HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-09-29, Page 12CLASSIFIED ADS ,24. Cards of Thain We -wouid ]Ike to thank our neighbors, friends and ' rela- tives for their many acts of kindness. during the illness and death of our father, Pats rick O'Rourke. Also the nurs- ing staff of , the Community hospital, Dr, Stapleton, Fath. er Durand, Father Laragh and Father Bensette, and those who gave mass offerings, flowers and messages of sym- pathy. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank those who so kindly remem- bered our brother Louis, who died just recently in Grande Prairie, Alberta. It was all very much appreciated. —The O'Rourke Family. Births FLEERAKKERS -- 'In Sea: forth Community hospital, on September 28th, to Mr and Mrs. Theadore Fleerak- kers, RR 2 Monkton, a daughter. SCOTT -- In Wingham Gen- eral Hospital, on Sept. 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. James O. Scott, of Ripley, a son. LAITfWAITE--in Sts Joseph's Hospital, London, on Sept. 27, to Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Laithwaite, (nee Pearn Mc- Lean), a son. Too Late NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of PATRICK O'ROURKE AU persons having claims against the Estate of Patrick O'Rourke, late of the Town- ship of McKillop, in the Coun- ty of Huron, Retired Farmer, deceased, whodied on the 18th day of September, 1966, are hereby notified to send in full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or be- fore the 21st day of October, 1966, after which date the as- sets will be distributed, hair - inn regard only to claims then received. DATED at Seaforth Ont- ario, this 28th day of Septem- ber, 1966. MCCONNELL & STEWART Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executors. ;22-43-3 COMING EVENT — The 'an- nual Turkey Supper at Duff's Church, Walton, November 2. Program, The Harmony Men of Wingham. -1 HELP WANTED — Lady to work in Dining lounge and lounge. Must be: neat in ap- pearance. Friday and Satur- day evenings. Phone 527-0980. FOR SALE — Duro fuel oil burner, large size, with fan. Phone 527-0825. -1 Too Late FOR SALE -;- A new ship- ment of fall arrangements and artificial flowers have just ar- rived. Get them now While the supply is good, from Staf- fen's Greenhouse, Jarvis St., Seaforth. 11-43-2 FOR SALE — Dry walnut stove wood. Phone 527-0428, Jim McNairn. -1 FOR SALE - - Now is the time to plant tulip, daffodil and Hyancith Dutch bulb s. Also ,hardy mums for outside. Staffen's Greenhouse, Jarvis St. St., Seaforth. 11-43-1 FOR SALE — A strong bunch of York pigs, rapid growers. A. R. Dodds, 527-1748. -1 FOR SALE -- Viking eleetric cream separator, used two years, also ten Beatty water bowls for cattle. William Liv- ingston, 527-0365. -1 STRAYED — German shep- hard, part Collie dog, mainly black with brown and white trim. Ken Carnochan, RR 3 Seaforth. -.1 FOR SALE — Order your flowers and Dotted plants now for the Plowing Match at Staffen's Greenhouse, Jarvis St., Seaforth. 11-43-2 News of St. Columban Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ma- lone and Bobby, Winnipeg, were here attending the Mal- one -Wood wedding on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIver were in Kitchener on Satur- day, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Martin Purcell and family. Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles Mal- one and daughters, Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Morris, and attended the Mal- one -Wood .wedding on Satur- day. • Ken Ducharme, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Marey and children, Stratford; visit on Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du arme. Mr. and Mrs. John William- son, London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Michael, Doyle. MRS. JAMES CHEEVERS Word was received here of the death of Mrs. James Chee- vers, St. Catherines. She was theformerCatherine Klein, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein, Her husband predeceased her. Surviving are one son and one daughter, Joseph and Margaret, both of St. Cather- ines; also surviving are one sister., Mrs. Ted (Anne) •Mc- Carthy of Mimico; and three brothers, Jack of Pontiac, Joseph and George of Van- couver. NewF4fL, Entries Thermal underwear by Harvey Woods 71 and .Preferred underwear by Penman's Parkas and Jackets by B & F Sportswear Suits by Biltmore ' • All -Weather Coats by Crown Sportswear Slacks by Rivierra - Hats by Stetson Work CIothing,,,matching sets by J. P. Walk- ers and Trout Man BILL O'SHE MEN'S WEAR Phone 527-0995 Seaforth Obituqries VIAL -TER ROBINSON Walter W. Robineen,, 75, Sea - forth, died, Thursday, . ip Sea - forth Community Hospital, af- ter a three-week illness. Born in Egmondville, he was a bar- ber and operated a shop in Sea - forth for a number of years. About 30 years ago he moved to London where he carried on his trade until his retirement His wife the former Mazel K.at- zenmier, died in 1962. Surviv- ing are two sisters, Mrs. Guy (Sadie) Richards, California; Mrs. Edward (Annie) Henry, Beaverton, Mich.; a brother, Joseph, California. A funeral" se ` rvice was held here, Saturday at 2 p.m., when Rev, J, C. Britton, Northside United Church; here, officiated. Burial was in Maitlandbank cemetery. Pallbearers were Alex Hay, S. C, Pullman, Roy Broadhurst, Jack McCrow, Fred Davis and Earl Katzenmier. Flower bear- er was C. A. Barber. GEORGE BEUERMANN George Beuei nann of lot 8, con. 9, McKillop township, died in Seaforth Community Hospital Wednesday evening. While he had been in poor health for several years he had been a patient but three days. Born in 1900, on the same farm he liv- ed on all his life, he was a son of the late August Beuermann and Caroline Kehne. In '1925, he married Laving Elligsen. He was a member of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen. Besides his wife, he is survived• by six sons, Kenneth, Ronald, Ray and Donald, all of McKillop and Gerald and Lloyd of Log- an township; two daughters, Mrs. Kenneth (Joyce) Siemon and Mrs. Ray (Janet) Hille- brecht, both of Logan and by 14 grandchildren. He was pre- deceased by one son, seven brothers and two sisters. The body Was at the Lockhart fun- eral home, Mitchell, until noon Saturday, when removal was made to St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, for service at 2:30 p.m. Burial was in the adjoining cemetery. ' PATRICK O'ROURKE The funeral of Patrick O'- ourke took place from the me of his son, Wilfred, Wed- sday morning at 10 a.m., to . Patrick's Church. Dublin. A Concelebrated mass, was ng with Rev. J. L. O'Rourke Stratford officiating, assist - by Rev. Remi Durand, Rev. Dill, Rev. Mooney; Rev. yce, Rev. Harvack, with Rev. Bessette as master of cere= nies. Many priests from the sur- nding district were present the sanctuary, including Mon - nor J. A. Feeney, Monsignor rrigan, Monsignor Wemple, nsignor A. Durand, Father ughlin, Father Denise and her Laragh. urial took place an the par - cemetery, with' Rev. Remi rand officiating at the grave- , assisted by Father 0'- rke. allbearers were Pat Givlin, e Murray, Joe Kelly, Steph- Murray, Russell. Smith and nald Murray. R ho ne St su of ed G. 