized lots on Welsh St. Service Available. Seaforth Public Utility Commission 14-43-2 LISTOWEL' AREA -100 acre dairy farm 31/2 miles from town and 11/2 miles from Highway. 95 workable and very productive. Barn 60 x 72, tie-ups for 31 cows. Drive -shed 30 x 45, silo 12 x 32.' Two dry wells, five bedroom white brick house, bathroom and new oil fur- nace. Property For Sale 19. Notices. WILL',BABYSIT during the daytime, pklone 521-0428, 2. Beans and; Corn Dried MANUEL BEUERMANN Brodhagen Phone Dublin 132 'Re. • 19-44x2 NOTICE Tuckersinith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.00y p.m. and Saturday morning from 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. No wire fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES I. • McINTOSH, Clerk. 19-39-tf 100 acres of clay loam land, good water supply, bank barn, implement shed, house with all modern conveniences. House in Egmondville, — frame house, new furnace, modern bathroom, built-in cupboards, 3 bedrooms. ' Apply to HAROLD JACKSON Realtor 14-44-2 15. Property For Rent , MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, xeter, 235-1510. 15-394f, APARTMENT in Seaforth." Apply to Harold J a c k s o n, 527-0640: 15-44-2 APARTMENT in '.Dublin, modern, one room, private en- trance, ground floor, all utili- ties supplied. Rent reasonable. Now available. Phone 141, Dublin. 15-44-2 APARTMENTS above pool room, in clinic apartments, in Seaforth .apartments (across from hospital), and above Simpson's. Contact 13 a r v e y Dale, phone 527-1406. 15-44-2 TWO bedroom heated apart- ment, upstairs, private en- trance, on Adams St. Melvin Neil, 527-1633. 15-44-2 HOUSE, four bedrooms, mod- ern conveniences, oil heated. Phone Hensall 262-5500. 15-45-2 MONKTON AREA -100 acre dairy farm two miles from Meekton and close to High- way. "98 acres workable, 'L' shaped barn 40 x 56 and 36 x 40. Milkhouse, drilled well. Four bedroom frame house. 100 acre farm 41/2 .miles from Monkton. All work- able. Two silos, 13 x 45 and 24 x 50. Two years old: BLYTH AREA — 150 acre farm, 130 acres workable. Four miles from Blyth. Barn 40 x 60 and 28 x 60. Four bedroom frame house. WALTON AREA — 112 acre dairy farm, silo. steel gran- aries, well drained. 125 acre farm, good build- ings. Fifty acres of productive land. STRATFORD AREA — 150 acres, -i -mile from- city .on Highway 8. Good invest- ment. 199 acres, 4 miles from city. Loose hbzrsing for 60 head and 150 pigs. Nice home with all modern conven- iences. ' For Farms in Perth and Huron Counties Con- tact us VICTORIA and GREY TRUST (Stratford) Real Estate Department• Telephone - Office: 271-205 Don 1VicTavish -Res: 625878' Joe Delesie - !lies: 393-021 14.45 - PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture • CLINTON 1940-1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442w6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23' ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, autlhorized dealer Alvin: Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 651.4. • 19 -32 -ti SET of -farm buildings, close to town, including, house with all modern 'conveniences. Av- ailable November 1st. Phone 527-0938. 15-45-2 19. Notices CLOTHES dried while shop-' ping on Main St., with .a co_m- mercial dryer at Jack Thomp- s'on's Footwear Service, Shoes 'and repairs. Main St. 19-45 -2 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey.Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19.39-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company' of Canada Ltd. -Phone -Clinton, 482-7269 • Licence No. 350-C-65 19-39-tf NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario, To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday -night. FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 114 R 16, Dublin. Call Collect 19-39-tf VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. Phone 262=5350. Hensel]. 