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HensaI .gioAuxiliiry
Mark 17th An niversary
Hensall Legion Ladies' Aux,
iliary observed their 17th birth-
day anniversary with a party
at the Legion Hall, Mensal!, on
Thursday evening and entertain-
ed as their guests, Mrs, Evelyn
Carroll, Zone Commander, of
Goderich, who spoke briefly,
and members of Exeter and
Clinton Auxiliaries.
Grant and Kenneth Jones of
Kippen entertained with sever -
a1 songs- with guitar accompan-
iment and Mrs. Granet Allan
gave a reading. Bingo was
played and a penny sale con-
ducted. Winners ' in the draws
were Mrs. Grant McClinchey,
Mrs. William Forrester, Mrs.
Harold Thiel.
Mrs. H. Campeeere presided
for the program arranged by
Mrs.- -McClinchey acid Mrs.' Ai -
News of Hensall
Amber Rebekah Lodge met
Wednesday with Noble Grand,
Mrs. George Clifton presiding.
Miss Jean Scott, District Deputy
"President and her installing
staff of Seaforth Huron District
23, installed the officers.
P.N.G., Mrs. George Clifton;
noble grand, Mrs. Lindsay Eyre;
Vice -grand, Mrs.' Jack Corbett;
recording secretary, Mrs. Leona
Parke; financial secretary, Mrs.
E. Chipchase; • treasurer, Mrs.
Ed Corbett; warden, Mrs. Earl
Campbell; conductor, Mrs. El-
gin Thomson; chaplain, • Mrs.
John Taylor; musician, Mrs.
William Fuss; color' bearer,
Mrs. Howard Lemmon; RSNG,
Mrs. Inez McEwen; LSNG, Mrs.
Clarence Volland; RSVG, Mrs.
Hardid " Parker; LSVG, Mrs.
Glenn Bell; inside guard, Mrs.
William Kyle; outside guardian,
Mrs. John Ingram.
Noble Grand, Mrs. Clifton
presented D.D.P. Miss Scott
with a corsage and gift on be-
half of the lodge,,, and Noble
Grand, Mrs. Clifton was pre-
sented with her past grand's
jewel by Miss Scott.
Courtesy remarks were giv-
en by Miss Scott, D.D.P.. Happy
birthday was sung for five mem-
After the meeting a country
store was conducted by Mrs.
William Kyle.
Miss Carolyn Campbell re-
ceived word that she has been
awarded the Legion Ladies'
Auxiliary Bursary of $400 for
Zone C-1. She is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Camp-
Huron County Women's In-
stitute Rally was held in Au-
burn Community Hall on Mon-
day, October 3, with 133 pre-
sent. Greeting and reports were
brought by the district presi-
dents and secretaries, by Mrs.
Wes Brad.teock and Mrs. Stanley
Bride, F.W.1.O. members.
Mrs. Wombold of Goderich
did a precision drill with the
trimbel and Mrs. Radford of
Clinton favoured with two
piano instrumentals. Miss Shar-
on Carroll, Huron Home Ecomo-
mist, reported on the 4-11 club
work. The scholarship was,
awarded Janette Wright, RR 1,
Clifford, and was accepted for
her by her mother.
Mrs. Mervin Batkins of Clin-
ton gave a display of hats, fab-
rics, colors and feathers for
fall. Mrs. Ross Knight gave
courtesy remarks and the meets.
ing closed with the Queen.
Ladies attending from Hen-
sall branch were: Mrs. V. Py-
ette; Mrs. Clarence Reid; Mrs.
E. Riley; Mrs. James McAllister;
Mrs. F. Beer; and Mrs. W.. Dil-
From. Kippen East WI: Mrs.
Grant MacLean; Mrs. James
Drummond; Mrs. Vern Alder -
dice; and Mrs. Harry Caldwell.
lan. Mrs.. William Smal.e was in
charge of the penny sale, efts.
Allan conducted the draws and
Mrs. Carroll, Zone Comxnander,
drew the winning 'tickets.
Fractures Hip .
Mrs. A. B. Rowcliffe fractur-
ed her hip when she fell Thurs-
day- afternoon
day •afternoon while attending.
a meeting in Hensall united
Church. She is a patient in St.
Joseph's Hospital, London.
