HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-10-06, Page 8HE HURON. XPOSITOR •,5EAFORTH, Or r., Kr, 6, 046
3« Bu i e$s Directory
Funeral Director
and Ar imlance Service
Night or Day Calls
Phone 43'R 10
Chartered Accountant
55-57 South Street Telephone
Goderich 524-7562
Goderich St. W. Seaforth
Adjustable hospital beds for
Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth
Barristers, Solicitors, Etc.
Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850
24. Cards of Thanks
Mr. Thomas Grieve, Egmond-
ville, wishes to thank his
many friends for the beautiful
cards, flowers, and gifts sent
to him on the occasion of his
hundredth birthday, Septem-
ber thirtieth. 24-44x1
I wish tp thank all my friends
and neighbors for flowers, vis-
its, cards, gifts and treats re-
ceived while I was a patient
in Seaforth Community Hos-
pital. Also special thanks to
Dr. Brady and Dr. Malkus
and the nursing staff. —Greta
Becker. 24-44-1
I wish to thank my..neighbors,
friends and relatives who vis-
ited and remembered me with
But always a beautiful. mem-
Of one whom we loved so
—Lovingly remembered
by wife .and family. -1
GRIMOLDBY --- In loving
memory of a dear husband
and father, Robert C. Grim-
oldby., who passed away, Oc-
tober 4th, 1965.
In Maitland softly sleeping
Where the gentle b r e'e z es
Lies one we loved so dearly
The one we could not save.
This day brings back sad
Of the loved one gone to rest,
And those who think of him
Are those who loved him best.
When the, evening shades are
When we are sitting all alone,
To our hearts there comes a
If he only could come home.
Oft and oft our •thoughts do
To the grave not far away,
Where we laid our loved one
Just a year ago today.
Ener remembered by
wife and family. 25-44x1
DALE — In Stratford General
Hospital, on Oct. 3rd, to Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce Dale, a daugh-
DELANEY — In Seaforth
Community Hospital, on
October 4, to Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Delaney, RR 1 Dub-
lin• a daughter.
READ — In Stratford Gener-
al Hospital, on September
28, .1966, to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Read, Seaforth, a
daughter, Cheryl Lynne. •
Cards, flowers, gifts and
treats, Also to my neighbors I. Too Late
who helped at our home while FOR SALE. — Minneapolis
a patient in Seaforth Com -Moline corn picker, in A-1
shape; also 2 wheel trailer,
new tires. Francis Hicknell,
RR 5, Seaforth, Phone Dublin,
109 R. 11: xl
muriity and Stratford General
Hospitals_ Special thanks to
Dr. Malkus and Dr. W. C.
Sproat and the nuring staffs.
It was greatly appreciated.—
ppreciated—Mrs. E: Boshart. 24-44x1
I wish to thank my friends,
neighbors and relatives for
Cards, treats, flowers and vis-
its while I was a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospital
Also Father Durand and Fa-
ther Bensette, Drs. Brady and
'Malkus and nursing. staff. Ev-
erything was very much ap
preciated. - Mrs. MattMur-
Deep appreciation is hereby
expressed for thekindness
shown me, during my sojourn
in the beautifully located and
modern Seaforth Community
Hospital, with its lovely -land-
scaped grounds, by Miss
Drope and her efficient staff.
as well as to Drs. Malkus and
Brady; also for the flowers,
cards. and treats received and
the .sincere concern for my
welfare expressed by letter
and phone as well as the kind-
• 1-- visits from friends, and rel-
atives and my brother minis-
ters in town and the surroun-
ding district. both while at
hgme and in hospital. 3.
Ure Stewart.
25. In Memoriam
x�ws oma.
Current ivens Mecting
The 14istorieal1 research and
current events meeting of the
6taffa Women's Institute was
held at the home of Mr6, John
Templeman 0 n Wednesday
evening, September 28, Mrs.
Walter O'Brien presided. Mt.
John Templeman commented
on the motto, "The Past Can-
not be Changed, but the Fut-
ure is in Our Hands". There
were 25 members and visitors
present and the roll call was
answered by a candy recipe
and sample.