19-39-tf Equipment - - Rental Hi -pressure sprayer, gleans hog pens, chicken huses, tractors, farm machinery. 500 lbs. pressure. hourly - daily - weekly Sharp's Maintenance Service Phone 527-1526. Seaforth 19-43x3 Dead Stock under New Management • ATWOOD PET • FOOD SUPPLY Garnet Smith 2. p. Auction :Sales STQQ1 R FEEDER AUCTION SALE Hensel! Sales Arena, on SATURDAY',- OCTA , , R 15 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. - 600 head -consisting of cal - Vee, heifers and steers, For consignments contact t}Je man- agemezit-. Victor Hargreaves at 482-7511 Jack Morrisey at 234-6200 - A1ietioneerrs 1 EGTOR McelEIL HAROLD JACKSON 20-44-2 Ontario Lacombe Breeders' Sale at Stratford Fair Grounds on Wednesday., October 1.9th at 1:30; ' W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres.; Newmarket, Secretary 20-44-2 We arehere to give you faster service and be t t e r prices, paid on the spot' for dead or disabled cows and horses. $5.00 AND UP FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free, also free veterinary inspection. Call Collect Atwood 356-2622 24 hrs. a day -7 days a vfeek Lic. No. 401-C-65 19-39-tf WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ' ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. Phone 521-1720 — Seaforth 19.39-tf 20. Auction Sales Ontario Landrace Breeders' Sale at Palmerston Fair Grounds on Friday, October 21, at 1:30 W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres., Newmarket, Secretary 20-44-2 • AUCTION SALE Of Farm Machinery, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 1 p.m. on Lot 26, Con. 13, Hibbert Township, 1 ei miles south of Cromarty and 21 miles west Full list in next weeks paper. LORNE McNAUGHTON Proprietor ED CORBETT, Auctioneer 20-45-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of F u r p i t u r e, 'Antiques, HopBehold Effects- and Auto- mobile in the village of Brod- hagen for the Estate of the Late Edward Prueter SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd at 1:00 o'clock ' HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — RCA 17" portable TV; Sei- vel refrigerator; Beach pro- pane stove with wood and coal annex; Electrolux va- cuum cleaner with attach- ments; Locomotive washing machine; 3 pie e e bedroom suite with spring and. matt- ress; 2 iron beds with springs' and mattress; 2 blanket box- es; wool comforters; w a 11 mirrors; sewing machine; lib- rary table; antique table; 5 rocking chairs; 2 arm chairs; table and four chairs; car d table; side board; 5 chairs; desk; ' 2 chesterfields; studio couch; 10' x 10' congoleum rug; glass cupboard; antique spice table; antique clock; goose feathers; quilting Wool; coal and wood stove; dishes; sealers; crocks;' jugs; and a host of other articles. 20. Auction Sales. nt4. Jaybee Hereford Farrns • 'D15030.501; Sole ofRe istered Herefords At the . -m, 5 .miles South of Seat(), three Miles • Eaet of Kippen on Saturday, ' Osato ber 1.Sth, ominenczng.,at 12 0'404.'eatttring• lop head; 20 bred, heitere sired by Real Silver Prince SM. *5 service able aged bulls„ advanced re- gistry Jested, 40 ,cows with calves by side and rebred. STANLEY JACKSON; -, Kippen, Proprietor W. S. O'NETL, Auctiouder • 20-45-1 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Livestock, 'Farm Mach-. inery and- Household Effects,. for Arthur Varley, Lot 26, Con. 5, Tuckersmith Town- ship, 3M miles south-west. of Seaforth on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 12 noon LIVESTOCK — 9 Durharn cows, all under 7 years, "good milk cows each having raised 2 calves this summer; 7 Hol- stein cows, all machine milk- ed; 3 Durham cows, all mach- ine milked;. 