Students of grades 4, 5, 6, 7,
and 8, from Hay Township
School Area, with their principal
and teachers spent (Tuesday) at
the International Plowing
Match, Seaforth.
Dies In London
Funeral services for Roy W
Weber, 68, of London, a native
of 'Zurich, and a former busi=
nessinan in Hensall, were held
Saturday, from A. Millard
George Funeral Home, London,
Burial was in Forest Lawn
Memorial Gardens. The late. Mr:
Weber is survived by a 1daugh
ter (Erna) Mrs. Douglas Gray,
London; and a son, Donald, •of
Dorchester. '•1
Honors Bride
Mrs. James Bisback, a re-
cent bride, was honored at a
miscellaneous presentation at
the Legion Hall, Friday even-
ing, when she was the recip-
ient of many beautiful gifts.
Presentation address was read
by Mrs. Garnet Allan and
presentation of gifts was by
Mrs. T. Kyle, 'Jr. and Mrs. G.
Entertainment included bin-
go, in charge of Mrs. Kyle
and Mrs. •Allan. In charge of
arrangements were Mrs. Shi-
els, Mrs. Kyle, Mrs.. R. Van -
stone and Mrs. Dave Ingram.
Mrs. Bisback, the former
Patricia Sass, of Chatham, and
her husband are attending
Western. University.. The
groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Bisback of Hen-
Unit 4 Meets
At the Autumn Thankoffer-
ing meeting of Unit 4, UCW,
Thursday afternoon Miss Amy
Lammie gave two readings in
braille, one of life's recipes,
on "Food for Thought" and
"Thanksgiving". Mrs. E.'Rowe
had charge of the meeting.
The study "The Church of the
World" was given by Mrs.
Fred% Beer, who said "God
works in many ways through
us his "Wonders to Perform':
The Autumn Thankoffering
was received and dedicated.
Miss M. Ellis had charge of
the devotional stating ""God
is in .his Heaven"The world
know ours if but we how to
use it properly.
Mrs. George Armstrong led
is prayer. A note was received
from Mrs. C. L. Jinks and ex-
pressed appreciation 'of the
special meeting for Associated
members which she was un-
able to attend.
A letter of thanks was read
from Mrs. Whiting of Hazel-
ton, B.C., expressing thanks
for parcels of clothing. 29
members were present at the
Talk Menus
Kippen One Cookettes met
Monday at the home of Mrs.
Ken McLean. The leaders dis-
cussed "Planning Supper
Menus" use of vegetables for
supper and "The Reasons for
Food Guide for Health Vege-
tables". Group work included
making salad dressing, pre-
paring material for salads.
Mrs. Henry Pfile
Mrs. Henry Pfile, of Water-
loo, formerly of Hensall, pass-•
ed away Monday, October 10,
in Kitchener" Waterloo Hospit-
al in her -76th year. The form-
er Edith Durst she was born
in Hay Township, and while
a resident of Hensall, she was
active in choir work in Hen-
sall United Church, her late
husband who died in 1957
was a businessman here.
Surviving are a sister, Mrs.
Edgar Geil of Waterloo: two
brothers, Albert of Vanoouver,
and Erza, Detroit.
Public funeral service will
be held from Borithron Fun-
eral Home, Thursday, October
13th, conducted by Rev. H. F.
Wash off the Plowing
Match Mud -- use the
i] O
High' Pressure Cleaning for. Cars, Trucks,
Motor Cycles, Lawnmowers, Etc.
Currie. Interment will be in
Dashwood ESU.B.. Cemetery.
T1ua following c h liar e n
were presented for Sacrament
of Infant Baptism at Hensall
United Church, Sunday morn-
ing. They are. William Todd,
son bf Mrs. • and Mrs. Harold
L. Caldwell; Christopher Nel-
son, son of Mr, and Mrs. Rob-
ert G. Reaburn; Timothy Ad-
am Cavil!, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. B. Rowcliffe.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Salter
are vacationing for two weeks
in Mexico.
1Vir. Charles Mickle, I'amil-
ton, ,Robert and Ann, U.W.O.
London, spent Thanksgiving
week end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murray,
Bar River, Algoma. visited on
Saturday with Mrs. John Mc-
Mr. and .Mrs. Alex Short -
house and family, St. Cather -
Ines, were °Thanksgiving vis-
itors _ryvith Herb Hedden.