Each member brought a
keepsake for display and the
branch curator had 2 volumes
of the Institute's Tweedsmuir
history on display.
She outlined the duties of
the Tweedsmuir committee
and asked that all members
co-operate in gathering infor-
mation and material for the
books. •
Mrs. Walter. O'Brien spoke
on "Col. John McCrae", the
author of "In Flandes Fields"
telling of his homey in Guelph
WANTED — Baby sitter and
light housekeeper to live in.
Phone Dublin 83 R 8.
FOR SALE -40 good chunks.
Paul Murray, 46 R 9 Dublin.
FOR SALE — To pigs, eight_
weeks old. Joe Van Valken-
goed, RR 1 Cromarty' Phone
14 R 13, Dublin.
FOR SALE — 40 pigs, ei
weeks old. Jack Patrick, call
527-0047. -1
FOR SALE — Ebersol, 1 ton
feed mixer, in good condition.
Mervin Dietz, Dublin, phone
126 R 13. . xl
PORTER — In loving mem-
ory of a dear daughter . and
sister whopassed away thir-
teen years ago, October, loth,
You're not forgotten, Mary
dear, • •
Norever shall you be,
Aslong as life and memory
We • shall remember. thee.
—Ever remembered by fa-
ther, mother., brother Joseph,
sisters, Doreen and Ann.
DALE In loving memory of
Alvin Dale, who passed away
4 years ago, October 6th, 1962.
Many a lonely heartache
Often a silent tear,
News of
Mr. , William Modewell, Ed-
dmonton, spent the weekend at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, An-
drew Turnbull. Mrs. Lylle Gor-
don spent Saturday at the
same home. Mrs. Gordon and
the Turnbulls' had visited with
Mr. Modewell's daughter in
Oaxaco, Mexico:
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brady
entertained on their first wed-
ding anniversary at their home
in Egmondville. Friends mark-
edthe event by• presenting Mr.
and Mrs. Brady with many at-
tractive gifts.
Mrs, Robert Elgie has return-
ed home from a visit to the
east coast, Montreal and Toron-
Mrs, William Van Iderstine of
Calgary is visiting with Miss
Gladys Thompson.
Dave Netzke is a patient in
Seaforth Community Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Smith of
North Bay, were guests last
week of Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Mr. and Mrs. BurI Brewer of
Cleveland, Ohio, were guests of
their many relatives which in-
cludes .Mrs. Rosina Campbell,
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Camp-
bell and Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Campbell, McKillop.
Many 'friends in this vicinity
will regret to learn of the pas-
sing of Rev. C. W. Dewit
Cogens. Mrs. Mae Dorrance,
Mrs. Norman Ireland and John
Dorrance were in Mount Forest
on Thursday,. while Mr: Stan
Dorrance, Chatham and Mrs.
Sam Phillips of London, attend-
ed the funeral on Friday,
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Black
of Toronto are guests of Miss
Minnie Nixon, Royal Apart-
Mr.. and Mrs. Allan Reid- of
Kitchener, called on their many
friends, in town on Saturday.
Visiting atthe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed' Fischer, Seaforth,
on Sunday, were Mr. and Mrs.
Rudy Hehn, • Perry and Bradley
of Rostock, Ont., Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Wurdell, RR 1, Born-
holm, Ont., and Mr. and Mrs.
Barry . Baillie, RR 1; Monkton,
Miss Connie Wright of Hali-
fax, is spending her vacation
with her mother, Mrs.. W. G.
Rev. J. Ure Stewart 'has re-
turned home after hospitaliza-
tion iti the Seaforth Communi-
ty Hospital.
Recent visitors at the home
of Rev. and Mrs. J. Ure Stew-
art were the former's daughters
and their husbands, Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin E. Hammond of
Moorefield and Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd A. Christner of Kitchen-
er and his son and wife, Dr.
and Mrs. Kenneth G. Stewart,
Mr. Zack McSpadden spent
the weekend in Norwich visiting
his son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam McSpadden, when
they entertained for his son
Dennis and his bride, who were
recently married.
Mrs. Harry Chesney spent the
weekend in Galt with 'her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ken Hart.