19 early spring calves, D u r ham and cross- bred; 9 Durham steers and 8 heifers,,1112 _years; Fat char. Heifer. MACHINERY — M -F 65 gas tractor, 5000 hours; M -F 35 diesel tractor, less than 3500.hrs.; tire chainn and belt pulley; snowblower, 3, pt.; M- F manure loader with ba le loader and snow bucket at- tachment; Dearborn 7 -ft. 3 pt. mower; M -F 3-1 u r r o w wide mounted plow; M -F 3 - furrow narrow mounted plow; M -F 35 pull type combine; New Holland motor driven baler; M-1 • 15 run fertilizer drill, power lift and markers, nearly new; Kongskilde 9 -ft.. cultivator; M,H tandem disc, 8 -ft., AC PTO side rake; Mau- er, 4 -row bean puller, new; Bissel disc, 8 -ft.; Bale stook- s Martin rubbertired g MISCELLANEOUS — 1938 Plymouth coach in excellent condition; 2 garden tractors; step ladder; i14 Ain. motor; lawn mower; garden tools. TERMS — CASH. 5% sales tax in effect. LLOYD PRUETER and WIL- FRED ,.AHRENS, Executors R. G. GETHKE, Auctioneer Monkton. 347-2465. 20. Auction • rug, 9 x 101_. ldjustatble to and st<?nd; dellie tch- er;, bedroom reline; ; beds, tables; 1inei ; . Srurttll,zs; crgeks;,,odd dl , and n> - ,erous other articles, ERMS :--, I Cash dn7 of. u.: N`o Reserve ,'?["ann .is Sold`. HEOT4.R MoNEIL .. -on ?one ::8.98.5330,,: tun ;2R: 45.1' 2. 'gar Nd: T !EASURE 4'S tr OFL ..F( TJ COTJNTY d TO '1''; By virtue; of , a :rant ireseied' br tine : Mayor=° of e. e Town of Seafiorth iter hist porhana io ande�a S date 4he 14th • day , �o# Febrt !:, 1966 le of Unarm arrears bf des in the Town of Seaforth w� be held in the, Council ,Chambere at ,the hour `off 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon on the 14th day of December, 196'6, un- less the taxes and costs ere sooner paid. Notice is hereby given 'that he list of lands for sale for ) arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the prd . day September, 1966 and that cop- ies of the said list may be had• at my office. Treasurer's office, 'this 6th day of September, 19.66. Ernest Williams, Clerk. 22-4Q-13 NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PATRICK.O'ROURKE ' All persons having claims against the Estate of Patrick O'Rourke, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the Ceiun- ty of Huron, Retired Fanner, deceased, who died on the r; a ire wa _ 18th day of . September, 1966, on, new, with grain box; All are hereby notified to send in steel rubber tired wagon, hay full particulars of theirelan to the undersigned on or bei rack; Cockshutt double roll 8, -ft. cultipacker; J.D. manure spreader 'R'; M -H swather, No. 7 PTO 9 -ft.; 9 -sec. light harrows; J.D. spring tooth harrows, 12 °ft.; Fairbanks - Morse hammermill and 75 -ft. endless belt; 9 -ft. steel roller; 16 -ft. skeleton bale elevator; Bale and grain elevator on wheels; Scales; ,New 41 ft. water trough; 3 hog self feeds; 10 milk cans; West. 6 can milk cooler; Forney 180 amp. welder nearly. new; Quantity of scrap iron and small' artic- les. GRAIN and FEED —15 ton mixed grain; 500 bales straw; 300 bales hay. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Dining room, suite; bookcase.; round extension table; Beige '47a19A711iluv}7,51V,iWVAIIITAT1,y11M • '111111 ulufl!I Ili THERE IS NO POINT IN WORKING .;FOl2,- SOMEBOD'1' ELSE! HE ONLY PAYS YOU WHAT, HE THINKS YOU'RE WORTH! fore the 21st' day of October, 1966,. after which date the as- sets will be distributed, hav- ing regard only to claims then received. DATED. at Seaforth; Ont- ario, this 28th day of Septem- ber, 1966. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. 22-43-3 For Additional Classified j Page 10 ' 1 a ion 1.!1!;!,i0A..J11111l,!Ili I.I 11A,ll11 •A {I + I Il In Jp,Tt,Wry,,,,. THEY PUT EIGHT o: 'EM ON THIS HA`I-BALER VESTERDA4 TWo GRAND THEY SPENT AND Te DN'T 6AT AN EYE.... :IJ Iq+l II 81/411 LET ME ASK FOR 'TEN CENTS AN H0t312 AND VOU SHo)Lie WEAR. 'EM SeREAM! (fji1; p Ill +I 011 04/45 HEAVENS NO —HE NEVER HAS. A GOOD • OPINION OF YOU ' YOU DONT KNOW WHICH IS A PLOY OR WHICH •, tG,. A GIRL,', `IOU HAVE A LOVL`I CAR, Ma. BSS 8eE IT'S A PLEASURE To POLISH IT! AT WASHING CARS,111E'1'RE KINDA PATHETIC.,. AT E)('CRACIING 1)0t1& El/0M DADS, THE`i'RE PU s