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107th Year
Whole No. 5145
_SAFORTII, ONTARIO', TI-1U13,8DiY, OCTOBER 13, 1966 - 10 PAGgS
Win in
• A Goderich Township farmer,
rGerritts, RR 1, Clinton, won
unty honors in the farmstead
and rural improvement centen-
nial project. Announcement of
county winners was made at
the plowing match,. Wednesday
• Francis S. Coleman, Seaforth,
who won first prize in ittleicil-
lop, was second, J..L. Stafford
of Wroxeter, third, while fourth
place went to Wilson McCart-
ney, Seaforth, who was the
Tuckersmith winner.
Other winners were:
5th, Elmer Hunter, Goderich;
6th, Mac Macintosh,Brussels;
7th, Ross Higgens, Brussels;
8th, Murray Wilson, Auburn;
9th; • Ivan Howatt, Belgrave;
10th, Lloyd McClinchey, Au-
burn; llth, Don Bradie, Bruce -
field; 12th, Ross Skinner, Cen-
Pupils Return
Motorists injured
in Accident Series
Six people were taken to hos-
pital and daniage amounting to
$4,100 resulted following a
crash involving four cars at
Grieves' bridge on Huron Road
12, north of Seaforth; StMday
Admitted to Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital with undeter-
mined chest and back injuries
is Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe, RR, 4,
Mitchell. Treated for lacera-
tions and bruises and released
were Barbara Bremner and
Brenda Shaw, RR 3, Brussels,
Robert McClure and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter McClure, R. 2,
The accident arose when a
ear driven by William Douglas
Bremner, RR 3, Brussels,
crashed into the third of three
cars stopped while the front
car awaited, a break in traffic
to make a 'left hand turn west
onto the 4th concession of Mc-
Killop. The crash set off a
chain reaction. All the cars in-
volved were proceeding north
and had crossed . Grieves'
Recall School- Days
At 9 Tuckersmith
By W. G. Strong
As a native son of this com-
munity, I feel deeply honored
and profoundly humbled to
• have been asked to pull together
a few thoughts associated with
my school days in this seat of
learning. To me this is -an his-
teric event in more ways than
one. At the -outset one has to
realize that public elementary
aducation was provided for in
• an article of legislation passed
in 1816 creating the first pub-
lic schools in Ontario. We are,
in fact, celebrating the one hun-
dred and fiftieth anniversary
of the establishment of our
public school system. From the
fides of,.the Huron Expositor as
of August 28, 1891, we read
• recently that the new school for
• S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith was fin-
ished and ready for occupancy,
Built at a cost of some $1,200 it
was a modern structure for
that period. Thus we are cele-
brating the seventy-fifth birth-
day of the opening of S.S. No.
9. For those whose life span
has exceeded the three score
years and ten such an event
has very deep significance, an
occasion fraught with the ele-
ments akin to nostalgia. An ear-
ly Roman writer penned this
famous statement, "Tempus fug -
it." Yes, time is fleeting. Shake-
speare wrote of the "inaudible
and noiseless foot of time." The
revered Bobby Burns alleged
that "nae man can tether time
nor tide." We cannot bring
back the dear dead- ,days but
the great mystery of time has
precious thoughts for each of
(Continued on Page 2)
Bridge -
Harry Rapson, RR 4, Walton,
had stopped part way up the
hill intending to turn left. Be-
hind hini. Walter McClure RR
2, Seaforth, who also intended
to turn left had stopped as had
Wilfred Wolfe, R.R 4, Mitchell,
driver of the third car.
OPP Constable Ray Primeau,
who investigated, said damage
to the Rapson car was $700, to
the McClure car, $900, to the
Wolfe car, $2,000 and the Brem-
ner vehicle, $500. He said W.
D. Bremner had been charged
with careless driving.
Seven To Hospital
A series of rear end collisions
involving four vehicles, sent
seven people to Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital at noon Wed-
nesday. All were released fol-
lowing treatment.
Taken to hospital were: John
Dayman, and Theodore Sentjens
of RR 3, Lucan; Mr. and Mrs.
Robert S. KnudSen, RR 5, Em-
bro; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fras-
er, RR 2, Elora and Mrs. Green,
also of Elora.
The accident occured a short
distance east of the town limits
on No. 8 Highway. O.P.P. Con-
stable Ray Primeau investigat-
CollarBone Broken
Mrs. Catherine Mitchell, 47,
of 53 Strachan St., Stratford,
is in fair condition in Victoria
Hospital, London, following a
two -car collision on Highway 8,
a .mile west of here about. 5:45
p.m. Saturday. She "was admit-
ted with chest injuries.
