HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-09-22, Page 9• 4 r. •• • f• News 0! 1965 CLASSIC SEDAN 1:161 CHEV. BISCAYNE,-6 Cylinder 1960 CHEV. 4 -door SEDAN 1959 FORD • Here Are New 1966 Models- Still odels-Still Available 1966 AMBASSADOR 1966 AMERICAN 220 - • MILLER MOTORS Phone 527-1.110 • Seaforth WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 THE CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND Annual Appeal for funds is now under way in this area eats Children The St. James' Parish CWL met Tuesday evening in the school auditorium with the president, Mrs. Arthur Dever- eaux presiding. Rey. Father H. J, Laragh opened the meeting with prayer,' followed by a hymn, accompanied by. Mrs. Alice Stiles, Mrs.' Gerald) Van den Hengel, educational convener, reported that treats were given to ,the children on field day and .20 grade 8 graduates had received school pins and Mrs, Jack Case said the children had received their first Communion certifi- cates. Mrs. Arthur Devereaux thanked Mrs. Joseph McConnell and Miss Rita Duncan for look- ing after the Altars during the summer and those helping with other events. Visiting conmmit-: tee for September are Mrs. Alice Stiles and Mrs. Peter Bannon. Plans were made to hold an annual bazaar again this year. Mrs. Kenneth Vincent is con- vener for the selling of Christ- mas cards. CWL members will visit the Seaforth Manor Nurs- ing` Home on Thursday during the month of November. Father H. J. Laragh spoke briefly on the Iaity and retreats. Mrs. McConnel gave a resume of the Holy Cross Retreat house in Port Burwell. Mrs. Arthur Devereaux thank- ed Mrs. Huard, corresponding secretary, for. her co-operation and and work with the CWL and wished her prosperity in her new home. She was presented with a gift by Mrs. Kenneth Vincent. Mrs. James Kelly introduced the guest speaker, Rev. Father J.J. Bensette, who showed slides on the story of Pope John XXIII and laity, atomic power and social unity. He was thanked by Mrs. Frank Rey- nolds. Lunch was served by Mrs. Frank Nigh and Mrs. -Mel Coop- er. Every week more people dis- cover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Ex- positor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. USBORNE & • HIB - BERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont: Directors: Robert G. Gardiner R.R. 1, President "Cromarty Martin Feeney - R.R. 2, Dublin Vice -President Wm. H. Chaffe - RR. 4, Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun R.R. 1, Science . Hill Raymond McCurdy R.R. 1, Kirkton Tim Toohey - R.R. 3, Lucan Agents: Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - Exeter Clayton Harris - _ Mitchel] Secretary -Treasurer: Hugh Patterson - Exeter TRAIN TO TORONTO Ask about convenient departure ' ' and return times For Information, phop: the local CN Passenger Sales Office °Rol W '90 H�� s PARE W� lied Far we PARE $3.90 CANADIAN NATIONAL 0114 Looking for an investment that offers. Security Plus Extra Interest? CET 5/2% $IMPLE INTLREST WITH TORONIO-UOMINION 0-YIAH SAVINGS OERT!HCATI$ Available in convenient amounts from $10 to $50,000 (a $10 certificate costs only $7.50) and may be cashed anytime if you need the money. Go -Ahead people bang on 'OACINTO-DOMINION The Bank where people make the difference. SitHIENSON, Manager Seaforth (44000 -ter last. week) Tee leather League. Ineetin# was held on Sundays Sept. 4t1,, With . 21 members present, Mars* Beuetman's team was ifl charge of the topic and devotions. The theme of the topic was "Man and Work". Those presenttried to decide whether man should choose a job which would give him self satisfaction or plenty charge of the meeting. LCW nit with 17 members present. Mrs. LIoyd Pfeifer, Mrs. Henry Rose and Mrs. Floyd Prueter were in charge of devo- tions. Mrs. Martin Dietz, presi- dent, was in charge of the meet- ing. Thank you cards" were re- ceived from Mrs. Robert French and the family of the late Mr, John Ritz. A donation was re- ceived' from the family of the late Mr Ritz and also from Mrs. Marie Pfeifer. A letter was read from the church board asking the ladies to in- sulate the furnace room in the parsonage. Birthdays were reported by Mrs. Boyd Driscoll, Mrs, Harold Reek and Mrs. Edwin Scher - berth. It was decided what had to be done and what had been done at the parsonage in re- gards to the upkeep of the building. A hymn was Bung in honor of the birthday ladies