HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-10-06, Page 7z LssIOI Ai�cds rnnS#cs F S R e :to Y UR ,,ADVANTAGE FORTY pigs; eight weeks 41.44. Walton., vents Ken Beattie, RR `4 1. Codling F� 2. psi,. $-44.1 Strayed . . 3. o u nd 4. Heip Wanted ' 5. Bnstness APIs t fl1Uea 6. Teachers Waa e d7 SitoatianS Waffled Sale Tor t 8. Farm c Soi� . Ppult'ry For Sale 10. Used Cars Fer Sale ll. Articles Fou -Sale • t2. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted -- 14. Property For Sale 15. Property rof Rent 16. FOr Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19, Netices 20. Auction Sales, 21. Texidera Wanted 22: Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards of Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26, Personals 9, ,Poultry For' Sale KflVIBER 1,4EGIIORN Day Old .and 'S$arted Ptallesta Reid x 1 x 'ed Pal � S R � e Chicks and Cck is, Miz d Available new. Book your or- ders earls, SCOTT POULTRY FARMVIS, Seat Phone 527-0847 Sox 160 9-3941f 1,0. Used Cars For Sale 'FREE 'tori Dodge truck, stock racks, good running' condition. R. J. D o i g, 527- 076 , North Main St., Sea - forth. 11. Articles For . Sale UNar-STEP, pre -can't concrete steps, Call Frank Kling Ltd., Seaforth, phone 527-1320, 11-43-8 814 *0,00 r I E12 a. cod 'v'ered.:Lewis Coynq'r cord, . D bli 109R 1$. . phoane u: n . n. 11.42x3 'We:04 taking. orders for ca - o ns, defivored. in 3 to 4 wks., o.ven ready': Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, .phone 4821155, ecoa pair and re at' r.. d A < taper . of walkte-talkies. For more information call 5'27-1803 af- ter 0 on Fridays. 11-43.2 Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word.. Each numbel•, initial . and ani- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the fellow- i.ng nainimuins: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum Oa, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse. All other classifications, mini- um 65 cents per insert except Auction Sales (20), Ten- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash .payment, .or if paid by,10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates:' Pr 4,y rt Si 4 � . VP4 sale ° at assessed ." value frame dwelling ti?, Jrphur' hey,, to be remodelled. Phar 521=1456, 14-43.4 100.'cre farm, Lot, Hibbert. George Coyne, 'Staff. fa. • 14.441; Recently redecorated 4bed room family home in ideal. location, 2 bathrooms, 2. fire- places and garage'. Apply at Savauge Jewellers, ph a at e, 527-0270 or evenings phone527-O 62. 14 44...• 'Property For Sale . WEATI ERSTR.IP your home now. We have la complete line of weatherstrip and spe jai:' door bottoms now in stock at Crown Hardware. 11-43-2 OVEN ready docks, Dyke Little, phone 527-0188: - 11-4'3.2 See our Large -Selection of ,Svriss Made. Watches BULOVA by CARAVELLE. RQDANIA l",NXCAR These watches are all guar- anteed for one full year and serviced by our own watch- makers. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing • Retip ' Claws Rebuild Shanks . Bead' Restringing Repair costume jewellery 1. C mmo g Events to be hen has been. planned ld at the school of all former pupils and teachers. of S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith on Sunday, October 9. Registra- tion beginning at 1 p.m. All families of the Section and fort;ner - pupils living in the surrounding area, please inform yourimmediate- .fam- ily and. Consider this your in vitation to attend. laddlea lunch of please bring a p sandwiches and tarts to be. served at 5 p.m. Dishes will be supplied. 1-43-2 LEARN to round (couple) dance commencing October 7, 8;30 to 11 p.ni. Everyone wel- come. Canadian Forces Base, CliHod- ger, 527-0860, Contact, W. hHod- . 1-43-2 Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-39-tf FRESH picked green corn, pears and other vegetables. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn, 11-41x3 FOR SALE — .A new ship- ment of fall arrangements, and artifipial flowers have just ar- rived. Get them now while the supply is good, from Staf- fen's Greenhouse, Jarvis St, Seaforth. 