Mrs. Stewart McQueen is a
patient in South Huron Hos-
pital, Exeter.
Mrs. John McMurtrie spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. and
Mrs. Stewart Bell and girls.
At a meeting of H e n s a 11
Teen Town recently pians
were competed for a dance,
October 22, in Hensall Com-
munityCentre. Officers elec-
ted were President, Brenda
Noakes; -Secretary, Bevin
Bonthron; Treasurer, Bill Sol-
dan; Directors, Kathie Hen-
derson, John Skea, John
Joynt, Tom Neiiands.
Miss Margaret Smillie,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Smilli isa patient
in Scarlioroug G neral Hos-
pital With serious ad injur-
ies following a 3 car. ccident.
Dr. and Mrs. Ivan millie,
of Kamloops, B.C., were re-
cent guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Elgin Rowcliffe and visited
friends and relatives.
. Mrs. Dick McKellar, Teddy
and David cif Thedford, spent
Saturday with her parents,.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Steacy of.
Lakewood, Colorado, visited
with relatives in London this
week andpaid a flying visit
to call on friends in.the vill-
age. Mr. Steacy is a former
Hensall boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wat-
Bride -Elect
Mrs. James McNaughton en-
tertained at a trousseau; tea in
honor of her daughter, Jean,
on Friday, September 3Qth, The
Weise was ,attractively decorat-
ed! •in fall colors of orange,
green and brown. Those pour-
ing tea were Mrs. Jamea Smil-
lie, grandmother of the bride
to be.. Mrs, Harold shepherd,
Mi` R ;William Walker, Mrs. Mary
Haugh; Mrs, Thome Kay, Mrs.
Clarence. Smillie. Those assist-
ing in displaying gifts wee
the misses Jean Funnell, Linda
Edwards, Margaret Elgie, Mar-
garet Shepherd', Brenda Smil-
lie and Mrs. Murray Scott, These
serving in the tea: rooms were
Mrs. Douglas McGregor, Mrs.
Laird Finlayson, Mrs. Robert
Taylor, Miss Sharon Carroll,
Linda Edwards, Jean Funnell
and Margaret Kerr. Other help:
ers were Mrs. Pearson. Charters,
Mrs: Jack Coopers., Mora. Edna
Caldwell, Mrs. Edgar Allan,
Mrs. • Harry Norris, Mrs. Ross
Chapman, Mrs. Lloyd Cooper
and Mrs. Robert Allan.
In the past few weeks Jean
has been entertained at sever-
al showers. Classmates, interns
and dieticians from Victoria
Hospital •gave • her a surprise
kitchen shower. . Mrs. Mary
Haugh entertained friends and
relatives at a china and glass-
ware shower. Neighbors and
ladies of the Brucefield Church
treated Jean to a collective
shower. Miss Jean Funnell en-
tertained at a miscellaneous
shower in St. Thomas. This
gave Jean an opportunity to
meet many of the St. 'Thomas
friends and relatives.
The bridal party was enter-
tained at a buffet lunch Friday
evening following the rehearsal
et the home of Mr, and Mrs.
Robert Elgie.
son, Seaforth, Mr.. and Mrs.
Eric Ritcher, Kitchener, spent
Thanksgiving with Mr. a n d
Mrs. Clendon Christie and.
Catherine Anne.
Mr. and -Mrs. Keith Lind-
say and family of Hamilton,
spent Thanksgiving at the
Henderson residence.
by Ray Argyle
• The search for safety and se-
curity, an understandable quest
when not carried to extremes
appears at times to be actually
endangering our ability to sur-
vive. -
The overpowering . emphasis
which our society puts on secu-
rity has, at the very least, blunt-
ed the readiness of many people
to take chances which could of-
ten as not ,bring them rich re-
Ask any employer the first
question his fresh-out-of=college
job applicant asks. Often as ndt,
it's "what kind of pension. plan
.do you have here?"
.Now, there's no reason why
we should not properly be con-
c•erned about pensions. But what
will really bring the greatest re-
ward to a, young. person setting
out on his careen — oppor-
tunity for, excitin challenges,
or the assurance of a comforta-
ble pension?
A leading American scientist
stated recently that modern
man's exaggerated attitude to-
ward cormfort and security are
not only hopeless of attainment,
but undesirable in themselves.