FOR SALE — 12 pigs, ten
weeks old. Lewis Coyne, RR5
Seaforth, phone Dublin, 109-
r 16:• • xi
WILL BABYSIT during the"
daytime, phone 527-0428. -2
FOR SALE — Dry walnut
stove wood. Jim McNairn.
phone 527-0428. -2
FOR SALE — 50 acre farm
west 142 lot 3, con. 8, McKillop
Township.. Good Buildings.
Jerry Doerr. x2
The Elimville U.C.W. ladies
put on a program at the Ont-
ario Hospital, Goderich on
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skin-
ner of Sebringville visited this
past week with Mr. and Mrs.
Elson, Lynn, Larry, Joan, and
Mr. Roy Clarke of Sunshine
Line visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters,
and Danny. •
Miss Penny Smith of Credi-
ton visited on Fray with
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gill -Ulan
and Barbara.•
• Mr. and Mrs. Bev Morgan
and family ,of Thames Road
visited on Sunday evening
,with Mr. and Mrs Bill Tay-
lor and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith
and Penny of Crediton visited
on Stinday with Mr. and Mrs.
Colin Gilfillan and Barbara.
Mrs. Terry Grubb and boys
of Farquhar visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and 'Mrs. Free-
man Horne and family.
Mrs. John Cowgrd attended
the Institute District Rally on
Monday at Auburn.
- The Youth Fellowship Club
met at Thames Road Church
an Sunday evening. Brenda
Skinner Was in charge of the
meeting. Scripture war read
liy Clifton Weber. Topic was
given. by am and Mrs. Stew-
art Miner. Prayer was given
by Pahl Kerslake;
Mr. and Nf'rs. 13rule Fields,
Sarnia, Miss Betty Fields of
(1aggow, Scotland i'isited ori
Saturday with Mr, and Mrs.
News of Dublin
and; 'his army service Which
instigated the writing ..74 this
The Special feature of the
eyeing was Mra. Mervin. Nairn
with her button collection, and
zomments on theixi. J'oanue
Templeman also had her ser-
viette collection o ndisplay.,
Mrs. Carter Kerslake pre-
sided for the .'Business.
Mrs. Walter O'Brien and
Mrs. Gerald Agar were named
to pack the Christmas parcel
for the Institute's adopted
child in Korea. -
Mrs. Ed Chappel `reported
on the conference for Women
which she attended at Victor-
ian Inn, Stratford. The , 4-H
leaders for the project 'fTiie
Club Girl Enterains" are Mrs,
B. Daynard, Mrs. C. Douglas,
Mrs. B. Laing and Mrs. G.
The members are entertain-,
ing their husbands and friends
on October 26 and Mrs. R.
Smale, Mrs. J. Miller and Mrs.
J. Templeman are a commit-
tee to plan the evening.
Mrs. Kerslake thanked ev-
eryone contributing to the ev-
ening and Mrs. L. Miller and
Mrs. G. Taylor served lunch.
"The Club Girl Entertains?'
club met at the home of the
assistant leader, Mrs, Bob
Laing. Officers elected were,
President, Mary Barnes; Vice-
president, Francis Scott; Sec-
retary -Treasurer, Brenda Ker-
slake; Press reporter, Joanne
Templeman; Telephone girls,
Carol Vivian and Marilyn
The requirements of the
club members Was discussed.
The girls learned the rules
for proper dishwashing. Bren-
da Kerslake derhonstrated the
proper measuring of ingredi-
ents for baking etc.
Mrs. Laing discussed the re-
ference files which the girls
will compile giving ever] .one
pointers. She also displayed:,
several lovely flower arrange-'
Misses Janet and Edna Mil-
ler of London, visited over the
week end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller.
Miss Marg Worden' visitod'
Mrs.. Frank Flannery, late
of London,, died Friday in. St.
Joseph's Hospital, L• o n d o n.