Mrs. Mitchell was the only
passenger in a car driven by
her husband Lorne Sidney Mit-
chell, 45. He was uninjured.
Driver of the other car, Law-
rence P. Plumsteel, principal of
Seaforth District High School
was admitted to Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital with a frac-
tured collarbone.
The accident occured at the
jpnction of Highway 8 and the
Roxboro Road leading to the
plowing match site. •
O.P.P. Constable Ray Primeau
who investigated said the Plum -
(Continued on Page •6)
ch to
SwopXes, I2 coo•
suo a Year 14 .44vaPee.
Of Town
The freedom of Seaforth•wai
extended to plowmen and
plowing match visitors at a
short ceremony at the town
hall, Saturday morning.
Mayor John F. Flannery in
presenting a proclaimation to
O.P.A. president, 'Norman Bar-
ber and treasurer, Clark Young •
stressed the honor which fell
to Seaforth and area in having
been chosen the site of the
Coupled with the ceremony ,
was the reception of the Mid -
Western Development Associa-
tion sponsored conestoga wa-
gon trek. The wagon drawn by
a team of horses and carrying
officials of MODA was met at
the Lions Park by Mayor•Flan-
nery and O.P.A. officials. Pre-
ceeded by the SDHS girls'
band the parade arrived at town
hall where presentations, of
hats and replicas of the Wagon
were made to Mayor Flannery,
Warden Ken .Stewart and Tea -
ed City Mayor, J. M. Scott.
Rev. Harry Donaldson asked
guidance on the pre -Thanksgiv-
ing occasion and on the eve of
the plowing match. Robert Mc-
Pherson, industrial commis-
sioner for Guelph represented
that. city. and brought greetings,
from heads of towns'' and cities -
through which the trek had'
passed. William Urquhart, gen-
eral manager of MODA and pre-
sident, W. C. Gerth represent-
ed that association.
Others taking part were Larry
Snider and Gordon McGavin,
local committee co-ehairmen,
Hon. C. S. MacNaughton and Ro-
bert McKinley, MS,
4 ,
THE FREEDOM OF SEAFORTH was extended Plowmen
Saturday 'morning at a ceremony in front of the town hall
and at the same time greeting to the town and the,O.P.A.
were received from area municipal heads. Shown here dur-
ing the proceedings which included a reception for the
MODA wagon trek are -(left) Robert McKinley, M.P., Gordon
McGavin and Larry Snider, co-chairmen local committee,
Clark Young, treasurer, O.P.A., . (in rear) Don Stephenson,
chairman publicity, Norman Barber, president O.P.A., War-
den- Ken Stewart, William Urquhart, manager MODA, W. C.
Gerth, president MODA, Robert McPherson, Guelph, A. Y.
McLean, who was chairman for the program, J. M. Scott,
Mayor Tented City and Seaforth Mayor, J. F. Flannery.
OPENING CEREMONIES Planned for the big outdoor
stage at the plowing match were cancelled Tuesday afternoon
by rain and instead HMI, J. Green, Canadian Minister of
Agrieulture .spoke briefly, following a noon luneheon. Here
, (WO Hon. Willialn Stewart, Ontario Minister of Agriculture
is introducing Mr. Green. while Warden Ken Stewart, co-
., •
chairman, Larry Snider;' (standing), Y. M. Scott, Mayor of the
Tented City, Deputy Mayor William Scott and D. IL Miles,
Huron Ag. Rep., and committee secretary. Each is proudly
wearing his Seaforth Lions Safe -'l' -Cap, which earlier In the
program had been ketertte4.
SMOOTH SOD COVERED Streets in the Tented City were turned into seas of mud as
driving ram continued to pour on the plowing match site on Tuesday. The abandoned car is
typical of scenes across the 100 acre site. In the background is the hydro exhibit with CKNX
and CBC displays adjacent to the large outdo3r stage. The C.P.A. headquarters building is
at the extreme right. The match continues until Saturday evening,
Dedicate Plaque in Honor
Of Former Alberta Premier
An historical plaque com-
memorating William Aberhart,
founder of the Social Credit
Party and former premier of
Alberta was unveiled in Sea -
forth, Wednesday afternoon'. It
"iS situated at the Seaforth and
District High School which Mr.
Aberhart attended. This plaque
is one of a series being erected,
throughout the province by the
Department of Tourism and In-
formation, acting on the advice
of the Archaeological' and His-
toric Sites Board, of Ontario.