'Bo J. mp rou in Sig Ha Mo Co Fat B ish Du side Rou P Mik en Ro CROMARTY The Marian Ritchie Evening Auxiliary met'.iff, the church with Mrs. Lloyd' Miller presid- ing. Hymn 566 was sung with Mrs: Di;iican Scott at the pi r ano. Mrs: John Templeman led in prayer. Mrs. Robert Laing and Mrs. Eldon Allen presented the Study Book program with a lively discus- sion period. Thirteen members answered the roll call by nam- ing a missionary and the field where they worked. A read- ing on 'Personal Appearance' was given by Mrs. ,Gerald Carey. . Mr. and Mrs. James Howatt and family, Londesboro were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Ramsey, Beth and Billy Hulley visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey, Listowel. See the New Cars at SEAFORTH MOTOR Friday, Sept. 30 Enjoy Coffee and Doughnuts 9 . a.m. to 9 p.m. SEAFORTH MOTORS Chevrolet Pone 5274750 Mt it estock Despite sHEE • Vance Day, Vnihro, was the only entrant in 'tbe Cheviot classes. Jim Snell pf Clinton won all the first places` in the Lieeester classes. P. Deering and son, Exeter, was the only entrant in the horned Dorset section. Shropshire Downs first went to Fred Gurney, RR 3 Paris. Lone entrant in the Lincoln class was Elmer Arnistrong, RR 2 St. Pauls. Fred Lowden, Smithville, took all the firsts in the Oxford classes, The on- ly entrant in the Suffolk clas- ses was S. M. Blair, RR 1 Bol- ton. SWINE Lacombe. Wilbur'Turnbull and son, Brussels, won all the boar classes except one, senior herd, junior herd, best bacon boar and sow, sow over two years, sow 18.months to two years and sow one year to 18 months. George Townsend, RR 3 Seaforth, boar two years and over, sow, one year before March 1 ,and sow one year af- ter March 1. Ross Cottle was the only en- trant in the Berkshire classes. Hugh Hart, Gadshill; was the only entrant in the Tam- worth section. Landraee. Boar, one to two years, Robert McMillan, RR 3 Seaforth. Hugh Hart, Gadshill boar six months to one year, boar, under six months; sow, one year to 18 months; sow under one year before March 1, junior herd. Gerald Town- send, RR 3 Seaforth, sow over -two years, sow 18 months to two years; sow under 1year after March 1. Robert McMil- lan, senior herd: Yorkshire. John Gallagher, Alliston, boar under 6 months, sow under one year bore be- fore March 1; sow under one year born after March 1; jun- ior herd. All other ' firsts to Wilbur Turnbull and son who also showed the top senior herd. CATTLE Shortho . Andrew Gaunt, RR 2 Luc ow, senior and junior yearling bull; two year old cow; female with calf at feet; grow class. Frank Fal- coner, RR3 Seaforth, bull, two years. White Brothers, St. Marys, female yearling. Herefor . Reber Eddy and Sons, RR 1 Dungannon, junior ye'arlieg bull; bull, two years; female, yearling; group class. Stanley Jackson, RR 2 Kippen Senior yearling bull. Whitney Coates and Son, RR 1 Centra- lia, female, two years; female with calf at foot. Abei?dee Angus. Richard Doan, Thor dale, female, two years. All other first won by' Bruce McGillivray, RR 1 Pais- ley. William le of Londesboro won all the firsts in the Guernse�l_ section. There were no entries in the Jersey or Ayrshire classes. Ross Marshall of RR 1 Kirk - ton won the inter -breed udder class. ' LACK, WHITE SHOW Holsteins. Bull calf, Glen den, RR2 Lucknow. Bull yearling, A ster Broadfoot. nior an grand champion e, A11ist r Broadfoot, RR3. Seaforth and Peter Simpson, S ortln Reserve junior and reserve gran champion male, George Hayden, Gorrie earline heifer, . William C tton, RR5 Goderich. ,Two' y old female, Ed Bell,. RR1 Blyth. Thre year old .female, J. Vod and Sons, RR1 Clinton. Fou year old dry' fe- male, Marshall, RR 1 Clinton. Fouryear old female, E Bell. Female five years a over E Bell. Senior an n. champion ,female, Ed' B . Reser serTior'' and re- serve Brand champion female, Elston Speir , Brussels