Born in Stratford.- -(Garth 21,
1938, she was the former Ger-
aidine. Marie, Aitchison. She
was the daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G Aitch-
ison, 208 Huron Street, Strat-
ford. She was a graduate of
the Stratford separate schools
and Loretta Academy. After
her `marriage four years- ago,
Mrs. Flannery and her hus-
band took up residence in
Dublin then moved to McKil-
lop Township, to the farm of
Mr. Flannery's fathers. Later
they moved to London.. Be-
sides her husband she is sur-
vived by one son, Steven Jos-
eph, 2, one sister, Margaret,
218 Huron St., two brothers,
Thomas Leslie, Blenheim and
Dennis, 208 Huron St., Strat-
The body rested at the Gin-
gros Funeral Home,20, Cale-
donia St., Stratford until 8:45
a.m. Monday when requiem
mass was chanted at St. Jos-
eph's Roman Catholic Church
by Rev. Joseph ' O'Rburke,
Rev. Laverty, and Rev. Remi
Durand were in the santuary.
News of
„ Mrs. Fred Doupe, Mrs. Ad-
die Gordon, Mrs. Robert Run-
dle attended the trousseau
tea for Miss Elizabeth Esson
at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. -Nelson Baker.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Levy,
were guests at the Heard -
Hardie Wedding in Granton
United Church, Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bili Halliday
of Rannoek were Saturday
evening guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Beckitt and
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Johns
and Larry. Linda, Arlene and
Alex were Sunday guests with
Mr. mut Mrs, Ford Stack and
familp of St. Marys,'
Miss..Ahn Martin. Fullerton.
spent the Week end with Miss
Deanne Smith.
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Stever
of Smh,urv. Mrs. Alice Claw-
son of Anoka. Minnesota, Mrs.
Bill Taytor and family. - Mary Anderson and Mrs, El -
last week with Miss Carol.
Ann ,Daw, Cromarty.
Mr. Gordon Docking had
his right arm severed .while
harvesting corn last Friday.
Nancy Templeman is a pat-
ient at War Memorial Hospit-
al, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris,
MacDonald College, Quebec,
visited, over the week end
with Mrs. Sam mNorris and
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Noris and
family. Mrs. Sam Norris and
Miss Ethel Balkwil returned
to Montreal with: them for a
weeks visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony Breit and Richard.
(Bv Christine Pryce)
The football season got un-
derway on Friday with Exet-
er 'at Seaforth, Gary Nichol-
son,and Doug Dalrymple scor-
ed touchdowns for Seaforth.
Larry Lane added a convert
to give Seaforth a 13.5 vict-
News of
Mr. Earlan Osborn visited
on Wednesday with Mrs. Mur-
ray Machan and Colleen, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Posliff of
Mr. and Mrs. Ren Preszca-
tor and family visited Satur-
day evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg Elliott- and family of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Huth,
Marion and Muriel, Mr. John
Ferguson of Clifford visited
Sunday with Mrs. Jessie Mac-
Mr• and Mrs. Don Glousher
and Karen of Blyth visited on
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Wiliam Dale and girls. Karen
remained with her grandpar-
ents for a few days.
• Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchan-
an and family visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart of
Goderich on Sunday.
Mr. and Brs. Hector Kings-
well of Clinton, Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Kingswell of Goderich.
were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. • • George Mcll-
wain and Mary.
Mr: and Mrs. Frank Riley
and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley,
Clinton, visaed their brother-
in-law, Mr. Ernest Ellwood in
London Hospital on Sunday.
Mr. • BoydHodgins ' and
Under the coach g of Mr.
Reidy, the team co is'ts of 22'
players. They are P t Brown,
Ken Whitmore, Ger Town-
send, Larry Lane, Ji Nixon,
Paul O'Reilly, Bill Woods,
Brian Stewart, Stephens Bra-
dy, Doug Dalrymple,. Hank
Scott, Gary Nicholson, Char-
les Smith, Rick Fortune, Bill
Price, Bill Boshart, Jim Step-
henson, . Ian Dolmage, Tom
Papple, Murray Halley and
Don Muray.
A pep rally led by the
cheerleaders was held before
the football game. The stud-
ents! had a chance to meet the
members of the team and
new cheers were displayed.
The band, which has been
practising since school started
played at Brlassels Fair, Fri-
day. In between rains, they
did their drills and then re-
turned home to cheer on the
football team.