11-43-2 FOR. SALE — Order your flowers and potted plants now for. the Plowing Match at Staffen's. Greenhouse, Jarvis St., Seaforth. 11-43-2 GAS. stove, electric clothes dryer, refrigerator, all in good condition. Mrs. Thomas Slav - in, RR 2 Kipper, phone Hen- son 262-5253. MILKING goat, priced to sell. Edward S. Ahrens, Brodhag- en, phone 132 R 13, Du1blin. -44x1 COAT and Hat sets for girls, 3 to 4 years; pink snow suit, size 6 months. Phone x- 0172. APPLES, exceptionally good quality, windfall McIntosh, 1.25 per bushel.' Pick your own, anytime. Ross Middle - ton's Orchards, Bayfield.• 44-2 GOOD wintercabbage, squash, turnips, carrots, beets, and fresh picked green corn. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. FOUR acres of buckwheat, standing in 'field. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. 11-44x3, COLORED TV, RCA 'Victor and 15 cu. ft. deep f r et' e z e, piano. Mrs.. George Turney, ,RR 1 Seaforth. 11-44x1 STOKER,Fairbanks Morris,. with all controls, and circul- ator. Frank. Johnston, phone 527-1606. 11-44x1 SINGER zig zag sewing mach- ine with portable cabinet. Does decor and button holes. Can be had for $54.00 cash or $8.00 monthly. Write Box 1620 The Huron Expositor. 11-4472 11-39-tf WE sell and service Timex watches pled from $7.95 up. Come in, and choose . one as we have all models in stock. Anstett Jewellers,Ltd. 11-39tf BOOK of `Knowledge includ- ing bookcase and$many extras at a substantial. saving. Apply to Box 1612, The Huron Ex- positor or phone 527-1522. 11-42-tf. TWO as stoves, 55,000 B.T.U. with fans and thermostats J. P. Krauskopf„ Plumbing 'and Heating, Dublin. 11-44-1 CIDER press, phone Mitchell 348-8252. 11-44x2 HONE -k for sale. Amber hon- ey, with all the vitamins, 28c a lb., in your own containers. No pouring honey after Satur- day. Wallace Ross Apairri4es, Seaforth. 100 acres of clay loam land, good water st}pply, bank, barn, implement shed, house with WI ' modern convenieneesa House in Egmondville, -- frame house, new furn e% modern bathroom. buil-in cupboards, 3 bedrooms. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON Realtor 1, - g p Wanted MA for wort` in bean ele- vator; starting Aug. 29, 1966. Gorislwage schedule, good op- portunities. Apply E.. L. Mic- kle and Sons, Ltd., Hensall. 4-39-tf WOMAN tocoo tk as Kilbaroh- an Nursing Home. Phone 527- 0860. • 4-444 Sea HANDY for hManor. 527-00 0, Seaforth. 4-44-2 7. Situations Wanted WOULD like job in Ju for ce. Have dompleted 2 -year Secretary Course in Retailing. Typing, etc., etc. Apply Box 1619, The Huron -Expositor. • 7-44x3 WILL babysit pre-school—chil- dren in my 'home. Phone 527- 1235. 7-44-1 EXPERIENCED typist will do. typing in own home. Phone 527-0673. . 7-44-1 8. Farm Stock For Sale FOR SALE --- Hereford •cows with calves.ne 24 Rct Ralph 25 Dub- lin.Fischer, p 8-39-f Dub- lin. TWO 4 year old Holstein cows, 1 and 2 months in calf. Priced $300 and $325'.. Ed Gertsnh, phone 527-1026, RR2 Walton. • 8-43-2 TWO registered Brown Swiss heifers, in' calf. Ed Gertsch, RR 2-Walton;-phdiie-45271026. 8-44x2 *mom 19. NOtiOS' • Beans and COr n Pried � MANOELR�1T7•MAN . ... Brpdhagen Phone Dublin, 13g 2 "1,0-44x2 1444-2 NOTICE,' a ' c 1 Tuckersmlth Dulls • Will be open until .further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 11 to 5.00a p.m. and Saturday morning Iron 100)0 to 12:09 a.m.. No Wire fencing, old con- crete or .ear bodies permitted. JAMES I. McINTOSH 0Cle0rk.. 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment. Phone 527-0810 or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-394f APARTMENT, newly decorat- ted, four room, separate en- trance, heat and utilities paid. Phone 52.7-0978. 15-43-2 TWO bedroom apartment loc- ated on Welsh St., heated, pri- vate entrance. Call 527_42x3 after 5:30. APARTMENT in Seaforth., Apply to Harold Jackson, 527-0640. 