group cl .Ross Marshall. Best ud- der, Marshall. rns kzi earinn e p W mal ds ar ck rlin n Thorn zl Da h e r sl�i Ii d Allister d e d a mal e den Four em Ed rnp Reserve an ar HORSES ght. Roadster team i ess, Mac Armstron chville. Single ' roadste e, Mac Armstrong, Ope rade class, Barbara' Bryan orth, Joan Elliott, Brie. gert, Marg Ryan, Joa pper, Saddle I#orse (Lim Joan Elliott, Zurich ara , Aryans, Brian Hod Marg Ryan. Saddle Pony Hopper, Seaforth, Ros ne ,Kevifi B.e n n e w e i s er Bros. Special, Brian rt, Barbara Bryans ara Brady.' ny classes, pleasure hors Ann Doig, Seaforth, Bar Bryans, Joan Elliott Hodgert, Marg Ryan. avy horses. Light tea arness, Charles Halliday ey. Percheron team In ss, Orvil Bestard, Thorn Belgian team in harness r Bannerman, Monkton, draught team in har Halliday. Light wagon Ralph Kent. RR 2 'Ems Ingle wagon horse, Kent. horse tandem hitc; Bee,. Six horse tandem, Best S1, Halliday. cial Bes wt hand lt, L. M. Monroe, RR o. Heavy wagon team: rnian. Ydesdale. Eugene McLeod 2 Kincardine, brood With foal, and foal of •Filly or gelding two Halliday. erclleren or Belgian. Filly' ding three years, Verne Britton. Filly or gelditig' years, Bannermana got class. Brood mare al,' foal of 1065, Mere - illy Filly or gelding t hr e and. two years, Kent- B Wal ear ,Ju mal eaf eaf e uu year lyt Fred Iii male lin Ed and gran ell sto ass er, Li harn Bea hors Seal Hod Ho ited) Barb gert, Joan Batti HoHodge Barb Po Carl bare Brian He in h Chest harne Olive Heavy nese, team, bro. S Pour tard. tard. spectia led co Embr Bonne of CRR mare 1065. years, P,. or gel Bast, two W'a with fo roe, years n g, r n• • s, n n s e rn. 1 in Filly or gelding one Bast. Year, 4-11 SWINE Ralph Hildebrand's Lacombe won the Savauge Trophy for grand champion of show. This is the first time that a La- combe has won the -trophy. • Lloyd Peacock, RRE Blue - vale, had the champion 'York- shire and reserve of Show. His sow is a daughter of last years grand champion of show. Hog show champions were: Yorkshire champion,_ Lloyd Peacock; reeerv-e, Jean oe, RR 1 Walton. Landrace champion, erald Townsend, RR 3 Seafio h; re- serve, Blake Fez'gusen, RR'1 Clifford. Showniansllip, grand cham- pion shame n, Bdb Mc- Naughton, RR 3 Kippe • re- serve, Graeme Craig, 'GP alton. 4 -II CATTLE Dairy Section, Holstein Senior, Gaye Wat- son, RR 4 Clinton;. junior, Brenda Pryce, RR 1 Seaforth. Guernsey senior, Cheryl Dale, RR 1 Clinton; junior, Kathy Dale, RR 1 Clinton. Showmanship, Geo. Town- send, RR 3 Seaforth. Beef Section , Heifer, senior, Janet Fal- coner, RR 5 Clinton; junior, Theresa Devereaux, RR4 Sea - forth. Steer, Gary McClure, RR 2 Seaforth. Nominated.for Queen's guineas, Slob McNaughton; Jim .Henderson, RR5 Seaforth; Gordon Moylan, RR 5 Sea- forth; W i 111 a m Henderson, RR 5 Seaforth.. Showmanship, B o b Mc- Naughton; reserve, Tom Pap- ple, RR 4 Seaforth. Baby beef steers, not nom- inated for Queen's guineas, Hugh Todd, Lucknow Club; Murray Vincent, Blyth -Bel - grave Club; Wayne Todd, Lucknow Club. Nominated fpr Queen's guineas from clubs in •Huron County, Paul Eedy, Dungan- non Club; Audrey Coulees, Blyth Club; Corinne Keifer, Turnberry Club; Bob Mc- Naughton, Seaforth Club; Bill Keifer, Turnberry Club. • Grand champion steer class, award by Topnotch Feeds, Seaforth, Paul Eedy; reserve, Hugh Todd. Junior heifer calf, any breed, group one, Neil Vin- cent, Blyth; Teresa Dever- eaux: group two, Elaine Mc- Clure, RR 2 Seaforth; group three, Neil Devereaux, RR 4 Seaforth. Senior heifer deli, any breed, group one, Elaine Kei- fer, Turnberry; Janet Falcon- er, Seaforth; Marjory Smith, Blyth; group two, Brian Glaz- ier, Seaforth; group three, John