A competition between
teachers and distraction out-
side of the classroom windows
ha,s been a constant threat
since Monday morning when
the new section•of the school
got under way.'
friend of London visited on
Sunday with Mr•. and Mrs.
Ken Preszcator and family.
Mr. 'and Mrs. Earlan Osborn
and Melody . visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Osborn, Mary Ellen,. Cher-
yl, Jacqueline, June, Dianne;
Mr. Neil Rapien, Mrs. Cath-
erine Osborn, all of Mitchell;
Mr. and Mrs. David Chaffee,
Mrs I r e n e Grimoldby is
spending this 'week visiting
with Mrs. Phoebe Millson, of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Johnston
and Bruce;° Grand Valley, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Finch and -fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Medd,
Mr, and Mrs. Bill Medd and
family of London, Mrs. Jack
Armstrong of Clinton, Mr.
and rs: Jack Medd and fam-
ily visited and attended a
birthday party for Mrs. Jim
Medd on Sunday. '
Sunday visitors 1vith Mr.
and Mrs. Jirin Preszcator and
Billy where Mr. and Mrs.
Butch Hoffman of Clinton, Ed'
Preszcator and Rene Whitney
of Exeter. ..
Congratulations are extend-
ed to Mr. and Mrs. Don
Glousher on the birth of a
son on Monday. •
peckil on Perms
Oct. 17th to 31st'
Perm, reg. 1x.50
Special 9.95
Perm reg. 10.50
Special '8.00
Pauline's Beauty
Shop, Walton
Phone 527-0448 for
appointments '
Pumpkin Pies • • • • 45c
Mincemeat Pies, ea. 50c
Layer Cake, ea. • • 45c
Roasted Chickens $1.50
Phone 527-0570- • Seaforth
w .�
Honey Products
See My Honey Exhibit at the
In the County Building
Wallace• Ross Apiaries
Producer' of Clover, Light, Amber, Buck-
wheat and Comb Honey and .Beeswax .
Roasting ':U" . Grade
each 51/2 to 6 Ibs.
Grade "A"
each 31/2 to 4 lbs.
Ib. 3g`
Most all. Sizes
Whytes Bacon 1st grade
at regular price and get
granulated FREE
lbs. sugar •
100 Ibs.
SUGAR $7.19
50 Ibs.
SUGAR $3.79
sie Conrad of Woodstock were
Tuesday guests with Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Johns and fam-
Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy,
Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy
visited on Sunday with Mr.
Oliver McCurdy of Barrie.
Miss Margaret Levy had the
misfortune to burn her hands
with grease on Friday.
Mrs. Wilbert Pane of Lon-
don is spending a couple of
days with her daughter, Mrs.
Robert Randle and Jack.
Mrs. Jack Smith and Miss
Jean Copeland attended Ild-
erton Fair on Saturday.
Mr's. Cliff Meta of London,
and Mrs. Arnold Hern attend-
ed the trousseau tea for Vass
Elizabeth Esson. •
Every week more people dis-
cover what - Mighty jobs are
accomplished by low .cost Ex-
positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240.
- - lb. 89
APPLES Bus. each 2.49
Six Quart Basket each 69t
3 Ibs. Cello
CARROTS - - - 19c
Plenty of fresh Radishes, Green Onions
Turnips, and Cauliflower for
Thanksgiving - -
3 lbs.
Norwich A.S.A. tablets 500 for $1.29
, A
Brylc.reem, Reg. 85c = ' - 69c
Vick's Vapor -Rub, Reg. 64c - 54c
Pure Linen Tea Towels - . 39c
Blankets, Reg. 5.95 - - . - $3.95
Marshmellows, Reg. 39c - - 29c
24 oz. Sliced
Maxwell House Coffee` - - lb. 79c
Hostess Potato Chips, Reg. 69c - 59c
Monarch Cake Mixes Reg. 2/39'2 for29c
Aylmer Tomato Juice 48 -oz. 3 for 99c
5 for 89c
2for 45c.
Stokley's Honey Pod Peas
Libby's Pumpkin 28 -oz. -