HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-09-29, Page 11s 0 r b USE. THE'R CLASSIPICATIONS TO YOUR .ADvarlTAoE 1. Coming Events 2• Lost, Strayed 3. Foetid 4, Help Wanted 5.usines B 1 s Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted . 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale - 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12 Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property Fpr Rent " 16,. For Sale or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Saler' 21. Tenders Wanted 22, 'Legal Notices 23. Business Directory' 24, Cards.o# Thanks 25., In Memoriam 36. Personals Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 2 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 17, minimum 40c an insertion. Classification 25, minimum 65c, plus 25c for each 4 -line verse, All other classifications, mini- . mum 65 cents per insertion, except Auction Sales (20), 'en- ders Wanted (21), and Legal Notices (22), rates on applica- tion. For cash payment, or If paid by 10 days following last inser- tion, 15 CENTS deducted from above rates. 1. Coming Events A series of prenatal classes will begin Wednesday, Octob- er 5th, 1966, at 2:00p.m. at the Health Unit Office, Sea - forth Community • Hospital, Seaforth. These will be held at weekly intervals for nine weeks. Those interested are invited to attend .one the above date, or -phone the Public Health Nurse, Seaforth 527- 1243, between 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. or 4:30 - 5;00- pm. 1-42-2 MEALS served at the St-Col- Wuhan t.Col-uthban Parish Hall, during the Plowing Match, Oct. 11-14, 11 a.rn. to 1 p.m., 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 1-43-1 GODERICH Community con- certs, Oct. ' 15th, Four Go Dancing; Dec. 5th, Mildred Dining; May 2nd, Canadian Opera 'Company. 1-43-1 A reunion has been : planned to be . held at the school of all farmer pupils and 'teachers of S.S. No. 9, Tuckersmith on • Sunday, October 9. Registra- tion beginning at 1 p.m. AU families of the Section and former pupils living in the surrounding area, please inform your immediate fam- ily and consider this your in- vitation to attend. Ladies please bring a picnic lunch of sandwiches and tarts to be served at '5 p.m. Dishes will be supplied. 1-43-2 The October meeting of the Hospital Auxiliary will be held Wednesday, October 5, At this meeting there will be a shower of gifts for the Tuck - shop. Note change of 'date.. 1-43-1 LEARN to mound (couple) dance commencing' October 7, 8:30 to 11 pin. Everyone wel- come. Canadian Forces Base. Clinton; Contact, W. A. Hod- gert, 527-6860, Seaforth. 1-43-2 4. Help Wanted MAN for work in bean ele- vator starting Aug. 29, 1966. Good wage schedule, good op- portunities. Apply E. L. Mic- kie and Sona' Ltd:, Hensall. 4-39-tf WOMAN to babysit lone pre- school child, two mornings a week in my h o rn .e, starting. October lst. Phone 527-0276. 4-43-1 Bookkeeper - Typist Must be •good typist. Pay- roll bookkeeping experience would be, an asset. • Apply with full details to Box 1616, The Huron Exposi- tor.. , a4-43-1 GIRL OR YOUNG LADY TO ASSIST AT PLOWING MATCH We require a.young* lady or olderteenage student to as- sist in distributing literature at our exhibit at the Inter- national Plowing Match at Seaforth, October 11-14. We are a large well)-knoven Canadian manufacturer. should be of good height, of pleasing per- sonality and able to meet the public. Duties will extend throughout the four days of the match. Suitable salary to be arranged. recentI photon together napshot tth o be forwarded to Box 1613, The Huron Expositor", by Fri- day, September 90th. 4-42.2 I elp Wanted Town,ship p of .Hibbert • RE LIEFAT R Ola S P OR for snow plpwing are required by the Township of Hibbert for the coming winter season. Anyone interested contact the road superintendent: - ED CHAPPEL, Supt. RR 1 Cromarty 4-42-2' WOMEN wetted, part' time, answering. phone calls at home. Apply Box 1.617, The Huron Expositor. 