Dr. Paul A. Weiss of Rocke-
feller University cited as an ex-
ample the parents who want to
protect their children complete-
ly from contact with germs and
infection. He points out, rightly
I believe, that those who are not
constantly exposed to infections
do not develop defenses, against
them. Such children would die
frgm their first accidental or
unavoidable exposure.
He adds that parents try to
shield their offspring from the
shocks and frustrations of life.
He suggests they may 'succeed
to the point where children be-
come incapable of handling
themselves in the first really
Full Protection
Cash Register
Now Only
lee Ile
A Cash Register—and an adding
machine. Enforced registration.
designation keys, locked -In in.
font -teflon. Totals 9999.99. Two
machine for the pace of one.
tough situation they . run into:.
Moderate stress, according to
Dr. Weiss, is necessary. to keep
us alert, responsive and capable.
"Our very survival depends on
it," he says. Instead of trying to
eliminate stress we should work
toward developing our abilities
to meet it.
Here are some "don'ts" the
good doctor lists:
DON'T rush your child t6 -the
doctor for treatment with anti-
biotics for every small, insigni-
ficant ailment.
DON'T allow legitimate con-
cern about car safety to carry
us to the point where we .seek
hazard ih our environment.
DON'T look for a single cause
or a sole blarne in any social or
individual problem. Flat asser-
"causes" lung cancer are an
oversimplification. Neither lung
cancer nor any other disease is
"caused" by a single agent.
DON'T strive for absolute se-
curity because such a goal is
biologically unsound. Better to
strengthen 'your powers of cop-
ing with stress and disease rath-
er than letting them deteriorate
through disuse.
In the attempt to rid our-
selves of stress, it would seem
we are striving for complete
protection in a world where life
is a gamble with statistics, and,
it, is impossible to be 100 per
cent secure.
Why the apparent over -em-
phasis on security in the past
few years?
The fact that we all live un-
der the ever-present threat of
nuclear annihilation probably
has something to do with it. We
don't consciously think very of-
ten of the possibility of being
wiped out in an atomic war, but
the risk is there nevertheless.
The pursuit of social security,
e proper goal of any country,
has probably become such a
dominating factor in Canadian
politics as a hang -over from the
great depression. It also may be
that our collective consciences
have bothered us about some-
thing we should have done
something about a long time
ago, and didn't.
Every individual's welfare
and life is precious — to him-
self and his family, but not nec-
essarily to society. We have to
weigh the social cost against the
individual benefit.
Auto accidents could probably
be redueed 99 per cent by. the
expenditure of billions of dol-
lars on highway•engineering and
remodeling of autos. But that
wouldn't change driver habits.
Is the cost worth it from a so-
cial viewpoint?
Our inability to distinguish
between cause and effect seems
to retain one of our basic pro-
roblems. Where the cause can be
dealt with realistically, let's do
so. Where it can't, let's le
to live with the effect.
Awa Or NitA4RoN
Groups Are Busy
Wil -h, .FaiI Plans
--pork Cl urciy tJCW met QA
Wednesday eveningb i11 the
Sunday $ch,00l, rooms, Mrs.
William Coutty, leader oC fine
Walton Unit, Was in charge of
the meeting opening With
hymn 577 "Come Ye Thank-
ful People, Come", with Mrs.
Martin Baan accompanying on
the piano. The theme was
based anon ed "Let us Remem-
ber Jesus' and was given by
Mrs. Coutts. The scripture
reading taken from, St. Matt-
hew 6: 25-33 was read by Mrs.
Emerton Mitchell. followed
with. prayer by Mrs. W. C.
Heekrwell. The offering was
recerVed by Mrs. Kenneth Mc-
Donald and dedicated. 4iymn
358 " Jesus Calls us o'er the
Tumult" was sung. Mrs. Wal-
ter Bewley introduced the
new study book "Realms'of a
Christmas Calling" dealing
with Chapter 1, Evangelism.
She said one 01 the seven ex-
amples of a Christian realiz-
ing this calling is everyday
work. A study book for 1967
is "Canada in Canadian Chur-
ches". •
Minutes were read by Mrs.
Campbell, Wey and business
was in charge of Mrs. Gordon
McGavin. The annual Turkey
Supper will be held Novem-
ber 2, in the church basement.