Wednesday's ceremony was
arranged and sponsored by the
Seaforth District High School
Board and F. C. J. Sills, of the
board was' chairman for the
short program. Dr. Morris Zas-
loW, President of the Ontario
Historical Society represented.
the Histdric Sites Board and
the plaque was unveiled by Mrs.
Charles MacNutt of Calgary, a
daughter of Mr. Aberhart, who
also gave a resume of her fath-
er's career. Robert N. Thonp-
son, m.P., leader of the Soda!
Credit Party in Canada repre-
sented Pre'mier Manning of Al-
berta. Others taking part in
the program Were Seaforth
Mayor,' J. F. Flannery, Hon. C.
S. MacNaughton, M.P.P. (Huron)
Ontario's Minister of Highways;
R. E. McKinley, M.P. (Huron);
and Reeve Ken Stewart, War-
den of Huron County: L. P.
Plumsteel, S.D.H.S. principal,
who was to have taken part was
unable to be present because of
an accident.
William Aberhart was born in
1878 on Lot 29, Con. VIII, Hib-
bert Township, of German and
English, parentage. His father,
William Aberhart, had been
brought to Canada as a boy by
his parents in the 1840's to
escape, like so Many others,
from the oppressive ingilitary
serve regulations of LTrussia.
His mother was Louisa Pepper,
an EngliShwoman.
The Historical Branch of the
Department of Public 'Records
and Archives has prepared a
resume of Mr. Aberhart's car-
eer which goes on in these
About 1886 the family moved
to the first of two farms they
occupied near Egmondville. It
was here that William grew up
on his father's,dairy farm with
his two sisters and five broth-
ers. The Aberhart children from
eldest to the youngest were:
Augusta, Charles, John William,
Louis, Monetta, Henry and Wil-
fred. Although they are all de-
ceased, the name of Aberhart
stillis , well known in the Sea -
forth area.
Aberhart received his . elem.;
entary education at the Egmond-
ville Public School. He attend-
ed the Seaforth - Collegiate , In-
stitute (now the Seaforth and
District High School). ,from 1893
when he commenced in " "A
form" to his "senior leaving"
in the spring of '1898. An eel -
lent student, he never had. a
failure in the rigorous depart-
mental examinations which
were a feature of the Ontario
educational system. in the late
nineteenth century. Although in
terested in all his subjects,
matheniatics - which he, was
later to teach so successfully -
was his favourite. In this sub-
ject he exhibited the amazing
powers of concentration and re-
tention which were often re-
marked on later in his life.
Although as a farm boy he
had his full share of chores,
he managed to find time for
participation in high school
sports, and won local farne as'a
football player. Seaforth at the
time had one of the best teams
in Western Ontario and Aber -
hart was considered as being
among its bet players.
After graduating from the
Collegiate Institute, he 'attend-
ed Chatham " Business College
and Hamilton Normal School
from which he received a
teaching certificate. He taught
school in Wingham until 1901
when he moved to Brantford.
In 1902he married Jessie
Flatt of Galt. They had two
daughters, Ola (now Mrs.
Charles MacNutt of Calgary),
and Khona (Mrs: James Coop-
er .of Half Moon Bay, B.C.).
Aberhart soon became prin-
cipal of ,Central School in Brant-
ford where- he taught book-
keeping and other commercial
subjects, He lived in Brantford
for nine years and during this
time, in addition to his teach-
ing duties, he managed, through
a combination of summer school
and correspondence courses to
complete the B.A. requirements
at 'Queen's University. He was
always extremely proud of this
degree which was granted in
April, 1911, just after he had
moved to Alberta.
In 1910, in search of greater
opportunities, Aberhart decided
to move to Calgary, then at the
height of a boom period, He
served as principal of various
Public schools in Calgary until
1915 when he was appointed
principal, of the newly organ-
ized Cresent Heights High
School.• He was to retain this
position for twehty years until
he assumed, in 1935, the 'Prem-
iership of the province. He is
remembered during his, , years
at Crescent Heights as a dyn-
amic teacher and efficient
school administrator.
Aberhart had- always been an
active church worker, strongly
InterMittant driving rain, hail
and high winds provided a dip-
couraging welcome for plowing
match visitors dining the fit* .
two days of the , match, at
turned streets in the 'ranted
city into greasy mud kaths,
While most plowing -events
were carried out both day,
many other attractions were
cancelled and match officials
following a mid-morning meet-
ing on Wednesday, scheduled
these events for Saturday. In
announcing the decision to ex-
tend the match -for an addi-
tional day officials said the
Tented City *mid be in full '
operation throughout Saturday
and that other additional attrac-
tions • were being planned, for
the final day.