Bennett, Dungannon. Stewart Proctor a w a r d, champion junior Shorthorn heife r, Teresa Devereaux; senior Shorthorn heifer, 'Janet Falconer. • Grand champion heife r, *Neil Vincent, Teresa Dever- eaux. Huron County Trophy, best Hereford calf, Paul Eedy. Interclub competition, group of three beef calves from' one club, Lucknow elub. Beef showman, Hugh Todd, Lucknow, award only, reverts to. Bob McNaughton. Sheep showman, Hugh Todd. . Dairy showman, Bob Vod- den, Clinton. Sweepstakes showmanship competition; dairy, beef, sheep and swine classes, Hugh Todd; reserve, Bob - cNaughton. • • POULTRY Elementary. White Leg- horn, Barry Gordan, Seaforth; White Rock, Elaine Dever- eaux, Michael Devereaux; Leavy cross bred, Brian Old- field. Adult. In the Adult poultry competition Cliff Pepper, of Dashwood, Mrs. M. Mc©art, Southwold, J. ID. Douglas,of Stratford and M. H. Volliok of Mildtnay won all of 'the classes. GRAIN Alfalfa seed, 342 bus., Lorne Fell, Staffa; Guy Dorrance, Dublin, Timothy seed 1/2 bus., Mrs. Herman Leonhardt; Lorne Fell; Robt, ,1:'othering-. ham. Fall wheat, Robt. Foth- eringham. Earle y, Lewis Coyne, RR 5 Seaforth; Don McKercher; Lorne Tell; Bob Broadfoot; Leonard Jamieson. Oats, late, Lorne Fell; Lewis Coyne; Arnold Jamieson; Leo- nard Jamieson; Luther San- ders. Mixed oats and barley, Lewis Coyne; Larne Fell. , White Beans, Robt. Pother- ingham; Don McKercher; Joan Elliott; Fred McCly- mont; Lorne Fell. Husking corn on cob, Bruce Coleman; Robt. Broadfoot; Robt, Foth- eringham; John Broadfoot; Don McKercher. Ensilage corn 8 stalks, Robert Broadfoot; Bruce Coleman; Don McKer- cher; Gordan Dapple; Erie Anderson. Special, .best" in classes 12 and 13, Bruce Cole- man; Robt. Broadfoot. -Bale of first cut hay, Robt. Fotheringham; Lorne Pell; George Townsend; Guy Dor- ranee. Bale 2nd or 3rd cutting, Lorne Fell; Don McKercher; George Townsend; C. Wey; Joan Elliott. 'mos' • Adult. 2% doe. brown eggs, Mrs. Gordan Papple; Gordan Peppin; C. Wey; Linda Pap= pie. 211/4 doz. white eggs, Veil C¢leriiare, Bruce Coleman; Mrs. W. XI, Coleman. • Best tray, ,Kerr Coleman. ETe exitary, 2'' dee. brown eggs, ile- a n o r Devereaulc; John Westerveid; Elaine Car-. ter;, Wtlma. Westerveld, 2V2 doz. white eggs, Cathy Cole- man; Lyle Haney; Brian Wat- son;/Bill Archibald. kET SHOW Rest jooldng cat, Tom Dev- ereaux, RR 4 Seaforth; Joanne DeGroot, RR 5 Seaforth; Mar- ie 'Theresa Nash, ,Seaforth; Jean. Devereaux, RR 4 Sea - f orth; Greg Hussey, RR3 Sea - forth; Stephen Hussey, RR 3 Seaforth; Jinn Hussey, RR 3 Seaforth; Josephine Willems, RR 4 Seaforth; Nancy Dever- eaux, RR 4 Seaforth; aohn Devereaux,' RR 4 Seaforth; Jane Camino, Seaforth. Most unusual cat, Jim Dal - Ms, RR4 Seaforth„, Bill Archi- bald, .•RR 4 Seaforth; Greg Fischer, RR 2 Walton. Best looking rabbit, Doug - s Dietz, RR 1 Dublin; Pat Devereaux, RR 4 Seaforth; Janes Bannon, Seaforth; Lin- da Heard, RR2 Seaforth; Don- ald Heard, RR 2 Seaforth. Most unusual rabbit, Wayne Coombs, RR 2 Seaforth; Doug McKay, RR 2 Kippen; P a u 1 Hulley, Seaforth. Best Dog in show, Pat Dev- ereaux, Seaforth; Janie Muir, Seaforth; Josephine Willens, RR 4 Seaforth; Greg Fischer, RR 2 Walton; Brian Wilson, Brucefield; Lois Dalton, Sea- forths, ,Nancy Phillips, Sea - forth; Ross Gooier, Seaforth; Terry Dale, Seafrth. pog, With least resemblance in any breed, Ann Bannon, Seaforth; Peter Simpson, Sea - forth; Ricky . Hulley, RR 2 Seaforth. Best behaved dog, Jane Johnston, RR 1 Dublin; Tom Johnston, RR 1 Dublin; Greg Fischer, RR 2 Walton; Step- hen Maxwell, Seaforth. Pair fantail pigeons, Randy Wood, Seaforth; Randy Wood Seaforth; Clayton Riley, RR 4 Clinton, Any breed pigeons, Larry Mojr, Egrnondville; James Bannon, Seaforth; Hervey