HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1966-09-22, Page 7a a M r Ito TM 7. 4 This Week's Specials apt . FRANC.-STROOP MEAT MARKET -- COLD STORAGE Phone 527-0180 Free Delivery SIRLOIN TIP ROAST lb. 890 BEEF OR PORK LIVER . lb. 490 GROUND CHUCK lb. 490 Blocks of Ice and Ice Cubes always available Lockers for Rent FAIR SPECIAL Fall C -I -L Super Flo FERTILIZER ordered during September 22-29 $2.00ton ' discount balk or bagged — spreaders available OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 527-0770 • • Seaforth OFFICE SUPPLIES Phone 527-0240 CLOSE for the Seaforth Fair Our MILLS Will be CLOSED from 12 o'clock . Noon to 4 p.m. on Friday Afternoon, SEPT. 23 OPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED: SEAFORTH FARMERS ri News. of Woodham Tile 'United Church Women catered to .al turkey- dinner Ma Saturday ..tor ,Mr, ' and Mir Adrian' Pringle of London who Were celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Guests were present from St. Marys, Burlington, Toronto,, Sarnia, Mitchell, ,London, 'Sae Pauls, Kirlton and Woodham. The U.C.W. met Tuesday evening. Mrs. Don Brine con- ducted the worship service. Mrs. Irene McCurdy read the i scripture and Mrs. Ted'Insley favored with a piano Solo. Mrs, Don Brine introduced the new study book, "The` Church Grows in Canada." The first chapter. was given by Mrs. John Rodd. The Pre- sident Mrs. Robert Robinson conducted the business.. Roll call was' answered with a - pleasant schgol memory. Mrs. Chester Hazelwood and Edison. of Detroit were guests Wednesday with Miss Blanche Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Mrs. Gertrude Knox and Keenns of Stratford visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Mary Jaques. Miss Kay Budzinski, Bran - den, Manitoba, returned home after spending the past two weeks with her sister Mrs. John Witteveen, Mr. Witte- veen and family. Master Robert Rohde, Mit- chell, spent several days with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lawson and Ed. Miss Mary McAllister, Lis- towel, is visiting her Aunt, Mrs. Harry Webber and Mr. Webber. Mr. George Backus, Sparta and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crane of Thamesford visited on 'Sunday with M1•s. Robert Rundle. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Law- son spent the week end at their cottage at Barron Bay. Miss Brenda McCurdy of Kirkton visited Sunday with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Fria McCurdy: Mr. and Mrs. Rov McCurdy were evening guests. Mrs. Robert Rundle spent a couple of days with her moth- er, Mrs. W. Payne and Jim of London. Miss Ada Hopkins returned horne Wednesday after spend- ing the past five weeks with Mrs. Robert Rundle,. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller and Bette Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rodd of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gunning and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sham- blaw of Kirkton were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Beckett and girls. WEDDINGS • ' JACKMAN DINNIN In Zurich Lutheran Church on Friday ;evening, September 16, 1966, by the Rev. A. C. Black well, Wilma D. Dinnin, daugh- ter of Mrs. Ella' J. Dinnin, of Brucefield, and the late Wil- liam. Dinnin, to Ernest E. Jack-. man, Utica, Michigan, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Jackman. STEELE' =, LEEMING Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leem- ing, Walton, Ont., announce the marriage of their only daugh- ter, Norma Ruth, to Carl C. Steele, of London. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. A. Lacey in the chap- el of Trinity United. Church, Hale St., London,. at 8:30,. on .Sept. 16th, 1966. They were attended by Mr. and Mrs. John Grzyoo, London. The couple will reside in Lon- don. Z Shop our top Name selection of most wanted work shoes. Many styles to, choose from. -safety toe — fibre toe from FAIL WORK° BUYS $$.95 to $16.9.5 NEWS OF HENSALL , �ily Dinner Marks Oth- Anniversary Event A family dinner was held in the Legion Hall, Hense% Sunday to honor Mr: and Mrs. Arthur Treffry on their 40th wedding anniversary. Fifty were in attendanceand they presented the couple with a money tree, Mrs. Treffry was the former Margaret Lawson. of Stratford. They were mar- ried id Stratford and resided in Flint, Michigan (Where Mr. Treffry was a foreman in the Chevrolet shops until his re- tirement. They now reside, at Ipperwash Beach and Fort Meyers, Florida, They haire one daughter, (Shirley) Mrs. Walter Wulf, Detroit, Michigan, and three grandchildren. Those attending from this district were Mr. and Mrs Walter O'Brien of Staffa, Mr. Earl Treffry and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Coleman and family of Cromarty, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Forest and family of Kippen. Out of town guests were from Stratford, Orillia, Flint, Fenton, Grand Blanc, and Seaforth WI Talks Economics, Healih ' The Home Economics and Health meeting of the- Sea - forth Women's Institute was held at .the home of the Pre- sident, Mrs. R. M. Scott. Mrs. Wm. Strong acted as secret- ary in the absence of Mr.s W. Coleman. The co -hostess was Mrs. Gordon Papple. Business centered around the Plowing Match and Sea - forth Fall Fair. Institute mem- bers are reminded to bring two pies to the booth on Fair day. Leaders were chosen for the Training school to be held in October on "Hats for You." With the co-operation of the Chamber of Commerce the Women's Institute crest is be- ing placed on the signs at the entrances to Seaforth. Mrs. Joseph E. McLean was named delegate to the County Rally - to 'be held October. 3, in Au- burn. The program was in charge of Mrs. Earl Papple and Mrs: I HudsonMrs: E. Papple read a poem antler -oil call was "An Important Medical' Discovery in. My Lifetime." Mrs. Hud- son gave the motto "A Clean Mind" Gives you a C 1 e a n Body". A recipe for 'Preserv- ing Children" was given by Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mrs. James A'xtman, Wal- ton, gave a demonstration on salad secrets: -Members were given an opportunity to sam- ple the salads at Iunch and Mrs. Wm. Strong conducted a contest. Property Changes 200 acre farm owned by lgrs. Ross McGregor, Hullett Town- ship, to Martin Heynsbergen, of Tuckersmith, with possession April, 1967. This sale was hand- fed through the office of Jos- eph McConnell. Legion Auxiliary The 'Ladies' Auxiliary to the Legion opened there series of fall •. meetings with a pot luck supper, after which the presi- dent, Comrade 'Peg. Coombs conducted the meeting: A new member Mrs. Pat Crane was installed by the president and a special draw donated by Comrade Liz Brown was won. by . Comrade Peg. Coombs. The mystery .prize was won by Comrade Barb Scott. The ladies' bowling team start- ed: Tuesday night at 7 p.m. A trip to the Detroit Zoo is being' planned for next week for the Auxiliary, members. fi FUNERALS 4 MISS ANNIE G. GOVENLOCK The - death occurred in, Wes- ton on September 14th, of Miss Annie G. Govenlock, following a long illness. Miss Govenlock, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. J, -•R. Gov- enlock, was born in McKillop, but grew up and attended school in Seaforth. For many years she taught music here until moving to Weston where she continued her music classes. She is survived by a brother, William, of Sarasota, Fla., two sisters, Miss Janet, with whom she resided and Mrs. Bates of Shellburne. Following funeral services in Weston. on Friday, interment took place in Maitlandbank cem- etery, Seaforth, with Rev. J. C. Britton of Northside United Church officiating. LORNE R. MatDONALD Funeral services for Lorne Ross MacDonald were held from the G. A. Whitney funeral' home on Friday, conducted, by Rev. D. O. Fry, assisted by Rev. J. Ure Stewart. Mr. MacDonald Seaforth mer- chant, who had retired only two weeks