Despite the weather attend,-
ance Tuesday was comParaile
to opening days in other years,
officials said.
While there were traffic pro-
blems Tuesday and junior farm-
ers were busy with tractors
rescuing motcirists stranded nn
tented city street, area roads
gweesrteion..reasonably free of con
Few parking lots were inrnse
by Wednesday and motorists
parked in town or along con-
necting roads. Police routed
cars to parking areas in town
and visitors used • a bus ser-
vice which shuttled from toWn
to the tented city. Parking lots
at the Lions park, SDHS, Arena
and bowling alley were filled
to capacity.
The official opening planned
for Tuesday afternoon was can-
celled and lion. J. J. Green,
Canadian Minister of Agricul-
ture, who was to have officiated
spoke instead following a noon
During the luncheon, Lee
Learn on behalf of the Seaforth
Lions, presented Safe -T -Hats to
Mr, Green and officials includ-
ing J. M. Scott, William Scott,
Norman Barber, D. H. Miles,
Ken Stewart, Gordon McGavin
and Larry Snider.
In accepting the hat Mr. ,
• Green commented he wouldlind
it helpful when the opposition
became troublesome in thecorn
Warden Ken Stewart in wel-
coming the guests urged that
they extend their stay in Huron
in order to enjoy other parts of
the county.
Mr. Green Who was introduc-
ed by Ontario Agriculture. Min.
iSter William Stewart, paid tri-
bute to Elston Cardiff from
Iiiuron M.P. who he Said had
the respect of all members of,
all parties.
Stressing the role Canada
must play in feeding the people
of the world, Mr.- Green said
that we in Canada can not
turn our backs on the rest of -
humanity. It is a great challenge
the agricultural community will
have to meet.
drawn to evangelical forms of 1 He said that ways will have
religion. While in Brantford he to be -found to allow Canada,
had taught Sunday school
as oneof the world's great
classes and organized Bible food producers, to do more to
study groups. He resumedhelp the countries with a lack
activities when he reached Cal-
Rof food.
He noted that Canadian an,. The success of his Sunday
lectures led to the formation in farms have the -highest pro -
1918 of the Calgary Prophetic ductivity in the world
Bible Conference which was in-
tended to encourage the discus-
sion of fundamental Biblical
doctrines and prophecies. Be-
gun first in a hall the lectures
became so popular the' were
moved to a downtown theatre.
Bv the middle 1920's, Aber -
hart had built up an enthusias-
tic personal following in Cal-
gary. But it was the radio broad-
casts he begun to deliver in
1925, which enabled him to
reach even larger audiences. His
personality and gift of oratory
soon made him .the. foremost
fundamentalist religious lead-
er in Alberta. At the height of
his fame, his Sunday afternoon
radio lectures were listened to
by hundreds of thousands of
people throughout the three
prairie provinces and in parts
of British Columbia and the Un-
ited States, In 1927, the Prophe-
tic Bible Institute was erected
in downtown Calgary to serve
as a headquarters for Aber -
hart's various religious, activi-
ties and to provide classroom
space for three year courses in
Bible study to be given on a
regular basis.
By 1932, the people of Al-
berta began to be seriously af-
fected by the depression -
bread lines appeared, farmers
lost their land when mortgages
were foreclosed and „grovving
numbers of unemployed were
forced to go on relief. lt was
at this time that Aberhart first
encountered the theories of
Major C. H. Douglas (1878 -
(Continued on Page 13) ,
He predicted great changes in
farming. He said more family
corporation farms will develop.
And farms will cost more. In
10 years, he said, farms will be
capitalized at $250,000. .
. There will be fewer farmers
as time passes. Before the Sec-
ond World War, he said, about
30 per cent of Canada's popu-
lation was needed to produce
(Continued an Page 6)
For No 4
Ontario Highways Minister
Hon. Charles S. lVfacNbughtOn
announced the award of a con-
tract for the improvement ai
Highways No. 4 and 84, from
Kippen to Exeter.
The project involves grading,
drainage, granular base and ht
mix paving, Highways No. 4
and 84, from .25 miles north of 4k.
Exeter north limits northerly ...
for seven and a half miles, in -
chiding the paving of Exeter
DHO patrol yard.
Work is expected to commence
by November 1, with completion
scheduled by early fall of 1967.
Estimated over-all Cost of
this project is $1,084,218.
Pe -el ConstructionCo. Limit-
ed of Dramptan was IoW bidder.