Riley, RR 43 Clinton; Tommy Devereaux, Seaforth; Jack Heynsbergeh, RR 4 Seaforth Jackie Van Miltenburg, RR 4 Seaforth, ' Pair Bantams, Greg Fisch- er, RR 2 Walton; Susan Coombs, RR 2 Seaforth; Di- anne Oldfield, RR 4 Seaforth; Darwin Dietz, RR 1 Dublin; Barry Gordon, RR 2 Seaforth; Nancy Devereaux, RR 4 Sea - forth. Fancy fowl, Kim Dineen, RR 3 Seaforth; Roger Smith, RR 2 Seaforth; James Bannon, Seaforth; Garry Nash, RR 5 Seaforth; Ralph Wood, Sea= forth; Kevin Henderson, Sea - forth; Barry Gordon, RR 2 Seaforth, Most unusual pet, Margie Eckert, RR 1 Seaforth; Paul Gridzak, Egrnondville; Margie Eckert, RR 1 Seaforth; Garry Nash, RR 5 Seaforth; Mary Ann Klaver, RR 3 Kippen. Consolation event, Debbie Dale, . Seaforth; • Darrel Dale, Seaforth; Darlene Dale. Sea - forth; Ricky Dale, Seaforth. ROOTS and VEGETABLES First prize winners in the Roots and vegetables compe- tition were Mrs, E. Tosczak, 13; Hrs. H. • Leonhardt, 9; Mrs. W. Dolmage, '7: Fred McCly-' moot, 3; Mrs. Godkin, 2; Gor- don MacLean, 1; Mrs. G. Pap - pie, 1; Linda Papple, 1; and Mrs. Bill Coleman, . 1. HORTICULTURE In th Horticulture classes, includingapples, pears, plums and grapes, Robert Archibald, Seaforth and Fred McClymont of Varna captured all of the prizes except one in wh i c h Mks. W. Dolmage won second prize for German prune plums. Mr. McClymont won 15 first prizes and Mr. Archi- bald won 8. FLORAL . DISPLAY Mrs. R. Aikens, of Dublin, won 24 first prizes in the floral exhibition. Other prize winners included Reta Orr of Dublin, Mrs, A. Finlayson, RR 2 Seaforth, Mrs. E. Tose- zak, Mrs. Win. Damage, Mrs. Elsie Doig, Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. Bob Broadfoot, Mrs, El- don Yeo, Mrs. H. Leonhardt, and Mrs. Jean Taylor. HOME ECONOMICS Mrs. Ron Gross, Londesboro won 10 firsts In the home ec- onorales claa'ses. Mrs. E. Tose- zak Arid Mrs. L. Gedkin each collected 6 firsts. Jean Taylor, Brucefield, won 4 first while 1Vr'rn. `dolt Glousher wen 3 and s. It. Leonhardt 2. Other winners in the competitions were Mrs. A. Jamieson, Mrs. Nelson Cardno, Mrs. Heimp4l, Ruth Nhipbell, Mrs, E. Yeo and Lynn McLean. CANNED FRUITS AND • VEGETABLES •Mrs. L. Godkin led the ex- hibiterws in the canned fruits a ritt vegetable .competition with '1 firsts, Mrs. Don G1ou- sher telected...5 and Mrs. H. Lean rdtr Mrs. E. Tosezak and Mrs. A. Jamieson each won 3. Other winners includ- ed MVIrs. Robert Regele (2), Mrs. W. D el nia g e, Ruth Campbell, Jean Taylor, Mrs. Heimpel, Mrs. E. Yeo and Lynn McLean, _ 6,16001.4140041.0 Ileniember! It takes blit a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad. and be money in pocket. To advertiNe. just Dial Seaforth 52770240. For The , NEW MODELf SEE THESE USED CAR SPECIALS AT !EST END GARAGE Pontiac -Buick Dealer IN MITCHELL 1965 Chev. Biscayne, 6-cyl., A.T., radio 1964 Pontiac 2 -door hard top, V-8, A.T., pow- er steering and brakes 1964 Chev. Belaire, 0-cyl., 2 -door hard''' top, ,-AZ., power steering, brakes 1964 Corvair Manza, 4 -speed transmission 1960 Pontiac `Laurentian, V-8, A,T., radio 1960 Pontiac 4 -door, standard, 6-cyl. 1960 Pontiac, 2 -door, 6-cyl. TRUCK SPECIALS 1960 Ford 1!, -Ton, V-8, A.T. 1965 Chev. 1/,Ton WEST -END GARAGE OPEN EVERY mon TILL 10 TO SERVE YOU 'D ALL NIGHT IF WE HAVE TO CaII h48-8982 - MITCHELL ADVANCE SHOWING... of Children's SNOW SUITS Just in time for Early Fall buying! ■ ■ Buy NOW while selec- tions are the greatest, and most complete! GIRLS' JUMPERS AT SPECIAL PRICES Children's and Teens' Sweaters "and T -Shirts SLEEPWEAR Pyjamas -and Gowns A small deposit holds any eseftn SPECIAL: Ladies' and Teens' CAR COATS 25 to 30% off TO CLEAR kiARONE'S Seaforth's 5e to $1.90 Store • • •