4-43-1 We Require Male and female workers for temporary employment during the International Plowing Match at Seaforth, Ontario, 11-14 October„ 1966. Interested applicants • should apply in person to the Sea - forth Town Hall on the 1st of October, 1966 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., or if more convenient, to the National Employment Services Office at Stratford .or Goderich. Most of the vacancies will be for female help, 4-43-1 HELP WANTED Two young ladies or women to assist in booth at Interna tional Plowing Match in Sea - forth, October, 11 to 14, 1966.. Applications must be rece- ived by Tuesday, ,October 4 1966. Apply: BOX -1618 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. 4-43-1 S. Farm Stock For Sale FOR SALE = Hereford cows with calves. Contact Ralph Fischer, phone 24 R 25 Dub- lin. 8-39-tf TWENTY -five pigs, 7 weeks old. Joe Hastings, Lot. 25, Con. 7, Hibbert. 8-43x1 WRITE -faced bull calf. Mar- tin Van Bakel, 87 R 2 Dub- lin, 8-43-1 BIG Holstein heifer due` now, Torrance Dundas, Walton, phone Brussels, 470 J 5. 8-43-1 TWO 4 year old Holstein cows, 1 and 2 months in calf. Priced $300 and '$325. Ed Gertsch, phone 527-1026, RR2 Walton. , 8-43-2 9. Poultry For ' Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old And Started Pullets Red x S x Red Pullets Mixed Chicks and Cockerels. Available now. Book your or- ders early. SCOTT. POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 ' Box 160 9-39- f 10. Used Carse For -Sale THREE ton Dodge truck, stock ..racks, good running condition. R. J. D o i g, 527- 0763, North Main St., Sea - forth. 10-3741 1957 Dodge 4 ,ton truck with racks and tarpaulin, new mot or, good tires. Phone 527-1282. 10-43-1 1965 Pontiac Parisienne con- vertible, red with black inter- ior, V-8, Automatic, power steering, wheel discs, white wall tires, custom radio with rear speakers, Price $2750.00. 1964 Pontiac Parisienne 'hard- top, V-8, radio, power steering etc. $2400.00. Both these cars privately owned, one driver, new tires, excellent condition. Phone Clinton, 482=9568, or 482-6663. 10-43-1 11: Articles For Sale UNIT -STEP, pre -cant concrete steps. Call Frank Kling Ltd., Seaforth, phone 527-1320. 11-43-8 Jewellery Repairs - We do all types of jewellery repairs Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-39-tf FRESH picked green corn, pears and other vegetables. Bring containers. Ambrose Addley, Kinburn. 1, .41x3 MASSEY Ferguson 4 -Brow mounted plow with 12 inch bottom. For further particu- late-- Phone 527-1308. s 11-41x2 WANTED someone to take over balance of payments on Singer automatic zig zag seve- ing machine. Makes button- holes, sews on buttons, fancy patterns all automatically. Or- iginally $209.00, balance ow- ing $61.00 or $7:00 per month. 2 year guarantee. Lessonsin- eluded, Dealer. W r i t e Box 1608, The Tluron Expositor., 11- 1-2 INSULATED cord star g e door with frame, $25,00 com- plete. 4 foot lath in bundles of 50. Odds and ends in build- ing materials. Name. `price. Apply icon Agar, 10 It 10. 11,41-3 U. Articles' for ,Sale.. dry wood, $0,00. per cord, 4elillered•; Lewis Coyne, phone Dublin, 199 R 10. 11-42x3 We ate'takipg orders for ca- pons, delivered in 3 to 4 wks., oven ready, Arnold Taylor, Brucefield, phone 482-9155. 11-43-2 APPLES, beginning Monday, October 3rd, pick your own, McIntosh wind -fall apples. la'ring your own baskets. $1.25 bushel while they last. J. Ross Middleton's Orchards', Bayfield. • , 11-43-1 LONG black Persian coat, in good condition, size 42-44. 'Apply to Box, 1615, The 1�Iur- on Expositor- 11-43x1 A tape recorder and 'a pair of walkie-talkies. For more information call 527-1803 af- ter 6 on Fridays. 