Mrs. Harvey Brown gave a
report on the school for lead-
ers at St. Thomas. The theme
throughout they meeting was
"The Church in the World"
closing with a personalized
version of the "Lord's Pray-
The treasurer's report was
given by 1VIrs. Kenneth Mc-
Donald. Mrs Clarence Martin
reported that all articles need-
ed for the, bale had been re-
ceived and would be sent a=
way. The regional meeting
will be held at Goshen Church
on October 27, with Mrs. Ar-
thur Higginbotham; Mrs. W.
C. Hackwell and Mrs. Charles
McCutcheon as delegates.
Present Awards
Pins,;diplomas, seals and a-
wards were presented to pup-
ils of Walton United Church
Sunday school en Sunday.
Perfect attendance, Lois
Williamson, Tom Willliamson,
Gerald Baan, Sharon Marks,
Peggy Dennis, Laura Dennis,
Douglas Mitchell, Bo b b y
Leeming and Dianne Godkin.
Seals and Diplomas, Mary
Leeming, Tom Leeming, Nel-
lie Baan. Carol Wilbee, Gor-
don Mitchell, David Baan,
Karen McDonald, Neil Mc-
Donald, Ricky McDonald,
John Baan, Gail Searle, Bev-
erly McCall, John Leeming,
Brian Wilbee, Keith C-1 a r k,
Anne Clark, Ross Mitchell,
Murray Houston, Debbie Wey,
Gail Traviss, Jane Leeming,
Marianne Wildfong, Nancy
McNichol, Joyce. McNichol.
Beth McNichol, Karen Mc -
Ewing, Steven Dennis, Melvin
Knox, Gwen Bosman, Mary
Searle, Joan Bennett, Gary
Bennett, Paul McCallum, Ron-
ald McCallum. Marion Mc-
Callum, Karen Coutts, Dianne
Dennis and Warren Dennis.
Mission Band Meets
The Mission Band of Duff's
Church met. Sunday morning
with the president Bruce Mc -
,Donald in charge, 'with an at-
tendance of 42 and . opened
with Will Your Anchor Hold'
with Connie Coutts acting as
pianist. Bruce McDonald read
the Call to 'Worship, "Herrin
58e, "God sees the little spar-
row fall" was sung. followed
by the scripture taken from 'dews Of
psalm 19: 7-9 read by Gordon
Mrs. Walter Bewley talked
about the United Nations, its
formation and purpose. Steven
Dennis led in prayer. .G a i 1
Traviss and Heather McDon-
ald collected the offering and
Bruce McDonald dedicated it
with prayer.
Heather McDonald read the
treasurer's report and Keith
Wilbee read the minutes.
Bruce McDonald conducted
the business.
The next meeting will be
in the form of a white gift
service with the gifts going to
the Children's Aid Society.
John Van Vliet and Jane
Leeming will help with the
worship and Dianne Frazer
will act gas pianist.
Classes were formed with
the following teachers, Mrs.
William Roe, Mrs. Nelson
Marks, Mrs. Jan Van Vliet
and Mrs. Walter Bewley. The
meeting closed with .hymn 605
"Tell me the stories of Jesus"
and the Benediction.
chairs. Au a..dress was read',
by Bill Ha tQn a purse
o# money presented, by 404-
ald Williaxhson. The bride and.
ohm. , both expressed theirtha'
Mrs. Robert Pickering; San -
Bob eb r.S
Bobby. and David
of Oakville were S u
guests at the home of Mrs.
George Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs.. John Mow-
bray and Mr. and Mrs. Peter
Mowbray Friday owithf DetroitMiss visitMaryed
Thomas at the home of Mrs.
Miss Audrey. McMichael of
Waterloo visited over Thanks-
giving week end with her par-
ents, MrMichael... and Mrs. Robert Mc -
Miss Judy Clark, London,
spent the week end rwith Mr.
and •Mrs. Harold Srnalldon.
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Benne-
weis of Brodhagen were Sun-
day guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs.. William Murray.
Miss. Ruth Ritchie of t ltch-
ener visited on Saturday and
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Ritchie.
Sunday guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hack -
well included Mr. and Mrs.
David' Hackwell, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLlwain,
and Mark, Seaforth; Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Smith and fam-
ily, London and Mr. and Mrs.
Reid Hackwell, Exeter.