earlier, died sudden-, ly in Seaforth Community 'Hos- pital, on September 14th, fol- lowing a heart attack. Interment followed in Wing - ham cemetery, as a member of the Lucknow Pipe Band piped the Lament., Mr. MacDonald had been a member of the band for many years. Pallbearers were Jack Mac- Donald, Luck -now; Donald Mac- Donald, Ripley; Garry MacDon- ald, Toronto; Reiss Alton, Luck - now; John A. Canino; and Wil- liam O'Shea, Seaforth. PATRICK O'ROURKE Patrick O'Rourke, 93, died, Sunday, in Seaforth Community Hospital following a short ill- ness. Born in McKillop Town- ship, he received his education at Moylan's school. Surviving are a sister, Mrs. Louis (Cather- ine) Krauskopf, Dublin; two sons, Wilfred, at home; Rev. Joseph O'Rourke, St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Strat- ford, a daughter, Mrs. Jahn (Rita) Flannery, 200 Huron St., Stratford; 10 grandchildren and 18 great-grandchildren. The TAYLOR SHOES Formerly MacDonald Shoes Main Street - Phone 5271890 Seaforth body was at the home of his son, Wilfred. Requiem high mass was celebrated at St. Patrick's. Roman Catholic Church, Dublin at 10 a.m., Wed- nesday and burial followed' in St. Patrick's cemetery. W. J. Cleary runeral home, Seaforth, was in charge of arrangements. Rev. Remi Durand officiated. JOHN HENRY TAMAN John Henry Taman passed away in East General Hospital, on Sept. 13th, .following a heavy stroke. He, was the son of the late John Taman and Sarah Car- ter, and was a former resident of this district. Mr. Taman was a veteran of the First Great War and was le his 70th year. Surviving are his wife, the former Isabel Cassidy, three sons, James of Colorado Springs, Jack of Michigan, and William of Texas; and three daughters, Mrs. Ken Adams, Simcoe; and I Sally and Elva at home. Also surviving are two brothers, Glenn Taman of Toronto and William of Cochrane, and one sister, Mrs. Roy McGeoch of Eg- mondville. The funeral was held on F#iday, Sept. 16th, from the. O'Connor funeral home, Dan- forth Ave., with interment in Pine Hill cemetery. HARVEY NEIL Harvey Neil, 69, Mitchell, died Sunday at the Riverside nursing home, Mitchell. Bern in Lobo Township, Oct. 27, 1896, he was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ton Harvey. Surviving are his. wife, the former Beatrice Riley; three sons, Gordon and Mervin, Kitchener; Bruce, St, Marys; five daughters, Mrs. Ernest (Gwen) Harburn, Cromarty; Mrs. James (Barbara) Miller, Orange- ville; Mrs. Ronald (Isabel) Ca- hill, 72 Caterbury St. Stratford; Mrs. Gary (Rose) Near and Mrs. Peter (Bonnie) Rooney, St. Marys; five . brothers, George and Wesley, .Kirkton; Cecil, Luc - an; Chester, Seaforth; Gerald, London; a sister, Mrs. Charles (Flossie) Waghorn, Exeter. A fuheral service was -held' Tues- day at the Heath -Leslie funeral home, Mitchell. Rev. Douglas Sloan, Main Street United Church officiated. Burial was in Roy's cemetery, Fullerton Township. BETTY'S BEAUTY SAL has moved to a new locntien in the former Bell Telephone Office on Main Street , • FOR Appointments Phone 527-0470 Detroit, Miehfgan. Mrs. ArthurTreffry is a sic- ter of Mrs. Walter 'O'Brien of Staffa and Mr. Treffry is brother of Earl Treffey of Cromarte Describes Ireland President Mrs. Bob Bell of° the Presbyterian Arno& Cir - ere welcomed the ladies of Ex- eter Cayer}, Hensall United and Anglican Churches, The theme "God's Love" for the worship period was conducted by Mrs. Al Hoggarth and Mrs. Lloyd Mousseau before Mrs. Gordon Schwalm introduced her guest and pen pal for 13 years, Mrs, Helen Davis, New Jersey. Mrs. Beatrice Hess favored with a song and pictures of Ireland and an amusing and informative narration- by Mrs. Davis followed. This is rather unique. The two little daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Grant McClinchey, of Hensall, Nadean. 5, in Dec- ember, and Jaqueline 5, (10 monthbetween them) were enrolled in the Kindergarten' class at Hensall Public school!. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chip - chase lef by motor for Vic- toria, B.C., where Jack will play with the Victoria Maple Leafs. " Miss Ann Mickle left at the beginning of the week for London where she -*ill attend the University of Western On- tario and will be a resident of Delaware Hall, the new lad- ies residence on campus. Mr. and Mrs. William Mac- Kinnon of London,, were Sun- day guests with Mrs. Janet MacKinnon. Mrs. Don Rigby and Mrs. Bill Knights of Blenheim, vis- ited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Stewart and Pane Knights returned home with them after spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Mrs.1Ross McNichol is a patient in Clinton Hospital where she was admitted on Monday of this week.' News of Walton , Mr. Brian Traviss, who is attending Medical School at Western University, London, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert" Traviss. Mrs. Hilda Sellers of Seaforth visited for a few with Mr. and Mrs. Traviss. Mrs. Rollie Achilles has re- turned home after spending 'the past two months in New- foundland where Mr. Achilles is employed at road construc- tion work. The public is invited to at- tend -the Walton Women's In- stitute next Wednesday even- ing when John J. Walsh of Stratford will speak on ,Life Assurance, w' ls, succession duties and- ustries.' • The roll ca will be ans- wered by "What can- I do to make Canada more lovely for our Centennial". The motto There is more to good shop- ping than the first 'bargain counter, Convenors in charge are Mrs. James. Nolan and Mrs. F. -J. Walters. Mr. and Mr:;. Batry Hoegy of London spent the week erd with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hoegy. Mr,. and Mrs, David Hack- '!+'ell of Stratford were Sun- c:ay- visitors at the home of iblr, and Mrs. William Dennis. Mr. and Mrs. William Uh- ler of Burlington visited with IVIr. Ernest Uhlet and family over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rut- ledge of Toronto visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bennett. HURON EXPOSITOR, SIr, IT; ON YOU'LL tL S$AA ,DQ RS N YOU BUY: YOUR NEW WINTER AT' STEWAARTS Famous Wilson and Posluxp make winter coats, featured this season in pure wool boucles, velours, • saltaire worsted coating and . novel weaves. Fur trimmed with mink or fox, all are inter, • lined and chamois lined. Col- ors include Gulf Bltte, Ocean Green, Ascot l3eige, ' Ruby°- - and Black. Sizes .5 to 22. Priced at 69.95 to 125.00 New wool l • crepes, wool a flannels, i n plains and plaids! -Hea- " ther spuns, Doeskin `, flannels, Collegiate twills; Corduroys and Brocades. Wool Crepes 7,95 yd. Wool Flannels and Spuns 3.50 to 4.95 yd. Doeskins and Twills 3.95 to • 4.95 yd. Corduroys and Brocades L50 to 4.95 yd. FALL MILLINERY Velours Velvets Feather Brocades On fair days, drop in and try on a few of the latest in fall hats. There's .a wide choice of colors and styles right now, you shouldn't miss, • ,6.95...to 15.00 KEW' FASHION RIGHT CASUAL COATS • New Wool Plaids, Tweeds, Corduroys and ever popular Heek Suedes. Quilted Borg or Wool linee in l3urgandy, Bot- tle, Brown, Camel and Royal. 18.95 to 39.95 A ~VISIT US DURING - FAiii DAYS We're closed 1 to 4, Friday afternoon, Open from 4 to 9 p.m. TE • ♦ ♦ 1 RT BROS. '70M' p ; HE MEN!. , a e i • e :• ar r if 717, granted to the .clothing in- t erk r:. t‘' take effect immediately, plus increases ,fr m' r' a,,(1 •upai.:er industries, will result in a retail•in- erea e r fl o:;i $5 of to 515.00 per suit. 'Ci c'n •'t like higher prfles any more than you do — ive, just wart to say that our present stock is at• old prices. , If you need a <uit, buy • it now, and' save. STEWART BROS;, MEN'S DEPT. and we'll be there to ;meet our many friends with an outstanding exhibition of modern farm machinery. We will Zook forward to seeing you at SEAFORTH FALL FAIR Friday, Sept. 23rd cG VI FARM 1 EQUIPMENT., Gordon McGavin Neil McGavin Phone 527-0245 Walton