11-43-2 BUFFET, quilt box, sewing machine, portable, electric, $25.00; automatic washer, $50. Phone 527-5720. 11-43x1 WEATHERSTRIP your home now. We 'have a complete line of weatherstrip and special door bottoms now in stock at Crown Hardware. 11-43-2 COB corn right off the Thicker. Arie Peters, 497 W 4 Brussels. 11-43x1 LADIES black cloth coat, mink trimmed, size 42. Phone 527-1927. 11-43x1 �;4, Prepe y Pw' SaIe r A +� R 2r,cr t I M. � f, a, os,,.1Q �, can, h, . Tt ckersA th, John N ,g, , one. 527••0286. 14434 �R VIC'.,. T I C A Ural GREY TRUST COMPANY ENGLISH 'Addle in good con- dition, call after 6, 527-0734. 11-43x1 OVEN ready ducks, Dyke Little, phone 527-0188. • 11-43-2 GEIHL grinder with belt, in good condition. Apply Cor Dorssers, RR 4 Seaforth, call 527-0656. 11-43-1 FREE FIREWOOD, c h t 1 e d maple logs. Contact Laverne Godkin, phone 527-1871. 11-43-1 TWO matched upholstered chairs, one arm, one rocker, in good condition. Phone 84 R 8 Dublin. - • 11-43-1 FOR FREE, two kittens, 4th prize winners at the Lions pet show at the fair. Phone 527- 1102. 11-43x1 See our Large Selection of Swiss Made Watches by BULOVA CARAVELLE RODANIA ENICAR These watches are ail guar- anteed for one full year and serviced by our own watch- makers. Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 11-39-tf WE sell and service Timex watches priced from $7.95 up. Come in and choose one as we have all models in stock. Anstett' Jewellers Ltd. 11-39-tf NEW bean knives in stock for all types of bean pullers. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone 482-9131. 11-42-2 BOOK of Knowledge includ- ing' bookcase and many extras at a substantial 'saving. Apply to Box 1612, The Huron Ex- positor or phone 527=1522. 11-42-tf. Repossessions 2 cabinet model automatic Singer' machines, One potable straight stitch, one portable automatic, one vacuum clean- ,er, one polisher deluxe model, "one deluxe auto washer, one portable record player. ' Pay balance on any article. SINGER 'CO. of CANADA 482-9103, Clinton 11-42-2 12. Wanted To 'Buy RUG for basement use. Call 527-1661, 12-43-1 LARGE oil space heater: Paul Whitehead, phone 102 R 16, between 9 a.m. and 10 alp. 12-43x1 ANTIQUE furniture, pictures frames, Cupboards, lamps and dishes, 'etc. Will buy individ- ual pieces or complete house- hold. Phone 2714578, ' 12-39-tf LARGE quantity of baled straw, barn stored for fall pick-up. Write stating amount and price expected to G. Mc- Fadden, RR 1 Milton Ont. 12-38x10 13. Wanted WANTED, work mending and repairing at my own home. Phone 527-0501. 13-42x2 14. Property For Sale FOR sale at assessed value, frame dwelling in, •Harphur- hey, to be remodelled. Phone 527-1456. 14-43-4 Building Lots Full sized lots . on, Welsh' St.' Service Available. Seaforth Public Utility ,Commission 14-48-2 FIFTY acres of good crop land. Wilfred McQuaid Sea - forth. 14-43x1 BRICK cottage 4n Village of Egmondville with low taxes, Equipped with new gas fur- nace and •large garage. 1Vlust. be seen to be appreciated, Ap- ply to Mervin ott, Seaforth. 14-43x2 LISTOWEL AREA -100., acre dairy farm 3% miles from town. -and, 13/2. miles from Highway. 95 workable and very productive. Barn 60 x 72, tie-ups for 31 come Drive shed 30 x 45,silo 12 x 32. Two dry wlls, .five bedroom white brick house, bathroom and new oil fur - nage. MONKTON AREA— 100 acre dairy farm -two miles from Monkton and close to High- way. 98 acres workable, L' 'shaped bane 40 x 56 and 36 x 40. Itdilkhouse, drilled well. Foulke bedroom frame house. 100 acre farm 41' miles from. Monktore All work- able. Two silos, 13 x 45 and 24 x 50. Two years old. BLYTH AREA — 150 acre farm, 130 acres workable. Four miles from Blyth. Barn 40 x 60 and 28 x 60. Four bedroom frame house. WALTON AREA — 112 acre dairy farm, silo, steel gran- aries, wen drained. 