15-44-2 ,APARTMENT in Dub 1 i n, modern, one room, private en- trance, ground floor, all utili- ties supplied. Rent reasonable, Now available. Phone 141, Dublin. 15-44-2 12. Wanted To Buy ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, cupboards, lamps and dishes, etc. Will buy; individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 271-1578.12-39-tf BALED straw and hay,hoone 527-0330. LARGE • quantity of baled straw;' barn stored for fall pick-up. Write stating amount and price expected to, G. Mc- Fadden, RR 1 Milton O 12 -38x10 4. Help Wanted 14. Property For Sa1e. Building Lots PICTURE F�RAM1NG AT Beattie Furniture CLINTON `200 AuCtisin*Saleil Deere 2 -furrow eplow, lo inch 7 ottooin; M.H.: ft, binder `M . 1.3 -run rain and fertilizer, drill; cocRshult 3 -bar -;side r ke;..ohn Deere 7 ft ,p9Wer tali e -off mower; tractor disc; 3.ectLou spring tooth harrow, 4 -section. diamond barrows; rubber tired wagon; load- or;hay walking -plow; Set, . s1eighs^ buggy; cutter; farm' trailer and racks; garde n eeder. taxed scuffle. ; gar tiller; 10 x 12 brooder house;, aluminum 18 ft. house trailer in good condition; 2 burner p�r°pane stove; steel water trough; oil heater;, post hag digger; post hole auger; two ridstones; b.p. gas eng- igen oil -thorns and pump; h y fork car; fork and sling ropes; 140' rope; iron kettle; antique Swedish .saw; crosseikt saw; quantity 2 inch spruce planks; team harness; single harness; ehime bells; saw mandrel. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Large selection of antique fur- niture, dishes and mist. TERMS — CASH 19-40-1 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment used. All work guaranteed. Wrote or phone LOUIS BLAK , RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w 6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 1"9-17x23 ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, 'authorized dealer Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St„ Goderich, phone 524- 6514. a 19-324f APARTMENTS above pool room, in clinic apartments, in Seaforth apartments (across from hospital) , Simpson's. Contact Harvey, Dale, phone 527-1406. 15-44-2 TWO bedroom heated apart- ment,en- trance, upstairs, private on Adams St. Melvin Neil, 527-1633. 15-44-2 20. Auction Sales 19. Notices • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work.. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19-39-tf. DEAD ANIMALS Full sized lots on Welsh • St. Service Available Seaforth Public Utility Commission • 14-43-2 BRICK cottage in village of Egmondville with low taxes. Equipped with new gas fur- nace and large garge. Must be seento be appreciated: Ap- ply to Mervin Nott, Seaforth. 14-43x2- APPLES, 4-43x2 APPLES, pick your own, low trees. Picking days, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Satur- day, beginning October 8th. Spys, Kings, Delicious, Snow, Talman Sweets, Russets, etc. Also picked McIntosh: Fred McClymoht and Sots, 1" mile south of Varna. 11-44-2 LADIES' mouton.c o a t, 3/4 length, excellent condition, Size 16-18. Phone 48217362. -44-1 SIZE 14 Girl Guide coulotte and shirt and all accessories. Phone 527-1968. 11-44-1 4. Help Wanted. LABOURERS and SEMI - SKILLED WORKERS Urgently Required by a Goderich Firm Minimum starting rate of pay: $1.60 an hour No pervious experience needed Fringe Benefits - Company pays 75% of P.S.I and Ontario Hospital Plan, Life Insurance, Sickness and Accident Coverage 8 Statutory Holidays and Vacation with Pay 5 day week - 45 hours • Interested applicants should apply at your nearest NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT £ERVIC • QUOTE CO#.725 .,.W.u.uiW.ru,ui:w- W+�N✓a..}.iiuvu PLOWING. MATCH SPECIALS REMOVED For Dead or DisObled Animals CALL COI.T.FCT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence No.. 350-C-65 19-39-tf STOCKER FE'F',DER AUCTION SALE uc ..n ale i And its .With 11?