and the common doxology clos- ed the meeting. Mr. George Jacob and Mrs. Irma Murtagh; Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Chris Leonhardt and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Leophardt and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Cowell and .family, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Vock and family on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Dop Ahrens and CNIB Plans Appeal The annual appealfor funds National The Canadian Inv stitutetfor the Blind is now un- der way in Seaforth and dis- trict. The chairman,• E. C. Bos- well, has .,outlined some 'of the services made possible for 'Seaforth blind persons through local gifts to this campaign. -Tweedsmuir .Hall, London, Middlesex and Perth, provides accommodation for those need- ing residential care. There they may exchange ideas with other blind persons, take part in a recreation program de- signed for their special needs, and enjoy the safety and se- curity of protective gates at stair tops, raised identification signs on doors and other spec- ial aids. Those remaining here at home are making use of the CNIB library with its recorded and Braille books on a variety. of subjects from Perry Mason to space travel. Listening read- ers select their own books from. a descriptive catalogue sent out from the Toronto based lib- rary and thus enjoy books of their own choice, just as their sighted neighbors do through the local library. Others are learning crafts and the use of the white cane through the guidance of the CNIB Home Teacher, blind her- self. CNIB's prevention pro- gram arranges eye examina- tions and professional treat- ment for those in danger of losing their sight. Mr. Boswell urged citizens to watch for the letter appeal which will reach their homes. "Through this effort all earn- ers of Seaforth and district Will have a sharein the services to the blind of this community," Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad -and be money in pock- et. to advertise, just Dial Sea - forth, 527-0240. family, Burlington, .spent, the weekend with . Mrs, Rachael Ahrens, The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the rela- tives and family of the late Mr. Peel Boyd; who passed away Saturday, in a drowningacci- dent at Conestoga., Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elligsen and family accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pfeifer and Karl to a cottage at Lurgan Beach, Pine River, for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vander- meulen and James, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gary Sholdice last week. Mrs. Ken Elligsen and Mrs. Donald Brown attended leader- ship school at Mitchell on Tues- day and Wednesday for the 4-11 Homemaking Club. This club being "The Club Girl Enter- tains". Messrs. Clayton, Robert and Kenneth Ahrens were at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Diegel, Kitchener, visited with his fath- er aria grandfather, Willialn and Geogre Diegel, on Saturday. A shower was held at the cdnuntillity hall for Mr. and Mrs. Roger Sholdice, (Ruth Davey) on Friday, Sept. 9. Clare French read the address. The couple were presented with a gift of money. The Royalaires supplied the music. Messrs, Ford Dickison, Ro- bert Gibb, William Brown and Jerry Boyd were on a fishing trip for the weekend. Mrs. Rachael Ahrens is"spend- ing a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. Barbara Mc- Leod, at Mitchell. Pupils from Brodhagen who attend Brodhagen and Harvey's Schools, participated at the Monkton School Fair. Those from Brodhagen 'start- ing Public School in Grade one are: Terry Elligsen, Leslie Leonhardt, Bradley ,Bennewies, Ken Pushelberg, Randy Rose, Paul Sholdice and Billy Vock. Visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Lavern Wolfe were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Oliver, Stratford, and Beverly Oliver, London, on Sun- day. , Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirkey and Denise, Kitchener, Norman Bode, RR 4, Mitchell, Mrs. Aug- ust Scherbarth, Mrs, Harold El- ligsen and Mrs. Louise Happen- rath, visited with `Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Dittmer on Sunday. Fail Fair Dates Bayfield Sept. 27, 28 Brussels Sept. 29, 30 Dungannon Sept. 27 Fordwich Sept. 30, Oct- 1 Kirkton Sept. 29, 30 Milverton Sept. 23, 24 Palmerston Sept. 26, 27 Parkhill Sept. 23 Ripley Sept. 23, 24 St. Marys Sept. 27, 28 SEAFORTH Sept. 22,23 Tara Sept. 27, 28 TEESWATER Sept. 23, 24 Tiverton Sept. 30, Oct. 1 WALKERTON Oct. 19, 20 Zurich • Sept. 24, 25 INTERNATIONAL PLOWING MATCH, .las. Scott Farms, -Sea - forth Huron County, Tuesday October 11 to Friday October 14 inclusive. Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. , 'blue coal' Champion Stove and Furnace Oil WILLIS DUNDAS Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 There Is Still $ ! Time to' Save For Enjoyable, 'Profitable Reading Mail This, Coupon Today! THE HURON EXPOSITOR The ONLY newspaper whose first concern is the Seaforth community. Please enter my subscription to The Huron Expositor to start with the earliest possible issue. IN CANADA $4.00 YEARLY ELSEWHERE $550 YEARLY (These rates good, only until October 1, 1966) Payment enclosed$ Send bill $ .............. Name R,R. or Street Address City and Province Zone _tendldfor ,ast ^Plat ek). 1►M4. and Mrs.° Bert 'Francis, ,ands i 'a Albert Scott, Mr, and Mrs. 'Plrldliarin Rodd, Mr, AO' : Mrs. Charles Jones and Fred. of Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr, and Mrs. James Miller, Betty Jean and Bob. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd and family attended the decor- ation service at Exeter Ceme- tery en Sunday and were later guests with Mrs. Edgar Redd, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith vis- ited, on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Wilson, San- dra, Warren and Perry. Mr. and Mrs. William Rundle and Larry, Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Brintnell, Terri and Scott, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Russell and family of Russelldale. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beck- ett, Jacqueline and Geraldine, attended the Western Fair on Saturday and were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy stock. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald, Lawson were Saturday evening guests with Mr, • and Mrs. Elliott Clarke of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith vis- ited on Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara of Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. William Web- ber of Aylisbury, Bucks, Eng- land and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber were -weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Web- ber of Warren;' Mich., and on Sunday motored to Rochester, Mich,, where the former remain• ed to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber. Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean, Miss Rhea Mills, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy and Miss Marlene Timms of Base Line were guests on Saturday at the Wareham - Webb wedding in Woodham United Church. Mrs, Frank Scafe of,Clie, vis- ited on Saturday with ` Mrs. Mary Jaques. Mr. and Mrs. Russell King of London, Mr. David King of Cooksville were Sunday guests with Rev. and Mrs. John King and June. Live pedestrians and success- ful men always think fast on their feet. In Europe, folk legend credits the hedgehog with being a weather prophet. Classified ads pay dividends, -For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM, CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors WILLIAM Phone 527-0$7Q ,Seaforth WE NEED BEAN TONS OE 'E TOP PRICE for ALL GRADES; NOW is the TIME to BUY that - BUTLER GRAIN BIN—= ROSCO GRAIN BIN-4- TOMEN WAGON and BOX— FARM GATE, FIJNCE— FERTIILIZER— ROGOR 40 -FLY' CONTROL— (that you've needed for so long) WE'LL TRADE for your WHITE BEANS See `Uncle Stan' Earl `Cousin Elgin' Leppard (They'll do you.µgood) Mitchell Fertilizer & Supply Ltd. (BUILT BY FARMERS FOR FARMERS) 348-8631 MITCHELL EVERYONE SHOULD DRINK AT LEAST 3 Glosses a Day MAPLE LEAF DAIRY Phone 527-0810 Seaforth Dairy Products are available at BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION Sundays, •Holidays, Everyday --'.Maple Leaf 1965 EPIC—E9276 1964 OLDS., P.B., P.S., RADIO, A.T.—E9395 1961 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN—E6805 • 1961 CHEV. SEDAN -E7981 1961 PONTIAC SEDAN -52282 - 1.96.0 FORD HARDTOP, A.T., LIC. E10439—$475.00 1958 DODGE "8" SEDAN, A.T.—E8976 1957 CHEV. COACH—E10452 NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED CLEARANCE ON 1966 CHEV. SEDANS Seaforth Motors Phone 527-1750 : Seafoeth LOT OPEN EVENINGS TO 9:00