125 acre farm, good .build= ings. Fifty acres of productive land. STRATFORD AREA — if10' acres, :'/e mile from city .en Highway 8. Good invest- ment. 199 acres, 4 miles from city. Loose housing for 60 head and 150 pigs-. Nice home with all modern conven- iencee, For Farms in Perth and Huron Counties Con- tact us VICTORIA.. and GREY TRUST (Stratford) Real Estate Department Telephone. - Office: 271-2050 Don McTavish -Res: 625-8788 Joe Delesie - Res: 393-6216 14-42-2 15. Property For Rent MODERN 2 -bedroom apart- ment: Phone 527-0810. or Ex- eter, 235-1510. 15-39-tf APARTMENT, newly decorat- ted, four .room, separate en- trance, heat and utilities paid. Phone 527-0978: 15-43-2 TWO bedroom heated apart- ment, upstairs on Adam St. Private entrance, available October 1. Melvin Neil, phone 527-1633, _ 15-42x2 TWO' bedroom apartment loc- ated on Welsh St., heated, pri- vate entrance. Call 527-1211 after 5:30e 15-42x3 APARTMENT, two bedrooms, bathroom, kitchen and living - room, $45.00 per month. Can move in Oct. 1. 1966. Phone 527-0660 from 8 a,m. to 7 p.m. and 527-0852 after 7 p. m. during the week. 15-43-1 19. Notices SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write er call Harvey Dale, Seaforth, phone 527-1406. 19-39-tf DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED For Dead or Disabled Animals CALL COLLECT Darling & Company of Canada Ltd. Phone Clinton, 482-7269 Licence . No. 350-C-65 19-39-tf NOTICE We are .shipping cattle every Monday to United Co -Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at,your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. FRANCIS BUNT, Phone Seaforth, 527-1946, or MICHAEL 3'. DOYLE, Phone 114 it' 16,,, Dublin. Call Collect 19-39-tf VACUUM Cleaner Saba & Ser. Vice for •All makes. Filter Queen Sales, Varna. • Pbtine 262.5350. Hensalh i'9-39-tf 10 I . N4dtic s • , WATCH FAST `SEV.CE All work .guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLtRS. Ltd. Phone 527-1720 -- Seat`arth 19.39-tf Dead Stack under New Management AT WOOD PET f OD . SUPPLY Garnet Smith We are here to ,give you faster service and.better prices, paid on the spot for dead or disabled cows and horses. '$5.00 AND 17P FOR ANY ANIMAL WEIGHING OVER 700 LBS., according to size and condition. Smaller animals picked up free, also free veterinary inspection. CaII Collect Atwood 356-2622 24 hrs. a day -7 days a week Lic. No. 401-C-65, 19-39-tf NOTICE Tuckersmith Municipal Dump Will be open until further notice on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 1 to 5.00 p.m. and Saturday morning front 10:00 to 12:00 a.m. No wire fencing, old con- crete or car bodies permitted. JAMES L McINTOSH, erk. 19Cl-39-tf PICTURE FRAMING AT Beattie Furniture CLINTON 19-40-1 SEPTIC TANKS , CLEANED Modern equipment used. All Work guaranteed. Write or phone LOUIS BLAKE, RR2 Brussels, phone 442 w•6, Bruss- els or contact HAROLD MAL- ONEY, phone 527-1424. 19-17x23 Equipment Rental Hi -pressure sprayer, cleans hog pens, --chicken houses, tractors, farm machinery. 500 lbs. pressure hourly - daily - weekly Sharp's Maintenance Service Phone 527-1526. Seaforth - 19-43x3 LOOK AT HIS 1��� "\TTT `?,t h'': BEAIITIFlL TUNED EXHAUSTSQ 19, Notices R-- ELECT otaUX' a a d g. Ltd, Salesd Seryiee, au iled dealer A lv1n Riley,Ri 153 ght- house tat., Goderich.,' phone Z24- 0514, 19-32.11 • 2 . Tenders Wanted • TENDERS . WANTED , Tor Morris Township Tenders clearly marked will be received by the undersign- ed unite 12 noon, Qcto'ber 3, 1966.for three (3) truels to plow snow as directed by the road superintendent in the Township of -Mores. Tender to state make, model and size of equipment. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. MRS. HELEN D. MARTIN Clerk Belgrave, Ontario 21-42-2 22. Legal Notices TREASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR TAXES TOWN OF SEAFORTH COUNTY OF HURON TO WIT: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Seaforth under his hand and seal of the said cor- poration bearing date the 14th day of February, 1966, sale of land in arrears of taxes in the Town of Seafoeth will be held in the Council Chambers at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in theforenoon on the 14th day of December. 