�1pe Tlatotor' is ; ink' fOr 2'#r covirsa, Head ;r 'stabling for 24 c ows, 23 e? ,cow' ties: 15 CCM ,n peattv:. water boWis: 24:.eighi..' gallon silk cans': nilik •str'a ., e>"^ 2 thirty gal�;r� �Wate�-heat. era: 20 ft outside; bayraclt feeder; JAMES S. PETTY, Prop. ALVIN WALPER Auctioneer 20-4Ontario Lacombe Breeders' Sale at Stratford Fair Grounds on Wednesday, October 19th at 1:30. W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn . Cres., Newmarket, Secretary 20-44-2 Hensel' Sales Arena on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 Commencing at 1:00 p.m. 600 head consisting of cal- ves, heifers and steers. For consignments contact tlae man- agement. Victor Hargreaves at\ 482-7511 Jack Morrisey at 234-62,00 Auctioneers HECTOR McNEIL HAROLD JACKSON 20-44-2 100 acre farm on RR 4 Sea - forth. Choice land almost all workable, $20,500. 100 acre farm, close to Kinhurn. Drilled well with water near surface. A real buy at $17,000. 150 ' acre farm including gravel pit. $40,0,00: 120 acre farm in Lake Hur- on Sunshine Strip. P 'ice in- cludes all stock, implements, grain and machinery. Well - drained productive land. Sick- ness. forces price down to 038,000 complete. 100 acres, 2 miles ' west of Auburn. New oil furnace and drilled well. $18,000. 227 acre farm near Dungan - on. Good buildings and mod- ernized home. $25,000. . 3 bedroom cpftage in Eg- mondville. Large lot, $6500. 3 bedroom house in Sea - forth, new gas f u r n a e e, $5500. •2 apartment dwelling, mon- ey maker, !t6900. Down pay- ment and terms. 4 bedroom house. Oil heat- ed, good location. $6000 with terms. 3 bedroom white brick house. Close to Main Street. Vett very modern Inside ,with u *to -minute 6ifptoards, etc: $0000. 120 a1 'otic N TICF CRUDJTORS In.rthek Estate: of, . ATRICK.O'ROUl ' ,All persons ha 'against: ill . tate pf Patritcl A.f `the Town,: . sltili of McKillop, e Coup.- .• NOTE' — uThis is ,a 14994'fy IHu ron Re d a er, herd of Xi.h progewe cows 00404 w,bu� '0cdA•the with all :cowsbeing unit bred; 1ntb, .day of. Selitombex`, 1900, and checked. to be safe to calf.. are 'lierelay i?ntifted ittaiend.. Anyone needing replacement full pa:rttcularrs of their claims cows should plan. to attend to the' undersigried -an or;be* this sale. Tn case of rain, this fore the 21st da ,. Dctriberi ale will be held; undercover.1 �6 after w.#iip date he: .. sets will beedistri,'lauted, hav- ing, regard only to. claims 'then received, DATED at Seaforth,. Ont*• ario, this 28th, day of Septei i ber, 1966. McCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario... Solicitors for the Executors; 22=43.3 s 1966, TERMS --- Cash. No reserve as proprietor is giving up Dairy anp farming. TED FLEERAKKER, Prop. R. G. GETHKE, Auctioneer Dial Monkton 347-244_1 Ontario Landrace Breeders' Sale at Palmerston Fair Grounds, on Friday, October•21, at 1:30. W. M. Cockburn, 260 Kathryn Cres., Newmarket, Sec2ret-2 ary. C OMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE Of 24 Holstein cows, 38 cross- bred and Holstein feeder cat- tle and calves, and dairy equipment at Lot 31, Con. 13, Logan Township, 4 miles west of Kennicott, or 21/2 mile s north of Brodhagen on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8: at 1:00 O'Clock CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Farm Machinery Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the' preimisesa LOT 27, CON.. 2, HAY TWP., 1 mile west of Hensall thence 2 miles north The, undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on 'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8, at 1:00 p.m. Offered for sale will be 1 Holstein heifer due time of sale: 5 caws fresh and not re-, bred: 4 cows due in laTovem- ber: 3 cows due in January arid still milking: 11 cows n_ilking and rebred to freshen from February to x ayy:1,101 Chariots steer appro lbs: 1 Holstein steer 1000 lbs: 8 Hereford x Hoi tein steers '750 to 900 lbs: 2 Holstein steers '700 lbs: 1 Hereford steer 950 lbs: 2 Hereford x Holstein steers 650' lbs: 3 Hol- stein heifers breeding age: 3 Hereford x Holstein heifers, 700 lbs: 1 Hereford x Holstein heifer 400 lbs: 1 .black heifer 500 l'bs: 4 Holstein heifers, 6 to 9 months old: 