Bill Hamilton, who is at-
tending Windsor University,
spent the week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen.
Miss Geraldine Dennis of
Stratford spent the week end
with her parents Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Uhler
of Burlington visited over the
weekend with the Uhler fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Rut-
ledge and family of London,
were week end guests with
the Humphries and Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of
Waterlee • visited on Thanks-
giving day with Mr. and Mrs.
Torrance Dundas.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hoegy
of London, visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy over
the week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald- Wil-
liamson of Collingwood visit-
ed -over the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wil-
Mrs. Fred Kerley, Mr. and
Mrs. David Kerley of Toronto
were week end guests at the
home of Mrs. Walter Broad -
foot. Other recent guests in-
cluded Mr. and Mrs. David
Allison and Mrs. Clarence
Clark, L o n d o n; Mrs. Tom
Taylor, Hensall; Mr. Alvin
Farquharson. Niagara Falls;
Mrs. Bert Allan, Londesboro;
Miss Bessie Davidson and
Mrs. Fern Patterson, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brown
and Warren of Burlington vis-
ited over the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall.
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen. Sr..
over the week end and at-
tending the Gulutzen-Tbamer
reception were Mr. are Mrs.
Walter Parnetta of Tillson-
burg. Mr. and Mrs. Donr,ld
rh'sher of Sarnia also attend-
ed the reception.
Mr an4 nvrrG William Dins-
more and Bruce .of Brampton•
ars' snendiine this week with
lir. and Mrs. Gnrdon Mev-
4Hers Meet
The Walton 4Hers met at
the home of their assistant
leader, Mrs. Nelson Marks on
Wednesday e v e n i n g. Vice -
President Karen McDonald
'opened with the 4H pledge.
The roll call was answered
with one of the supper menus
planned at home. which was
answered be all fifteen -mem-
Discussion was on "Food
Guide for Health", vegetables
cereals and bread. Vitamin D,
The reasons for Food Guide
for Health, Fruit, How can
we use Fruit for supper, Good
foods are economical. ' Mrs.
Kenneth NTDonald made an
apple crisp pudding and Mrs.
Nelson Marks stewed prunes
and dried apricots.
Hold Reception
A reception honoring Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gulutzen was
held in the Walton Commun-
ity Hall Fridav evening with
Ian Wilbee's orchestra provid-
ing the music for dancing.
During the lunch hour the
eWlirWeds were escorted to
Platform and seated on
Mr. and .Mrs. Otto WaIk-
cr and Mr. and Mrs. Kennctth
Walker 'of London spent the
Holiday week end with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Walker a n d
family at Kirkland Lake.
Mrs. Dan McKellar, Buffalo
N.Y. and Mrs. W. N. Binning,
Mitchell, were .Sunday callers
with Cromarty relatives.
Mrs. Grace Scott visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Russell and on Mon-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald Scott and family, Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace
• and Debbie spent the holiday
week end with their daugh-
ter Mrs. Shirley Elliott and
family of Essex.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Currie,
Linda and Joanne' of Dorchest-
er spent the weekend at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto
Mr. John Hocking is a pati-
eri%y'n Stratford General Hos-
Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Filsin-
ger, Ruth and Catherine of
Sebringville, Mr. aria Mrs.
Harvey Sebringville of Strat-
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey
and .daughter Tracy of Listo-
wel spent the holiday week-
end with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Ramsey..
Miss Janet Marquardt, Ex-
eter, holidayed with Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Gardiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller,
Ronnie and Dianne, Staffa,
were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Will. Miller.
Mr. Douglas . Griggs, B.A.,
conducted Thankoffering ser-
vice in Cromarty church on
Sunday and delivered an im-
pressive seasonal message Due
to the efforts of tee C.G.I.T.
girls the harvest decorations
were tastefully arranged. An
appropriate anthem was ren-
dered, by the choir. .
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Binning
and family of Mitchell were
Thanksgiving guests of Mr.
and Mrs. IC McKellar,
bowie from Our
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Read. the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime!
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NABOB COFFEE 1 lb. bag 790
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WHITE - TUNA 7 -oz. tin 43¢
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FACIAL TISSUE • • • • 2 333 boxes 55¢
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CAKE MIXES • • • • 3 large pkgs.
(White, Banana, Devil's Food)
Paramount Fancy Red
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