1966, un- less the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale for* arrears of taxes was published in the Ontario Gazette on the 3rd day of September, 1966 and that cop- ies of the said Net may be had at my office; Treasurer's office, this 6th day of September, 1966. Ernest Williams, Clerk. 22-40-13 23. Business Directory SEAFORTH VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.-V:M., V.S. 3V. R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. P. D. Cullis, D.V.M., V.S. J, P. Raab, B.A., D.V.M., V.S. Phone 527-1760 Seaforth A. W. SILLERY Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office 527-1850 - Res. 527-1643 Seaforth - Ontario TUNED? 011, ASK 'NIM To PLAN( U5 SQME-11N6! re! •�P:•i;:l'�:jy:�iJ �O,i, i y°: S • 1 • i 41 1i � '3Business D1rectory JOS '..LONCiSTAFF oPo,ST Soafortll,- ('1f6,c9I TI1es ,'.1.'httrl; , Frit, ',#i' to S,99 Pon' Site, 9 .to ,l2 x1A4n Thursday .evenn8 . by . ,appoi>r; anent P.nb Phone 5274240 or 482010 mon, Wed. "_.. Clinton ()Ace W J. CLEC RY Seaforth, Ontario LICENSED 'EMBAIMEit• and MEM, A.L DIRECTOR Night or Day .Calla -•-. 527.0510 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONIaItT1 R. G. GETHEE Phone 341-2465 Monk ton B4OX FUNERAL SERVICE Prompt and careful attention Ambulance Service Flowers Por All Occasions Phones: Day 527-0680 •— Night 527-0885 J. A. BURKE Funeral Director , and Ambulance Service DUBLIN - ' ONTARIO Night or Day Calls Phone 43 R 10 A, M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 524-7562 G. A. WHITNEY • FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Phone 527-1390 - Seaforth McCONNELL & STEWART Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. P. D. MCCONNELL, Q.G. D, L STEWART Seaforth, Ont. Phone 527-0850 24. Cards of Thanks Verna and Russell Sholdice, and Beverly thank all those who attended, donated and as- sisted at the farewell party in our' honour at Brodhagen. 24-43-1 We wish to express sincere. thanks to all our friends and neighbors who extended sym- pathy and acts of kindness during the loss of our loved one. Your thoughtfulness was deeply appreciated. —Garnet Dorothy and Cheryl, Mous- seau, 24'-43-1 25. In Memoriam McLLWA.,IN—In loving mem- ory of Lrry McLlwain, who passed a' ay two years ago, October 3, 1964. He is gone but not forgotten, and, as dawns another year • In our lonely hours of think - Mee ; lm Fj ins 'Cllouglhts 0i bim ars4Islvira l4' • AV, ays'of wine§ stiR.cpa n'+ us, the• w o n 041 is ea ed ;But t �ey little w : the s+ r - r ow Tho encs ,7n the ,heart; oucea1• ,�,,. ' Sadly zhissed Mam and Pad, irthit CLARK — zn So144 Huron Hospital, E4atar, 21, 1908 to Mr, and, WS. Elliott W..Clar , Exeter, a I UTcif isc N 1n: Wood- stock General I ospital, on; Septembler 15, 0966, to and Mrs. Doug ,flute son, (nee *ROSS) a 3:on, rian Douglas. . SCHMITT -- mSt. Mary's Hospital, Kit ever, on Sep- tember 20; 1966, -to. Mr..and 1Virs. Karl Schmitt, (nee Lois Maloney)_ a daughter, 4 L. WEDDIIIG ASK FOR ei INVITATIONS t� ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 ACCESSORIES COME IN AND .ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL, GIFT • REGISTER THE HURON EX.POSITQR Phone 527-O24O For Additional Classified See Page 12 - IT'S A GOOD THING WE DON'T 'KNOW WHAT I'S - OUT TliE12E UNDER THE SURFACE OF THE SEA. Z FUNNY - I DON'T \ SEE ANY! ANY W HAT OTHER BUGS., I DIS -i INC -PLY HC -ARD THE MANA&EQ SAY THE ROOM HAD BEEN BUGGED,' "1 WHAT DO THE' 'TEACH '`10U It4 THAT SU-tool-7 NL:A'L'S THE LAST THING ' ISD CALL HIM r -LIKE SLACK'S THE LAST THING ISD CALL 11105E TROUSER`! p