2 Holstein bull calves 6 months old: 2 Hereford x Holstein heifers, 4 months old' 1 Hereford x Holstein bull calf 500 lbs: 1 Hereford x Holstein bull calf 4 months old: 3 young Hol- atein heifer and bull calves: 2 young crossbred calves. DAIRY EQUIPMENT — Surge milking machine 3 un - TRACTOR and FARM MA- CHINERY -- John Deere 2 - plow tractor on rubber; John • • NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. • FRANCIS HUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or; MICHAEL J. DOYLE, ' Phone 114 R 16, Dublin: Call Collect 19-3941 VACUUM Cleaner Sales & Ser- vice for all makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. ' Phone ' 262.5350.- Hensall. 19-39-tf Equipment Rental Hi -pressure sprayer, cleans, hog pens, chicken houses, tractors. farm machinery. 500 lbs. pressure hourly - daily = weekly Sharp's. Maintenance Service Phone 52'7-1526 Sea rth 19 3x3 Good buildinX lot, $550. W ILLIAN. 11\. HART Seaforth Salesman GEO. R. ,JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. 44-1 WATCH REPAIRS FAST .SERVICE •, All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS Ltd. 'Phone 527-1720 -- Seaforth 19-39-tf Dead Stock under New Management y0UR FaleND SEEMS LAKE A \IER•1 eUeoW JAYBEE HEREFORD FARMS Dispersal Sale of Registered Herefords Saturday, October 15th at 12 noon STANLEY JACKSON Kippen Proprietor W. S. O'NEIL, Auctioneer • -,20-44-1 23. Busingss Directory SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINICi J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.'M, V.S.. W. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, J. P. Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth . A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. OMce 527-1850 - Res, 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario JOHN E. LONGZTAFF. OPTOMETRIST Seaforth Office: • Tues., Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p.m: Sat., 9 to 12 noon Thursday evening by appoint- ment ppointm'ent only Phone 527-1240 — or 482-7010 Mon., Wed. — Clinton Office. W. J. CLEARY • 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURON OF'CoJQ.SE I1�'s SHARP.•.. TO WIT: ' By, virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said cor- poration bearing dateas a 4th day of "February, of land in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seaforth will be held; in the Council Chambers at the hour of 10:00. o'clock in the forenoon on the 14th day of December. 1966, un- less the taxes.. and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands - for sale for -arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of September, 1966 and that cop- ies of the said list may- be had at my office. Treasurers office, this 6th day of September, 1966, Ernest Williams, Clerk. 22-40-13 Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or. Day Calla -- 527-0510 Audio r. FARM and FUR E. .SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465 Monkton BOX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers For All Occasions e Phones: Day 527-0680 — Night 527=0885 For Additional Classified See Page .S > yoU ll-IINIC.i11EV'D LET AN IDIOT :, oI' ON 114E HIGHWAY EVERY NIGHT - W,TH 1000 &ALLWNS OF GASOLINE? '„I 1 f1 ,la,1!*61 ?;•;111111 11111111111111111111111111 11111 =�V ATWOOD 'PET .FOOD SUPPLY , Garret Smith We are here to give you faster.ser ice . and better . }rices, paid On the:spot ,for, dead. or d%bled cows and; horses. $5.00.. AND UP FOR ANY ANIMAL. WEIGHING ;�, 7110 L S_, according tb OVER and,eendition. Smaller ettiniali pialted up free, also free' veterhitiry inspection. Call Collect Atwood 156-2622 24, hrs. a day -7 days a week Lie. Now 401-C-65 19 -89 -ti W 4V AQE You CAQPSING yOUR %ICES? ims. 1111111 MITI) ��/svi�i,�iry; n',I�11 ,1`111,. �:i,�, :.•\�:1,`\\. DADDY! t.'M NOT GOING TO WALK AROUND TH 'DOWNTOWN STORES 8APEf4OTl BUT WHY HAVEN'T YOU GOT THEM ON? YOU„`WANT ME 10 BE ABSOLUTELY CRIPPLED . BEF Q.E. 1 EvE,N BEGIN SHOpt1ING? oro •..,nn,r;r� fAjttRtl��\ ,t`;i`ar,.,:n. .